Happy Thanksgiving 2023 + The Final Kitchen Cabinet is Installed!

Hi Everyone,


Happy Thanksgiving 2023!!!


I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday week. As many of you know, my son is visiting, so there was no post earlier today. However, he’s out this evening.


So, I wanted to share a few pics taken on Monday and Tuesday, including the new kitchen cabinet.


Cale arrived at the apartment late Monday afternoon, shortly after me. By the way, his toe is much better!

We hung out for a while doing errands, and Cale had a meeting. Afterward, we decided to have an early dinner at Lolita, a beautiful restaurant around the corner from me in Back Bay. I had never been there before, but the food was so delicious!

In addition, they brought us two freebies.

Lolita free appetizer ice

The first was a tequila-laced (optional) grapefruit ice that was served in a container over dry ice. The effect is otherwordly. The image doesn’t capture it.

After dinner, we were served a huge mound of angelic cotton candy.

Cale pulling apart cotton candy at Lolita Boston - Thanksgiving 2023

Of course, this is very serious business. Lol. We only had a couple of bites because we agreed while it was a fun idea, it was just tooooo sweet!


Tuesday morning, we made our way down Beacon Hill, stopping to admire a gorgeous tree in the public garden.


gorgeous tree Boston Public Garden November 21, 2023 - Thanksgiving 2023
The leaves have been hanging on longer than usual because of the mild autumn. However, come Sunday, the temps dropped significantly, and I was grateful to have my warm winter coat.

Seconds later, as we were getting ready to exit the garden, we couldn’t help but notice a large crane hoisting a column out of the fourth floor of a brownstone on the corner of Arlington and Marlborough.


crane removing pillar Marlborough Street - Boston - Thanksgiving 2023

Yes, they removed the window to accomplish this.


Minutes later, we were at the job site to see the new rounded cabinet.

new rounded cabinet installed
It’s perfect! What a wonderful gift for this year’s Thanksgiving 2023!

Yes, that’s the sink. It’s just sitting there, not yet installed. The stone guy from Frangioso Granite is coming out this Tuesday to create the template. If you missed the gorgeous marble I picked out, you can see it here.


The shaped toe-kick isn’t on, but it’s gorgeous and exactly as I envisioned.


However, the guys couldn’t find the rest of the toe-kicks that will be going on the sink cabinet, back cabinet, and the two little cabinets flanking the range.

New rounded cabinet November 20, 2023
However, minutes after I called Mel at Crown Point, I noticed the brown package leaning against the casing on the right. They were in there. Phew!


The decorative toe kick will not be going on every piece because I think it looks too crazy like that.

The cabinets it will not be going on are the two little cabinets flanking the sink, dishwasher, pantry, and fridge.

Then, I discussed some details with Brendan, the lead carpenter.

I will try to match the existing window casing in the den with the new door casing. What’s on the window is actually two pieces. Brendan cut me off some samples of what he took off the den doorway.


We also began talking about the hood area on the range. But, I’ll go over that another day.


I was dragging most of the day. Still, Cale and I took the T to Cambridge to get him some special oil for his injury. Then, we went next door to a bookstore with a coffee shop. Cale noticed they were selling my favorite brand of muffins!

The Danish Pastry House makes them.  Their locations are in Watertown and Medford, MA. I discovered them at City Feed in Jamaica Plain (JP, a neighborhood south of me). There are two locations, which are well over three miles from my home.

DPH is not a huge operation. However, there must be somewhere within a mile of my Back Bay home that sells them.


Laurel, it’s a freaking bran muffin. You can find those everywhere.


No, not muffins like these. Believe me, I have tried. These are sprinkled with raisins, not too dry or sweet, with good texture, no weird spices, and not too sweet. Like I said, they are super delicious!


Bostonians out there. Do you know any place closer to me, not in Cambridge or JP, that sells these yummy muffins?


I’ll be your best friend for life if you know a place that sells them. ;]


Okay, that’s all for now, but there’s some important news below.


I still have to put the finishing touches on the new Etsy and Rolodex Guides for 2024. They are coming out this Sunday, the 26th of November.

If you missed it, please check out my special offer here. You’learnout how to get the new Etsy Guide and Rules and Tips for FREE!

To all who celebrate, I hope everyone has a blessed and joyous holiday, Thanksgiving 2023!



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19 Responses

  1. Laurel, Everything you do is timeless and beautiful. I’m starting my own kitchen renovation and have Samplize sheets plastered everywhere mostly chosen from your blog commentarys. What color did you chose for your kitchen cabinets? It has a creamy glow that I was looking for.

  2. Your home is going to be magnificent. I love everything about it. The kitchen cabinet colour, the cabinet layout and the rounded end cabinet. Your stairs will be incredible. Your choice of contractor was great as well. I have never found any who wanted to please me as much as yours does. Well done Laurel. You’re almost there!
    Heather L.

  3. I would like to hear more about how you resolved the Harmon hinged doors as I have planned embrasure doors for my new kitchen hall. Last I recall they are $600 a hinge. Did you swap for something else?
    Also, I believe the muffins you describe are classic Boston brown bread. I used to find it in a can in the baking aisle, but you can find recipes on the internet but this one from King Arthur fits the bill. https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/boston-brown-bread-recipe

    1. Hi Robin,

      Did you see this post with 14 sources for Harmon Hinges?

      That recipe for Boston brown bread sounds delish, and maybe could be turned into a muffin, but these are bran muffins, so need wheat bran in them. These from Danish Pastry House are very different from the grocery store version which are too sweet and not nearly as tasty.

      Cale always says, “Mom, just figure out the recipe and make them yourself.” haha I suppose I could try that sometime. I used to bake all the time, like every week, when my kids were at home. It was under the guise of making things for them, which I was, but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the goodies as well.

  4. Thank you very much for sharing your blogs! It’s one thing I really look forward to.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    p.s. the curved cabinet is beautiful!

  5. That kitchen is eye candy already! Beautiful. I am sure you are anxious to move back home . . . Construction and all. And I agree about finding the right bran muffin. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Cale

  6. Laurel, Your perseverance and commitment are evident in each choice you’re making. It’s an education in real time for your readers. Loving this!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your son!

  7. I love, love, love the kitchen cabinets and so appreciate being able to follow your renovation. Your dream is becoming reality!! Happy Thanksgiving, Laurel.

  8. Laurel, I know you’re moving back in a week or so. This looks like there’s easily two more months left on this job at this pace. Will you have a kitchen at all soon that you can use? I love how the real thing looks so much like your beautiful renderings. Fantastic.

  9. Oh Laurel, the curved cabinet is just beautiful. Worth the wait I’d say.
    Your kitchen seems very well lit. Is all that light just coming from the dangling bare bulb?
    I’m happy to know Cale is recovering from his accident. Especially with all the walking you guys do.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family. 😘

  10. I’ll echo Bonnie’s comment that I am also thankful for all your efforts you share on your blog. Your work shines, as does your passion and personality! The kitchen is truly looking like a dream come true, as will the new staircase. Happy Thanksgiving to you! And that cotton candy looked wild!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! So excited for you! I can’t tell what I’m seeing with the ugly railing & the hole for the floor? Hoping the railing is soon gone, and can’t wait to see the kitchen with counters and hardware. I keep thinking of the idea of hardware as kitchen jewelry…I might need to ask for some as a Christmas gift! 😉😆

    Thanks for all the little updates…really fun!

  12. I’m so glad to finally see the curved end cabinet! It looks fantastic…just as I imagined. This is the best time of the year for me to tell you how thankful I am for you and your website. Your updates brighten my day.

  13. What a beautiful cabinet. Your kitchen vision is coming to life. It is so beautiful, even now. You will never take this for granted after waiting so long and working so hard on every detail!

  14. Laurel, that is one beautiful cabinet! Cannot wait to see it with the marble counter top. Best wishes to you and family for a Happy Thanksgiving!

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