Hi Everyone,
It’s another busy week, and I figure you’re busy too and need a break to soothe the senses.
Today, I’m posting 16 of my favorite Christmas Mantels or Holiday Mantels if you don’t celebrate Christmas but still want to decorate your fireplace mantel for the holidays.
However, before we get started, if you’ve purchased the Six Figure Income Blogger (A must if you’d like to get business from your website), you should have an email from SendOwl stating that there’s been an update.
If you don’t see it, please check your spam folder. If you’ve changed your email address, haven’t forwarded your email, and don’t have access to that email, you won’t receive it.
In that case, please email me at admin at laurel bern interiors dot com. And, please give me 24 hours to get back to you. I’ll see that you get a new link. However, if you do have an old link, it will give you the updated 3rd edition.
Okay, let’s immerse ourselves in the beauty of the holiday season with 30 of my favorite classic and exquisite Christmas fireplace mantels.
@flowermagazine on Instagram gorgeous Holiday Decor – photo – @marycravenphotography
Oh, that looks a lot like one of the Laurel Home Essential Paint Collection colors – Benjamin Moore tranquil blue 2051-60
I thought it would be fun to begin with this beautiful dining room in non-traditional Christmas colors. I love these colors! It’s so festive, and if you wanted to put them up in October with a few little pumpkins, you could enjoy the decor for a few months.
White on-white Christmas decor with 300 marshmallows! I’ve long admired this one.
Veranda from 2010! Lisa Luby Ryan Design – photo – Erica Dines
Please follow Lisa’s gorgeous Insta account – here.
Okay, no mantel. It’s my bookcase when I decorated it in 2015 and then photographed it in the dark (with my old Canon that I no longer use.) I’m not kidding. It was DARK. The color is nothing like this, and it wasn’t easy to get it as close as I did without completely washing everything else out.
It’s closer to this.
photo: Laurey W Glenn – Southern Living – design Phoebe Howard
Okay. If you don’t know this Insta page, you must check it out. I insist. The owner is indeed a man. Greg Penn is the name. And, as you can see, above and below has elegant taste with a unique English flair. However, if you met him out and about, you would find him to be a rather burly, bushy bearded guy who looks like he’s on his way back to the cabin after a day of bushwhacking.
Well, it just shows you can’t judge an artist by the amount of facial hair he has.
The other thing is he purchased this huge 18-room antique home and is renovating it one room at a time, all by himself. Bless him. Fortunately, he’s still quite young.
Man has numerous other Christmas mantels to check out.
Another favorite by Bailey Quinn, or McCarthy, owner of Biscuit Home.
She’s frighteningly cool.
Green on green on green on green… Fantastic!
Michelle Adams’s antique white painted brick and stone fireplace mantel
This is for the minimalists out there. And people who aren’t too fond of green.
Maybe a Christmas-time wedding? Or, just a beautiful mantel with red roses. I suppose most people wanting this arrangement to last for a month or longer would use silk flowers. Sorry, I don’t know the source of the image. If you do, please let me know, and I’ll add it in.
@michaeldevine on Instagram. This is another gorgeous Insta page. Please check it out.
via @nineandsixteen on Instagram
Above and below These Christmas mantels are from the beautiful page of interior designer Tessa Folley.
Her website says she’s booked until 2024, and when you see her Insta, you’ll know why. Everything she does is gorgeous and accessible. I noticed she has a pic of the new Beacon Hill Bookstore. So, I thought, maybe she lives in or near Boston.
Well, I had to search numerous pages for at least two minutes before finding out she lives in Cincinnati.
However, Tessa’s physical address is nowhere to be seen. In her case, it doesn’t matter. She has more business than she can handle. However, if you’re not as established and trying to grow your local business, you MUST have your name and complete business address on every page of your website, in the footer.
Why? This is so that when Google crawls your website, he’ll know where you LIVE. And, if you want to be one of the lucky ones in your area to show up on Google’s local map when people search for your type of business or service, your physical address must be there.
But, Laurel, I work from my home, and I have young children. I don’t want the ENTIRE world to know where I live.
- First of all, please don’t But, Laurel me. ;] Thank you.
- Second of all, the ENTIRE world already knows where you live.
That is if they really want to know. It is all available on the World Wide Web in hundreds of online directories. It’s all there. Your birthdate, phone number(s), email address(es) and physical address(es), and much more.
In any case, once someone knows WHERE you live, what are you imagining they will do to you? Please, think about it.
As I always say, “All stalkers are welcome, just bring enough food and water to share with the alley rats.”
I mean, unless you’re in the witness protection program or there’s a contract out on your life, there’s no excuse.
That is– if you want to effectively use your website to get more business coming your way. And even if someone wants to kill you badly enough, they’ll find you whether your address is listed on your website or not.
What I’m trying to say is; if you want local or any business, listing your physical address is an easy and effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) hack. No, not a P.O. Box; the business’s physical address.
In addition, your potential customers shouldn’t have to spend two minutes searching to find out if they live anywhere near you.
Most people will click off your website and continue searching for someone who’s made it clear they are local.
This is the sort of thing among hundreds of others you will learn in the newly updated Six-Figure Income Blogger. It is not only for bloggers. The idea is that you can manage your content daily by you, a non-geek (or geekette) without a developer. This way, you can add things to the website to keep it fresh and let Googs know you’re alive.
He needs to know that too.
It took me years to learn all of this stuff. I know because I was making these same mistakes.
It works. I’m walking proof. This and all of my guides are worth far more than I’m charging. I guarantee you’ll learn things you had no idea you were doing wrong.
In addition, my rockin’ interior design and the blogging guide are currently ON SALE through December 28th.
In January, everything is going higher than before the sale. You can learn more about all of my guides by going here.
In the blogging guide, you’ll learn all about SEO and writing, how to bring gobs of traffic to your site, and much more.
One thing I just added to the new edition of the Six Figure Income Blogger are dozens of phenomenally annoying clichés you must try not to use in your writing, for example:
Who cares? If it’s not relevant, don’t say it. Otherwise, it sounds like you’re apologizing for wasting people’s time.
Get the guide. Get all of them! (Help me pay for my new kitchen! lol)
- You can thank me later.
- Gifting is available. Yes, any of the guides make a fantastic Christmas Gift!
- I’ve also created numerous bundles for additional savings.
Okay, we will now resume our regularly scheduled program and look at more beautiful Christmas mantels.
@TradChap on Instagram elegant holiday mantel
I love Jack Laver Brister’s moody, terribly English style of decorating. I love a lot of things as long they are done well.
@edwardianvictorian_home on Instagram
Fresh cedar garland-photo: Erica George Dines via Southern Living
It’s clear this lovely decor inspired my mantel decorations last year.
Where is your Christmas mantel this year, Laurel?
Who do you think I am? Carolyne Roehm or something? ;]
My Christmas mantel is this post. :]
Actually, Cale decorated it for me this year. It’s terribly cute, just like him!
I am enjoying my little Suzanne Kasler tabletop tree immensely.
I have the three-footer. Oh, it’s on sale right now! Only $59.40!
I think I’m going to leave it up until Valentine’s Day.
via @littleedwardian on Instagram
It says Reece and Paul, but it looks like one of them is a little camera-shy. Their style is sophisticated and on the masculine side, but there’s a healthy amount of yin to balance it out. Nicely done!
photo – Annie Schlecter Country Living-Nora Murphy My Connecticut Country Home
Nora Murphy is incredibly talented. Her home is nothing but delightful. This is her insta account.
It looks like most of her feed is devoted to a charming shop.
Whoa! This English chap does FLOWERS! Quite splendid, and there are some very sumptuous Christmas mantels, too.
Christmas mantel Steve Cordony Rosedale Farm
What blog post having anything to do with a fireplace mantel and styling would be complete without at least one pic from Steve? Everything he touches turns to gold.
I adore Steve’s minimalist holiday design. You really don’t have to gild the lily. (sorry about the cliché. Once in a while, it’s okay.)
@jaredhughesdesign on Instagram – gorgeous Iksel (Schumacher) Chinoiserie wall mural
True, this one doesn’t shout out Christmas. However, with a room this lovely, all it needs is a few greens and some lights, and it’s holiday-ready. But, wowwy! If you love the colorful, tasteful maximalist new trad design (and a dude with a man-bun), you will adore Jared’s Insta feed. His work is gorgeous!
Okay, I hope you enjoyed this post about Christmas mantels. It’s only 11 days until Christmas.
***Please be sure to buy ALL of my guides. ;] (But, I’ll be thrilled if you only get one.)
Also, please check out the newly updated HOT SALES and also the beautiful HOLIDAY SHOP.
This post with dozens of affordable gifts might be helpful.
There’s also my interior design and garden book list.
Thanks so much, too, for your kind comments after Sunday’s post. I was very touched.
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10 Responses
How can I gift your 6 Figure Income blogger book to my wonderful designer daughter-in-law? I see how to buy it for myself but not how to get it to someone else. Your devoted “non-techy” fan, Sandy
Hi Sandy,
I sent you an email. But when you see the first screen after hitting checkout, fill in that form and then
hit the blue gift icon. A new form will pop up, so fill that one out and then hit pay. Done.
Gorgeous mantels! I do love the colorful first pic. And thanks for the links to some IG accounts that I’ll take a look at. Also, I have to say how much I adore the tiles surrounding your fireplace. If I remember correctly, when you first moved in, there was something you didn’t like about them. Was it that they didn’t all match perfectly (older ones vs newer ones)? Whatever it was, I hope you don’t touch them. I think the imperfection is endearing and is just part of the character of the room. Thank you, again, for the inspiration, Laurel!
Happy Holidays,
Boy, this post makes me miss my mantel. My new place doesn’t have a fireplace. But I can decorate the top of my credenza like you did for your bookcase.
I love all the examples you posted. I love the more is more looks.
I had a large amount of Dusty Miller because we haven’t had much cold weather here in Alabama yet. I experimented and used it as filler for my mantels and I love it! It dries to a white frosty look. The only drawback is that it does smell funky for a day or two. I cut it, arranged it, and let it dry normally. I love the look!
Two thoughts — 1. Lovely mantels, thanks for the beautiful pictures; and 2. I think they don’t have cats…
What I like about all these mantels is the use of natural materials. They are not all clogged up with stuff from the dollar store. I’m starting on my next project in the condo: elimination of the hideous bathroom mirror and coming up with another idea. Happy Holidays everyone!!
Lovely to see! My favorite is the first picture because the colors look like my house. I love yellow greens and blue greens together ❤ Thanks for the inspiration!
Regarding the roses on one of the mantles: wooden flowers, and particularly roses are easy to dye, last forever and are just plain fun. I have used the Sola brand. They are quite reasonable. Happy Holidays, and thanks for the post.
Beautiful mantels … great inspiration