Hi Everyone,
Today, Brendan and Eugene were scheduled to come back to finish up some odds and ends and also maybe begin on the closet shelves.
But, then… At 10:45. I got a text from Robert, my GC, saying the building inspector was coming at 10:30 for the final inspection.
The text came at 10:15. I had been awake earlier to say hi to the guys and quietly yell at them for getting my floor dirty. And then I crawled back into bed and fell back asleep.
Yesterday was a tired day. Today, I’ve been feeling terrific all day long.
Anyway, I pulled myself together and texted Robert back to see if the inspector had come already.
He hadn’t.
But he did come around noon.
I don’t think the inspector was here even 10 minutes. I saw him briefly in the embrasure hall and he asked me if I was happy with everything. “Now is your chance to tell me.” Brendan was with him, and I said, “Yes, I’m thrilled with everything. You have the best right here.” (pointing to Brendan)
He left a minute later, and the permits were removed from our front door.
That was it!
All of that anguish over the depth of the stair tread and the height of the guardrail, blah, blah, blah.
So, what did the guys do today? (Monday, the 27th)
They fixed most of the doors that weren’t put back properly by the painters. In fact, all of the things requiring fixing were because of the painters.
In the den, B & E installed the two knobs on the den closet doors. They tried to install the knobs for the two nine-foot high entrance doors to the den, but I made a booboo. I forgot that these doors are 2″ thick. The doorknobs are for 1-3/4″ thich max. However, B&E think there’s a possibility that if they get some longer screws, they can make them work.
Most of our time was discussed the new closet shelves that need to be built.
Oh, hang on. That reminds me. I have to order two hanging bars. I found these cool plexiglass bars on Etsy, and I think they’ll look very nice.
Well, I began this post on Monday and then got sidetracked with many things.
Soooo, today, I slept well, but when I got up mid-morning, the guys hadn’t showed up yet. Usually, they begin by 7:30.
However, B&E did arrive around 11:00 and got right to work.
I was so engrossed in an email I needed to get out that I didn’t even hear Brendan sawing the boards outside.
So, I was shocked to see that before they broke for lunch at 1:00, they had put in the shelves for the upstairs entry pantry and the divider and shelf for the coat closet/ utility area for vacuum cleaner and mops, etc.
After lunch, they installed the linen closet shelves.
I created this rendering last month, but never showed it to you.
Here is the video I found if you’re interested. Of course, B&E didn’t need to see the video. They’ve made hundreds of closet shelves like this.

Now, let’s go upstairs and look at the entry closets.
The left side is the coat closet side. It’s wider than it looks here. I am still patting myself on the back (as opposed to kicking myself) that I had the electrician put in an outlet here for my vacuum cleaner charging. I think that cordless vacuum cleaners are one of the most amazing inventions of modern times.
Now, let’s look at the pantry closet that’s closest to the kitchen.
This is terrific except I forgot to tell them that the first shelf in the pantry should be at full counter depth in case I want to use it as a counter. This way, I have a choice. No problem. They made the change in no time.
Okay, I made a little video to review all of this.
Also, the depth of the closets is 24.5 inches, despite what I thought before the shelf went in. So, I could put in some narrow fridge drawers. We’ll have to see. Sorry about the mess of boxes and stuff that was taken out of the cosets. I’m saving those for my son, Cale, who’s coming tomorrow night. It’s not slave labor. I pay him for the extra help. (like cleaning the bathroom baseboards with a q-tip. lol)
Below is a mini widget filled with things I just purchased.

The vintage lamp will probably go in the entry on one of the little demi-lune tables. (Please check out the Etsy shop where I got it. They have lots of cool lamps.) I will put the ceiling light on dim and it will be very pretty. Then, there’s a portable coat rack. They make heftier coat racks, however, I have to be able to assemble and disassemble it. There’s also a clothing rack in the den closet. So, I’ll be good for my party.
I’m hosting a Chestnut “Party with a Purpose,” for 35(!) next month.
However, my mind keeps wanting to say Party with a Porpoise, lol so I got a cute little Dolphin night light to put on the table. Dolphins usurp Porpoises, but they’re very similar animals.
What is the party with a purpose? Several times a year, the Chestnut have a party to make donations for a local charity. The charity for my party is JVS.

I also finally got a new fitbit and stylish band so I don’t have to walk around with my phone tucked in my pants all day long. (Yes, I really am a nut) I’m tracking my steps, including flights of stairs. I’ve been averaging 15 a day! That’s 15 flights of stairs, not 15 steps. haha
Why didn’t you get an Apple watch that does more?
I don’t need it to do more, although it does enough. I like big fashion watches, but for tracking, I prefer a small watch.
Then, I included my favorite laundry detergent.
You will thank me later. I’m addicted to this stuff. I discovered it when I was in Northampton in 2020 and have been hooked ever since, so I get it online. I can’t stand overly perfumed detergent, but this scent is very light and lovely.
(my kitchen last August)
And last, but definitely not least, I FINALLY purchased some lampshades for my kitchen lamps. Truthfully, I don’t need the lamps in the kitchen, but I LOVE them in there. However, I also need lamps for my bedroom, so they will go down there for a while, at least.
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15 Responses
Stunning home! I’ve followed from the start, but seemed to have perhaps missed what exact primer and paint products you used on your wood floors. Getting ready to paint oak flooring in my own home and would love to know what you used and what if any reservations you had since painting. Once again, love your style!
Oo la la – the upstairs downstairs staircase !! Second lovely moment- visiting the new carpentry gem— an orderly linen closet !! Just dreamy to think of the lovely linens folded and placed in an orderly way.. I wonder if you go around pinching yourself often, that it’s real…. Forget the hgtv dream house sweepstakes —- They don’t have a staircase or a linen closet like yours! Go to the head of the class.
Everything is so lovely! One tiny thing, though. Have you considered shortening the cords on the lamps in your kitchen so that viewed from the entrance of the kitchen you don’t have such a bulky cord to bunch up? It is probably just me, but everytime I see pictures of the kitchen, the cords just jump out at me.
To Ulla, it’s the 3rd pic from the left of the mini widget. It’s called Rebel Green USDA Organic HE Liquid Fresh Laundry Detergent (Lavender and Grapefruit scent) from Amazon.
Laurel, I’m so glad there was no “issues” with the home inspection; you’ve had enough drama! Congrats on passing that milestone.
I’m also curious about your cordless vacuum (like what is the brand?), and are you still using your Roborock? We have had 2 of them for years and still use them regularly, but I sometimes still use our central vacuum, especially for harder to clean areas.
I love your new closet shelves and the great idea to make the one pantry shelf deeper!
Laurel, congratulations on passing the inspection! Everything has turned out so well, and I’m enjoying the finished, or almost finished, product! Love the idea of a counter-height/depth shelf in the pantry.
FOR YOUR WINDOWS: There is a skotchguard product (FILM) that can be applied to the interior of your windows that is tinted but you cannot detect the lightest tint on the window. It protects your fabrics from fading (especially blue) and I have had it one my south and west facing windows for years. It really does the job. It also cuts down on the glare. Not expensive.
Everything is so lovely and it just keeps getting better. One thing I found out recently, the plexiglass rods tend to sag over time. Maybe if the length is limited and it doesn’t have to support too much weight it might hold up. I was disappointed I couldn’t use them in my home.
Hi Sande,
Good to know. The lengths are both under 30″ so it should be okay.
Ah, closet shelves! How nice to get those in … lamps and pillows may be the “jewelry”, but closets with proper shelves are “foundation garments.” 😉
In The House That Cleans Itself, Mindy Starns Clark mentions an “in & out” space. I turned a poorly-functioning coat closet into an “in & out” closet – best thing I ever did! We had a shelf for each family member, a bin for things that needed to go to friends outside our home, and a bin for library books. My husband & I always knew where to find our laptops, wallet/purse & keys! Too bad we moved from that house, and I have no “in & out” closet 😕 I’ve given a lot of thought to your post on creating entry ways – still thinking about it.
And thanks for sharing the genius pantry counter! I will put that in my kitchen plans. Your home is so elegant – I love the photo of the linen closet with the stair rail – absolutely beautiful!
Congratulations on passing the building inspection – I bet the inspector was jealous of such exquisite work. Probably not something he sees too often these days 🙄😂
Dear Laurel
I can’t find the name of your favourite laundry detergent?
All the best
Hi Ulla,
It’s in a widget of images that link to the product. Usually, there’s an ad blocker toggled on that prevents people from seeing the links.
There are no ads with the products, but they are affiliate links.
Good morning Laurel,
You must be thrilled with your new shelves. Being able to put some things away in a designated place relieves some of my stress.
Speaking of stress…hosting a party for 35 people? You can do that? I certainly couldn’t. I get stressed if I know 2 friends are coming over. Will you be serving your roasted chestnuts like last time?
You’ll be happy with your new lampshades that you ordered. I ordered one from that vendor last month & I’m very happy with the quality.
Your porpoise lamp makes me chuckle. I hope your guests get the joke. 😂
Hi Mary,
Make no mistake, I’m going way out of my comfort zone. I prefer smaller gatherings, but it’s only for two hours. I hosted a large party in December 2021 and it was a lot of fun. My biggest problem is I have a teensy trash can which is plenty big for me, but I’ll have to figure something else out that isn’t too gross.
What kind of cordless vacuum do you have, Laurel? I ask because my soft wool carpet in our retirement home came with a warrantee that forbids me to use my popular cordless, or anything one can actually buy in a vacuum store in the US. The carpet store had already installed $10,000 worth of carpet in select rooms both and down before disclosing this little detail. No, I’m not planning to lug a giant corded vacuum up and down stairs for the next 20 years into my 80’s… What is the pretty vacuum I spied in your closet?
Hi Jill,
It’s a Black & Decker stick.
It’s lightweight and very easy to clean and put back together. It’s also lightweight and easy to maneuver. There are two speeds. It does come with a beater brush. I don’t remember what happened. I think I removed it one day to clean it, about a year ago and couldn’t get it back in. So, I left it off. Otherwise, I have found those brushes often eat the carpet fibers. Otherwise, it sucks everything up just fine.