All New for 2023!
It is with the greatest pleasure that today, I’m releasing Six Figure Income Blogger Guide into the world!
For those of you who missed the previous post about this, you can read a little background here.
And my darling friend Claire Jefford made a little video talking about this when we were at KBIS last January. We did it in her room and the only place we could get far enough from the camera was on the bed. But actually, reclining is my preferred position. (you’ll see below)

There will be other buy now buttons, but this is for those who are ready now, to purchase.
Oh, before I forget, I need to mention that this is not a physical book, but a downloadable PDF file, meaning you’ll receive a link for the file that must be SAVED to your device(s). But it is not an app, so it can be seen on any device.
Honestly, it’s all a little surreal. I mean, they say you can’t teach an old dawg…
If you had known me 18 years ago, I was the LAST person who would be sharing blogging and website secrets. Let me take you back…
Once upon a time, I was married to a computer geek who beckoned me practically every evening to “surf the net” with him. This was circa 1990 something.
In fact, it became a running joke. But after a while. He caught on. I wasn’t in the slightest bit interested and the main reason why?
I was phenomenally intimidated by all of the new technology available.
And to learn how to use it seemed to be painfully impossible. Thus, my now, ex-husband (wasband) referred to me as a Luddite. That’s right. A person who shuns technology.
Fine. I didn’t care. I did my client drawings by hand. (still do) And I wrote up invoices AND my client bills— all by hand. I told myself that they were charming. Old-fashioned.
Yep. That’s me; an old-fashioned girl.
A Luddite.
And then one day, in the fall of 2002, my husband called me from the other room. “LAUREL, you have an email from your new client, Leslie Butterchump. Better answer it.”
WHAT? How dare she? Can’t she just pick up the phone like a normal person?
Guess not, and that’s when the shift began as I was forced into a world that was moving on with or without me.
And that is how it all began. But there’s nothing remarkable in that regard. It’s probably how a lot of us got started.
What’s unusual, I think, is that a total computerphobe actually dared to start her own website, made a million mistakes and then figured out what she was doing wrong and is now making a handsome income.
Oh, how much are you making, Laurel?
It’s in the guide dahlings.
It is?!?
Yes, it is, now will you guys please cut it out because I have a DEADLINE here and if you keep interrupting me, I’ll never make it. ;]
Please read on.
here’s what’s inside this 150 page guide
(note: the page numbers may have shifted due to an updated version in May 2019)
But, I realize that some of those chapters are a little cryptic, so I’ll give you some more information so that you can decide if this is something that will help your business.
- Throughout the guide and in the back there is extensive discussion on all of the website/blogging tools I can’t live without. Plus what is easy to do (actually, most of it) and what is not easy to do that you will need what I call geek help.
- Discover the most important thing you need, to have a successful website/blog that will bring in new business. page 43
- Find out how to get tens of thousands of people clamoring to subscribe to your blog! The answer is so simple that you’ll be kicking yourself for not doing it sooner. pages 47-51
- Pages 33-40 discuss the ONE platform other than your blog that you need to spend time on as this is the best one for driving traffic to your site.
- Learn why most blogs fail and what you can do differently to ensure that yours does not. Chapter Six
- You will learn the very most important part of your blog post. And it’s only a few words. page 58 (and a link to a great hack too!)
- Learn how to make your readers THINK that you’re a wonderful writer when you really don’t have a clue or any special talent for it. page 57-67
- Discover 18 easy steps towards constructing a brilliant blog post that will have your readers hollering for more. page 67
- Learn a common blogging technique that repels readers faster than a stinkbug landing on your head. page 74
- Do you want more local business, clients, customers? It takes very little to thrash the competition. But if you don’t have this ONE SIMPLE THING, you’ve just killed your chances. page 103
- Learn two hideous and all-too-common mistakes that could ruin any chances you have for success. I did one of them for the first 18 months of my website which is one reason I bombed in the beginning. chapter 12
- Discover how to get the most out of your email list and the one thing you must never do or your email provider has the right to erase ALL of your subscribers and then drop you.
- Find out the ONLY way, I ever get anything accomplished and that’s because I am naturally the most lazy, slovenly human to ever recline on a chaise. page 143
- You’ll learn about my three main income streams and the backstory because I was phenomenally clueless regarding two of them for over five years! And because of that, I left hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. Yes, that’s right. hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes.
- Plus, I am sharing exactly how much I’m earning and from where.
- Find out what it takes to earn an extra thousand dollars a month from your website. It’s not going to happen tomorrow, but it’s not that difficult, either. page 139
- How to ensure that your site is never hacked into. page 147
- Discover the one thing that’s a crucial ingredient that is far more important than how often you post a blog.
- Learn what almost every blogger does at some point, that is such a turn-off to readers. (no worries, I did it too in my first year) But fortunately nobody was reading my blog then. page 152
- Find out my recs for two fabulous website techies. (geek help) page 159
For those of you with a Wordpress website or who are getting one, there’s an extensive chapter on how to maximize the Yoast SEO plugin. Because of this plugin, I rank very highly for hundreds of keywords.
And this note is for designers only. I guess a lot of you have seen my post about houzz. The best platform to be on is your OWN. And yes, you can absolutely compete with houzz. And it takes very little to do so.
Who is this guide for?
Anyone who:
- Is thinking about or wanting to start a small business
- has a website but it’s not doing much for them
- is looking to bring in more local business
- wants to have an online (e-commerce) shop
- would like to make some additional revenue via their website
- is looking for a way out of their present employment situation
- would like to get a great gift for someone who would be interested.(gifting is available)
Who Shouldn’t Get This Guide
- Folks who aren’t willing to believe that they’ve been doing it all wrong for the last____ years.
- If you already have a lot of money, it probably won’t work.
- Those who don’t like sharing or helping other people.
- Those who aren’t willing or able to put in the time.
How much time, Laurel?
The absolute minimum to get anything going is ten hours a week. Of course, the more you put in, the more you get out of it.
And after a few years, it is possible to make enough passive income to live on.
But, but, but… let me please make this point very clear. I fully realize that 99% of the people who get this guide do not wish to become full-time bloggers. And I’m not going to sugar-coat that one. It IS a full-time job. I did not even realize that it would be a possibility for me for a few years. And I had no idea that it is possible to earn a handsome income from one’s blog.
The idea for most of you, is to earn that SIX FIGURE INCOME for your own local business because of your website/blog– not from it. And if you stick with the program, you should definitely see some attractive results.
How much is it, Laurel?
Oh yes. Sorry.
Please click the Buy Now Button To Find out the Sale Price.
Please click this button below which will take you to the order page. Once there, if so inclined, you can also purchase Laurel’s Rolodex and/or The Laurel Home Paint and Palette Collection and receive a discount of $40.00 for each additional product ordered.
If you have no idea what the Rolodex and Paint/Palette Collection are, please click here and you can find out more. These are all fabulous tools for interior designers and enthusiasts, alike.
May 1, 2018
PS: Here are some kind reviews and comments of the blogging guide that people who’ve purchased the guide have written.
Sheri said: April 2018
I have purchased this and it is FULL of information! I love how giving Laurel has been. SOOOO worth it! Laurel has gone above and beyond providing quality content in her Six Figure Income Blogger package!
Her guide is in plain English that makes it so easy to understand. She also doesn’t pull punches with her information. From talking about making money from blogging to SEO. I have marked numerous places (too many to count) where I can improve my own blog. I look forward to working on these things because I know the information is proven. Thank you Laurel for being so generous with your knowledge!
Venetta said: April 2018
I too purchased it yesterday when I received an email from Claire Jefford.
I’m about half way through and learning so much. I also love the way [Laurel] writes, so that makes it easier to read. Learning this, I’m hoping to come out of the gate running soon.
Tim said: April 2018
Thanks so much for including me in your guide–even as the tech guy that breaks the rule of having an “under construction” page 🙂
My excuse is that I get work through referrals, and spend all my time on client sites.
Your guide is a really good read, with a lot of valuable, tested-in-the-trenches details. I especially liked all the details of how you manage SEO on your site.
Congrats to your well deserved success!
Anne said: April 2018
Hi Laurel! I bought the guide today, read a little bit and already added a post to my blog using lots of your tips. Thanks, as always, for sharing your experience and putting easy to read information in one place for those of us who are busy and feeling scattered.
Liza said: May 2018
Laurel, I wanted to tell you how amazing this Guide is! When I started my blog I had no idea what I was doing…reading a thousand different articles to figure out the best way to do this or that. Now, I have everything in one place, a step-by-step approach with amazing how-to’s along with a resource guide and some funny tidbits along the way. You are a real gem and I am so glad I found you!
Honestly Laurel, you could have written this as a “real” book and published it. So very good! Thank you for all you put into it.
Karen said: May 2018
THANK YOU!!!!! I can’t even tell you how fabulous this guide is for me! I’ve had my head in the sand for far too long, knowing that I just can’t afford the time to invest in the HUGE learning curve I knew this would take. I want to thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and your years of learning to make this so much simpler (and faster!) for the rest of us! As always, your style and humour also make this a fun read 🙂
Congratulations on a beautifully written, informative and priceless guide!
Ann said: May 2018
Hi Laurel,
I did get the blogging guide and then I did get the reminder email but I don’t mind at all because it reminded me I wanted to write you and say thanks so much — the guide is worth every penny!
My daughter is my business partner ( and we read it out loud at the start of our bi annual planning retreat last weekend. We learned so much!
Thanks a million, truly.
Linda said: May 2018
I bought Laurel Bern‘s blogging guide last weekend and it’s really great, thanks Laurel! I finally was able/motivated to migrate the signups for blog posts notices and newsletter content into one form and have it all served by Mailchimp. I did a ” House Cleaning” post late last night asking those who have previously signed up for blog post emails to update their subscription preferences – encouraging them to sign up for my newsletter as well, OR just ubsubscribe as they wish. I had three lists – one dormant from my last blog, one was newsletter only and one was my Wordpress blog subscribers. So, I feel great that everyone is housed in one place and I can reach out in a more efficient and professional manner. I’ve also been doing a lot of other back room tweaking on my blog as well.
Michelle said: May 2018
Thanks, Laurel! Your guide has been invaluable. You are the bomb <and that is good!>
Erin said: June 2018
I just started this guide…completely not knowing what to expect and I dare say that you have me feeling that I might very well can do this!!! I love how basic it is because I literally knew none of this stuff…zero..nada… nothing. I am only on page 20 but I am learning so much!!
Claire said: July 2018
Hey Laurel! I listened to your podcast yesterday and loved hearing you and LuAnn! As always, you shared such fabulous and helpful information to anyone looking to get more eye balls on their website, as well as more clients.
Cheers for all of your insight. My new website is nearly done! I’ve implemented so many of your wonderful ideas and tips from the Six Figure Income Blogger Guide. I am excited to launch and get more consistent with my vlogging. Thanks for your encouragement and support.
Amy said : July 2018
Laurel’s guide is exactly what got me going on the changeover! It is an immense wealth of information and I am steadily implementing the actions she suggests.
Michelle said: August 2018:
Dear Laurel,
I’m just writing again to let you know how important your Six Figure Income Blogger has been to my new business. I have it as a reference, and go back and re-read it about once a week. One of the most important insights was Pinterest.
I had no idea, and it has opened a new world and market for me. Since May 7, I’ve grown from 0 to 213,000 monthly impressions. My blog is also ramping up, and I’ve taken your advice to heart. I only publish quality information, and I now am on a weekly rhythm. I have enough blogs written so that I can publish every week. I’m starting to get clients for my website (, and Mr. Google is starting to recognize my website. Pinterest (as you suggested) is my highest referral source for web traffic.
Michelle said: October 2018
Dear Laurel,
Once again, I’d like to thank you for the “Six figure income blogger”. It was the best $149 purchase that I’ve ever made for my business. I know I’ve thanked you before, but now I’ve reached another milestone. I’ve gone from 0-5 hits a week (May) to 100+ hits a day on my website. I have followed all of your suggestions, including PInterest (which I discounted before). Now I see what you mean, that both Pinterest and Google are key to the business. I’m starting to get more regular color consulting gigs locally, and online consulting gigs that are more than friends and family.
Thank you so much!
Michelle – The Color Concierge
Venetta said: November 2018
Thank you for sharing. I have your guide and it is chalk full of good info. I am slowly making my way through it and implementing your great info as I create my website/blog.
Karen said: January 2019
Your Six Figure Income Blogger ebook has sparked all kinds of growth ideas for my business. I’m thrilled! I recently set up affiliates and started pinning more then ever to my Pinterest boards. My website is already starting to generate a small amount of income. I’m on the right track! Your how-to’s and inspiration were exactly what I needed to take the next step.
All the best,
note: there are more kind words in the comments below.
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59 Responses
What an amazing tool. Worth every penny. I’m not going to give anything away because others should buy this. By the way, my wasband used to call me a Luddite too, and I have a Chemical Engineering degree. You have proven him wrong. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing what you have learned with us. XO Michelle
From one “Luddite” to another, a huge hug and massive hypertext markup language thank you!
Hi Laurel
I just bought your I’m sure fabulous guide because… I read you, I want to support you so I can keep reading you, and maaybe I’ll make fortuny upholstered storage bins full of cash.
I met you after you spoke at the design blog conference in LA. Such a pleasure! Congratulations and I look forward to the read.
Hi Carrie,
That is incredibly kind of you all the way around! xoxo
Here I am spending time on your website to help drive traffic your way! Yay! (I didn’t know that was a thing until I read your blogging book)
In fact, I read your blogging book in 2 days and haven’t been able to sleep I’m so excited. I had looked into creating a blog before, but didn’t really see the potential and the path as much as I do now thanks to your incredible e-book.
It was worth every cent….even just for the happy moments of considering the possibilities of a future where I can live where I want to without being tied to the spot I currently reside.
Your delivery was humorous, your content was solid and you certainly did back up your income claims with screen shots of graphs and numbers. Love it!
I only recently discovered your blog, as of about a month ago, and I am looking forward to reading your future blogs, e-books and seeing more of your work.
Thank you again, Laurel; job well done!
Hi Michelle,
Oh wow! What a fabulous testimonial. Appreciative doesn’t begin to cover it. Very grateful! And just know that I’m excited for you and your future endeavors!
Oh, I need to add this on the page, but I’m planning on doing a live webinar in July, so please stay tuned for more info about that, in case there are questions.
Hi there! I saw your blog and decided just last night to purchase this amazing info package…but read the date wrong and thought I had until today (the 7th) to purchase. Am I too late? Is there anyway I can still purchase it for the $149? I am from Canada so the extra $$ makes a difference lol! Not sure if I’ll hear back from you today, but if I do and if it’s still the lower price I will definitely purchase it! Thank you! 🙂 It looks loaded with exactly what I need!
Hi Emanuela,
You are in very good time to purchase. You have until the 7th, until 11:59 PM. I extended it one day, but realized that I need to change it in the post!
Thank you so much! I made my purchase and SO excited! I started my blog six months ago and am so excited to read your tips and get it out there! 🙂
Oh wonderful! and thank you so much!
I jumped in and bought the guide after wondering about my finances. This now retired professor needs to make some money and while I want to write for publication, I also want to have an outlet for my other artsy side.
I am reading it now and hoping that I can put it down to go about cleaning up the house.
If I could make a tenth of what you are, I would be in heaven.
There is some niche/s out there for my talents.
Thank you very much for sharing your insights. I appreciate you site more than you can know.
You are probably right: there is plenty of room out there for sites which help lots of people, from decorating to health to community building, to name a few.
Honorifics to you!!
Hi Ramona,
Thank you so much for purchasing the guide! I wrote it for anyone who wants to get more out of their website. But in particular, it occurred to me that there are a lot of people in your position who just need to earn a little extra income. You can do this!
Hi Laurel! I have had a blog for nine years and still struggling with how to make money with it! Do you get into affiliate marketing in your course? I want to be able to work with companies, good companies that I can use in my blog posts. Tried Viglink, but companies not familiar. Thank you!
Hi Kelly,
The premise of the guide is two-fold.
1. learning what it takes to thrash the local competition and get a ton of new interior design business of your choosing. That’s not difficult to do if you have certain things in place.
2. learning what you need to do so that you can make some significant money FROM your website and that includes affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is not difficult. It’s time consuming, however, but until you get some substantial traffic to your site, you’re going to make maybe a few dollars a month.
For instance, only about .03% of my monthly visitors buy anything via affiliate link. But I’m getting well over 300,000 visitors a month. If we’re talking about my subscription list, it’s probably more like 10%.
I took a quick look at your site and it’s lovely, but there are some things missing that are holding you back. I’m telling everything in the guide that took me from stagnating at 25 page views a day for 19 months to a current average of 22,500 page views a day- average and still growing.
Thank you for your time Laurel! Going to definitely get your guide! Can’t wait to read.
You’re welcome Kelly!
THANK YOU!!!!! I can’t even tell you how fabulous this guide is for me! I’ve had my head in the sand for far too long, knowing that I just can’t afford the time to invest in the HUGE learning curve I knew this would take. I want to thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and your years of learning to make this so much simpler (and faster!) for the rest of us! As always, your style and humour also make this a fun read 🙂
Congratulations on a beautifully written, informative and priceless guide!
Thank you so much Karen! I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the guide.
Hi Laurel! I bought the guide today, read a little bit and already added a post to my blog using lots of your tips. Thanks, as always, for sharing your experience and putting easy to read information in one place for those of us who are busy and feeling scattered. And the Etsy guide is wonderful too! I’ve had two clients lately show me gorgeous furniture they had custom made by talented people (carpenters) found on Etsy!
No response necessary (there, one less thing to do)!
Hi Anne,
Of course I’m responding! It’s what I do! And thank you so much for your kind words and order! I’m very proud of the guide! xoxo
Thanks so much for including me in your guide–even as the tech guy that breaks the rule of having an “under construction” page 🙂
My excuse is that I get work through referrals, and spend all my time on client sites.
Your guide is a really good read, with a lot of valuable, tested-in-the-trenches details. I especially liked all the details of how you manage SEO on your site.
Congrats to your well deserved success!
Oh wow! Thank you Tim! That means a lot, especially coming from you! And from one rule breaker to another, I always say “if it’s working, it’s working! If it’s not working, it’s time to try something else!”
This is VERY exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Sarah!
WERRRRY INTERESTINGK! (My German scientist voice-over)
I have a pretty big store on Wordpress with an attached blog that is about 10 years old. The store is successful but could go much further, I horribly underuse the blog blog feature and am ashamed of myself but I just don’t like social media (boy am I in the wrong business, but social media was in baby shoes then compared to today!). I really need a mentor!
So I guess I’m asking if the info will pertain to stores too? I’m sure it does, but just checking to make sure.
Hi Chris
Yes! Absolutely; the info pertains. It’s for ANY website, whether you have a shop or not. Because the bottom line is about getting found on the internet.
But your shop needs to be on the same URL as the main website and frequently, people don’t do that. It’s like having two websites, if that’s the case. I guarantee that you’ll learn a lot of things that you never knew you didn’t know! ;]
YES! Blog is on same URL as website. Glad I did that right.
Ok, going to buy it now. I always need more tax write-offs (haha) and love your stuff! Been following you for years.
Hooray! You have no idea how often I see shops that splinter off into a different URL and then there’s no way to get back to the main site! And this was done by a techie who may know how to create a website, but doesn’t understand how optimizing a website for Google searches works!
Ok, got it!
My husband is my techi and created the website… and I do all the photo work and text. He linked the blog to store from the beginning.
So I told my techi to download your guide just now as well. (Thanks for the 7 downloads!) First thing he says, “I’m a web designer not an interior designer, for crissakes!” But he is reading it without further comment, and is actually quiet and engrossed now. Ha, I’d better catch up and start reading too. Google changed algorithms again around early march, and we notice it! Thanks again, Laurel.
Oh, that made me laugh! Like, what does SHE know? And now, he’s engrossed. hahahaha. I hope that he won’t mind the menage a trois that’s an integral part of my blogging strategy. LOL
Laurel, Congratulations! I don’t even have a website but need to get one. Would this be for me?
YES!!! That way, you can start fresh and avoid a lot of time-wasting and expensive mistakes! I spun my wheels for 19 months because I made so many mistakes. But all of that is covered, plus mistakes I haven’t made but others have. And things that 99.999% of all website owners and bloggers do that are not actually helping themselves. And sometimes doing more harm than good!
Thank you!
Sounds like Wordpress plugins are critical to monetizing your site. You’re talking about using them with a site not, correct? Thanks, Laurel.
Hi Karen,
Oh no. You don’t need plugins to monetize your site. Plugins do things like monitor stats, provide a pinit button, filter out spam, caching, (explained in the guide) etc.
I see from checking your source-code that you have And I presume that you’re not interested in migrating your site.
Formerly, one couldn’t put ads on I did find this article that explains how to do it.
But, you can definitely have ads and affiliate links on and of course, you can create digital products.
One thing with the guide is that it discusses 95% how I’ve done things, not everything that’s possible. I find that extremely confusing and I think is what leads to a lot of paralysis as it’s beyond overwhelming for most people. I’ve tried to break it down into manageable bites.
But much of the guide has nothing to do with platforms or even computers. Hope that helps!
Oh good, I like manageable bites! I think your guide could be very helpful. Yes, I have a site and love it. I have a number of affiliate links on it and plan to add more. I have sold digital products from my site in the past. Not the most robust platform for selling e-books but it works. Very good SEO, stats monitor, spam filter, good security and all of the other plugin things you mentioned. But there is so much pressure in the business world to migrate to a self-hosted site. It’s always on my mind, thinking it will be better for growth — I’m not quite convinced and to be honest the thought of moving my site and starting over paralyzes me!
Then stay put, is what I’d do.
YEAH!! Clicking ‘buy now’ as soon as I finish writing this! Thanks in advance for the Blogging Guide….and I haven’t even read it yet. I can’t wait! Putting on my pot of coffee now and settling in for the read! You have already inspired me with your Roledex and Paint Collection…Now you are about to inspire me to join the blogging world! Something I have wanted to do for over a year. I just needed the ‘push’ out of my comfort zone. Thanks Laurel!!
Hi Sandi,
Thank you so much! And yes, most of us, including myself need that push out of our comfort zones. I think that I’ve gotten to an age where I don’t care as much what people think. Can’t control it anyway.
Last year didn’t feel right, because you were waiting for me!! Hehehe
Such an awesome reward for an amazing blogger. I absolutely love what you do. Congrats!
Thank you so much Sandy!
Gutsy and fabulous! You go girl.
Thanks so much Gail. I considered doing it last year but the timing didn’t feel right. And I’m so glad that I waited, not so much about the blogging website part, but about the monetization part. Such a steep learning curve, that one was!
Laurel, will this guide work with Blogger? I own the domain name but they host the content.
I’m not trying to making money (I don’t want ads on my blog or affiliate links), I just want to help people live a healthier life, and I’m looking for ways to reach the people who need that help.
Thank you!
YES! It will absolutely work with blogger. True, you can’t use the wordpress plugins, but the principles are exactly the same and some of that is baked in to blogger. The reason I don’t recommend it is because they have the authority to shut your site down if they so choose. There are so many moving parts including many things that have nothing to do with what platform one is on. But if too many of them are missing, the website will fall under the radar. However, I know some very successful blogger blogs.
hello laurel,
congratulations, but i am surprised at you. you need to give credit where credit is due, and say thank you to mizz butterchump.
heh heh
Absolutely! I can’t believe it’s been 15 years, but she was a lovely, classy lady. And of course, that’s not her real name.
Congratulations Laurel. I’m not in the market for creating a blog, but I loved the video 😉
Thanks so much Anita!
Laurel: Congratulations on all of your successes! You deserve every bit of it and more 🙂
I just bought my guide and can’t wait to dive in!
Very best wishes,
Thanks so much Ani!
Congratulations on dreaming and then doing. It’s very easy to have ideas and think about all kinds of wonderful things but to actually put oneself out there and say I did this, is hard. You have done it many times now, but this is a big one. Again, congratulations from an admiring reader.
Thanks so much Anne. I actually never dreamed this would happen. Things like this always happened to other people. To say I’m grateful is a tremendous understatement.
I am SO excited for you! Congratulations! What a fabulous idea to share all that you have learned the “hard way” so others don’t have to make mistakes!!! Very generous! XO Nancy
Thanks so much Nancy. A lot of people have been asking me to do this for quite a while. And of course, it took quite a while to put it all together. xoxo
Laurel, this is AMAZING! Congratulations! I’m commenting before I read because I have to run to a meeting but I’ll be digging into this for sure. So happy for you. 🙂
Thanks so much Leanne! I’m very excited about this too. xoxo