A New Career? | interior photography tips!

I’m only half-joking about the new career, but I have to say that I love taking my photos and what I like even more is “developing them.” Last night, I showed you just one photo of that gorgeous dining room and it was when I was looking at the thumbnail on pinterest, did I fully notice… hey… that ceiling looks bowed. I know that it’s not. Great. Distortion. That is just no good. So, I got on the internets and I found a tutorial about removing camera lens distortion.  Here it is. The dude’s voice is a bit creepy IMO, but his advice was sound.

He doesn’t tell you how to open your photo in Gimp, though…


What the hell is gimp?

Oh sorry. Gimp is a lot like photo shop, only its FREE. It is a bit tricky, but definitely not insurmountable and there are tutorials all over youtube. I have other editing programs which help me to make the photos look their very best. I can brighten, sharpen, improve contrast, color correct very easily in either Windows Live Photo gallery which also does simple editing like straightening and cropping. I also do some of the editing in XN view.

For example:

Raw photo (but reduced)

Please note… the lovely boarded up door. That is to the kitchen– which should be done some time in January and its going to be killer! Obviously, I couldn’t have the boarded up door in my final photo.

After manipulating the photo to get the desired effect, here is what you saw yesterday…

| interior photography tips |
raw photo of a classic dining room
| interior photography tips |
photo edited classic dining room


Yes… folks. It IS the same photograph. Notice the light coming through the left side window. And after the lens distortion was taken care of… the finished product. The difference is that the coffered ceiling beams and windows are much straighter.

| interior photography tips |
finished photo lens distortion corrected in GIMP

Well, there it is…Some interior photography tips: Its fun and its free!

6 Responses

  1. Gorgeous work and gorgeous photo, Laurel! I’m so impressed. I wish I could photograph my own projects like this. You’ve done a remarkable job. Love the color and furnishings here, just beautiful!

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