If You Do Cremone Bolts Are You Asking for Trouble?

Hi Everyone,

Before we get into the Cremone bolts, thank you so much for the many kind messages about my new fireplace mantel that I haven’t actually purchased yet. lol

This is a two-part post. If you’ve read Part 1, please click the link below that will take you directly to Part 2. Please continue reading if you haven’t read the post or wish to refresh your memory.


Part 2 Begins Here


Something I’ve noticed, however, is that some aren’t satisfied when I’ve made a decision and want me to explore further.


However, it’s like when I got engaged, I didn’t continue to look for another husband.

I’ve already been dwelling and researching for nearly three years. The renovation is in progress. Final decisions need to be made.

Also, when I find something I love, I know it. Does it mean what I’ve chosen is the best?

Maybe, maybe not.


However, I’ve never had anything as luxurious and amazing as everything I’ve selected so far.


I don’t take it for granted and never thought I’d be able to live out these dreams. In addition, while some things are quite pricey, I’ve gotten really good at finding some seriously reduced prices on some things, especially light fixtures.

Okay, I did mention the other day that I have to have these cremone bolts from Wilmette Hardware.

Let’s leave the cheap crap aside for the time being.


Is Wilmette the only source for fine Cremone bolts?


No, but it goes back to the statement above that began with “one thing…” I found my perfect Cremone bolts, and don’t need to keep looking and looking to maybe find something for a few dollars less. I don’t have that luxury.


Laurel, every time you say Cremone bolts, it makes me think of cremation. Sorry to be so morbid. But what are they for besides looking pretty?


Okay sure. Let’s begin with how to pronounce the word “Cremone.”

It does not rhyme with Spumoni, which is how I imagined it was pronounced until fairly recently.

This is how it’s pronounced.


YouTube video

It is believed the first Cremone bolts were created in Italy. However, they gained rapid popularity during France’s late 18th c. neo-classical period. That was during the reign of King Louis XVI.

An image of Marie Antoinette’s room with some Cremone bolts is floating around, but it’s pretty old. They recently spent five years and untold millions restoring her Versailles tiny 14-room apartment. I hope it doesn’t start another revolution.


Cremone bolts are used on doors of all kinds and casement windows.


Those windows swing either into the room or towards the outside.

The cremone bolt has two vertical rods attached to the door or window stile. (vertical frame)


Adler Cremone Bolt - Rue Knob - Wilmette Hardware - kitchen ironmongery


Connecting the rods is a mechanism with a knob or lever (see above) that opens or closes the bolt into a thingy at the top and bottom. In other words, it locks the door.


Chown Hardware - burnished brass Cremone Bolts

Above, you can see the top thingy. Gorgeous Cremone Bolts from Chown Hardware.


BrandinoBrass on Instagram. Gorgeous Cremone Bolts

BrandinoBrass on Instagram- an architectural hardware store in Birmingham, AL.

Gorgeous Cremone Bolts!

Above, you can see the bottom locking thingy.


Some Cremone bolts are designed to connect to the opposite door if there is one.


The other option, with side-by-side doors, is to do two independently working bolts, as you see above.


Cremone Bolts for My New Kitchen Cabinets

In my case, I have to use two on the two aisle cabinets because there is a central mullion. We decided on that because this is a very tall cabinet with 67″ tall doors.

I’m not sure if I’ll have a faux thingy or not. I think the knob should go a little lower, between the first and second muntins.


As usual, I did a lot of research before choosing the Cremone bolts.


I discovered that the cheap ones are made in India. But, none of them come in polished nickel. However, comparing them to the high-end versions, they pale quickly.


Is it a mistake to get them if you want a different finish, like brass or bronze, for example?


My answer is: I don’t know. However, I’d be awfully nervous if I were specking them for a client. The thing is, they are going to make some fairly substantial holes in your cabinet doors. These Cremone bolts are not easy to replace like a knob would be, or even a handle. So, I prefer to get it right the first time.


Another thing I liked about Wilmette Hardware is that they offer trade pricing.


In fact, I need to add them to the next edition of Laurel’s Rolodex coming out this November.


Incidentally, the day after Christmas, the prices for all my interior design guides are increasing.

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If you are ready to order, there is a Purchase Products Page where you will be taken to Sendowl, my super-secure shopping cart.


Back to the Cremone Bolts!


A few days ago, before I knew I was getting married to a handsome cremone bolt,;];];] I contacted the owner of Wilmette Hardware, located in DesMoines, Iowa.


Wilmette Hardware is a family business that’s been around for nearly 90 years and is now located in Wilmette, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago, and currently owned by Gregory Bettenhausen.


It didn’t take long to ascertain that if this hardware company were a restaurant, it would be awarded three Michelin stars. (The highest possible ranking).


The hardware is hand-crafted by fine artisans in the United States. They use the finest materials… 

Well, you get it.

It comes with a price, for sure. But, even with my generous trade discount, it is still a stretch.

Definitely, if I had the means, I’d get everything from them!


These doors are one of the primary focal points and will be stunning. That is a great place to splurge.


If you missed the Cremone bolts in the hardware post, please go to this p, ost, and you’ll see some lovely images from Wilmette Hardware. 

I feel spending a little extra for the elements that will elevate the space immensely is worth it.


Oh, I just have to say this, and I won’t say who it is because that would be exceedingly tacky.


However, during my research, I saw a football field… errrr, kitchen (where it’s obvious that no actual cooking or washing up takes place) with 18 bright gold Cremone bolts. Oh, I could keep going, but I won’t.

Restraint is very difficult, in speech and in decorating. ;] There are so many beautiful items out there, and some people have a lot of space to fill. But, that’s how it is in some parts of our country.


But getting back to the alternatives that are the cheap, super-crap Cremone bolts made in India.


On my 67″ high, one-inch thick cabinet doors, I fear they will break in a week. 

Incidentally, we’re doing dummy bolts. That means they won’t actually bolt. That would be fine for a china cabinet not used a lot, but these doors will be, and over time, could cause unnecessary wear on the doors.

Still, the bolt is not purely decorative. I hope the long rod affixed tightly to the stile will help keep the doors nice and straight.


Geez, Laurel, I would struggle to afford the cheap ones, but isn’t there something nice for a moderate price?


Oh, I totally understand. 30 years ago, we didn’t have enough to pay for anything but our most basic needs, such as food, shelter, milk for the children, and cheap clothes from Target.

It wasn’t until 1996, when I began my own business, that we began to have a small amount of disposable income. So, believe me. I get it 100%.

After exchanging a couple of emails with Greg, I was sure this was the company I wanted to do business with.


So, let’s look at a few fantastic examples of Cremone bolts.


Darryl Carter via instagram - gorgeous tall arched pantry doors

Darryl Carter

Please read my Darryl Carter tribute post here.


southern living antique kitchen cabinets cremone bolts- photo Laurey W Glenn

This classic beauty in Southern Living with lovely antique Cremone bolts- photo Laurey W Glenn

photo by Bieke Claessens with antique Cremone Bolt

photo by Bieke Claessens with another antique Cremone Bolt

Europeans frequently paint their Cremone bolts and, like this kitchen, other hardware so it blends in.

minnie peters pilaster under architrave
Fantastic dining room by the super-talented Minnie Peters.


And one last incredibly well-done pantry by an interior designer I don’t know, Melissa Lindsay, but from my old stomping ground. She works in Westchester County, NY, and the neighboring Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Pimlico Interiors - Westchester, Fairfield County, Cremone Bolts-Butler's Pantry - Photo-Amy Vischio

Pimlico Interiors

Photo-Amy Vischio

Please follow Melissa’s gorgeous Instagram

And this will take you to Amy’s love page on Instagram


Are there any other sources for Cremone Bolts to look into besides Wilmette Hardware that might be at a lower price point?


Okay, I have found some other sources. However, I will share that on Thursday evening.

So, it would be best if you could share any sources I missed after that update comes out.



Part 2 Begins Here

It’s Thursday evening. :]

Hi Everyone,

As promised, I’m sharing several sources with exquisite, high-quality hardware, including Cremone bolts.


While some of these might be marginally less than Wilmette, some might be even more, and there might be some overlap.


The Golden Lion is a gorgeous collection of all kinds of hardware and gets my vote for the coolest website of them all.

Kilian Hardware represents numerous brands (Baldwin, Frank Allart, etc.) and is worth looking into. However, the brands in the $200  –  $350 range are made in India. They have a distinctive look.

P.E. Guerin – Located in New York City, everything about their website evokes quality and high-end. Everyone who owns Laurel’s Rolodex already knows:

“If you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford it.”


Next up for beautiful Cremone Bolts is:


Von Morris – This is a super-elegant line and looks quite pricey. But, without inquiring or enquiring if we are in the U.K., ;] I don’t know for sure.

Armac Martin – I don’t believe this company has Cremone bolts. However, they have a beautiful line of hardware and include the freaking prices! Thank you! I mean, we’re going to find out sooner or later. Right? They are in the price point of DeVOL, but a product line that is at least 100 times larger. And, I counted at least 33 finishes, including a custom-painted finish!

Oh, this is only the tip of the kitchen ironmongery!


If you know of a fantastic source for Cremone bolts, please share in the comments.

But, Please note I left out the sources with the cheap Cremone Bolts, such as Signature Hardware, House of Antique Hardware, Van Dykes, Etsy, and Amazon.


Now, to be clear, I’m not saying do not order from these sources. I am cautioning that their Cremone bolts all look the same and are made in India with not-so-great materials, finishes, and designs.

Cheap Cremone Bolts made in India

Above are some of the Indian-made Cremone bolts.

I’ve seen reviews where parts were missing, etc. In addition, they don’t have polished nickel. It might be called nickel, but it doesn’t look like it. Some of the finishes look sprayed on. I’m also not fond of the pseudo-Victorian filigree patterns, and somewhat eccentric knobs almost all of them have.


One last thing. Sometimes, you will hear of a Cremone bolt referred to as an Espagnolette Bolt.


The terms are sometimes used interchangeably. I believe the primary difference is the mechanism of how it is opened, and instead of a knob or handle, there’s an interesting piece that drops down.

Wilmette Hardware has this gorgeous image of an Espagnolette bolt.


Wilmette Hardware-Espagnolette bolt handle detail
Wilmette Hardware

The full door is here.

You will not find products with this rich polished nickel on the lower quality Cremone or Espagnolette bolts. However, if you love the look at the finishes they have work for you, and there’s no way you can afford the high-end bolts, that is fine.

My only objective is to share what I’ve learned.

If you have a budget that’s more in the $7,000 $700 – $1,000 per bolt price, Baldwin is a good source, too.



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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
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