Renovation Dog Days & Please Stop the Roller Coaster!

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all of your kind messages regarding the lower level mess. 

Before I begin, if you’d like to take advantage of the rare Laurel Home Flash Sale please act quickly. The sale is ending tonight July 10th @11:59PM

This is a two-part post that began this past Monday.


If you missed part 1 please keep reading from the top. However, if you would like to skip ahead, please click the link below and it will jump to part 2.


Part 2 Begins Here


Just a few things about the previous post about the bathroom and entry color scheme before we get into the renovation dog days and the other shoe dropping. And, boy did it! You are going to love this one!


We are doing a pecan stain on the stairs, not because it’s difficult to keep clean or see the steps.

Eventually, there will be a runner. However, when I did another rendering with the mid-tone brown stairs, I think it is warmer, even though there will be the warm brown chest at the bottom.

I will not get tired of this color. It’s in a small entry hall and only one part of an analogous color scheme that I will be presenting one of these days.

saybrook sage dining room palette


But for now, it will be in the same family as the one above from the Laurel Home Paint and Palette Collection, now on sale through July 10th. There will be tiny accents of other colors, like blue, coral, gold, white, and definitely black.


Okay, some of you objected to the black doors.


New Entrance hall - bedroom The Mural Source Solitude - brown stain stair treads - Farrow - Ball Chappell Green - Benjamin Moore Grenadier Pond-Cotton Balls Embrasure Doors pecan stair treads

I totally get it because many of you are not used to seeing this. You’re used to seeing white doors with white trim. And, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s not the look I’m going for. I wrote about doing the same color trim as the walls here.


However, I adore black interior doors.


Farrrow and Ball French Gray - Black Door
One of my favorites is this room from Farrow and Ball. This is French Gray. French Gray is a lovely color, but it’s more like this (below)


Gorgeous Interior Colors - Heckfield Place - Lake room Farrow & Ball French Gray
Lovely room from Heckfield Place in what looks to be Farrow & Ball French Gray.

Below, I manipulated the color to look more like Chappell Green by F&B or Grenadier Pond by Benjamin Moore.


For funsies, I went a step ahead (no pun intended) and made the door green instead of black. Please excuse the impressionistic rendering in spots, as I had to do a lot of manipulating to make the door green and then the steps brown.


New Entrance hall - bedroom The Mural Source Solitude - Linen closet Farrow & Ball Chappell Green - Benjamin Moore Grenadier Pond Green door- pecan stair treads


Let’s compare it again with the black door.


New Entrance hall - bedroom The Mural Source Solitude - brown stain stair treads - Farrow - Ball Chappell Green - Benjamin Moore Grenadier Pond-Cotton Balls Embrasure Doors pecan stair treads
I think this is very chic and please remember that you can only see one door at a time as they face each other. I’m quite meh about the green doors. However, if you notice, the vestibule will be all green, including the doors. Yes, I realize there are black, green, and white doors nearby. It makes sense when one thinks of it as the area in the middle connects to the entry. At the same time, the two embrasure door areas, which are quite tiny, connect to the bathroom and bedroom, respectively.


However, I agree it is warmer with the wood-stained steps, when one’s back is to the wood chest at the bottom of the stairs.


And that’s a fitting place to begin with what happened with the other shoe dropping. That’s because tomorrow, the steps, already sanded, will get their stain and sealer.

This morning, I woke up at 8:00 AM to my phone ringing. I know that 90% of the population is up by then, but I’m the cave dweller with the “night watch.” That was a thing, you know, back in the day, a loooooooong time ago.

Anyway, it was Gary, the floor guy. And let me tell y’all, he is fantastic. I mean, really fantastic. Thank you so much Pat, who used to sign off “Pat from Boston” before she moved away just weeks before I moved in.


Gary and I had a meeting just after 10:00 but before Laurel had her coffee.



He brought over more samples of the white floor.

And before he laid them down on the coffee table in my neighbor’s apartment, he said:

“We have a problem.”


That’s the other shoe dropping.

He laid down the two samples of white stain for downstairs after using the red remover from the red oak pieces laying around.

white floor turned yellow


Can you guess which feet belong to me? ;]


LAUREL!!!  That floor is YELLOW!!!


Ya think?

Let’s not discuss why this is so. This isn’t even the material downstairs. This is the old oak. And we could get this to look white, with no trace of yellow. However, Gary said it’s a problem as downstairs, the white is mixed with the red, and it’s a bad situation.

not white floor stain - old red oak

Above is an artful pic I took this afternoon. On the bottom are two black stains I’m not doing.


Gary recommended ripping out the new floor and replacing it with only red oak downstairs. We can deal with upstairs separately.


However, at this point, but hurting head was focused on the idea of ripping out the floor that I hated because of the slope. Do you mean we could fix the uneven floor?

He said, “Sure.”

As soon as Gary left, I called Robert, who couldn’t have been more accommodating and is sending Brendan and Eugene over tomorrow to rip out the rest of the new floor downstairs and put on a self-leveler, which they should’ve done in the first place. Gary gave me the name of a new tile person coming over on Thursday.

When I went downstairs last night, I bemoaned that the entry couldn’t be straight like the bathroom would be—or at least more level.

1/8″ over a four-foot span is acceptable. 7/8 of an inch is not.


Okay, there’s more. It’s about the upstairs, and I’m sorry to leave you hanging.


Me tired, and I’m now living out of two apartments.

Organization is not my strong suit.

Still, I’m incredibly grateful to have a place to escape when the workers are there for the remainder of this month.

And, thank God, I now have some fabulous contractors.


Chris’ painters are da bomb!


They are doing a fantastic job detailing the living room door casings.

To end with more positive news, I’m meeting a new tile guy who sounds terrific on Thursday via Gary from Sequoia Wood Floors.

We will get through these renovation dog days, and I’m still determined to do so before Labor Day!

Please check out the newly updated HOT SALES, too!




Part 2 Begins Here


Wednesday July 10, 2024

Oh, my word!

The freaking floors!

The drama!


Last night, I forgot to mention, I realized that my internet was kaput.


That’s because a fuse blew when the painters plugged in their machinery. It was because of the window air conditioner. I found out this morning that the guys were aware of the issue but couldn’t go downstairs because the floors had been sealed and needed to dry. Yes, the floor that was scheduled to be demoed. More about that in a sec.

Thankfully, I always have my phone’s hotspot available, but it’s not as good.


This morning, I woke up at the semi-normal time of 8:3o, probably because I instinctively knew today would be a bumpy ride.



So, I sleepily grabbed my phone for a dopamine hit, but instead was hit with a bombshell text from Robert, who had just spoken to Gary, the floor guy.


Robert’s text said:


Gary wants to replace the entire floor because all of it is white oak.




The entire freaking floor?  My head was exploding because this came up in the first place because there were two kinds of oak hardwood floors downstairs. But now you’re saying it’s ALL white oak?



And then more from Robert about all that would need to transpire to level the floor:


  • Realigning the floor joists.
  • new subfloor
  • 350 sq feet of finish floor


on and on…


However, that’s not all.


The entire baseboard would need to be redone, and possibly some or all of the wall mouldings. And finally, most of the doors would require cutting down to fit the elevated floor.

Robert said he’d give me a quote later.

ummmmm… No time to think.

Of course, I told Robert to STOP THE PRESSES!

B & E had just arrived but thankfully hadn’t begun any demo of the garden level floor.

Did you know how stressful renovating can be? lol

I got Gary on the phone and confirmed that the existing bedroom floor is indeed white oak. Yes, the entire garden level is white oak.
Yesterday, Gary thought the bedroom was red oak, but it isn’t.

mix new and old white oak floor-sanded


In fact, it’s all beautifully sanded, and you can’t tell what’s old and what’s new in the embrasure hall. How cool is that?


Embrasure hall looking towards the bathroom
Here’s the bedroom and embrasure hall three months ago.

Well, all of it, except for the border in the bedroom which for some reason is red oak.

Gary told me that when white and red oak are stained, the color is usually not substantially different.

So, today, Gary showed me the white stain on a sample in the closet.

Below is part 1 of the staining process, the Rubio Monocoat pre-color in Nordic White


Rubio Monocoat precolor white only
This image was taken from a video, but you get the idea.

However, when he added the finish coat, Bona White stain, look what happened? (Below)

Two part white stain sample Rubio Monocoat precolor Nordic White Bona - White stain

The middle board, previously the lighter board, is now way darker. I want less contrast and a little less pink. Gary is bringing some other pre-color stains as well as some wood bleach.

In the meantime, he also stained the stair treads. I would show you, but there’s nothing much to see. The color is neither light nor dark, but without the poly, it’s impossible to see how it will look.


So, let’s take a look at some pics of upstairs where the painters were working hard.


And then there will be a quick tour of the living room on video.

painters protecting the kitchen July 9, 2024

I’ve worked with many painters and other trades for decades, but these painters are the best. They protect my home and vacuum as they go along. Oops, I do see the tools on the counter. Even though there’s plastic, it might not be enough. Hopefully, nothing chipped.

paint prep living room July 9, 2024

I just love this image of Serge working on the fill between the mantel and the wall. I do not know why the stone looks green, except for the bright light out of view here.  It’s black as can be, and I adore it. I can’t believe I get to live here!


paint prep vestibule July 9, 2024

I don’t know this young painter’s name, but like the rest is doing a terrific job making the vestibule look amazing.

Remember what a mess it was when I showed it to you last February?

door mess

crazy door casing


cut off door casing


Well, no more. It’s looking quite presentable now. I believe I will color wash this entire area, Farrow & Ball Downpipe.


Farrow & Ball Downpipe


My Samplize sample has been up for weeks, and it always looks fantastic.


And, now, a special treat from one of the living room doorway casings.


plinth block getting stripped

Yes, they’ve partially stripped the paint! Chris had an idea to have a colleague cast the plinth blocks in plaster. We’ll have to see if that’s a viable idea. There are 12 of these in the living room, and stripping each one is a huge task.


And now, the living room video and a peak at how the den looks right now.


Plus, you’ll get a close-up view of a portion of the horrible subfloor surrounding the new stairwell. That is the floor that hasn’t been laying flat ever since it was installed. When you see the video, it’ll be clear why that is so.



In the meantime, a bit of important business. If you’re new here, this is very rare.


The Laurel Home Flash Sale is ending TODAY July 10th, at 11:59 PM.

Until then, all of my fantastic (well I think so) interior design guides are 20% off!


LH Flash Sale


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Speaking of hot. Why is Massachusetts once again one of the hottest places in the country? To be fair, the entire northeast, east of the Mississippi is hellishly hot.


39 Responses

  1. With Rubio Monocoat, applying the stain and then Bona over it caused the difference in look on the middle board. I would recommend trying their Oil Plus 2C “Super White” over Precolor Easy “Nordic White.” It gives this look:

    If you want to tone down the reds, you can also apply Precolor Easy “Mint White” which has some green in it to offset the reds, then apply the Super White.

    1. Hi Keith,

      We did the mint but it wasn’t in a good spot. We can’t do the full system because we have to stencil over it and that might be problematic.

  2. Keep the white oak floors. Beautiful and very expensive. My son just had his done. No stain, just finished. Gorgeous. Love the black doors. Stunning!!

  3. I love everything. Not sure I’d go along with having the downstairs hardwood floors torn up and done all over again. Hope it doesn’t come to that!

    White doors, kinda boring. Darker doors….ZING! Especially with the green color based walls. Just my three cents.

    It’s probably me, but your link to watch your video doesn’t work. I tried on both Chrome and Safari. Wasn’t able to see the video of Caleb visiting recently that I believe you posted as well. Anyone else have an issue opening or is it just me?

  4. Laurel, your home is beautiful, uneven floors and all! Honestly I didn’t notice until it was pointed out and still I think it’s going to be no big deal. We built a new house and there are things uneven, not level but after a year, I just don’t notice and I’m really picky. Just love your home and remember were here for such a short time. Can’t wait to see the finished place. Just a sidetone, the white oak is beautiful, perhaps a light stain, a beautiful rug-perfect!

    Really hot here in Atlantic Canada, waiting for the fall, LOL

  5. I am a white door person, but the black doors for your place are wonderful. Very dramatic.
    I am lost along with some other readers on the flooring issue. I know you are sadly having internet issues, but there was no video. I do not wish to add to your stress about this , just fyi.
    How about staining floors the same as the stairs? The idea of ripping out the hardwood floors is enough to make one go jump off a bridge and never look back. What a nightmare, and WHO can afford that! I know you want the best work possible and it is important to your profession, meanwhile, I am trying to be content with “a reasonable facsimile thereof” with lvp.

  6. Laurel, I don’t understand what Is happening with the floors at all. Except for the bathroom, which obviously needs to be leveled, why is any flooring coming up? If the color is an issue, why aren’t you discussing completely different stains?

    Ripping up hardwood is obviously a very expensive project and a huge waste of good product.

    Obviously, I have completely lost the thread here. But I am wondering if I am not alone in my confusion.

  7. Not sure why you would entertain the idea of replacing white oak floors? I love my white oak floors, they were very expensive. I despise red oak, it’s so run of the mill. And I would never paint it. They white wash white oak all the time, I think your flooring guy needs to come up with an alternative solution.

  8. On the sloping floor: I guess I am showing my age but the floor sloping on the garden level reminded me of the wonderful TV show Mad About You with Helen Hunt and Paul Reiser. The husband insisted the floor in the kitchen was sloped and would slide down it . We have a similar thing in our living room. When we moved in over 30 years ago, we took out a partially tiled area in our living room near the sliding door to the deck, and the rest of the living room had been carpeted with no flooring underneath. We carpeted the whole thing with proper padding to no avail. I still feel the difference each time i walk over it (not often) and curse the original builder who was too cheap to put down a wood floor. There were no wood floors anywhere in the house. Thank you for all the knowledge you’ve shared with us, you will indeed be living in a palace of your own making. It’s fabulous in every respect.

  9. As others have mentioned paint I thought of a suggestion. When I installed my bedroom floors we wanted a whitewashed look. I used a white paint from the Old Fashioned Milk Paint Company. It comes in a powered form. There are 4 whites to choose from: Snow, Oyster, Light Cream and Buttermilk. Check out their website.

    I just thinned it out until I got the consistency I wanted for application and covered the flooring. After application I went over it gently with some 220 sandpaper on a block just enough to smooth it off. Then I used a clear water based topcoat/flooring finish similar to Bona which is non yellowing.

    Although mine was on on pine, the flooring finish came out quite consistent.

    I can’t post a photo here but I’d be happy to send you a couple shots by email if you’re interested in trying this approach.

    I would not entertain removing or replacing the existing flooring. White oak should be a good base for a finish as such. In my opinion, a better base than red oak. Don’t give up on sampling. Finding both the right finish and technique for application takes time.

  10. A vote here for the black door! Also so sorry to learn about the dilemma of the floors as must be disheartening when so close to ‘the finish line’ but, oh my everything is so beautiful Laurel. As to the the plinth blocks; years ago on a furniture restoration project where some appliques were severly damaged and using those that weren’t as a template, I used the old method of ‘florist clay’ to create the molds for plaster ones so I imagine the experts can do similar with their expertise. -Brenda-
    *Note: The finished project was painted and thought I’d share the information for those who might have a similar need or wish to try it.

  11. You know about WOCA right? They do a lot of white washed flooring looks. I didn’t end up using any because I decided to paint my floors (love love love them). Just wanted to throw that out there. They have wood bleach and stuff to remove the yellow or red as well.

  12. I guess there’s a reason on TV when they are doing an old building, they strip things down to the studs first and virtually start from scratch. The French Gray reminds me of Martha Stewart’s Bedford Gray which I love.

  13. I have red oak floors (a mix of old and new) finished with Bona Traffic HD – 3 coats. I considered the red-out and nordic stain, but ultimately decided against the whiteners. I know a lot of people like it and ultimately it’s a beautiful new floor, but after looking at it for a while I could see the cloudy white “faux” finish and then I couldn’t unsee it.

    Regarding the slope of the floor – I have intimate experience with a few 19th century homes. The wood has settled for 150 years – beams, floors, doorways. The foundations were not terrific and those have settled as well. You may want to consider it part of the charm – the wrinkles that tell the tale. She is not a young lass.

  14. Good morning,
    I’m surprised to learn Robert had installed white oak without telling you. I’ve heard it’s more expensive than red oak.
    At this point in the flooring drama I would say “#$&@, I’m putting in carpet!”

  15. Laurel, I’ve been following for ages but have never commented! Your project has been keeping me motivated as we are in the midst of our own renovation not for the faint of heart in NYC.

    I’m not surprised about the red/white oak mixup – people assume red since it’s so much more common here (same in Boston ?) but did want to ask a few questions about your installer’s finish plan. I work with Rubio Monocoat with my job, albeit not a flooring pro, but I’ve never heard of anyone using Rubio’s precolor followed by Bona’s stain and then poly over the top. Why not use Monocoat precolor and finish and get to skip the poly altogether?

    Your home is looking lovely and I’ve learned a lot from you over the years! Xx from steamy Brooklyn

  16. Would you reconsider the stain for your downstairs floors? Perhaps white stain is not ideal due to the mix of white and red oak. Why not continue with the pecan from the stairs? Or another stain that works with both types of oak? Or white paint? To replace all the flooring plus all the knock on reworking seems extreme just to get a white stain finish.

  17. Someone has very deep pockets in order to keep doing things over and over. Such an interesting project – from the outside looking in. Not sure I could “live” it as long as you have. Kudos!

  18. Its time to do a post about door and trim colors. One of your great compendium posts.
    Well maybe not now, but when your life gets a little simpler…it would be great to see!
    You are terrific!

  19. I have F&B Studio Green doors in my 1890 house, and whilst they don’t look black, they’re close (and some have French Grey door frames). They’re not severe, very much NOT modern farmhouse (an architectural epidemic in the midwest), and look old but contemporary–at least, I think so.

  20. Voting for the black door as the door in green seems to “washout” the harlequin floor while the black enhances it. I was reticent about the gold on the top of the hand railing, but when I saw it against the black door in the rendering, I can see how perfect it will be in the scheme of things. Everything is so gorgeous !!

  21. Black doors for the win in my opinion. So glad your floor woes are slowing receeding. Please post photos of the properly painted trim, I’m dying to see them!!

  22. Laurel, as always, your color choices and placements are fabulous! Isn’t designing for yourself the hardest job?! I’m so happy for you to have found good painters and flooring contractors! Apparently, they’re as rare there as they are in MS and AL, where I live!
    Always cheering for you!

  23. If we can get a closing date for our house this week, and if it’s tomorrow, I’m getting your guides as a house-warming/19th anniversary gift! ( I thought I would order today, but closing date still pending) We’ve only been in this process to close on our house for going on 3 months, but it seems like forever. I admire your perseverance! It gives me courage to keep going 😊 I have red doors in my house (prior owner) and I like them well enough, but the black door is sublime. So luxurious. Can’t wait to see it all in place!

  24. While I like black doors both in general and specifically here in your space, I am mourning the Hague Blue doors. I understand the thinking “There’s too much white here”, though. But the blue doors are a loss, it’s a splendid color and I’m grateful you introduced it to us 🙂 You have made so many recent changes downstairs that I am still processing them – I liked the previous version of the bathroom better, for instance, and I’d love to hear from you even more details on why the new version is more appropriate. If it were me, I’d say I’m just panicking and second-guessing myself, but you’re a pro and you know what you’re doing – it’s actually very interesting to follow your thinking and see how you’re trying to capture your vision. Can’t wait to see more pictures of the progress upstairs!

  25. Hi Laurel,
    Regarding the issue of the white stain, I “follow” quite a few folks that refinish furniture. After they get the piece down to the raw wood it can have yellowish tones to it. If they want to get rid of them & give the piece a much lighter look, they wipe it down with a white paint wash. It looks amazing. Then it’s followed with a top coat that doesn’t yellow over time.
    Food for thought.
    And I’m on team black doors.

  26. Hi Laurel–so glad that you have competent painters now!
    Question–are you still able to use oil-based paint on the trim? My painter told me that it’s no longer available in New York, and I’m wondering how the new trim paint goes on. If Massachusetts is going the same way as NY, I’m assuming that you will be using the new formula as well.

  27. Finally, they pull out the self-leveling product for your floors! I kept screaming at my laptop, why no self-leveling product?? Seems you are on the right track now! YEAH!!

  28. I think the choices you are making to replace the painters, replace the flooring installers, and replace the wood floors are decisions you will be happy you made in the long run. Just one question. I know you have a budget for this project. Who is paying for the new painters to redo the poor paint job, and the new floor installers to replace the floor that was already installed? Is Robert covering that, or are these added expenses for you?

  29. I totally agree with the black doors and trim. I have 3 black doors in my home. The interior side of the patio doors, the double office doors and my pantry door. The trim on every transom window (I have transoms even above the bedroom doors) are all black and the stairs going to the basement and the stairs going up all are stained darker than a pecan (not sure what it would be called dark oak maybe) but all the risers are painted black. The railings are stained the same colour as the steps, but the newel posts are painted black. Every door has black hinges and black knobs too. I love the look and yes, I do think it’s very chic! I am so happy things are moving along. I wish they had used that levelling cement months ago!

  30. I’ve also gone and stained my doors black with either black trim, or wall color trim and have no regrets! Well except for stripping them myself! Team black!

  31. Thanks for doing the rendering with the door green and letting us compare the two. I have to agree that the black door looks “right” and very chic. The brown stair treads look lovely also. I’m so glad you have a great floor guy now and I’m saying a little prayer that all goes well with your flooring installation!

  32. Hi Laurel,
    I vote for the black door!!! Beautiful contrast. So many people are all about the color drenching, but sometimes you need a little more contrast. Or a lot. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

    Black/White/Green = Magic.

  33. Laurel

    I too love black interior doors and trim as well… Black woodwork is chich with large rooms. I once had a housemate who always had his nasty pot residue hands all over the door casings …so I painted them all black laquer and they were fantastic!!

    Hooray for the new contractors. You have labored long in this renovation and I am thrilled for you to finally have the attention yo deserve from the original GC and the professionals you require to finish the job.

    As detailed as you are I am suprised you are not an organization fiend!!

  34. I LOVE the black, white and green!!!
    I’m also so happy that you are persevering and having things done right.
    I think the worst popular quote right now is “better to have it done than have it perfect.”
    I heartily disagree! That is the anthem of mediocrity.
    I believe anything worth doing, is worth doing right.
    You’re very near the finish line of this renovation. There is a 90/95% done fatigue that sets in. Keep your chin up and do all the self care you need. You’re almost there!!
    Ps: still chuckling over the “hoist by one’s own petard” comment from the other day. It’s one of my very favorite Bard-ism, rarely seen in print these days!

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