Beautiful Boston Holiday & Christmas Decor 2022

Hi Guys,

First of all, Happy Chanukkah and Merry almost Christmas!

Today, December 21st, is my second anniversary of moving to Boston!

But, ugh, I’m a bit under the weather today; just a little stuffy, fluffy and puffy. Covid is negative.

So, I’m taking it relatively easy. Soon, I will be sharing some beautiful Boston Christmas Decor 2022 images I’ve taken recently.


Let’s begin with about five weeks ago.


I just happened to go out one even when the guys were putting up and testing the Commonwealth Ave. Mall lights.


Comm Ave Mall lights going up 2022

Here, you can see the guys putting their ladders back in the truck. I went to do an errand, and when I returned 20 minutes later, they were gone and the lights were off. I believe they get turned on the first Thursday in December, and they remain on until early April.

Does that mean I can leave my little Suzanne Kasler Christmas tree up until April?


The day the lights got turned on this year was the day I went to Crown Point.


Most of the Boston Christmas Decor 2022 images were taken Sunday, December 11th.


That day I went on a beautiful tour of about six homes on Beacon Hill. The tour was a benefit for the Nichols House Museum, and I went with a group all belonging to the Beacon Hill Women’s Forum. Unfortunately, but understandably, photographs were not allowed.

That’s inside the gorgeous homes, but no one stops anyone from taking photos of the exteriors.

The only home on the tour I took an exterior shot of was 24 Chestnut Street. And, oh my, this home is SPECTACULAR.


Below is the front door to 24 Chestnut Street.


24 Chestnut Street Nichols House Museum Tour

Greeting us just the right of the warm entrance hall is a reception area surrounded by an antique Zuber wallpaper mural. Yes, the entire room. The home is incredibly gorgeous. I didn’t want to leave.


The rest of the Boston Holiday & Christmas Decor 2022 images aren’t in any particular order. Unless otherwise, noted, they are on Beacon Hill.


29 Chestnut Street Christmas 2022

29A&B Chestnut Street is one of the oldest homes on Beacon Hill. Please note the side entrance that was popular circa 1800.

The sign below has more information about this historic home.


29A Chestnut Street Beacon Hill Boston Christmas Decor 2022


29 Chestnut Street Boston Christmas Decor 2022

Above is another view from Chestnut Street.


Beacon Hill Boston Christmas 2022

This was the afternoon before the first snowfall in Boston, which I believe was less than an inch. That did knock most of the remaining leaves down.  I love that chartreuse color one sees when the leaves are newborn and then again, just before they die.


Chestnut Street Christmastime

A view along Chestnut Street on Beacon Hill


Christmas door Beacon Hill 2022

The same home from the front. I love the addition of the golden leaves to this color scheme.


Chestnut Street Beacon Hill Christmas 2022

Another long view down the street.


Chestnut Street Boston Christmas 2022 classic front door

Fantastic doors, always on Beacon Hill.


53 Chestnut Street Beacon Hill Boston Christmas 2022


For more doors on Beacon Hill please check out this post.


Christmas Carolers Beacon Hill Louisburg Square

On the southeast corner of Louisburg Square some delightful carolers.


Holiday house tour Beacon Hill December 2022 Front door gorgeous Christmas decorations

This display was jaw-dropping. The photo doesn’t do it justice.


Beacon Hill Christmas Decor December 2022

The quintessential front door on Beacon Hill decorated for Christmas 2022.

On my way home from the tour, it began snowing.


Commonwealth Ave first snow December 2022

I’m almost home and looking down the Commonwealth Avenue Mall.


The following images were taken on a walk in Back Bay Boston one evening recently, on Marlborough Street.


Boston Christmas 2022 Marlborough Stree December

Marlborough Street December Boston Christmas Decor 2022


That’s all for now, for holiday & Christmas decor 2022 from my image library.

You might also enjoy this post featuring magical Christmas Lightstaken in December 2020.

And, I also love last year’s Christmas post, again featuring homes, mostly in Back Bay.


And now for the news.


On Monday of this week, I had a hair appointment. As I was running a little late, I was concentrating on moving along Charles Street as quickly as possible.

However, focused I was, nothing, but nothing could stop me from seeing what appeared to be jumping out of the store window at me.

Upstairs Downstairs Beacon Hill Chinese Chippendale stools

Yes, two gorgeous vintage, blind fretwork Chinese Chippendale stools. However, there was no time to go in the store.

Three hours later, I went back to the store, Upstairs Downstairs, a lovely store that sells a wide variety of vintage and antique, just about everything. Please follow Upstairs Downstairs Antiques on Instagram. All of their contact and location info is there as well.


Upstairs Downstairs Antiques - My Chinese Chippendale style benches
Their prices are quite reasonable, as well.


original art Upstairs Downstairs - Boston Beacon Hill
Above is some beautiful original art and a Gustavian-style chest in the middle.

Did I get the stools? Well, I’ve been dreaming about stools like these ever since I saw similar ones in Maura Endres’ living room several years ago.

Room flow - analogous blue and green - art walls Maura Endres - @m.o.endres on instagram

Maura Endres Chinese Chippendale Stools with skirted table
Please follow Maura Endres on Instagram!


okl blind fretwork chinese chippendale stools

The ones above are exactly like mine. I saved this image in February 2017 in the post where I featured Maura Endres’ home. I’m not sure who the manufacturer is. The tag said they are from the 1940s.

So, yes, of course, I got them!

Where will they go?  I’m not sure yet. I carried one home and will fetch the other one when I’m feeling better.


Very lovely, Laurel, but I hope you’re not planning on painting them. It would be such a shame to paint over the gorgeous mahogany.


Forgive me, but I don’t recall asking you if it would be okay or not.

Besides; we don’t talk like that to other people on this blog. And, unfortunately, some of you did after Sunday’s post.

There’s a note at the end of that post, recently added. I don’t want to mess up this post with stuff you were supposed to have learned in childhood.

See this not-very-good photo of my bookcase?


bookcase decorated for christmas like a mantel

I had it painted. That was 21 years, ago, and I have enjoyed it immensely ever since.

mahogany-bookcase-before copy

I hated it in its original state. And, it looked awful in my white-on-white living room. But, I bought it because I knew it would be gorgeous painted.

You may leave your mahogany bookcase brown, or you can paint it hot pink if you like. I don’t care, because it’s none of my business– unless you ask me.


peaches-living-room - white furniture - living room layout floor plan
Here it is circa 2002 with my darling Peaches.


easy Christmas decorating - Boston Christmas

Last year.


Okay, I’m going to leave you with a positive word. I appreciate and love each of you who are reading my blog. And, I wish everyone, peace, good health, and an abundance of everything good all around you.




PS: The HOT SALES continue to have some amazing offers on sale. It might be too late to order tangible items, however, it is not too late to order one of my beautiful Interior Design Guides


Below is a brief description of my rockin’ interior design guides!


best of etsy 3rd edition 2023


This is the all-new 222+ Best of Etsy Home Furnishings Sources. It’s the culmination of dozens of hours of research. You won’t get anything extra, but you’ll get the updates for free, and you won’t have to pay the higher price that’s coming in January.


333 decorating rules and tips you need to know - holiday gifts for 2021 - Interior Design Books


Next is 333 Decorating Rules & Tips You Need To Know – This is a terrific guide that’s crammed with measurements and proportions you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Well, I couldn’t.



These two guides are sold together. The Laurel Home Essential Paint and Palette Collection. This is a 2-volume curated Benjamin Moore Collection. You can read about Part I here, the paint colors, and Part II here, the paint palettes. Part II is where you’ll see a bunch of glowing testimonials. There are more, but how many do you need to read? lol


six figure income blogger book cover 3rd edition for 2023 - final


The blogging guide is for everyone who has a website or is thinking about starting a website or making money on the internet, or earning a living by working in bed, working in your PJs, and not taking a shower. (if you don’t feel like it) This is the Six-Figure Income Blogger Guide.

It’s also for anyone who wants to get more business via their website.

But, don’t let the word “blogger” trip you up.


A blog is a great idea for your business website because a blog is what keeps your website fresh in Google’s busy eyes and automatically raises your business above your competition that has a boring “dead” website.


And, no, you don’t have to blog as much as I do.


However, once or twice a month is a must. But, there’s also so much you don’t know you don’t know. I mean, I didn’t. And, I was spinning my wheels, not getting anywhere for 19 months, because I made every mistake and then some. This guide will save you a lot of time and help you to create a more successful business.

In addition, you’ll be able to read my entire internet story from Laurel the Luddite to Laurel, the world’s most unlikely geekette. It’s only a few pages, and I guarantee that you’ll be laughing.


Finally, the crown jewel, but only because my name is in the guide’s title. Haha And, it was the first guide I wrote way back in 2015.

But, you always get FREE lifetime updates!


laurels-rolodex-final-book-cover-master 9th edition 22-23

Laurel’s Rolodex. Recently updated with many new sources, and it’s now in its 9th edition! This is where I spill ALL of my secret and not-so-secret sources. If you’re in the interior design trade or want to be and you don’t have this resource, I can pretty much guarantee that you’re leaving money on the table—a LOT of money. Oh, and you’re also probably charging your clients too much, too.

Laurel’s Rolodex will help prevent your clients from the dreaded “shopping you,” and most of the time, help you come in at a LOWER price than most retailers, AND still make a nice profit. How does that sound? It took me over ten years in business to understand that it’s not always necessary to use a middleman to get terrific furnishings for clients. Sometimes, yes, but not nearly as much as I was.

I’ve also created many new bundles which you can see on the purchase products page. These will save you a lot of money, too!


Also, GIFTING IS AVAILABLE for all of the guides!


Look for the gift icon.

Yes! Even if you’re not interested, maybe someone on your gift list is.

How does it work?

It works super well! When you click on the link to place your order, you’ll quickly see a gift box icon. Click on that, and it will prompt you to put in your recipient’s name and email address. You’ll then be asked what day and time you wish your gift to arrive. How cool is that!

Please go here to learn more about my rockin’ guides. You will find links to give you more information, but they are the same links as here. Please use the purchase products page when you are ready to order. There are links on all of the pages, usually with buttons.

*Please note that these are digital downloads.

Welcome To Laurel Home!


Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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Please click the image below for more info about my rockin’ Interior Design Guides for 2025!

Laurel Home Interior Design Guides 2025
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