Nine New Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 – Matched To Benjamin Moore

There are Nine New Farrow & Ball Colors!

Actually, they aren’t all that new. They were released in early February 2016.

However, they aren’t yet appearing in the Farrow & Ball color-chart on their website. You may recall, that I did a big color matching chart to their Benjamin Moore counterparts.

And since many of you have asked about matches for the new colors, I did the same here.

Before I go on…

Let me please add that these are the CLOSEST matches I could find. However, that doesn’t mean that they will be close enough for you or compare to the special depth one gets from Farrow and Ball.

In addition, just to make it more complicated, I have found inconsistencies in the Farrow & Ball paint chips and fan decks.

And then, comes the actual paint which as we know can vary in appearance from the chip!

Finally, there’s the lighting in your room and that too can affect the colors.


The Nine New Farrow & Ball Colors For 2016


Farrow & Ball Colors nine new colors 2016

please use the hover button in the middle to pin to pinterest

All photos not credited came from the Farrow and Ball Website.


8905-POS New colours stockist campaign A3 poster.indd

CROMARTY 285    is one of those colors that’s difficult to explain and is changeable depending on the light. It’s a gray-green-blue and I could not find an exact match. But NIGHT MIST 1569 which is a hair bluer is a gorgeous color and one I would recommend. I also recommend QUIET MOMENTS 1563.



Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 Cromarty



Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 DropclothDROP CLOTH 283  is another one of those highly changeable colors. But it’s a wonderful, warm neutral and no one has said this yet, but I think it i F&B’s answer to the wildly popular  REVERE PEWTER hc-172.

It is not an exact match. Drop Cloth is a drop greener and yellower on the chip, but quite frankly, I’m not sure if that’s necessary since RP is so lovely as is.


via Farrow-Ball-Shadow-White-Drop-Cloth-Remodelista-5



Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 Salon DrabSALON DRAB 290   is warm, deep brown-y-gray and very, very close to a color in the Laurel Home Essential Paint Color Collection – BROWN HORSE 2108-30

It’s a wonderful brown that doesn’t go all sticky-poopy – you know…



farrow-ball salon drab and yeabridge green

Door in Yeabridge Green


Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 WorstedWORSTED 284 is a lovely, rich gray, a bit lighter than the very popular Mole’s Breath. And it’s a bit darker than Purbeck Stone. It is a gray that is both warm and cool with a slight lavender undertone. Very handsome. GRAYSTONE 1475 is a very close match.



worsted-farrow and ball colors 2016


Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 Inchyra BlueINCHYRA BLUE 289  (pronounced CH, not K) is inspired by the blue door at Inchyra House in Scotland.

This is a deep, gray-green-blue. In a darker light, it will go more charcoal, but as you can see below, in the strong daylight, appears a lot brighter.



farrow-ball inchyra blue inchyra house door

I struggled for a bit with the match for Inchyra. There are two that are very close. YORKTOWN GREEN hc-133 and AMAZON GREEN 2136-30. I went with Yorktown because it is in the historical collection, but you could try samples of each. Please note, that it’s possible that these two colors might be identical twins. So, before you shell out money for the 2nd test sample, ask the guy if the formula is different.

FB-pantry-1-Remodelista-inchyra blue farrow-ball

From the Remodelista blog, a wonderful kitchen with cabinets in Inchyra Blue.


Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 Shadow WhiteSHADOW WHITE 282  is not white. It’s a really lovely light khaki-beige and a very close match with TAPESTRY BEIGE 975 or OC-32.

It is also shown above in the image above with the door in Drop Cloth



white on white kitchen by Farrow & Ball Shadow White

A Farrow & Ball kitchen in several different off-whites. I put this one on my instagram feed. Please follow me there if you like.


Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 VardoVARDO 288  is Farrow & Ball’s very first shade of true teal and it’s a beauty. A close match is Benjamin Moore LARGO TEAL 742




farrow and ball vardo


Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 PeignoirPEIGNOIR 286  is a whisper soft gray with pink and lavender undertones. Actually, the lavender is a little more over, than under. So, if you would like to try a muted lavender it’s a great color or a great color for a little girl who would like a PURPLE bedroom and you PURPLE is going to make you gag every time you walk in. A great match is PORTLAND GRAY 2109-60  which is one up from Elephant Gray, one of my favorite Benjamin Moore colors and in the LH Essential Paint Color Collection


farrow-ball-colors 2016 peignor walls worsted cabinet

Walls in Peignoir and painted cabinet in Worsted.

farrow & ball colors peignoir and shaded white

From the New York Showroom in the D&D Building. (more in a sec) one of Farrow & Ball’s wonderful wallpapers in Peignor and I believe Shaded White. I’m not sure why the right side looks darker. Maybe a shadow?


Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 Yeabridge GreenYEABRIDGE GREEN 286 is a wonderful Apple green. Just delightful and is very close to FOREST HILLS GREEN 433  which was on the short, short, short list for the LH Paint Collection. In fact, it was so short, that I had made a label for it, but I went with the one a shade deeper Herb Garden 434.

I spent many a sleepless night agonizing over these difficult choices. However, one of the beauties of this collection is that it is not written in stone. In the introduction, it says that it’s possible that the shade one up or down might be the better choice for you. So, we’re covered. :]

farrow-ball yeabridge green via mad about the house

Here’s a wonderful example of a topic we covered recently where the trim and walls are the same color. Not the same finish, however.

farrow and ball yeabridge green

They found this color in an old building. Me thinks this is not THE old building, but you get the idea.

The rest of the images are from an event at the D&D Building during the launch of the new colors last February. It was an all-day event. I  thought, “Oh, how wonderful. I love these events. I always get to meet some fabulous colleagues…” Well, as you can see… the place was MOBBED. lol Yes, with a lot of samples, cans of paint, the showroom manager and moi.

Farrow & Ball Colors Showroom New Colors 2016-1

Counter and wallpaper left in Yeabridge Green. Farrow & Ball damask in Vardo and Salon Drab. Bookcase in Salon Drab.

For more color palettes with Yeabridge and/or Forest Hills Green, (and other beautiful colors) please click here  and here  and here

Farrow & Ball Colors 2016 - New Paint Colors D&D Building Showroom

A display wall of all of the Farrow & Ball colors including the new ones.

Farrow & Ball Colors 2016- wallpaper samples D&D Building

A beautiful display on the opposite wall of Farrow & Ball’s exquisite wallpapers. You can see one of my fave patterns, the Ringwold Pattern here in the beautiful Bronxville Home. (Above it’s about 6th from the left with a cream ground and black and red leaves).


And here’s the graphic again. Please pin it to pinterest and/or share on facebook and twitter.

Farror & Ball Colors for 2016 -Nine New Colors Matched to Benjamin Moore Colors












23 Responses

  1. Hi,

    I love the Shaded white kitchen above. I love this kitchen, am painting my own next week and would love to do this. What colour are the walls and the kitchen units please.

    I was going to go pointing on my woodwork and kitchen wall but I think this would be too pale, should I put Shaded white on the wall?? Shadow white on units, Hardwick white on island.

    Any help or advice would be appreciated.

  2. Thanks for adding to the FB-BM translation. I have been to Farrow and Ball in LA and it was so fun. They were super helpful and even sent someone to my house to consult on the best colors for my living areas. I ended up choosing on my own anyway, and was happy with Pale Powder and House White. Just goes to show you can trust your own taste and smarts sometimes. My painter always moans and groans about using Farrow and Ball. I mean, what’s the big deal? I do love Benjamin Moore though and would rather use it so I don’t have to hear the woeful sighs of future painters. You’ve done a great job “matching” these paints Laurel. I don’t personally see a ton of difference once the paints are up on the walls anyway, so for the price I think the Ben Moore makes more sense for me in the future.

    1. Hi Karen,

      It’s possible that he’s moaning because he’s not making money on F&B and he is on BM. Otherwise, what’s the dif?

      Some F&B aficionados get mighty steamed about color matching and insist that the difference is huge. I tend to agree with you. And it’s not like we’re looking at a huge blank wall with nothing on it– no windows, doors, etc.

      Each company has their advantages and disadvantages.

  3. Thank you for these gorgeous pictures! wish I had some decorating to do, but it is not possible at this time because of other more pressing things in life. I will use these lovely colors when that good time comes.

  4. Great post and fun to seeNight Mist which is color of my living room and dining room which I LOVE and also very hard to describe. Love knowing that I selected a ‘F and B’ color!!

    1. Hi Katie,

      Night mist is actually one of the colors I like better than the F&B because I think that Cromarty is a tad too minty and Night Mist is a tad bluer, but still would look a little green in some lights. It doesn’t take much for green to come out in some lights.

      B Moore has a lot of those pretty gray, blue greens. They’re all beautiful!

  5. Hi Laurel,

    Great post as always.

    I have used Farrow and Ball paint in quite a number of rooms in my home. The colours as you mentioned, are exquisite and because they limit their selection to 132 shades there are far fewer opportunities for mistakes… if you want a dreamy pale blue bedroom and don’t want it to look like Crest toothpaste ( yes, you did a post on that topic and I made that same mistake about 15 years ago:):) than Farrow and Ball is a great choice. While I love all of my colour choices with Farrow and Ball, I don’t think it wears as well as Benjamin Moore; then again it may be that I now am the proud mother of 2 darling but very energetic boys. The Benjamin Moore was pre children.

    I am so glad though you posted the new Farrow and Ball colours and the Benjamin Moore matches as sometimes it is best to stick to the tried and true. Inchyra Blue is going to be the new colour for my shutters and front door but I am going to Benjamin Moore because I don’t think Farrow and Ball can take the Canadian Winter. Benjamin Moore has been around for years and has a proven track record with our never ending frigid air. Temperate Mother England’s climate ain’t got nothing in common with the colonies across the pond:)

    Incidentally, if someone wants to purchase Farrow and Ball and they live near a major Canadian city, it may be worth a trip across the border. I purchased my Farrow and Ball paint for around $90 Canadian. With the Canadian dollar being so low, the paint could be purchased at quite a saving from the US price. In Canada, Farrow and Ball and Benjamin Moore Aura are about the same price. In any event, thanks to you, and your great colour detective skills, we have choices to help us decorate better!



    1. Hi Lynn,

      Very interesting comment. I hadn’t heard that before about F&B not holding up in our harsh winters. And good to know about the cost savings for those living close to Canada.

  6. Great to see this post Laurel, you are wonderful. But… I think you have inadvertently mentioned Pratt and Lambert twice at the beginning of the post. Surely you meant Farrow and Ball!
    As I write this, I am sitting in my guest bedroom painted in Skimming Stone, colormatched by BM 🙂

    1. Oops you can delete my comment… someone already let you know.
      Can’t wait to read and savor this post.

  7. Hello, you mentioned Pratt and Lambert in your intro. Did you mean Farrow and Ball? I always like your color recommendations and I really enjoy your articles.

  8. Thank you Laurel! This is going to break pinterest.

    Benjamin Moore duplicated Ivory White and Acadia, same formula. I did buy both samples. : )

    1. Haha! Here’s hoping! And yes, Ivory and Acadia are twinsies. I have mentioned that. It would be good if people find duplicates for me to make a list so that folks don’t go out and get duplicate colors. I wonder if the dude in the store knew they were the same? Here’s hoping he was new on the job!

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