Stunning Architectural Features That Make a Big Difference!

Greetings as we near the end of this long Memorial Day Weekend. We had gorgeous weather the entire time until today. It wasn’t the worst, but it was gray all day long.

This is only a quick update tonight.


I am almost finished with my tile experiments and will be reporting about that for Wednesday’s post.


After all my bellyaching about how the lead carpenter had gone on vacation, Eugene, who’s an expert carpenter in his own right, stepped up to the plate and made some substantial changes.


The evidence


I never imagined my bedroom would look like this. Eugene did sweep it all up before he left on Friday.

Now for the results of Eugene’s expert carpentry.

FINALLY! The front door area has been addressed, and I have to say it has exceeded all expectations. Unfortunately, I still don’t have a light, so these are not the best images.


entry wainscoting moulding trim
Entry wainscoting. Yes, there will be a baseboard. The feeling one gets when entering is already an entirely different experience. Here, we can see how important it is that the artwork straight ahead coordinates with the new Chinoiserie panels flanking the fireplace. There will be an update about this soon.


Kitchen no tile entry door overdoor moulding

From the kitchen, a view we didn’t have a year ago. Remember when the wall dividing the two went to the opening? But, now, there are more upgrades. And really, this was only a few hours of work for Eugene.

In addition to the wainscoting and panels is a new overdoor panel. This was done to give the front door more presence. We did the same over the bathroom door.

However, the main feature is, of course, the front door.


First, let’s look at how it was.


hideous old front door

In addition to the plain 1970s slab door, the wonky door casing and the hideous dry wall encroaching on it are also noticeable.


old door new moulding
If you look at the baseboard, you can see better that the drywall is fully behind the door casing. And that door! Every time I use it, I feel like I’m in a new home! It’s amazing what a bit of moulding can do to transform interiors.

However, this isn’t all.


staircase with hidden doors being built

Another FINALLY! Eugene and I came up with a plan for the under-stairs doors. He isn’t using the pivot hinges, which would’ve been better because there are some limitations with these hidden hinges. They are the same Soss hinges used in the bathroom, only larger.


under the stairs hidden doors
The doors have not been installed, which will take a few hours. My only concern is whether the baseboard will interfere with the doors’ opening. If so, the ends will need to be chamfered.


Sorry, but the purple panel on the right is dead space.


That’s the way it has to be. Fortunately, there is an abundance of storage space with my unit.

There is also a new chair rail and trim under the overhang. There will be a piece of wainscoting next to the door.

He also put paneling on the little door by the stairs and overdoor there.

That’s all there is for today.

***However, the Visual Comfort up to 30% off everything sale ends at midnight. I’m presuming that’s Pacific time. Other sales are ending tonight, as well.

As always, on Memorial Day, I’d like to pay homage to the brave soldiers who lost their lives while protecting ours.



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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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