Hi Everyone,
If you’re just tuning in, the third part of the post is at the end of this one. There are some fantastic sources for the big Regency Hurricane Shades. One has fixtures and shades.
Just look for the Asterisk like this * for part II
Part III has a double Asterisk **
If you haven’t seen this post, here is where it began on Monday, the 17th of July.
I just went for a 2.5-mile walk in this disgusting hot and humid weather. Although I shouldn’t complain as some of you live someplace where being outside for that length of time would be dangerous.
Laurel, wait. It’s Monday evening. Has the heat gotten to you? You rarely post on Monday.
Okay, I realize this is unusual without getting into a big thing. Let’s say that the internet has changed dramatically in the last year. So, to help the business, I had two choices.
1. Put a big chunk of the content behind a paywall.
2. Do shorter posts, sent out four times a week instead of twice.
I was all set to do number one, but about 8 days ago, it felt all wrong.
Therefore, I’m not going to do that. The content behind the paywall would have been largely renovation related. While some of you might be jumping up and down for joy, I know a larger group would be disappointed, if not downright angry.
So, that’s what’s going on. This is also why I’m encouraging you to help support this site by clicking the Amazon link.
Thank you so much!
Some of the posts will be a continuation of the previous post.
But, some like today’s post about super; no INSANELY high-end lighting will be a preview.
However, this also ties into Sunday’s post about ways to save money renovating. But, now, we are going to segue into decorating.
One area that might catch people off-guard when furnishing a home is lighting. Remember, I need over two dozen light fixtures for my 1215-square-foot condo!
Even moderately-priced lighting will add up if one wants a beautiful lighting scheme.
For Wednesday, I will discuss ways to slash that budget in half or even one quarter or less.
But first, you know that insanely high-end lighting sconce I love?
It’s the Anglo-Indian sconce I was discussing in Sunday’s post. Renovation Budget & How to Spread Your $ Further.
Yes, the ones cost over $16,000 (incl. S/H and tax) for TWO sconces. You can find them on 1stdibs. They are not antique or even vintage. They are new and created by David Duncan. I think they’re all gorgeous, but not many people can afford to plunk down 8k for one sconce.
But, why are they so expensive, Laurel?
I’m not going to answer that, but I think you can read between the lines. However, what if I told you that you could get the basic components of the fixture, the arm, and the backplate, on eBay or Etsy, for well under $100 for a pair? (on average) And, some of them come with hand-blown glass shades. They might be a few hundred each, in that case. I got one sconce for 15 bucks last night.
These were created by a more or less defunct company, Virginia Metal Crafters, and were part of their Williamsburg Collection. They were not called Anglo-Indian, yet they definitely are.
Below is a small widget with some I found. There are different styles.

One has a plain stem. The more common one has the S turn the opposite way. However, if you keep looking, you can find the other style the same as Furlow’s, and like the ones they sell on 1stdibs.
the stem of the anglo-indian sconce wired for electricity
Some of Metal Crafter’s metal hardware parts are identical.
Here’s one example of two double-arm Metal Crafter’s sconces.
So, what’s going on?
Well, Anglo-Indian has to do with furnishings during the late 1800s and early 20th c when the British colonized India. There was a merging of cultures; subsequently, the term Anglo-Indian.
The Williamsburg style from the late 18th century is a Georgian style because everything was back then.
And, Georgian, as you probably know, is a neo-classical style. Anglo-Indian is a lovely blend of both cultures.
To be clear, these sconces started as candle sconces.
Wiring is not a problem; looking closely, you can see the wires hugging the stems as snugly as possible. Then, they are painted to match.
But, what about those wooden things? What are they? Are they some sort of stylized clam shell?
Well, they could be.
However, what they are is a classical architectural element called a palmette.
Yes, they do look rather Egyptian, and that is where the palmette motif originated, I believe.
I see now that this element makes a lot of sense since the Georgian period embraced everything classical.
Okay, so where do you get one of these palmette backplate thingies?
Ahhh… that is the challenge.
First of all, they are not all exactly the same. Furlow’s have more detail. Some are more round, and some are elongated.
The above Anglo-Indian sconces belonged to Mario Buatta and were auctioned off at Sotheby’s. These appear to be quite old. His palmettes are more petite than most.
A detail of the lovely Buatta palmette backplate. And yes, his rare antique sconces were not insanely expensive.
However, try and find one of these backplates. This is how I beat the heat because they don’t exist in the marketplace. I love this sort of challenge. My discovery is that in the marketplace, there are carved wood pieces along the same lines, but nothing exactly like one of these that’s made to fit a sconce backplate.
Therefore, the palmette backplate will have to be custom-made.
In fact, this detail may very well be the most expensive part of the lamp. But, you can also do these lovelies without the exotic stylized palmette backplate. Still, your backplate must be large enough to cover the electrical box. That is if you want to have them wired for electricity. You can still use them as candle sconces.
Remember the company, Heartwood Carving, that came up when I was on the palm frond craze? Well, they will do custom work.
And, they just happen to have a palmette or shell close enough to the style on 1stdibs. I did a mockup which I’m quite happy with. I’ll share it on Wednesday. I don’t think it’ll be terribly expensive. I am going to investigate and hopefully have an answer shortly.
Now, these high-end sconces, even for cheap, might not be your thing, and not every home can handle them because they are quite large.
Depending on the style of arm and hurricane shade used, they generally run from 16″ – 25″ tall, with an 8″ to 12″ projection.
For Wednesday, I’ll share my design and some other ideas for how to get high-end and ultra-high-end lighting for a lot less.
I hope you like these shorter but more frequent posts. It’s also a little easier on me.
* Here is where part II begins of the high-end lighting for cheap.
First of all–
I am completely blown away by the incredibly kind comments. I’ve been struggling with this issue for months. So, I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear that so many of you like the idea of shorter posts more frequently.
Anyway, I took the components from my new lamps and virtually created the palmette/shell backplate.
Of course, after I have all of the elements, someone will have to put them together.
Brenda from Canada left a great comment about not being able to install homemade sconces in Canada.
I’m pretty sure we aren’t allowed to do that, although people probably do that sort of thing. The electric parts will be UL certified, and the refurbished sconces must be made and installed to code. That means a professional will put them together for me.
Okay, so here’s my scale drawing before it became a drawing.
Each square is one square inch. I found some doorknob backplates at 3″ or 3.25″, which look great for the new metal backplates to which the arms will be attached.
I plan to turn the three double-arm sconces into six single sconces. So, that means my outlay, so far, is about $125 per sconce.
The backplates are about $25.
So, the unknowns are how much it will cost to make the custom backplates and how much it will cost to fabricate them.
From this rendering above, there’s something called an edge sketch in picmonkey. It took all of one minute to create a lovely line drawing.
I left the backplate on this one because I think it looks cool.
However, I removed it for fabrication purposes.
Now comes the fun part of my virtual high-end lighting for cheap Anglo-Indian sconce.
And, above is the final product. This time the squares = 2 square inches. If only it were this easy to create these for real.
Okay, the biggest problem I’m struggling with is what color to paint the palmette shells.
I did that virtually, too.
Wait, Laurel. Where are you putting six of these?
Four in the living room and two downstairs parallel to the staircase. The ceiling is 109″ high and will have a lovely Georgian crown moulding. I can’t wait to show you what we will do with that. But, anyway, if I keep the slightly smaller shades, my sconces will be about 21″-22″ high, which should be fine for that height ceiling.
So, here are my three choices for the backplates. My problem is I love them all! However, I can only do two of the colors.
First up is a lovely teal, my signature color. This looks so beautiful with the brass.
Next up is the white, ala Furlow. These are lovely because they make the palmette less of a design feature.
And finally, my last high-end lighting for a lot less money is:
A soft black, but actually a teal so dark, it’s nearly black.
I will have to do a virtual elevation. That should give me the answer. But, that one, will have to wait. Which color(s) do you like the best?
I plan to do more lighting that mimics far more high-end lighting, but for much less money.
** Here is where part III begins of the high-end lighting for cheap.
I debated beginning a new post, but this is pretty short. However, I found two sources in the last two days.
The first one sells the BIG gorgeous hurricane shades; you can get them in many colors, sizes, and designs. The only catch for most of us is that they are in the UK. Natch. Of course, they’re in the UK. That’s where ALL the best stuff is made.
BUT, they ship worldwide. Hooray!
The source is John Moncrieff, Ltd.
Absolutely gorgeous and not outrageously expensive, either. BTW, here’s a link for conversion from millimeters to inches.
The next source has some very beautiful fixtures including the Anglo-Indian sconce, with about a dozen choices for the shades and other options.
They are from the Oxshott Collection in New Jersey. I did write to them and inquired if they sold the shades separately, however, I found out they do not, and they only sell their lovely line to the trade.
There are a few more points to make. I am 97.5% sure that most, if not all, of these shades are manufactured in India. Rember? Anglo-INDIAN? In fact, the entire bloody thing is probably made there. If so, you know and I know, the cost to produce these elegant beauties is relatively inexpensive.
The other thing is that there are hurricane table fixtures called photophores.
You can find them at Wayfair and some other places. If the bottom is metal, you can throw it out and use the shade, provided the fitter is the right size. They’re usually somewhere between $200-$300.
I will stay on the lookout for more sources so that we can make our super high-end lighting for cheap. I imagine there are many more in the UK. Please let us know in the comments if you find any.
Oh, Janet left THE best comment that sparked a new idea for the shell backplates.
That link takes you directly to her comment and my response.
In the meantime, the plans for the apartment are DONE, and the guys will be picking back up in earnest. I have much to share with you in the coming weeks!
But, right now, I have fireplace mantels on the brain. The link goes to a post about the best proportions, and I do still think those are lovely, but the overall size might be larger than it needs to be.
You know, I was in the apartment going over many details mid-day with my contractor. He’s a doll, BTW.
I am quite sure he thinks I’m mad as they come. lol You know… the lady with the “unkitchen” and hidden doors all over the freaking place. And now, wood floors in the bathroom.
But, my point is that the place looked lighter and more lovely than ever. I could totally see the elegant but not-too-formal neo-classical vibe I’m going for.
Oh, the sconces arrived- last night. Thankfully, they are in a safe place.
Okay, that’s the third and final installment of super high-end lighting for cheap.
If I come up with new sources for shades, I’ll add them. and direct you back here.
I’ll come back to lighting soon. It’s so important, and there are some lovely, inexpensive fixtures in the marketplace….
But, here’s a post from last December for inexpensive flush-mount ceiling lights.
PS: Please check out the newly updated HOT SALES!
Also if you love Vintage Lighting, there’s a fantastic flash sale of one of my favorite sources on Etsy. But, it’s ending on the 21st of July at 11:59PM
And, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is now open to everyone!
Also, here’s the Amazon link.
Cathy R. and others had a terrific suggestion regarding using the link.
You can save things for when you’re ready to purchase. Then, click this Amazon link. (or any Amazon links on the website). After you’ve clicked the link, you can fetch your items, put them in the cart, and purchase them. The link won’t work for items already in the cart. But, saving them shouldn’t be a problem.
Also, some have put the link in their bookmarks for easy access. Any link I post on this website for Amazon will work.
If you forget, no worries. I’m very grateful for you all!
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108 Responses
Laurel, would you please share how you sourced your palmettes? I’ve finally got everything assembled to make my own except those!
I would check with these Ekena Millwork for your shell sconces.
Hi Puller,
Thanks for the rec, however, I’m quite familiar with Ekena Millwork. There are many companies that have a shell onlay, but most of the shells are facing in the opposite direction and are flat on the back. The closest I’ve found is Decorator’s Supply. But, they don’t have the precise piece required. The sizes are off and there’s never a round 3.5″ – 4″ round, flat plate where the flat, round metal plate of the sconce needs to fit into. However, I need to take a very slow careful look at their thousands of option in their immense catalog as there might be a piece that’s close enough to use as a mold for at least some of the back plate.
Otherwise, it doesn’t exist in the marketplace because it’s a highly specific item that, until now, is not something anyone would care to order. Or, at least, it’s too rare to go to the trouble to manufacture them.
Please note: that unless there are special circumstances, I rarely allow links in the comments. I wish there was a way to convey that, so not your fault, but it makes life easier for me. It’s fine to list your source(s). Thanks so much!
I love reading your blog. It is always full of wonderful information and tips and you write so well. Your humor comes through and I get a good laugh reading your blog.
I love the sconces and really love the very dark teal. I didn’t know there is such a color of teal, also one of my favorite colors.
I recovered my Thomasville sofa in Peacock velvet , a teal color, and love it. I found the sofa example on One Kings Lane but it was going to take 9 months to arrive. I copied the fabric and ordered the roller legs from England and it was a perfect duplicate.
It did cost more to recover and replace worn out cushions, but I had it in 6 weeks instead of 9 months.
Seems like a wood onlay could work for that backplate and be drilled. I’m the least mechanically minded person in the universe so I married an electrical engineer who can fix anything. I’m wanting (him) to wire some vintage barley twist candlesticks for me for lamps. Do you know a way to take off the shine from old brass sconces? Rubnbuff?
Laurel, I do pottery, and you can probably find a clamshell mold for pottery already made.
Hi Robin,
While there are numerous and very beautiful existing plaster clamshell onlays and molds, this one is a unique shape that has to fit the metal backplate, so a custom mold would have to be created. However, if I make a model out of clay, now there, I could use some good advice!
I cannot believe you found the shades. And shared it with us. YOU ARE THE BESTEST!!!!
Hi Janet,
That really made me laugh. Of course, I shared! I’m sure there must be others, so I’ll keep looking.
I agree with Terry above about having an Amazon link permanently somewhere on your home page. It would make it much easier to buy “through” you. I’ve read about the other suggestion, where our own
Amazon app buttons would be through your link, but I think some people would prefer (I buy through several charitable organizations sometimes, but would be happy to also buy through you), or it may be easier to do for some if we could just go to your home page and click on a link. I LOVE your blog (for at least 10 years?) and your expertise has allowed me to have room colors which I also love. Love following your home renovation.
Hi Laurel,
I love your blog so much! I paint and repair old furniture. You might try decorator’s supply for shell backplates or company called iron Orchid Designs makes many molds for furniture.you can use clay ,plaster, resin paper clay etc. they work very well.you could also just sculpt your own. i find that very relaxing. good luck!
I loved todays blog. Tapped on Amazon a couple of times. Wishing you every success
With all the great suggestions & support from your readers I just know you’ll be able to get your dream sconces. We’re all rooting for you.
This shade looks closer to what you are wanting. Check out/www.specialtylampshades.com/products/34467-tall-williamsburg-glass-hurricane-twelve-inch-height
I’m sure you have already checked them out, but I found the Antique Lamp Supply. They are a US company that has been around since 1952. They make 10 inch shades for wall sconces. I think you are looking for 12 inch or taller ones, but I thought I’d put this out there.
Like so many others, I love reading your blog. Can’t afford most of the things you talk about, but it helps to train my eye. And shorter, more frequent posts is terrific. It will help me absorb the information better! The information you provide is fun to read as well as very educational.
Hi, it’s Susan from Owensboro, KY. I went down the rabbit hole with you. I love Furlow Gatewood’s numerous hurricanes and love tinted shades. I found UniquelyYours and think they might be a possibility. Also, I’m pondering glass painting cheap hurricane shades different colors. The antique ones are quite pricey. Would love to have a green set. What do you think? Also, love your wit!
Wow, my name is in your blog and its not under design mistakes to avoid. Glad I had something to offer. Thanks for all the work you do.
I wish I were clever enough to design a gorgeous clickable button that reads, ‘Let’s Go Shopping!’- with one of your wonderful portraits carrying shopping/design paraphernalia etc and an Amazon logo of sorts. Why? – To make it easier to locate your Amazon link.
I love it that we can order on Amazon and you get a bit of mightily deserved credit.
Just a suggestion —
Laurel, you are my favorite blogger and I have been (and continue to be ) so inspired by your resourcefulness and generosity and creativity and hilarity! Thank you!
Just wondering if you can have extra palmettes made (if they aren’t too expensive) in the alternate colors and change them with the season or your whim. I don’t know how difficult it is to take the sconces down, once they’re up, but I do know people who change their decor with the seasons, and it could be fun. Also, it’s only paint – you can always change your mind and repaint them.
Hi Sue,
That’s a great question. They will be hard-wired to the wall which means having to hire an electrician to take them down and then put them back up. If it was all six, that could easily be $1500+ around these parts, so that’s not happening. The shades, yes, could be changed quite easily, but not the backplates, unfortunately.
Thank you for letting us know how to place orders on Amazon so that you can benefit. I would have put everything in my cart before looking for the link, which wouldn’t have served it’s purpose. I loved your long posts, and your short ones work even better into my schedule. Many blessings to you.
Thanks so much, Michele. I’m pretty sure I mentioned it a while back, but of course, should’ve been saying it with every.single.post. I forgot. But, yes, once the items are in the cart, it’s too late. So, if folks can just gather them up to save for later, THEN click the link, that’ll work.
Of course, if one clicks the link and comes back later on to pick up a few things in that session, they don’t have to do anything else.
Hello Laurel,
Thanks so much for all your marvelously knowledgable and witty contributions to the world of beautiful interior design! I’ve just moved into a “new” house and am having fun putting it together with your invaluable help, using the 333 Decorating Rules You Need to Know guide. I am lucky to have many classic furnishings and beautiful decor items collected from around the world. Your guide and invaluable blog posts are helping me to make the most of them as I take on the challenge to “right-size” into a new home. Regarding the sconces, depending on surroundings I think I like the classic white palmette, because it keeps my attention on the beautiful curves and lines of the brass and the elegant hurricane glass. Even so, I’m sure whichever color you decide upon will be beautiful in the space and I can’t wait to see it! Best regards, Mary
Thank you so much for your kind words, Mary! That guide is worth 100 times what I’m charging for it. There is so much information in one place and I’ve never seen anyone else doing that.
Hi Laurel,
I’m also a big fan of teal but I like the black as well. I guess it all depends on your decor and the colors you are using in your overall scheme. Not a fan of the white though.
Black please! Soooooo classy.
Thanks for posting more often. Works for me. I also bookmarked your Amazon link so that when I open Amazon it will automatically be helping you. I appreciate having this site as a free blog.
What a great idea, Cyd! Thank you so much. Not to be too mushy, but I’m tearing up. (as in wet eyes, not ripping apart the house. lol)
I wonder if the craftspeople at Snow Farm dot org could help w/ custom work. They have metal and glass working.
Hi Laurel!
Another option for income I see a lot is Ko-Fi. The creators put a link to “buy a coffee” for the creator on digital design sites.
Good luck!
❤️ The sconces!!!
Hi Allie,
I’ll have to look into that, too. Would it be too greedy to ask for a whole pot of coffee? ;];];]
I love your posts, no matter if long or short. As to the color of the sconce, I would think that a white, slightly different than your wall color, would look most authentic. But if not white, then the very, very dark teal.
I’m thinking that one downside to shorter more frequent posts might be more of our replies for you to get through!
Do what’s best for you, Laurel. We’ll all enjoy your posts however often and whatever length!
Thanks Elaine, but there was a time when I was answering every single comment and believe me, that one was doing me in. Reading and responding to some, but not all, is not a problem.
Heh heh. The first time I saw those sconces I thought, ‘ I could MAKE that…’ and darned if you didn’t do just that! BRILLIANT! They look amazing. That kind of ingenuity is what I like so much about what you do. Thank you for every single post. I REVEL!
Thanks so much, Kara. I aim to please!
Hi Laurel, I love your clever custom solution to the sconce situation. I think that in the end it will be even more fabulous than the ridiculously expensive one. I’m personally a fan of the “shell” color being close to the same as the wall color (like Furlow’s) rather than strongly contrasting. The similar colors give more of a “texture” vibe than a shape vibe, which I like. And from now on, every single thing I buy from amazon will be going through your link. And also, I’m happy whenever or how often you send a post. Your content and advice are far superior to any other design blogger I’ve come across. Both your free content, and your guides, have helped me immensely.
Thank you so much, Chris!
PS: I realized I forgot to vote for the sconce shell color! I like the teal & dark teal. I think the white gets lost on the wall. But the other two seem to “anchor” the light source, which makes more sense to me visually. And I see comments about the glass part being hard to source. I wonder if there might be a company that can do custom glass as well? Not sure if it needs to be a particular type to be a light globe, but if you can source the other components, I would think the glass could be custom-designed as well.
Laurel (and Tim…who sounds like a great resource)
To pay or not to pay….that is the question.
I’m in a business Mastermind group, and one thing we look for is passive income streams. If you had some subscription options, it might augment your affiliate links, I would think. Not sure of the legal issues, but I’m sure there’s a work-around.
I have wanted to pull the trigger & buy your guides many times, but the cost (even discounted) was more than my budget. On the other hand, when you recommended Kate & Ann’s Doneanddone after the awful spring school semester in 2020, I treated myself to their course. They offered a split payment for their decluttering/organizing course, which was easy to add to my budget for 3-4 months, and worth every penny.
I used to get 3-4 glossy magazines, but when I found your blog, I discontinued all my subscriptions, bc your content is so superior to anything in those magazines, and frankly, I don’t mind a few pop-ups if I can read your funny, humorous posts! (And I’ve recommended you to many friends!)
So if you keep your posts free, and add a monthly subscription option to your guides, maybe it would be the best of both worlds?
And thanks to Cathy & Jean for the suggestions for Amazon! I’m using your links as often as I can remember!
Wishing you the best, Laurel!! Thanks for all you do!!
Thank you so much, Gabrielle, and great idea. I just applied to Stripe because I know some folks don’t want anything to do with Paypal. Although, I’ve been happy with them. But, a payment plan is a great idea.
Laurel, the shorter, more frequent posts are terrific! Now I don’t have to wait until Sunday mornings for my Laurel pick-me-up. Regarding the question of whether homeowners insurance would cover a loss such as fire or water damage caused by DIY wiring or a homemade electrical fixture, or a DIY plumbing repair, there are just no exclusions for this cause of damage. If damage caused by DIY was excluded, Home Depot and Lowes would be out of business. You can run this by your Agent. I know you aren’t going to do electrical or plumbing repairs yourself, but you don’t have to jump through hoops with a lot of engineers and experts either. Hope this helps.
Thanks for letting us know about how to give you commission when using Amazon. I am sorry I didn’t know sooner.
Enjoy all of your posts and appreciate all the work you put into these!
I have learned so much.
PS What is a paywall? I don’t think I want you to have one after seeing comments.
Hi Marian,
Hi Marian,
A Paywall is internet-speak for what I would’ve called a subscription to “premium content.” In other words, some content would remain free and some would be behind the “paywall.” (Like, cough it up if you want to see the exclusive pics of JKF in bed with Marilyn Monroe. Just kidding, of course.)
The problem is that for 11+ years, the blog has been 100% free. So, in that case, I know it’s going to leave a bad taste in some people’s mouths.
I just can’t do that. The good news is that, for me, this is a better method all the way around. I so appreciate the support!
The sconces will be lovely and in perfect keeping with your lovely home’s style and architecture.
I also appreciate the shorter, more frequent “free” posts. I know you need to make a living and your time is valuable so I will be using your link to purchase from amazon too. Just placed my first order.
Thank you so much, Mary!
This is a wonderful idea, and I can find the vintage brass sconces all day long. But wonder where to find those lovely sculptural hurricane glass inserts? That is the question!
I love all your posts, whether long ones or shorts ones…just keep posting! I wonder if a soft taupe rubbed over the off white you have displayed would work for the shell?
Hi Marcy,
Yes, it would be antiqued, not just a plain white thing.
You could send a CAD drawing to a 3D print outfit to either make the backplate or a mold for plaster for the backplate. I don’t know if PickMonkey makes a CAD drawing but Sketchup does.
Okay, Janet, you win the prize for THE best idea EVER! Like, why didn’t I think of that? Actually, I might be able to get some modeling clay and make EXACTLY what I want, shape, size, everything. (oh, to be a fly on the wall, right???) Then, there’s a cool plaster place in Boston that makes anything and I mean, everything; they even make skeletons, and all sorts of wild things, as well as mouldings. They could easily make the mold and the shells could be cast in plaster and then painted. It’s also better, because plaster is not a combustible material like wood is.
When shopping at Amazon, I have been doing something similar to what Cathy does, except I skip one of her steps. When shopping I select Save for Later and then when I am ready I go to your blog, hit the Amazon link, move all the items into my cart and checkout.
Whichever way is easier for you to do your posts are fine with me. I look forward to them and have them “starred” so they appear at the top of my emails. This way I don’t have to sort through all the others. I certainly don’t want to miss one!
I don’t remember how I came across your blog years ago, but I immediately subscribed because they are so educational and entertaining. By far my favorites are the ones where you take us through the design process, sharing your thought process and let us weigh in.
As for the color of your backplates, I vote for the dark teal/black. It will look fabulous against any color wall and accents the brass arms beautifully.
Thank you Susan, Yes, one doesn’t need to put their stuff in the cart, first, just save for later, then click the link and then into the cart. That is, unless they forget, (but remember before they check out.) like I do regularly. I forgot to use my link on ebay the other day. sad face.
I tended to forget to click the link on Amazon, so first what I did was copy the link into the notes on my mac and my iphone so it became my access to Amazon instead of my usual route. THEN I realized that I could just replace my old Amazon bookmark (on Firefox) with the LB Amazon link to make it quick and easy. Thanks for your wonderful posts!
Great idea, Jean. Thanks so much!
Making a lamp for our son using a Japanese bronze piece. Was referred to this site for parts: my lampparts dot com.
Hi Puller,
Thanks so much! I did see that site during my research. Alas, they don’t have the British colonial hurricane shades. They need to be from about 10″-14″ high and about 5.5″- 6″ in diameter. They also come with a 1-5/8″ fitter.
P.S. Can’t wait for your next lighting fixture post!
Hi Laurel – I so appreciate your hard work in keeping your content free. Love the shorter, more frequent posts. I will use your Amazon link for everything I buy if it will help you keep your blog posts available – they are so full of good information. I have all your guides and refer to them often, especially the paint color one. Thank you for all you do!
Hello Lovely Laurel,
Thank you for for the latest blogs on light fixtures AND more importantly Thank you for not implementing a paywall.
We’re moving to our new house august 9th and I must save for my own wall sconces 😉
FYI I did everything you recommended before listing this house and am happy to say we got $150 over asking.
I will definitely continue to read and reread all the old and new blogs so that my new house will look as great as you helped me make this one.
Your fan girl
I’m your fan girl, too. Susan! You do mean 150k right, not $150.00. lol That’s awesome. Of course, your home was very beautiful, so I’m not surprised.
Is there an amazon.ca link. I would love to support you if that’s possible? I enjoy all of your posts and if all the pop ups would go away, a subscription fee would be fine with me. Over the years, I have enjoyed decorating my homes, looking through magazines, dreaming every month about the next Country Living, Traditional Homes and Martha Stewart. Now through the magic of a computer, I look forward to YOUR blog in my inbox.I just so appreciate your work and the time you take to make great content.
Thank You!
Hi Evelyn,
I tried but it doesn’t work. Thanks so much for asking!
I have a pair of the brass sconces. I think from Stiffel or Baldwin brass. Over 35 years old. Unfortunately, one fell off the wall and the globe broke. Not sure how to replace it. Any suggestions? Hope I still have them- I’ve been Swedish Death cleaning and they may be at Goodwill. Need to go hunt for them in my house.
Hi Laurel. I love the more frequent posts, am forever grateful for the free content, and respect and admire you for forging on despite the blows and constantly shifting ground.
Yes, I would become a Patreon
I would love a link to Amazon.ca for your Canadian fans. I shop Amazon a lot.
Great find on the sconces. If there is a shop in Boston that restores antique lighting, they should be able to wire them for you with ASA approval so as to avoid issues with your electrician and insurance.
I’d love for fans such as your recent kitchen and bath subjects to come back with reveals.
Post on. I’ve been with you for six years or more and I’m a lifer.
I love these more frequent, shorter posts, Laurel! Though, some longer ones on occasion would be awesome ;] I just never want you to stop blogging, because you are my favorite of all time!
Holly @7:37
Glamourous wallpaper!
That alone will go a long way. Then add good lighting and a beautiful mirror.
Try CarvedDecorCom on Etsy.
They do so many great carvings. Not sure if they would do custom, but you could certainly send a picture and ask.
The things I got from them, a pineapple staircase newel finial and a pair of brackets, are stunning. They carve in beech and in oak. I chose beech, which takes paint better.
Hi Quatorze,
Too funny! They are in my Etsy Guide. – The big one, with at least triple the number in the post.
Gosh, I would hate to lose you if you went behind a paywall. Please don’t. I will use the Amazon link!!
Love you, longtime subscriber, Deb
hi Laurel,
Based on other responses, I certainly am in the minority. I would pay for your content if the pop up windows, ads and other things went away. I know you had mentioned that once, if I recall correctly. stay hydrated! thanks, Lorrie
Laurel, I’m so glad you’ve chosen more frequent shorter post1 I would have been very disappointed had you chosen option #1. I’m anxious to hear the answer to Cathy Russell’s question. I purchase quite a lot from Amazon and could easily do what she described.
Hi MaryJane,
I don’t know if you saw, but “Tim” (really me) answered Cathy’s question. I’m very appreciative of the support!
As so many others have commented “thank you for keeping it free!” I have to agree and am so glad we’ll be getting more posts during the week. I’m glad you’re able to make a living doing this, though it must be getting more difficult. Kudos to you and others who got started and got the audience early in the game.
All the best to you on the future of blogging!
Thank you so much, Michele. I had some wonderful mentors who stressed that to be able to make a go of it, one has to attract subscribers, and then they told me how to do that. But, what they didn’t say was how to keep them from unsubscribing. Of course, many have, and others have taken their place. However, when I changed over from Picmonkey to Convertkit a few months ago, I was shocked to learn that 20,000 of you have been reading for five years or longer!
I’m still not sure how it all happened. All I know is that I work very hard and it’s not easy. But, when I hear such kind messages, it makes it all worth it!
Hi Sorry, This IS Laurel, not Tim, my developer who answered some comments. I’m out and on my phone and don’t know how that happened.
Thank you for not putting content behind a paywall. I eagerly read each and every post, often more than once.
You’ve been extremely helpful in my mid century motorcoach remodel/decorating.
I have a question about your Amazon link. I shop Amazon often. I’ve been putting things into my cart over days as I normally do, then when I’m ready to checkout I go to the cart and click save for later. Then I go to your blog, hit the Amazon link, put all the items back into my cart and checkout. I cannot see if you’re getting the commission or not. Does my method work for you to get the commission? Thank you
Hi Cathy,
Thank you so much for going to all that trouble. Yes, that should work. I can’t see on my end either. But as long as the link is clicked before items go in the cart, I will get credit for the sale.
Yes, Tim was me, Laurel. He’s my geek that keeps things running behind the scenes, and attempts to keep things aligned with the continuously moving target commonly known as google. I was out getting my hair done, and I usually bring my laptop, but today I only had my phone. I logged in with my email address, so I have no idea how my wordpress thought it was Tim.
On Etsy there is a site entitled boundtotheprairie. The owner, Karin, has products called woodubend and made out of wood pulp. There is one backplate on their site. She might be worth contacting regarding custom work.
Thanks so much, Janet. I’ll look into that.
I love these shorter posts, I think they are great! I think the work-around you have found for the sconces is really ingenious, but if you were in Canada, I don’t think that an electrician would install them for you.
Being home-made, they aren’t CSA, ETL or ULC approved (insert sad trumpet here). Maybe it is different in the US, but here I think you would have to install them yourself if you really really want them up. Which isn’t actually that hard to do, I have done it myself, but insurance might be a problem if your house burns down due to a home-made light fixture. I once bought a light fixture from IKEA and the electrician wouldn’t install it because it wasn’t certified. 🙁
I think it’s great that you’re going to shorter posts 4 days per week. More times to enjoy your beautiful and funny posts before work! I hope it does well for you!
I own a pair of pewter candlesticks with the etched colonial Williamsburg design. I use them on my table at Christmas. Having lived in Boston and marrying just a few years after the bicentennial, I received several pewter wedding gifts that I have never gotten rid of. Now if only pewter would have a resurgence!
Thank you for working so hard to keep this site free! You are a wealth of knowledge and I certainly appreciate the info you share. I actually like the shorter posts because I feel overwhelmed by all of the emails I get (from the various topics I have an interest in, but most posts are too long, and I just can’t keep up with them, especially if I skip a day of email reading!). Also, I LOVE that you are a traditional girl at heart. I am so tired of the cheap painted furniture (and want to cry when I see beautiful older wood pieces painted and done by people who are not talented!!) and decorating styles that incorporate ridiculous items like chicken wire for frames.
I think the sconces are beautiful and after many years, I still love my Baldwin brass pair and they look brand new! I packed them away and realized about a year ago, that it is the quality of these older lines that make houses look elegant and warm. Of course, everyone has an idea of style, but I don’t think homes decorated with fake wood and plastic contribute to a true feeling of “home”. Thanks for letting me rant!
Love this post, still crying at the ridiculous price of the David Duncan sconces.
One other suggestion I’d have for making the palmette – I haven’t tried this yet but might attempt it…
I think you could make something out of polymer clay (Sculpey or similar) and then paint it to look like wood or plaster. If you’re just doing unwired candle sconces, you could then attach the hardware to that fairly easily. You’d have to make sure that they’re not too heavy for the clay backplate, of course, but I think it could be done. (Obviously if one can whittle then have at it, but…)
I too love your posts in either size, though shorter, more often is easier for ne to fit in. I’m looking forward to your reno posts, they are informative plus fun to see how it’s progressing.
Enjoying the more frequent shorter posts. I learn so much from you. Thank you.
Laurel. So sorry the one I found on Wayfair is a bit dippy compared to what you have found.
My best to you.
Laurel – Wayfair has a scallop shell 16″ x 16″ x 1″ deep for less than $40 each. Don’t know if it would work but wanted you to know.
Well Laurel it is time for you to create and sell your own products. If you do create the wooden back plates, I’m in for half a dozen!
Oh my! That would be awesome, but at the same time, it made me laugh out loud for real!
It is so infuriating how they keep changing the rules for social media, when so many people depend on it for their job (But it is delightful to hear from you more often). My stepdaughter was selling books on dog-training on Amazon but they changed the rules and she went from making several thousand dollars per month to less than $100…people can “rent” the book and she gets less than $.05 instead of the cost of the book! Madding!
Hi Maggie,
Oh, how awful! Yes, the affiliates frequently cut commissions, but that one is absurd. So bad. This is why I try to keep things close to home and not rely on any one thing to see me through. Still, there have been some crushing blows like One Kings Lane leaving the affiliate network. They were my number one and by a large margin.
Hi Laurel, I’m excited that you are doing more frequent posts! Any suggestions on how to upgrade a builder spec bathroom without any windows? Picture small, dark and relatively new bathroom. Thanks!
Always a great read with my morning coffee! More is more! Keep it coming…
Do you know of a source for beautiful hurricane globes? Recently I spent days looking, but could only find the two typical types of shades, the curvy colonial bell style (Example eBay item number: 165892203246) and the “Williamsburg” style (Example eBay item number: 293501720602) I’d like the larger, straight-sided, straight edge shades like the ones you show.
Also, Baldwin makes these types of sconces, both electrified and for candles. They’re available for a song on ebay, Etsy, etc.
Hi Susan,
I agree, they are not easy to find, especially more than one-of-a-kind. I’m still on the lookout.
Love the shorter posts! You are amazing with your finds. We are currently building a custom home and I am 125% over my builder’s lighting allowance – and that is with my lovely DIL’s designer discount. I don’t care – to me lighting is the jewelry in a home. I’ll scrimp on something else. But not wine. Never wine.
Love the more frequent and shorter posts…
Your posts are always filled with the best ideas …
And if it’s easier on you … why not?
Especially during your renovation …
Thanks for all you do…
Laurel – I’m not sure what establishing a Patreon entails, but if you set up one, I’d be more than happy to contribute! I doubt I’m the only one. We learn so much from you and laugh too!
Love the shorter more frequent posts! Thank you!
No mad at you!! Very pleasant and informative read and believe me with all the other nonsense blowing up my email account, yours are the most welcomed! Post On
I’m not mad that I get to read more posts from you. What a gift!
I own a pair of those Williamsburg collection sconces, for candles, not electric. They have plain shades. The etched shades look so pretty; I might upgrade. Thanks for the idea.
Hearing from you more frequently will be great!
Laurel, I love the idea of more frequent posts! More content for my WWLD? (what would Laurel do?) page on Pinterest, LOL! Looking forward to your post about the sconces. Lighting has always been the bane of my existence, when it comes to my own decor. It’s where champagne taste vs. beer budget comes home to roost…..
Love all your posts be they long or short. Keep ‘‘em coming!