Nine Fabulous Benjamin Moore Blue Paint Colors

Hi Everyone,

It’s blessedly mild, clear, and dry after some typically humid, muggy days here in Boston. It’s a reminder that the summer is waning, and soon, the weather will turn crisp.

I just returned from a lovely walk down and then back up Beacon hill. When the weather is like it is today, it’s fun.


So, while it’s still warm and, in some places, downright scorching, I thought it would be a good time to refresh the best medium shades of blue paint.


You might recall that a while back, there was a post about the best dark blue paint colors.


And then, there is another pretty summer-time home decorating post.

But, you might also enjoy this post about the best light blue paint colors.


Today, I’m including a couple of the darker blues, more for balance, and one shade of light blue.


The rest of these blues are medium to medium dark.

Most run to the warmer side of blue. Blue colors that lean to the warm side are called cerulean, teal, turquoise, and aqua. But, you probably already know that.

A misconception that some make, including me sometimes, is regarding indigo.


Indigo is a blue that leans towards purple, not green.


And, it’s not that I don’t like indigo. I do if it has enough gray in it. But, I still prefer the warmer blues.

And, I love a beautiful cobalt blue, but usually in small doses

This post has a cool trick that shows how our eyes can play games with us using the color blue.


But, here’s something very important to know about blue paint colors.


Blue is a color that can go fugitive.

That’s something I learned in design school. What that means is that the color that goes up on the wall could turn into something else. And, that’s especially true if the sun is hitting it. The once gorgeous blue paint color could go muddy, greenish, or reddish.


Does this always happen with blue paint colors?


It won’t happen if your windows have a good UV protective coating. If your windows don’t have UV protection and it’s a south or west-facing room, you can look into having a pro apply a UV-blocking film to the windows. Once it’s on, you won’t notice it at all. It will also help with your utility bill.

Some of the blue paint colors you’re about to see are quite saturated. And, we’ll discuss how to work with those colors. I love these colors because a saturated blue can create an awesome furniture and art backdrop.

Most, but not all, of these shades of blue, are in the Laurel Home Paint and Palette Collection.


I will put an asterisk* by the name if the Benjamin Moore color is in the LHome Paint and Palette Collection.



Benjamin Moore Dolphins Cove 722



I don’t know the source of this image, so if somebody does, please let me know, and I’ll add credit.


dolphin's cove - Pinkie's happiness in a can
A faithful and lovely reader who goes by “Pinkie Crabtree” on social media painted a room this color and adores it. So, a year ago, I made a graphic from the images she posted.



Benjamin Moore tranquil blue 2051-50 - best blue paint colors


Tranquil blue is the quintessential turquoise blue. Please note that in the images, the color looks close to the actual color. But in some cases, I don’t know what the color is.


Anthropologie - Farrow and Ball Blue Ground - Benjamin Moore Tranquil Blue

Image via Anthropologie


This color is actually Farrow and Ball’s Blue Ground. But, Blue Ground is very close to Benjamin Moore’s Tranquil Blue. For a conversion chart matching Farrow and Ball to Benjamin Moore, click here.


You can now get Farrow and Ball paints online.

If you want samples, you can get the test pots from F & B via the link above. However, I recommend getting the reusable paint samples from Samplize.


Unfortunately, Benjamin Moore doesn’t sell their paint colors online. However, you can also get BM samples through Samplize. And, Sherwin-Williams, too!


Mural from the dining room of the Ladew Gardens Manor House.

Those colors! What an exquisite vignette.



Benjamin Moore wilmington spruce-754


Benjamin Moore Wilmington Spruce_tughill-house-interior

Tim Forest

This is one of the most saturated colors in the Laurel Home Collection. However, as you can see from the above image, it’s a very cool color. I don’t know if this color is Wilmington Spruce, but it looks like it. And, that’s all that matters to me.



Benjamin Moore Jamestown Blue hc-148


Benjamin Moore Jamestown Blue - hc-148-SheilaBridges_living room - Farrow and Ball oval room blue - is the actual color

Sheila Bridges iconic living room – The color is actually Farrow and Ball oval room blue – However, it is close to Benjamin Moore Jamestown Blue hc-148.


Before I go on, I know some of you feel passionate about this, and I respect that 100%.


However, I would prefer if a few of you damp down on some of the indignant responses I’ve received over the years stating how much better Farrow and Ball paint is…


No one is arguing with you. F&B is wonderful paint and is formulated differently from Benjamin Moore. Can the average person tell the difference? Probably not.  Maybe side-by-side, but even then, I’m not sure. If you see a difference, that is fantastic.

I’ve used Benjamin Moore paints my entire career. They make a fabulous product. But, of course, if you can afford F&B and want to use it, by all means, do so.


I’m using these twin images (of the same paint color) because sometimes I can’t get a decent image for a Benjamin Moore paint color.


But, the images Farrow and Ball supplies are usually of better quality.


COOL BLUE – 2058-40

Benjamin Moore cool blue 2058-40


House and Garden-Ben Pentreath-Sharyn-Cairns St. Giles Blue -Benjamin Moore Bluebell

Of course, this is from Ben Pentreath’s gorgeous dining room. For another image of it that I took– click here.

I believe his color is Farrow and Ball St. Giles Blue, which they just put in their archive collection to make room for a new shade of blue. When they archive a paint color, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad color.

It’s just that their business model calls for a collection of only 132 paint colors. And, they always introduce six or more colors every year.  That means they archive some of the colors every year.


Laurel, when are you ever going to update the Farrow & Ball to Benjamin Moore conversion chart?


What? Are you trying to kill me? ;]  I hope to have it done this fall. Right now, I am working on getting everything ordered and shipped that will be needed for my place.



Benjamin Moore Buckland Blue HC-151


Self-portrait with Lace Jabot (ca 1751)-Maurice Quentin_de_La_Tour

18th Century Selfie – haha – Self-portrait with Lace Jabot (ca 1751)-Maurice Quentin_de_La_Tour

Handsome devil. And, I think he knows it! I read that he worked mostly in pastels. Very talented!



Benjamin Moore Bainbridge Blue 749


Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles Entry bird prints stanton_madison_blue on blue entry

Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles stanton_madison_blue on blue entry

The rest of the house is wonderful, too!

I posted this image at least once before. I love it!


beautiful brass handle McAlpine- door knobs-blue-exterior-door

Bobby McAlpine

This gorgeous door is from the post about great front door paint colors.


Jean Abercromby, Mrs Morrison of Haddo", Allan Ramsay, 1767 photo - York Museums Trust

Jean Abercromby, “Mrs. Morrison of Haddo,” Allan Ramsay, 1767 photo – York Museums Trust



Benjamin Moore champion cobalt 2061-20


one-kings-lane_kelli-delaney_sitting-area - Looks like Benjamin Moore Champion Cobalt

Kelli Delaney sitting area – Looks like Benjamin Moore Champion Cobalt.



Benjamin Moore gentleman's gray 2062-20 - Best blue paint colors

Luxe Magazine - Farrow and Ball - Stiffkey Blue - Benjamin Moore Gentlemans Gray-Living_History

Luxe Magazine – Designers – Nina Nash and Don Easterling

Farrow and Ball – Stiffkey Blue – Benjamin Moore Gentlemans Gray


9 gorgeous shades of Benjamin Moore blue paint colors

Please pin to Pinterest for reference.


The Benjamin Moore Paint Colors in the Graphic Above:


1. Wilmington Spruce – 754

2. Dolphins Cove – 722

3. Jamestown Blue – hc-148

4. Buckland Blue hc-151

5. Cool Blue – 2058-40

6. Tranquil Blue – 2051-50

7. Gentleman’s Gray – 2062-20

8. Bainbridge Blue – 749

9. Champion Cobalt -2061-20

I hope you enjoyed these nine beautiful Benjamin Moore blue paint colors!

LB as Infanta_ Isabel_d


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