My Renovation Mistakes + A House Tour via YouTube!
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I am so sorry that many of you had problems with the videos I posted
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I am so sorry that many of you had problems with the videos I posted
Hi Everyone, Anyone who’s read my blog for a while may already know that I’m known for liking the
Hi Everyone, This is a two-part post with lots of news about the hardwood floor and several new updates
Hi Everyone, Happy August. Happy Renoversary. It is 14 months, and we are in the final stretch of the
This week began with a splitting headache. Too often I wake up two hours before my alarm because I
Hi Everyone, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m a fraud. Lol, I mean, how is it possible
Hi Guys, In addition to my mom’s expression, “It’s like a marshmallow in the snow,” another even more popular
This is a two-part post about all of the issues with had with our white oak floors that are
Hi Everyone, Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for the dozens of incredibly supportive and helpful comments and
Greetings as we near the end of this long Memorial Day Weekend. We had gorgeous weather the entire time
Hi Everyone, Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you’re having a beautiful day. Today, we will review the recent renovation
Hi Everyone, This is going to be a relatively quick post. While the symptoms of my cold have vastly
Hi Everyone, Yes, the embrasure doors are fully installed! I can’t believe it! What do you think you’re doing?
Hi Everyone, Now that we are in month eight, (as of January 6, 2024), and the first renovation news
Hi Everyone, This is parts 1 and 2 about my selection for a bedroom mural. However, the first part
This is an important announcement. If you are drinking anything other than clear water, you need to put it
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for all of your terrific comments after I shared the odd-looking entrance to my
This page is for short updates regarding Renovation News. The older entries are underneath. Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Hi Everyone, Oh dear, I have zero discipline. This was not supposed to be yet another post about my
Hi Everyone, before we begin, please a gentle reminder to read the post first if you wish to
Hi Everyone, I hope everyone’s doing well this week. I have to admit that I woke up a little
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I am so sorry that many of you had problems with the videos
Hi Everyone, Anyone who’s read my blog for a while may already know that I’m known for
Hi Everyone, This is a two-part post with lots of news about the hardwood floor and several
Hi Everyone, Happy August. Happy Renoversary. It is 14 months, and we are in the final stretch
This week began with a splitting headache. Too often I wake up two hours before my alarm
Hi Everyone, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m a fraud. Lol, I mean, how is
Hi Guys, In addition to my mom’s expression, “It’s like a marshmallow in the snow,” another even
This is a two-part post about all of the issues with had with our white oak floors
Hi Everyone, Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for the dozens of incredibly supportive and helpful
Greetings as we near the end of this long Memorial Day Weekend. We had gorgeous weather the
Hi Everyone, Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you’re having a beautiful day. Today, we will review the
Hi Everyone, This is going to be a relatively quick post. While the symptoms of my cold
Hi Everyone, Yes, the embrasure doors are fully installed! I can’t believe it! What do you think
Hi Everyone, Now that we are in month eight, (as of January 6, 2024), and the first
Hi Everyone, This is parts 1 and 2 about my selection for a bedroom mural. However, the
This is an important announcement. If you are drinking anything other than clear water, you need to
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for all of your terrific comments after I shared the odd-looking entrance
This page is for short updates regarding Renovation News. The older entries are underneath. Tuesday, January
Hi Everyone, Oh dear, I have zero discipline. This was not supposed to be yet another post
Hi Everyone, before we begin, please a gentle reminder to read the post first if you
Hi Everyone, I hope everyone’s doing well this week. I have to admit that I woke up
Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.
114 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02116
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© 1996-2025 Laurel Home © 1996-2025 Laurel Bern Interiors, Inc. All Rights Reserved