May Day 2024 – The Embrasure Doors are Fully Installed!

Hi Everyone,

Yes, the embrasure doors are fully installed! I can’t believe it!

What do you think you’re doing? Stop freaking scrolling! ;]

I decided to give this special entry its own post. It’s a momentous day in this 11-month-old renovation.


First, a quick health update.


Yesterday, I took an Uber to the doctor. This one, another PCP in the same medical group, was kind. He did have a student accompanying him. I’ve never had two doctors listen to my cardiovascular system simultaneously.

By the time I left, I felt better enough to walk home—1.5 miles. I ran into my friend Cheryl (yeah, the one who gets annoyed if I don’t borrow her car., lol), who was out walking her darling little dogs. It was great to have a little human interaction.

I had instructions to get Flonase and a Neil Med saline irrigation system. Oh, I have one of those things or did. It was my second one bought several years ago. I may have dumped it when clearing out the bathroom last May. I know some of you swear by them (like a neti pot), but that irrigation thing totally skeeves me out. Therefore, I got a squeeze bottle of saline nasal spray.


I was relieved to be feeling a tad better.


I even had a temperature reading of 97.7, much closer to my normal 97.4.

But then… like an avalanche, around 8:30 or so, my cough became so bad, no matter what I tried, and my temp went back up to 99.5, which isn’t terrible. Still, if it continues, it means it’s most likely morphed into bronchitis or bacterial pneumonia. This has happened to me before, but I think the last time was before I moved to Bronxville.

Anyway, the guys worked hard on the embrasure doors yesterday and today.

It sounds like a bloody lumbar yard down there! The saw is in my bedroom, and this is funny, however, the sound seems to be more muffled now. And they put the plastic back over the stairwell.

OH! The other nine doors are arriving tomorrow!


For funsies. Let’s review a few old pics.


Bedroom hallway to bathroom walnut doors embrasure doors George Smith chair after renovation

My rendering is from May 21, 2023. Wow! Nearly a year ago! There have been some changes. And that hall is about a foot too wide here. The cell phone does make things look skinnier than they are. I often shorten the image to compensate, but there is still distortion.


checkerboard floor garden level 17 sq with closet & doors November 11, 2023


Above, is the most recent floorplan, minus 80% of the bedroom.


Okay, we’re going to go back, back, back in time…


Did you ever have a nightmare where your home became an empty shell, except for the parts you despised the most?


spiral stairs, bathroom, bedroom July 31, 2023

OMG! It wasn’t a dream. What have I done? I just paid tens of thousands of dollars to have my home gutted.

Okay, even though it’s not finished, it’s finished enough to see that it went from “this to this.”


Embrasure hall standing in bathroom

Above and below from September 25th.  The renovation was 3.5 months old then. Since I was moving back in just over two months, I was feeling pretty anxious. The kitchen cabinets were still sitting in the living room and would be for two more weeks. Still, I was relieved to finally see some of the structure built.

Looking down embrasure hall towards bathroom


black and white embrasure hall

Today, the yellow light in the bathroom was so bad that I decided to make it into a film noir.


embrasure hall - primary closet and bathroom

Can I tell you how happy this makes me?


view of entrance hall from embrasure door hallway

November 13th. The embrasure hall is to the right. Holy Freaking Crap!!! Talk about getting worse before it gets better! I bet some of you thought I was barking mad to be doing this!


embrasure hall towards bathroom


And God said: “Let there be walls.”

And, just like that, there were.

embrasure doors bathroom

Today, standing at the entrance to the bedroom.


embrasure hall from bathroom


embrasure doors primary bathroom closed

Two days ago.

bathroom embrasure embrasure hall with door casings
Now, it’s really beginning to look like a 19th-century home! Like, wasn’t it always like this?


Orac decor cx176 crown WC niche
We’re putting this fantastic Orac Decor crown moulding in the embrasure door ceiling areas.

moulding details
That trim will go in that area where the downlight is. It’s a baby version of the crown at the top of the page and in the main nine-foot area of the bathroom. This ceiling height is also higher. All doors and openings are eight feet high!

embrasure hall
December 23rd. The calm before the January storm. AKA: The Door Saga.


embrasure doors bathroom

Let’s look at a few more images after the guys finished the embrasure door installation, and put up many of the door casings, as well.


Entrance door casings embrasure door


I was standing on the second step for the shot above. I am so happy to see that orange wood– gone!


Laurel, what are you going to do about that electrical panel?


I think I’m going to do the same mural I originally selected but mount it onto a canvas board, like a real painting. Then, I can hang it over the electrical box. I will look for a lightweight board that can easily be moved in an emergency. Please remember that there is a mother control that can turn off the electricity in my unit, in the front of the building.


medium bell jar ceiling lanterns - dark teal wainscoting & doors x staircase
It won’t be this large, however.

A view from the primary closet


This is a view from the primary closet from earlier today, May 1, 2024. The bedroom is to the left.


embrasure doors primary bedroom entrance

The point where I can see the bedroom walls from the entry.

embrasure door panel moulding May Day 2024


My view when lying in bed. Now, they can finish the baseboards.


Normally, I would tell you about the casings and plinth blocks. (I will on another day)


But I don’t have the energy.  I’m tired of being sick, but I’m doing everything I can to heal myself with warm drinks, healthy food, and lots of rest.

However, I must give a shout-out to Select Door, who created the embrasure doors and milled everything, perfectly. And, especially, to their fantastic rep in Maine. Little Harbor Window. I worked with Marcia Wadsworth, and she was amazing from start to finish! I can’t recommend them highly enough.

Okay, signing off… Thanks so much for your kind words. They help a lot!




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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
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