The Elusive White Marble Countertops Are Difficult to Find!

Sorry, I left you hanging the other day.

If you have read this post, please click the link below to get to part 2.


Part 2 Begins Here


Otherwise, please keep reading.

Hi Everyone,

Today, I went marble shopping for the second time. The first time was four weeks ago.

My contractor, Robert, put me in touch with Carol, the owner of Frangioso Marble in Braintree, MA.

Braintree is a suburb of Boston and part of a large area known as “Greater Boston,” for those who don’t know.

Before coming to her lovely showroom for the first time, I said I wanted a white marble with subtle veining, nothing too crazy.

Classic Jersey DeVOL Crown Moulding
The marble in this DeVOL kitchen is what I don’t want, although I adore it in this kitchen. IT is the star of the show, not the cabinetry or anything else. However, in my tiny kitchen, it would be too much.

Jeanette Whitson design gorgeous kitchen -@gardenvarietydesign

I want something closer to this gorgeous white marble: the Calacatta in Jeannette Witson’s “gateway drug” (her words) giga-gorgeous kitchen.

By the way, a gentle reminder that the word is Calacatta, not Calcutta. Calcutta is a city in India, now called Kolkata.

Calacatta marble comes from Calcata (to add to the confusion), a town near Rome. Carrara is in northern Italy. More confusion. Sometimes, these marbles look nearly identical


But, Laurel, why are you doing marble in your kitchen? Surely, you know it’s going to get wrecked in no time.


Uh-huh… Sooooo??? ;] We’ve been through this before, so maybe you missed that post?


Please brace yourselves, as this might shock a few of you, but I want it to get wrecked. This is virgin marble, recently plucked out of the ground and millions of years in the making. However, my place is 143 years old. Those pristine white marble counters have a lot of catching up to do.


But, Laurel…


Please don’t “but laurel me.” What is it? ;]

Well, the quartz countertops look just like marble, and you won’t be sorry later when they look horrible.

Sorry, I saw hundreds of ’em today in a vain search for the elusive white marble. I could spot, in every case, the quartz from the real thing.

How? They are too perfect. The veins are in just the right place, so you get two even cuts out of your 60-square-foot slab.


Look, at the risk of sounding like a raging snob; I have to say that I can’t bear the thought of spending nearly the same amount of money for a countertop that has a photo just beneath the surface of what it’s trying to look like.


I know 50% of you have it. That’s fine. When I was 34, and we were house hunting for the first time, I saw a crappy home in Dobbs Ferry, NY, and got all excited over formica that looked like granite. What did I know? Youth IS wasted on the young.

But, there’s more. Back in 2017, before the pandemic, before I had even an inkling I would be moving to Boston 3.5 years later, Cale and I spent a beautiful day at the New York Botanical Garden, and then we went to Arthur Avenue for lunch and a bit of shopping.


For those who don’t know what Arthur Ave is, it’s a street (duh) in the Bronx, NY, that is more like Italy than Italy.


I mean, you step into another world, into another decade, long before most of us were born. Anyway, at one of the more Italy than Italy markets, we decided to get some olives. Since I bought lunch and the tickets to the garden, Cale said he’d spring for the olives.

But, Cale also wanted some cheese, and while he was busy deciding what he wanted, I couldn’t help but notice that the white marble countertop was the most beautiful old, honed Carrara marble I had ever seen.

I ran my hand across it. How can anything be so hard, soft, cool, yet warm?

As Cale was paying, all I could do was sigh… If only… knowing full well I could only dream about having such a thing.


And yet, here we are. The dream I dared not to dream came true.


Do you see my reasoning now?


Do you understand why I so badly want to take this tiny window of opportunity and have the exquisite, smooth-as-a-baby’s-bum marble of my dreams?

But, where the hell is this elusive creature?

Four weeks ago, Carol took me back to their warehouse and fabrication shop.


Frangioso Marble & Granite gray carrara

There she had, for me, a piece of Carrara marble. (in front)

Without so much as a blink, I blurted out, “Not what I’m looking for.” Way too gray and too many veins, too uniform.

We went to two more showrooms that had absolutely nothing in the way of white marble.


Is it all gone?


Carol gave me a sheet with two dozen sources within an hour of Boston. However, she said a street in Norwood has several of these places.

I got online and looked them all up.


Bianco Statuario Slabs

What? 40 large for a slab of marble? Geeeezzz, I only want one slab, not the entire quarry!

Yet, this source looked the most promising as they have quite a large inventory of beautiful white marble for my countertops.


Today, we hit three places that carry stones of all kinds, fake and real.


The first place, MSI made us wear a hard hat.



me in a hardhat

Yes, I’m getting new glasses soon.


Too fuzzy and grainy, but nice colors.

That was all they had in the way of white marble.

Then, we went to Marble & Granite in Westwood, MA. That’s the place I wanted to go to.

A gentleman by the name of Matt helped us.


Finally, I felt we were getting much closer, but nothing we saw was quite right.


Calacatta Macaubas
Calacatta Macaubas – Better, but I’m not into the varicose vein look. By the way, there are dozens of marbles with Calacatta in the name.

Olympian Danby and Carrara white marble

Olympian Danby and Carrara white marble.

The one on the right is another Carrara. That one is too gray, I said.

Matt said, “Yeah, that’s how they’ve been coming out of the quarry recently.”


Has anyone else been told that?


The one on the left is Olympian White Danby. There were a couple of them with very lovely colors. The white is beautiful and warm. Alas, it’s too granular.

Now, there was a beautiful Calacatta right behind me, where we were standing, with lovely uniform veining and not too many veins. The colors were lovely. It was perfect, except for one thing.

It is only two centimeters, and I need 3 centimeters.


I asked Matt, “Do you have something like this one but in 3 cm?”


Suddenly, as if someone had just flipped a switch in his head, he said, “Hang on. We do; I just need to find where it is…”

As he went trotting off, I began to feel hopeful.  That is, unless I love it and it’s $40.000!

Soon, he was back with the helpers and a little truck carrying a large slab of white marble.

They gently set it down right in front of me.

To be continued…


WAIT, Laurel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can’t leave us hanging; just tell us if you liked it or not.


Sorry, I have to get ready for bed now. ;] Remember? I’ve made a promise to myself, and I intend to keep it!

In the meantime, please enjoy this post all about marble countertops.



Part 2 Begins Here

It’s Sunday morning. :]

Okay, here’s what happened when they set the marble slab down in front of me. Actually, it was a second before they set it down.

I knew instantly that this was my slab! It was love at first sight– the classic white marble of my dreams!

But then, I was told it was Calacatta.

Oh, crap, you mean the one I can’t afford? Carol said it wouldn’t be too bad, and she’d get me a quote ASAP.

That came late Friday afternoon. The price included the slab, templating, fabrication, installation, and sales tax. Thank God I only need one slab!

The stone is Calacatta Caldia and is known for its milky white color with mostly light gray veining.

Well, can we see it?


Yes, of course!

Calacatta Caldia my marble slab

I’m so happy we found him. I guess I’ll call him Cal. ;]

By the way, I loved all of your comments. I didn’t realize so many of you had honed white marble!



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48 Responses

  1. Wow, Laurel! Your journey to find the perfect white marble countertop is both entertaining and relatable. I love how passionate you are about finding the right fit for your kitchen. Calacatta Caldia sounds stunning—congrats on the find! Can’t wait to see how it transforms your space. Thanks for sharing this adventure with us.

  2. So glad you are doing marble!!!
    I have quartz (came with the house) but the severe health problems and deaths of young people (like in their 20s and 30s) is horrendous. It is an unethical choice to make and I think consumers will have to turn away from it. The industry, of course, takes no responsibility.

    Silicosis is considered worse than asbestos in the health problems it causes, and we all know what happened with asbestos. I think the suppliers and manufacturers will have to pay settlements for any meaningful change to happen in our country. Other countries that aren’t as deep in industry pockets are already banning it.

  3. Laurel, just wanted to say that your slab it is gorgeous! It really looks ‘antique’, it’s subtle and at the same time elegant and refined, a great fit for your kitchen. Incidentally, yesterday we went to pick out the countertop slab for our bathroom. I was actually going to do quartz for the vanity tops, but it only took 2 seconds to change my mind in seeing all the slabs, and we picked a gorgeous honed Calacatta Namibia slab, very white and light, with swirls of cream and soft grey veins, I cannot be happier.

  4. Cal is Gorgeous!
    I feel the same way about real stone vs quartz. When I was picking out countertop material a few years ago I read of so many designers recommending quartz. I just don’t understand the appeal.
    I ending up choosing taj mahal quartzite for the counters, but I did real marble on a powder room floor and vanity.
    Glad you found what you were looking for!

  5. That is a beautiful slab of marble. I can’t wait to see it in your kitchen! We had Danby Olympian counters installed two years ago and have no regrets. Every counter installer tried to talk us out of it, and we finally found a new business to do the job, and it’s stunning. We are a family of 7 who all work or school from home, so our kitchen is used more than most, but surprisingly it is showing a lot less wear than I expected, with a few small chips, stun marks, and one stain from a banana in an inconspicuous area which I haven’t tried to remove. We’ve been spoiled by these marble countertops and can’t imagine anything else.

  6. you will love your marble countertops. I had white Carrera marble in my kitchen for over 10 years! people warned about me about them. Oh they will stain- red wine, coffee…. I never had a problem I did get some etching from lemon juice.- But I learn to get very good using cutting boards on a butcher block island. I bought mine 20 years ago outside San Francisco, I know they’re getting harder and harder to find now. I know you will find the perfect one..I know you will find the perfect one.

  7. Hello Laurel, I am so glad you are bringing us along as you hunt for your perfect marble countertops (which you richly deserve after decades of creating beautiful homes for other people, whether through traditional in-real-life interior design, or via this virtual design resource that you single-handedly created).

    When I moved to a new city and a new (to me) house in 2018, the previous owner had spent a small fortune on a kitchen that had deep cherry-stained cabinets, tan/peach limestone floor tile, granite counters in many shades of brown that, as you would say, looked like cat you-know-what, and, of course, the pièce de résistance: a brown and tan backsplash using rectangular tile 6 inches wide but less than an inch tall. And it faced north. It was a dark and stressful space.

    But your blog gave me the inspiration and information to make it into something beautiful. So, when I killed the old kitchen and brought it back from Hades as an un[dead]kitchen, I chose marble counters. Everyone from my mother-in-law to our dishwasher repairman tried to talk me out of it. But now I have an unkitchen: marble counters (plain carrera, grayish white w/ gray veining), no upper cabinets, light gray subway tile halfway up the wall, and those dark cherry cabinets are now urbane bronze.

    So thank you, Laurel, for teaching me how to put together a house, and specifically a kitchen, with innately sophisticated design that won’t need a redo. I wish I could put a before and after photo here, so that you could see your guidance throughout my kitchen. Thank you, and all of us are so excited to see you get the marble counters of your dreams.

    NB: I also have the Perrin & Rowe Georgian bridge faucet in unlacquered brass – I learned about unlacquered brass from you – and it is the most beautiful thing in my house. Except for my kids, of course.

    1. Hi Laura,

      Thanks so much for the darling note. You can respond to any email you receive from me, announcing the blog posts, and attach images that way. The response will go directly to me. Your kitchen sounds beautiful!

  8. My marble countertops aren’t white, they are subtle green and gray veins on a white background. The countertops are what made me fall in love with this house instead of any other. I love the natural look and feel. All the quartz counters look and feel fake to me and I like the timeless feel of the real thing. After being talked out of the white marble counters I had really wanted before we down sized and moved, I was determined to at least have something natural and beautiful. I don’t do anything special to maintain them and haven’t had any problems in 4 years of cooking most nights. So happy you found what you really wanted!

  9. I am so with you!! I have had crema marfil in my kitchen for years, never seal it, it’s a bit chipped and a little stained but I can get it cleaned up with comet!
    I went with Tesoro Bianco for my Florida condo… would have preferred it honed but costs were going up and up, renovated during the big supply chain issue last year.
    I love it so much, I have to ask God to forgive me!

  10. Hi Laurel – You may have found your dream piece already, but if you are still looking, we got ours from Louis W Mian in Charlestown. They also cleaned and refinished our marble fireplace mantle. The one great thing they did was to put a thicker piece around the edge of the marble all around so it looked like the slab was thicker than the standard thickness that we bought. It really looked very rich and elegant, and lifted our dark wood cabinets. I had no issues with our honed marble, did not reseal or any other maintenance in 14 years, just made sure to wipe off water and use trivets for hot pots (still don’t know if that is really necessary). I have white honed marble in our new place as well, it has a lot of watermarks visible in certain lights only, but they don’t disturb me, it has a more lived in look.

  11. So glad to know I’m not the only marble fan out there, I never tire of beautiful marble surfaces! Thinking ahead, I highly recommend the Lustro Italiano line of natural stone care products for your beautiful kitchen counters Laurel. And omg – you didn’t have to tease us, we are all Loyal Laurelettes either way!

  12. When we bought our home, it had been unused and unopened for two years. Owned by an older man, remodeling this one room schoolhouse, and he became ill. Sadly, there was an old, honed marble slab countertop, we were told it was an alter from the university chapel he where he taught. It would have fit the character from 1895, but several paint cans had been left to rust horribly on the surface. Nothing came close to removing these stains. It looks like Carrera, from photos, but who knows. Oh well, I have butcherblock which can obtain it’s own type of aging character.

  13. Have you thought to look for the real thing at a salvage company? You would have “instant age” on your counters. Or maybe you want to do the aging!
    I agree that not settling will be worth it in the long run.

  14. I love the marble you are looking for, and my heart swoons whenever I see your pictures. Unfortunately, it breaks a little too, because after years of dreaming and months of searching for the perfect counters for our “forever dream house” I ended up with a very bad experience. I let myself be swayed by the marble naysayers, so I chose quartzite (I assume you know the difference between “quartz” and “quartzite”, the latter being real stone). In itself, that was not the problem; some of the quartzites are just as beautiful as marble in my opinion, and much more durable (I do understand that’s not a worry to you; I’m just recounting why I chose what I did). The problems were: Round 1, I picked a beautiful slab, which had been sitting exposed to the sun for several years (which had apparently bleached it to a color I loved) and I believe I let them pick a “matching” slab because the others were behind the first one, my memory is a little hazy on that, but at any rate, after the first slab was installed and they started abutting the second one, the color difference was obvious to everyone and they had to rip it out and try to find a better match. Round 2, the second one they brought out was no better, so they had to rip everything out, meaning I could no longer have the one I had fallen in love with because nothing else matched it. Round 3, I went back and had them bring out equipment to move all the slabs so I could examine them, and I picked a very nice pair, and everything seemed to be going beautifully, and I loved it! Installation finished, sighs of relief, when it was discovered that they had cut the final end one inch narrower than the rest!! Noooo…And I know in the end it was my fault for not going back to look again, but this had drug on for months, with several weeks between each installation because of the installers’ schedules, and I was so sick of it (and I HAD looked at some other stone places in the interim but hadn’t found anything I liked), so I told them just to pick the slabs for me (of the type I had chosen of course), just get me a *** counter. So not only does one half have heavy graining that I don’t like, but the installers made several mistakes which they “corrected” but are still visible to me. I know I should be grateful for my beautiful kitchen (and I AM) but I still get upset about the counters. So I wish you ALL the good luck in the world with finding your perfect stone and having absolutely no installation problems!

  15. Hi Laurel,
    In the later mid 80s I wanted marble countertops. When we went to the shop to pick it out they basically told me that I was stark raving nuts! I was going to have to sign an acknowledgement that they were against it and there would no warranty of any kind. We stewed over it for a while, no internet to consult, and the bullying worked. We used granite. It was OK and one of the nicer ones, but I always wish we had done the marble. As you know we have marble in our kitchen now done about 12 years ago. I went crazy trying to find the whitest marble I could and was told then that the grayish tint was coming out of the quarries at the time. Three years ago when I was helping with Dottie’s kitchen exactly the same story. She almost settled and I told he not to and at the last possible second found a beautiful marble. So, hopefully you have found the right one and when you get the price it will be “affordable”. Yes, we have etches and some chips which I have made mostly. When putting a heavy Le Creuset Dutch oven in the sink, being short I miss sometimes. You won’t have that issue! Never a stain though and if some curry sauce or some such is on the marble, a little scrub with Ajax and it disappears. So good luck! XOXO

  16. Thoroughly enjoying your remodel adventures. Gorgeous designs, as expected. 🙂

    I feel you have likely found your slab already, but just thought I’d mention Alabama Marble Mineral & Mining Co. Alabama quarries have what is touted to be the world’s whitest marble, and is durable enough to be used for flooring. Lots of interesting info in their blogs. Search: AM3 Stone

  17. I chose honed Calacatta Gold marble for my kitchen remodel 13 years ago. The first couple years I sealed it regularly, but nowadays I only use MB marble cleaner to wipe it down.
    My slab is mostly creamy white with larger grey/beige veining. There are no stains, or chips, just are a few etch marks, which are not very noticeable. I absolutely love it and I’d make the same decision again.

  18. I have some questions for all of you with marble and soapstone, honed or not. I cook a lot. I cook a lot with things that stain, such as blueberries, black beans, turmeric, and so on. Lots of Indian ad Asian food. Oil flying everywhere. Big batches of jam, big pots of stock.. You get the picture. I also bake a lot, and depend on my granite countertop for rolling out pie crust. Is the kind of cooking I do going to be a problem with marble and soapstone? Is honing going to be a problem for pie crust? I see conflicting stories, and none from people who actually cook the way I do.

    BTW, not only do I not like the look of artificial stone, but I’ve been reading lately about the severe health problems in those fabricating it.

  19. Some of the new porcelain countertops are beautiful and hard to tell from marble. It does require extra work to install.

  20. Dang, way to leave us hanging!!
    Thank you for the varicose vein marble call out – I have thought this for YEARS and it’s in a lot of the quartzes too, but have never heard anyone else mention it. I want a dappled, cloudy marble/quartz – not a veiny gross one LOL. Actually I will be putting in cream formica because that’s what makes sense in my budget/kitchen design/locale. but if I were getting a spendy counter, that’s what I’d be looking for!

  21. You must definitely have your white marble because you will appreciate it beyond measure!
    It will be beautiful in your new kitchen. I’m sure I’d love marble too if I had the budget,
    For me on a different budget in a busy kitchen, I chose a quartz that you mentioned and liked in your previous post on marble and countertops, Cambria’s Torquay quartz. It’s quite beautiful and suits me fine. So thank you for that idea.

  22. Synthetic or manufactured facsimiles rarely look real. I like quartz/quartzite, especially in modern settings, but not if it’s trying to imitate something else, especially marble. I’m amazed by the aversion to marble. They’ve been using it for centuries in Italy and don’t seem to have a problem with it. We were replacing a counter in our kitchen and every seller and installer we encountered had a negative reaction, to the point that it scared my spouse out of using it. We opted for a white granite from Brazil, which actually has some blue/grey veining that looks similar to marble.

  23. I’m a stone fabricator and importer. Calacatta and Statuary are some of the most expensive stones out there. Everyone wants the “perfect” piece and boy, do the Italian quarries charge for it.

    If you want the best selection, go to Leamar or Dente in New Jersey and pay to have it shipped.

    I agree one million percent with the beauty of natural stone vs. quartz. Plus quartz can never be repaired if it gets damaged whereas you can pay a stone restorer to re-hone marble or fix chips.

    I hope you don’t get sticker shock. It’s the Mercedes of the marble world. And one slab doesn’t go that far if you have an island or a peninsula.

  24. Have you looked into Bianco Rino/White Rhino/Mystery White? White marble with subtle grey/taupe/tan ‘veining’ and then veins of creamy yellow like butter! Less expensive than Danby.

  25. I, too, have honed VT Danby marble. Have had it in my kitchen 8 years.
    I love the caramel color in it, in addition to the gray. I have had some etching,
    but no stains. Some fine cracking near the sink. Because of the colors, these little
    issues don’t look like flaws, but nature evolving. I absolutely love it; it is
    very grounding to have natural stone in my kitchen.

  26. Agree 100% about marble. I was seeing marble everywhere in Italy and France and loved it. I used Calacatta (honed in a beautiful creamy white that goes perfectly with traditional, but clean lined design of my primary house near the CT shore …13 slabs!!). Yes, it has some etching, scratches, a chip or two, etc. and expect it will get more over the years, but I still love it. The slabs in my kitchen has fewer veins than the bathrooms and is perfect. I used Vermont Danby in our NH home, much whiter and it works for our mid-century style home.

  27. There are so many folks who rattle on about how much maintenance is required by marble, how it stains, and on and on. Yet when I was recently at the Detroit Institute of Arts, the gorgeous stone floors with granite and marble were wonderful. They get walked on, and not with bare feet or slippers (house shoes), and have been walked on for decades and they look wonderful. Yes to marble counters!

  28. Love my 14 year old marble carrera kitchen counter tops. Since I am a big salad and fruit person I knew the acid would be an issue. I had the stone installer cut me an extra 3′ x 3′ piece to go over my counter top to the right of the sink where “all the action is”. After 14 years, the top piece looks as good as the other counter tops but it now has a wonderful honed soft feel.
    Good luck Laurel finding your dream slab – cannot wait to see everything when it is done.

  29. I love my statuary marble! No regrets. I spent a long time trying to decide what to use for countertops. I had my epiphany when visiting a fudge shop and saw the beautifully weathered marble countertops there.

  30. I like soapstone. But in the interest of frugality, did my condo kitchen countertops in “Black Tempal.” I like a matte surface, not a shiny one.

  31. P.S. Danby Mountain White can have a lot of variation in the veining, from almost none to a lot. We have chosen slabs with little veining. In fact, our kitchen sink counter top has no veining, only flecks of color.

  32. We are doing a kitchen reno using soapstone on perimeter counters and island, and marble in butlers pantry and on an antique sideboard. We visited the stone yard recently and they had no soapstone I liked (too much veining) but I did see the most gorgeous piece of marble. Alas, it was tagged for someone already. Imperial Danby Marble- just perfect. Warmer cream vs the usual gray with very very little veining. Stunning!!!! Was told it’s the rarest in the quarry and will be the most expensive. You can Google prices of it online at some sites. I did white Macaubus Quartzite in another home and it had linear veining and yes it was the star of the show but not the look I want. The stone yard will call me when they get another Imperial Danby in but I fear it will never be as perfect as the one I saw, at least we are not looking to install until the spring so have some time to wait patiently.

  33. Some things you just can’t settle for. Countertops & husbands.
    I have a feeling you found your perfect slab. 😉

  34. There are so many gorgeous varieties of Danby White Marble. We have used Mountain White for two projects in our farmhouse in Vermont. We have been renovating ourselves for 3 years and finally getting the kitchen put back together. We just had Danby White counter top installed last week for our 9 foot sink space. It is gorgeous. I can send photos of that and our master bath vanity if you like. We use Herb Johnson, Johnson Marble and Granite, Proctor, VT.

  35. I’m glad to see so many fans of honed marble in these comments. I have honed white marble in my tiny condo kitchen, but it is not subtle like you all have. I love that it has big swirling gray patterns. I love it. But mainly, I love to feel it, isn’t it gorgeous?!!

  36. I just finished a new build about a year ago. I knew I wanted marble for the same reasons as you. Initially I told the fabricator I wanted honed Carrara as the sample she has had light veining and it seemed to be fine. When the 3 slabs she ordered came in they were just like the ones you describe. Too grey and veiny. So I looked at several importers near me for the perfect marble.
    I was also told by more than 1 importer that the very grey veiny Carrara is how all the marble is coming out of that quarry right now!
    I ended up with a beautiful Calacatta marble that is soft white with some light camel and grey veining. It is gorgeous with my Alabaster cabinets, and I have Snow zellige tile with it. I’m not worried about staining, and in fact the sealant the fabricator put on the stone has held up very well so far.

  37. I love my natural stone. It is leathered. While it is not perfectly smooth, I love the cool feel and the sound it makes as I slide a cup or dish across it. It’s real like me, warm, hard and has imperfections. Lol Quartzite Taj Mahal

  38. Have you looked at Skyline Marble and Granite? Many of the high end builders and designers on the Cape source from them. I saw the previous comment about dolomite….we sell a tile called Soft Touch….(we don’t get into countertops) and it feels like a baby’s bottom. Very touchable. Dolomite has more striated lines than calacatta while still in the warmer tones.

  39. I so agree with you!! My husband insisted on Pietra Aerocare Marble. It is not what I wanted, and I regret it because it is too busy and not honed. My next home will have honed. I agree, “soft stone.” You will find it!

  40. I just am finishing my kitchen remodel in my 1928 house. I ultimately chose calacatta gold honed. It is stunning! More pricey than my first marble choice which was a different calacatta (not quite right). I think $21000 for 2 slabs? Well worth every dime. I paired with a pearl white zelige tile backsplash. Love!

  41. For white marble try super white marble dolomite. Then coat with “tuffskin” if you want to protect it from stains, etching, cuts, etc.

  42. I have Imperial Danby, too, but mine is a very soft warm white with streaks of brown and charcoal — very old school, classic. And it’s from Vermont, so hopefully less $ than true Calacatta. It’s what you might see in a 100 year old barbershop or sauna.

  43. Look, you want what you want. And you should get it. I have had white honed Olympian Danby marble in my kitchen for 9 years. It’s gorgeous. It’s etched. It’s chipped. But it’s not stained. It was sealed once before installation and not. one. stain. ever. Don’t let the naysayers get to you. It’s not “high maintenance” unless you try to make the marble do what it doesn’t want to do, meaning to look perfect and pristine forever, like the day it was installed. It won’t happen.
    I had the same moment that you did–I saw the worn marble on the bar in my favorite restaurant and realized that it’s a wonderful, beautiful mess, and I wanted it for my kitchen.
    Don’t stop until you find your perfect slab!

  44. Not sure why real marble bothers people so much. I think it’s gotten a bad rap. I have thick Carrera honed marble in my kitchen and it’s been going on 4 years now. No stains! Had it sealed great and the veining is simple but beautiful. We don’t take any special care of it. It’s warm, beautiful, just luxurious. I’m so glad I went with real marble over quartz.

  45. Yes you will find just what makes your heart beat a little faster…
    Stick to your plan – it’s out there…

    (oh and just so you don’t get lost in Yonkers…
    Arthur Avenue is in the Bronx, last time I was there…)

  46. Danby Imperial. My slabs are almost pure white. It took a lot of looking, but I found them at Elemar in New Haven, CT. Worth the drive!

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