Your Wall Color Looks Strange – 12 Reasons Why That Can Happen!
Dear Laurel, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and also bought your fantastic paint guides, which
Dear Laurel, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and also bought your fantastic paint guides, which
Hi Everyone, This post features 100 of my favorite timeless and classic home furnishings! A while back, I received
Hi Everyone, I’ve written numerous times about the COTY from various companies. I thought I had written about Pantone’s
OMG! I mean, “Hi Everyone,” :] It’s just that I’m so excited to share this. I was so excited
Hi Everyone, Today I’m adding part 2 to this post about 273 Commonwealth Ave. Apt 2. If you’ve already
Hi Everyone, Yes! We’re taking a break from my place. I’m planning on doing this more frequently. One idea
Hi Everyone, This is a two-part post that goes into detail about the upstairs architectural mouldings. There will also
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re doing well this week. Today’s post is a fairly brief conclusion to Sunday’s post
Hi Everyone, We are finishing up the post that began last Sunday. I will be going into more depth
Hi Everyone, We have two more kitchen categories to go; the next one is the kitchen hardware. Oh, some
Hi Everyone, This post about my new kitchen finishes is the next in a series of posts in which
Hi Everyone, As promised, I am continuing with reviews of my kitchen appliances, plus sources! If you’ve already read
Dear Readers, There are few words tonight as the country is trying to process this unspeakable tragedy in Washington,
Hi Everyone, Today, Brendan and Eugene were scheduled to come back to finish up some odds and ends and
Hi Everyone, How are y’all doing this last full weekend in January? I’m okay, but much of my time
Hi Everyone, This post definitely needed a part 2 because many of you don’t seem to understand that the
Hi Everyone, This is a relatively short update to Sunday’s post so I can better explain the living furniture
Hi Everyone, This is a continuation of what is going on with the living room Roman Shades, and the
Hi Everyone, Thank you so much for all of your kind observations and ideas regarding the den window treatment
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re all doing well this weekend, the last weekend of the year 2024. Most years
Hi Everyone, If you celebrate the December holidays, I hope yours have been beautiful and warm. My son Cale
Hi Everyone, Whew! Did we get hammered unexpectedly yesterday! What was supposed to be an inch or two of
Hi Everyone, Hope you’re all doing well one week before the big holidays commence. Okay, by “here” I mean
Hi Everyone, Yes, it’s a huge update of the Best White Paint Colors. I see that some of you
Dear Laurel, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and also bought your fantastic paint
Hi Everyone, This post features 100 of my favorite timeless and classic home furnishings! A while back,
Hi Everyone, I’ve written numerous times about the COTY from various companies. I thought I had written
OMG! I mean, “Hi Everyone,” :] It’s just that I’m so excited to share this. I was
Hi Everyone, Today I’m adding part 2 to this post about 273 Commonwealth Ave. Apt 2. If
Hi Everyone, Yes! We’re taking a break from my place. I’m planning on doing this more frequently.
Hi Everyone, This is a two-part post that goes into detail about the upstairs architectural mouldings. There
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re doing well this week. Today’s post is a fairly brief conclusion to
Hi Everyone, We are finishing up the post that began last Sunday. I will be going into
Hi Everyone, We have two more kitchen categories to go; the next one is the kitchen hardware.
Hi Everyone, This post about my new kitchen finishes is the next in a series of posts
Hi Everyone, As promised, I am continuing with reviews of my kitchen appliances, plus sources! If you’ve
Dear Readers, There are few words tonight as the country is trying to process this unspeakable tragedy
Hi Everyone, Today, Brendan and Eugene were scheduled to come back to finish up some odds and
Hi Everyone, How are y’all doing this last full weekend in January? I’m okay, but much of
Hi Everyone, This post definitely needed a part 2 because many of you don’t seem to understand
Hi Everyone, This is a relatively short update to Sunday’s post so I can better explain the
Hi Everyone, This is a continuation of what is going on with the living room Roman Shades,
Hi Everyone, Thank you so much for all of your kind observations and ideas regarding the den
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re all doing well this weekend, the last weekend of the year 2024.
Hi Everyone, If you celebrate the December holidays, I hope yours have been beautiful and warm. My
Hi Everyone, Whew! Did we get hammered unexpectedly yesterday! What was supposed to be an inch or
Hi Everyone, Hope you’re all doing well one week before the big holidays commence. Okay, by “here”
Hi Everyone, Yes, it’s a huge update of the Best White Paint Colors. I see that some
Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.
114 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02116
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© 1996-2025 Laurel Home © 1996-2025 Laurel Bern Interiors, Inc. All Rights Reserved