Insane Hot Sales December 7, 2018 And Fun In The Cold Big City

Hi Guys,

It’s a little post today because when I have more than a few sentences to write, it’s a total pain in the tukas to write on a “page.” Pages are anything that isn’t a blog post and there is no sidebar. So, if I write a line of text, it would go clear across the width of your screen, which if on a desktop computer, would be very uncomfortable.


So, first let me tell you what I did today.


I went into New York City to hear a fabulous talk by the legendary interior designer Charlotte Moss. It was held in a building that houses a wonderful library and is home to the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesman and the Institute of Architecture and Art.

Charlotte Moss with Jennifer Dengel Luncheon December 2018

Charlotte Moss being interviewed by the delightful interior designer Jennifer Dengel.


I was so glad I got to go to this. Charlotte, or Char as her friends call her, is as delightful as can be. “People are just people”, she said.

Only her people have a lot more money. haha


And guess who else was there?

Maura and Me in New York City - at last - December 2018The beautiful and immensely talented Maura Endres!!! (that links to her beautiful instagram account and if you’re not following her, you should be!) After nearly three years, we finally met! I coerced her into having a photo taken of the two of us. Here is a link to some posts that I have featured here about her. (the two at the bottom of the page of that link are the main ones)


And then, of course, I had to hightail it back home. After all, the hot sales cannot wait!


Fortunately, the venue was only a five minute brisk walk to Grand Central Station where I caught my train to go home to Bronxville only about 15 miles away.

Oh, drat, I go inside the immense terminal and I’m standing on the steps and looking at the schedule on the big board. I see that there’s one train leaving in three minutes. That’s not happening. And there’s one train leaving in six minutes. That one, I can make, but dang, it’s a local which will add another 15 minutes or so to my ride.

So, thinking I had a minute, I quickly snapped this pic.

Grand Central Terminal Friday December 7, 2018 3:16

Oh, sweetheart. Yes, you. You on the stairs. They’s gonna yell at you for sitting there.

If you’ve never been here and think this is a lot of people, come back two hours from now. I can promise you that at 5:18, it will be at least double this many people.


It reminds me of this scene in a movie.


Meryl Streep - Rober DeNiro Falling In Love Grand Central Terminal


Anyone remember this movie? Falling in Love with Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep, (duh) shot merely feet from where I stopped to snap the pic above.

Well, guess who was an extra in that movie and an invisible, lol part of THIS scene.

That’s right, a 28-yr-old me.

Of course, since they were commuting, it was supposed to be during rush hour. But, naturally, we couldn’t do the filming in the actual rush hour, so they hired a 100 or so extras to make it look more realistic. For hours, I had to walk back and forth across the terminal with dozens of other pieces of breathing scenery. haha We were all laughing so hard trying to look like we were in a hurry to catch our trains.

And then for one shot, they had me at the bar, further back, behind what you are seeing.

This was before the BIG Grand Central reno circa the late 1990s, I believe.

Oh, and even with snapping the pic. Guess what? I DID make the train leaving in three minutes by the hair of my chinny, chin chin. Fastest commute home EVER!


Okay, we have to get serious now and talk about a bit of business.

It’s about One King’s Lane.


One King’s Lane reminds me very much of my son, Cale when he was about 15.5 years of age– so naughty sometimes.

With OKL, I alternately want to hug them and then in the next hour gave them a good pistol whipping.

You’ll see why…

But, no worries. I’ve got you covered. Here’s what’s going on. Or at least, as clear as I can make it in their complex system of sales and some that only happen because I’m telling you so, apparently.

For the next few days, there are THREE, count ’em THREE promo codes depending on how much you’re buying. It’s explained at the top of every page. That part is good. And you can get from 15%-25% off of some of their brands. (that part, IMO is not good. I would be happier if they cooled it with the dozens of exclusions!) To get 25% off, you have to order at least $900 worth of merch. That’s not hard to do there.


However, if you are spending less than $900, then your promo code OKL20CARD (aka: Laurel’s Private Sale) will get you 20% off of everything that’s part of that sale, AND a lot of other things too, like Lillian August and ALL of the vintage items.


AND, most of the 700 something items on sale will also accept the OKL20CARD. I’m calling this:




I mean really. But, it works! And I’ve put a number of items in the OKL widget and maybe one or two in the regular Hot Sale’s widget that are subject to their double dipping sale boo boo.

Isn’t this fun?

Okay, here’s the link to the hot sales’ page. There are dozens of new items in the widgets including the holiday shop widgets, decor, trees, gifts… I don’t need to tell you that for those of you that like to shop online, it’s time to get cracking.

And, there are new items in vintage and bed and bath. Lots to see this week.

Please enjoy!


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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