Covid-19 – What The Experts Might Not Be Telling You

The Coronavirus. AKA: Covid-19.

Is there anything else on our minds these days?

Well, aside from the stock market crash of March 9, 2020. But, that is another story. Of course, they’re related.

It’s so strange that something so incredibly tiny as this coronavirus could be wreaking such tremendous havoc in our lives.

But, it is.

And, nobody ever heard of it until January.



Plus, they keep showing us this disturbing image. This microscopic virus is reminding me of a spiked wrecking ball.

But, in actuality, it is soooo tiny that at the scale of this image on my laptop, a single strand of human hair would be the length of a football field. Well, something like that. I read that it would take a thousand covid-19 viruses to reach, width-wise from one side of a human hair to the other.


@paul_siewert on unsplash beautiful hair

@paul_siewert on unsplash

Difficult to imagine how 1,000 could line up along the width of a single strand of hair.


Covid-19 virus

Here is another view of Covid-19, the novel coronavirus.

Of course, we all have our eyes glued to the news. And, it’s not very good.

Many of you know that I live in Westchester, County, New York.


At this moment in time, Westchester County has one of the highest concentrations of people who’ve contracted Covid-19 in the US.


The epicenter is the city of New Rochelle.

New Rochelle, as the crow flies, is about 4 or 5 miles from me.

However, the first victim, a man from New Rochelle, was taken to my local hospital I’ve been at a few times.

Lawrence Hospital; it is only about 600 feet away from where I live.


distance my house - hospital - covid-19 outbreak Westchester County


The left dot near the top of the image is my building and the right dot is the hospital. You may recall that I ended up here a few summers ago. And, I checked myself in again after I bashed my head in.

Oh, I have an unbelievable update with a new image of the killer light. You’ll see it in the post linked to above.

And, by the way, I’m feeling terrific these days. Thank God!


However, let’s go back to the covid-19 story of a man who ended up at my neighborhood hospital.


New Rochelle covid-19 containment area Westchester County

Above is the epicenter of the outbreak in New Rochelle, a one-mile radius. The area outlined in dark gray is the containment area.

If you notice, on the left side of the image are two Xs. The red one is where I live. The blue one is the location of Lawrence Hospital.


Below, an alarming quote from an article in the New York Times:


(note: I would link to it, except that they state the man’s name, which I do not condone. I believe that he’s entitled to his privacy.)


Over his four days at NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, N.Y., Mr. [Name Not Disclosed] came in contact with dozens of doctors and nurses, the workers who brought his food and cleaned his room, the porters who helped move him around and the respiratory technicians who made sure his ventilator was working. And other patients, too.
At least eight workers have been tested, and one was confirmed to have the virus, the authorities said last week. Many more, including doctors, are in quarantine, although the hospital would not specify a number.”


My heart goes out to this man, his family, and friends. And, also to the dedicated professionals working at Lawrence Hospital. I have been there three times since moving here and always received excellent care. Of course, this man had no idea that he was carrying this pathogen and potentially spreading it to dozens of others. However, that is what happened.


Of course, covid-19 is very worrying. However, the reality is, there’s a high probability that hundreds of thousands if not millions of us will get it.


The chances of it killing us are not overwhelmingly high, however. The people at the highest risk have underlying health conditions.

There are measures we can take to do our part to stop the rapid spread.


To that end, the Governor of the New York State, Andrew Cuomo, ordered the deployment of the national guard to help fight the outbreak of the microscopic coronavirus in the New Rochelle containment area.


709th MP BN senior leaders training - covid-19 outbreak Westchester County

I don’t know.


s Cleaning Service Westchester Coronavirus - Covid-19

I think maybe the gov should’ve deployed Molly Maids instead?


Very funny, Laurel. Except, it’s not funny.


I agree. It’s not. But, that never stopped me from trying to bringing levity to a dire situation. It’s how I deal with the difficulties we all have. And, experts say that stress is a factor that can make one more susceptible to illness. So, let’s try to keep laughing and enjoying our lives.


And, yes, the national guard is doing other things besides cleaning. I do know that. :]


The governor also instituted a drive-through testing center. That, I think, is an excellent idea.

However, it is concerning to see the amount of hoarding going on. And, I’m also thinking about the amount of bleach that might be going into our water system. Is that going to create another problem?


We need to be mindful and not go overboard.

bleach-free disintectant
Above is a bleach-free disinfectant with excellent reviews, I found on Amazon.

I tried to find anything with bleach. EVERYTHING is sold out.


So, what can we do to help ourselves during these difficult times? What can we do to get our minds off of covid-19?


Well, I’ll tell you what helps me. Whenever I’m in a place I don’t like; I take myself out.

If not physically, then in my mind.

Someplace pleasurable, of course.

And, often, it’s in the realm of fantasy.

As some of you know, I always go to youtube to look at my favorite ballet dancers.

And, the other thing I love to do is look at homes for sale.

Remember when I was fantasizing about a classical home in Florida?


Well, since I’m already in New York, I decided to fantasize about my dream home in New York City.



lower Manhattan - Covid-19 therapy

I did live there from 1979 – 1991.

I figure, since money is no object, haha, I might as well go for the best that money can buy. Right?

Remember, when I found this incredible beauty in Paris?


Well, naturally, I got sucked into this for way too long today. So, I’ll just cut to my favorite.


It’s this place that’s for sale at 30 Grove St. in the heart of the Greenwich Village section of New York City.


older photo 30 grove st. ny, ny

Above is an older photo of the house before the renovation.


30 Grove St. NY, NY after renovation

And, here it is today. Doesn’t it look smart with the black painted window frames? I am reminded of this post when we talked about whether it is a good idea to paint frames black or not. I think with red brick; it’s always a good idea.


Let’s go inside the house.


2-story living room - 30 grove street

Ahhh, the beautiful windows and two-story living room have sold me.

Alas, it’s on the market for 28 MILLION dollars!

Ouch. Let’s see. How many of Laurel’s Rolodex will I need to sell? lol


iving room -30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz

catwalk balcony overlooking living room - Covid-19 therapy

The catwalk is my favorite part of the house.


catwalk - library - 30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz
30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz - kitchen - open concept

And, yes, the house is very open, but somehow I don’t mind it here.

For more about how to fix open floor plans, go here.


30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz - kitchen - entry
30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz - living room library

master bedroom -30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz

When I saw the master bedroom, I knew the decorating looked incredibly familiar. And, then I saw in the listing that the design is by Mariette Himes Gomez and her daughter. Mariette is one of the 20 designers I wrote about several years ago that I would hire. It’s probably 30 designers now!


staircase -30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz

And, a view of the magnificent staircase.


patio - 30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz

Above and below shots of the lovely patio


rear view - 30 grove street ny, ny isaac ganz


Below is a cool video of the property


30 Grove Street, New York, NY 10014 Isaac Ganz Real Estate


Well, I hope you enjoyed that! I could’ve kept going for another month or so…


In closing, I want to leave you with some hopefully sage words during these trying times.

There is a lot of crap on the internet.

However, not all of it is.

Here are links to:


the Center for Disease Control.


the World Health Organization.


You can be sure that these groups have the latest and most accurate information available.

YouTube video

Also, I found a fabulous video given at a TEDx talk by Alanna Shaikh from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. I found it to be helpful and informative.


And, Google has begun a campaign to remind us of personal hygienic measures we all need to remember.


Covid-19 - do the five to help stop coronavirus

And, to leave y’all on a happier note. Please check out this week’s fabulous Hot Sales.

Serena & Lily has their ENTIRE site on sale, but only through Monday the 16th at 11:59 PM.

Please stay safe and healthy.



66 Responses

  1. Hey Laurel,
    I started following you the last week or two (being stir crazy and cooped up I can’t keep track of how long, but I thought,her perspective.
    You delivered with your sarcastic humor which is also so very ‘me’, and some well-needed escapism.
    So, that house. OMG LOVE!
    I even called hubby in to the office to check it out.
    We at least are agreed on this house or one like it is in the future cards. At least dreams. (and he listed off reasons he knows I like it which proves – wow he actually does listen when I decor-ramble!)
    So this is on our bucket list!
    Stay safe!

  2. Laurel, I was afraid to click this link, but of course I should have known you would be sane about this! I don’t personally trust the WHO since I learned how much the head of it admires dictator Xi, but we all have our fave sources and you are definitely my most trusted source for domestic beauty and good taste. Thanks for all you do.

  3. Thanks for this Laurel! Never hurts to distract ourselves with beauty during the tough times. Take care of yourself and be healthy. Be safe!

  4. Thanks for the fun post. We’re all going to be stir crazy by next week, so laughter may certainly be the best medicine. You can use peroxide and alcohol (in short supply, along with regular Listerine)as disinfectants, too. You just crack me up with wanting to “fix” the open floor plans 98% of the folks are wanting! Love you!

  5. ok, a little humor was needed today and you delivered. So glad you have a fun spin on current events ( like the national guard image) despite the unsettled feeling of being so close to the Hospital of confirmed cases. COV19. Stay safe and love the recommended, bleach free lemoncide. Oh and that house on Grove was a good distraction.

  6. Hello Laurel. I did of course hear about all of the corona virus cases in Westchester. I’m not sure how the governor’s deployment of the National Guard would help with the corona virus, but what do I know? One of my favorite escapes is – guess what – reading interior design and gardening blogs! There are so many beautiful ones out there, and for some reason I can’t get enough of them. I’m pretty much a nester at heart, so it’s not hard for me to snuggle in. I re-read your post about the incredibly beautiful residence in Paris – it’s to die for. Paris is having it’s fair share of Covid -19 too. I have a friend who lives there, and as you probably know, they have closed down their beautiful public spaces and attractions, just like everywhere else – the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, etc., and nothing much is open except grocery stores and pharmacies. (I wonder if the Parisians are having as much trouble buying toilet paper as we are!) You’re right. There is a lot of nonsense out there on the internet. I even think the news can be a bit overly dramatic. It’s important to use common sense and keep things in perspective. Please stay healthy and safe.

  7. Hi from Northern New Jersey! Laurel, many thanks for the beauty and mental health support. My household is recovering from the regular flu and tree pollen/allergy issues so I’m loving your humor and perspective on these surreal times. Don’t know who is being more difficult at the moment, my 86 year old parents and even older in-laws, my teens or my brother with significant health issues. I’m giving them a significant nudge and lecture on social distancing. We’ll get through but I appreciate your constant posts and reason. Not to mention that lovely home I’ve probably passed many times decades ago when there was student housing on Grove Street.

  8. Laurel, Absolutely stunning home. I could see myself living there, but even if you, me and all of your followers pooled our money we still probably wouldn’t be able to afford it!!!

  9. I’m new to your blog and just happened to be looking on Pinterest for information about Gustavian style of furniture. I have a trip planned to the Scandinavian countries and found all your posts to be extremely informative and such fun reading. You now have a new BFF! Stay healthy and be happy!

  10. Hi Laurel,
    Did you happen to watch 60 Minutes tonight. They talked about the patient from your area that you were referring to. And interviewed your Governor. It was interesting.
    It certainly doesn’t look like folks are staying in their homes in my town. I drove to my daughter’s house today & I noticed there was as much traffic as always. Parking lots at stores & restaurants were full. It seems like folks here aren’t too concerned. Their attitude scares me.
    I can’t help but believe this will be over sooner if we stop spreading it. Which means no contact with people.

  11. Laurel,

    I laughed out loud at the photo of the National Guard and your text underneath “I don’t know”. So funny! This is why I keep returning to your blog time and time again. Always entertaining and informative and real. xo

  12. Thank you for the wonderful laugh Laurel and wise thoughts and links. It really is anxious times. I am here in Ottawa where slowly everything is being shut down to control the spread. A wise choice by our government to contain it. Let’s hope it works. As a painter/decorator/furniture restorer I’ve got clients now spending lots of time at home and finding all the things they want me to spruce up; all in good time. But for now a little hibernation is required.

  13. WHAT a coincidence! In 1981 my new husband and I were searching for a home in his West Village neighborhood. A very difficult task at the time as the mortgage interest rate was 17%! Not a native New Yorker, I was young, pregnant and naive and wound up working with 6 different realtors, none of whom were optimistic. This was one of the first houses we looked at with famous (infamous) realtor Patrica Mason. The house obviously did not look like this but it was very glamorous to me. The main floor had over 11ft ceilings and the double parlor had been opened up to create one large space with full height smoke mirrors down the double fireplace wall. The furniture was an eclectic mix of mid century and antique pieces and I could picture the many cocktail parties the room must have held. It could easily have been the home of Auntie Mame! Mrs Mason was the wife of Francis Mason, the editor of BALLET REVIEW and long time dance critic of WQXR. Mr Mason sat with the owner on a low sofa while we looked around. The owner was a very elderly woman who, it was explained to us, wanted life time tenancy in the house. She planned to live with the prospective new owners, retaining the best, the parlor floor, for herself. We would have the garden floor (English basement) for a living space and the two upstairs bedroom floors. This was something we thought would not work for us, though I did consider it because of the lovely garden! I had the impression that she was a very old ballerina and friend of Mr. Mason’s. I wish I could remember more.

  14. Laurel, no way! I bought this house!!! Just kidding. But the truth is I liked this exact house. I was looking for gorgeous bathrooms and I love that real estate browsing thing for fun. I still reread your blog post about your Parisian house. And I think about you all the time and wondering what if you have all money in the world…what bathroom would you choose. As crazy as it sounds.I’d love this kind of post. Just dreaming.

  15. Thank you for this post…funny, informative and now it’s perfectly okay and also, good for me to indulge my obsession of internet house hunting, Silver Lining!

    Stay well <3

  16. I loved that New York house, especially the catwalk. Across the well from the windows is obviously a a room with double doors. I’ve always fantasized about building a structure like that above our front door and entryway. Instead of buildings, our view is a huge lake and mountains, and compared to the cost of that place, our addition would cost under $100,000. Sigh. Let me know if you’d like a picture of our view.

  17. Hi Laurel. First of all, for those hoping to find reasoned reporting of cOVID19 situation, the Canadian national broadcaster, CBC, is providing good advice from medical & science experts, rather than politicians. A major need is to “flatten the curve” – the Bell curve we all learned about in high school. That means to slow down the spread so that hospitals can keep up with demand. Up to 50% of the population will get the virus. This did not happen in Italy, for example and I must say, in the US where politicians said it wasn’t a problem Scientists @ U of Toronto isolated the virus last week & are sharing this info worldwide. A vaccine is expected within 18 months! Please note in Ontario,we are told NOT to
    head to emergency of your hospital without notifying the
    hospital in advance so staff can be protected..Healthy people are not protected by wearing masks; wear a mask if you are symptomatic to prevent the potential spread. If you have travelled, please self isolate 14 days- soooo important

  18. Hi Laurel, thank you for your input. For those who are tired of the political blame game and just want some good advice without the fear factor check out this guy on Youtube: Tech Ingredients:Scientific Approach to Avoid Coronavirus COVID-19
    I always enjoy your sense of humor and during times of stress is when humor is needed most.
    BTW I am a retired police detective of 33 years, and keeping a cool head is the way to go.

  19. Laurel, This is a great post. I am taking social distancing very seriously. I am thinking through solutions to errands and chores normally done outside the house. For example, I think i am going to ask my hair colorist to mail my usual dye formula or recommend something that I can order from CVS. Can’t wait to see how this turns out! But then, hardly anyone will be seeing me:) Gotta maintain a sense of humor. I will take this time to reread many of your wonderful posts!

  20. Christine, My most sincere condolences for the loss of your beautiful baby. I can not even imagine how painful that must be for you. How fortunate are we to have vaccinations for killer bacterial infections! I too had a Hib infection as an adult, epiglottitis in my case. I was hospitalized with IV antibiotics. This was in mid-1980s and before the vaccine was developed. All the best to you always.

  21. Dear Delilah,

    There is a lot we have not been told. I am getting info from major newspapers and teevee. Teevee is drastically different this morning, but giving the whole picture is just too scary for most Americans to handle. We are going to need to give everyone a break, as in allowing Laurel to do what she needs to do to move forward. She gave us something beautiful to contemplate.

    The Washington Post article I read said this will go on for ten years with waves of the disease moving through the population unless we get a vaccine or a treatment. Since this virus is related to the common cold, a disease we have yet to eradicate, we may have to endure waves of infection for a long time. Each wave, after the first few, will result in less and less illness, severity and disruption.” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>This article is from a professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins.

  22. I notice in this house that there are only 3 large pieces of art in the portion of the whole house that is revealed. Is that on purpose, or is it because they have such expensive artwork they don’t want it shown on the images? I could only stare at blank white walls for so long. Just wondering if this is just staging.
    Regarding COVID-19. Be mindful and take the recommended precautions , but worry only robs one of today’s peace.

  23. Thanks you for a lovely post, Laurel.
    I am using my time to do many things – one of which is catching up on your blog. There are projects to be completed, (regular) cleaning to be done, and I’m working remotely full time. Our state is rapidly shutting down and for that I am grateful – any edge we can gain against the speed of this crazy thing is good.
    Reflecting on that gorgeous house, I would happily live there, too. The design decision with the 2 story living room and the catwalk really makes for something more expansive than a typical townhome would suggest from the outside. The palette is just perfect, too. Oh, and that staircase! I am going to go spend some quality time looking at house listings in France and Italy.
    Stay well and safe – may we all emerge from this healthy and with a stronger community.

  24. Stay safe Laurel. I’m a neighbor, also use Lawrence Hospital and also close to the containment zone. By the way your 8/9/15 post had a photo of my kitchen – it’s pretty different now. I’ve used lots of your suggestions in my renovations.

  25. From one of your loyal Canadian readers, thanks Laurel for being one of the voices of reason and keeping us occupied with interior design visions of beauty! First cases of COVID-19 surfaced this week here in Winnipeg. The toilet paper almost immediately disappeared off all the shelves everywhere! What the heck is the deal with the toilet paper?!! Stay healthy and keep washing those hands!

  26. Hello Laurel, I enjoyed your post today tremendously. I’m in Montana and until two days ago we were (seemingly) virus free. There are two new cases today and one of them is a friend of my daughter. Things got very real! I have to confess that I enjoy reading the comments as much as your post, LOL. I have two new book recommendations today to investigate!

  27. Thank You Laurel, our digital age friend. The only way through is through but you bring levity and sensibility to decorating and to life. I liked the 28 mil home, the lightness, the serenity, the bookcases, the blend of old and new, and the openness doesn’t seem open.

  28. Thank you, Laurel, for providing information and a touch of much-needed humor.
    I grew up in Yonkers on a hill above the Hudson River and could watch the ships as they passed the New Jersey Palisades. My parents took me to New Rochelle to dinner and the beauty salon. My brother and cousins were born at Lawrence Hospital and l had my tonsils out there as well.
    My mother loved to take me past the beautiful homes in Parkhill as we would drive up Overcliff on the way to my uncle’s house! I love going to open houses and searching online to relax. Instead of Valley l watch Carolina Shag dancing on YouTube which makes me smile!
    I read about the 1918 flu about 12 years ago, The Great Influenza by John Barry. It is scary but the doctors and scientists did an amazing job in the days of overcrowding in cities, poor hygiene, and no antibiotics or ICUs. The bacteria which caused the secondary deadly pneumonia was named after the pandemic: Haemophilus Influenza type B. (Hib)
    It’s still around but a vaccine was announced in 1985 for children over age 2, a month before one of my 14-month-old twin girls died from meningitis caused by it. Thankfully the vaccine was perfected so that now new babies are given the Hib vaccine.
    I developed a Hib infection in 2015, four days after a cardiac ablation to fix my Afib. I had pericarditis, septicemia, pneumonia and pleural effusion! Hospitalized for 7 days. I most likely was exposed by a coughing child in a grocery store shortly before surgery. Therefore l am adamant that people make sure their children are vaccinated!
    The bacteria commonly lives in noses and might not cause an infection unless conditions are right!
    One more thing…l read that the problem with coronavirus is interstitial pneumonia. That is damage and scarring of the lung tissue and is not an infection that could respond to antibiotics.

  29. Having come down with a (non-Corona) long-lasting virus about a week and a half ago, I have been doing a lot of resting and watching a lot of TV. When it comes to Corona, I have been watching the news conferences myself and forming my own opinions, as opposed to listening to news media spin. I highly recommend this approach to everyone.

    My best understanding of our government’s approach to the virus is to take measures to limit the spread of the virus. While most people would not experience dire consequences if they came down with the virus, there are various people in our communities who ARE vulnerable to dire consequences. This includes, but is not limited to, people receiving chemo-therapy, people with HIV, people with respiratory problems, and the elderly.

    By taking what may appear to be extreme measures, we can all participate in protecting those among us who are vulnerable.
    If at some point our government/private enterprise leaders ask us to “shelter in place” for a period of perhaps 2 weeks, it would not come as a surprise to me.

    So what should our response be? First of all, we should follow the official guidelines. Secondly, what should we do if we can’t eat out, go to work or enjoy our favorite entertainment? We live in a fast-paced world in which time is a precious commodity. We often find ourselves neglecting some things just because we simply don’t have the time to do them. Thanks to Corona, we now have the time. I would encourage people to consider using any unscheduled time they may now have on their hands to get done those things that they haven’t had the time to do when life is “normal”.

    And remember, “this, too, will pass.”

  30. Thanks for addressing this stressful situation. A perfect blend of gravity, humour and information. I am so glad you are feeling better. Plus, I have wondered what happened with the light standard box. I guess a fix is a fix.
    I wondered about installing black window frames, but then figured I would have to paint all my trim black too. It never occurred to me that they could be painted on the outside and left white inside. Sheesh.
    Thanks for lifting my spirits and teaching me something.

  31. Sincere BLESSINGS to you Laurel. I have just watched our Church service via LiveStream as our Area in South Ga. is pretty much shuttered for next 2 weeks. I LOVE how you bring me joy, peace and laughter into everything – especially at this trying time we are ALL in (some who don’t even know it yet 😉 . Wash your hands and stay safe.

  32. I could not bear the windowless kitchen, but that greenhouse is to die for!
    Thank you for this post. I have severe asthma. If I catch this virus I will certainly die, so I am going nowhere, and no one is coming into the house, until it’s safe. I have books, and your blog to keep me distracted and entertained. Stay healthy, please!

  33. Thanks, Laurel, for a good blog. I spent yesterday binge watching a terrible design show on Netflix. It was so bad I couldn’t quit! Lol But it had a good ending. In the meantime, my neighbor was taken by ambulance to be tested for COVID19. I’m a retiree who can end up in the ER with a bad cold. Oh boy! I also confess to stocking up on toilet paper. When I was a kid, I visited my cousins who were so poor there was no toilet paper in the house. One experience of that was enuf:) I’m now using grocery delivery, and I am working on a massive embroidery project which is almost done. About 36″ by 24″, a fruit bowl design like the dutch painters. If it was good enuf for Helen of Troy to pass the time, it’s good enuf for me! Best of luck to all!

  34. I see we share a common pastime — swooning over images of beautiful homes. While many in my town are excitedly awaiting Texas A&M sporting events, I await the spring and fall Parade of Homes put on by our local home builders association. It won’t be long! Have a great day & thanks for the tip on the cleaner. It looks like something I’d like to try — any normal time, too!

  35. Thank you, Laurel, for this very helpful and informative post. Ditto the F&B post. That they’ve been bought explains the colors, marketing, etc.
    Re that brownstone: a friend and I go to museum shows and like to ask each other which one picture we would want if we could buy one. We rarely agree and that’s the case with the NYC house you chose. I’d never want my own brownstone and far prefer the safety of a doorman building. Meanwhile, thanks again for this post.

  36. Good Morning Laurel, Thank you for your post which is always a treat but especially during these times. We are also close to a danger zone; 10 miles from Teaneck, NJ, the NJ epicenter. We have decided to stay hunkered down.
    I agree with your advice to be aware but give yourself some calming activities. Working in the yard always calms me and gives me some natural Vitamin D.
    The Great Alone and The Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah are two amazing books that you will not want to put down.
    I am going to start a daily video or Facetime to my Grandchildren who have no school and are worried about the virus. It might just be how to plant grass seed, how to bake bread, or maybe just a joke of the day. I am looking forward to doing it and feel sometimes good comes out of the darkness.
    Stay well Laurel, I send prayers for all of you.

  37. Hey Laurel-thanks once again for brightening my day in spite of all that’s going on.
    What’s wrong with an open floor plan? We are building now (in Texas) and wouldn’t have it any other way. We love having friends and family milling about where we can see and communicate with each other. I thought the day of having your rooms walled in was gone. Enlighten me!

  38. Like Elizabeth I pulled out an old favorite, “Year of Wonders” A Novel of the Plague by Geraldine Brooks. Anna Firth tells the story of how her life changed in one year. From the Puritans, to the tailor and to the vicar, life unfolds in the 1700’s and the arrival of the plague. There was little hope for survival then but with the medical advances today there is much hope. This is a beautifully crafted tale and one will that will put life today in perspective. We have so very much to be thankful for.

  39. Dear Laurel,

    Many thanks for a posting which does not ignore the emergency. I, too, look at a lot of houses for sale, but then, I want to return to California. It looks like the pandemic will prevent that from happening this summer.

    It must be quite disturbing to have your local hospital as part of this story.

    We need beauty of all sorts to soothe our souls. Thank you for this posting.

    You are one smart lady, but we all knew that. Stay safe.


    I love this video…tells you everything you need to know about Covid-19 in a way that doesn’t freak you out 🙂 Great to share with your kids! This video was made by my son Matt who works for an educational company. Please feel free to share. And as usual, love all your posts Laurel xo

  41. Here’s an idea to get you closer to getting this $28 million place. How about you offer a membership so that your regular readers like myself can get an ad-free edition of your blog? Is this possible? I would be up for a paid subscription. And I already have your rolodex! 🙂

  42. Thank you for sharing this stunningly beautiful home. One of my daughters is an Iona grad so I’m very familiar with the area. Here in CT the grocery shelves are wiped out daily but the employees work hard to keep replenishing as they are able. I fear we are nowhere near the peak of tnis yet so happy distraction is helpful. Thanks again. Stay well and safe!

  43. Thank you, Laurel, for a wonderful post. We are in scary times and I’m glad that you are well. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous home with us, the owners will be able to keep themselves occupied for a long time with their books! Great video. I loved everything about the home except the price! 😊

  44. When the news of how bad this is hit I vowed to myself that I would pull my best self together and bring a smile to each person I meet. I work in customer service at a lovely department store and yesterday I was faced with so many co-workers who will be dealing with the economic impact of this pandemic. There were almost no customers and most stores are cutting back the hours they are open.
    I kept my promise, I greeted everyone with a smile and a pleasantry, but in my mind I know this is going to get so much worse before it gets better. Perhaps Churchill said it best “If you’re going through Hell, just keep going”.
    Keep up the good work Laurel! A joke and pictures of pretty houses are a lifeline when one least expects it.

    1. I was just chatting with my sister about the economic problem. Many jobs cannot be done at home. Some people, like waiters, rely on tips. Businesses ARE going to go under. This is why we must follow the recommendations of our government.

  45. Hello Laurel, Everyone complains about overreaction to the virus, but this is something new, and we don’t know all the rules yet. It’s scary when it comes so close to home. I don’t know where the cases are in Taiwan–I’m glad I don’t have television, or I might be overwhelmed with updates.

    That house, while stunning, is a tough call. I often don’t approve of gut-style revocations, but have to admit this one was handled with class. Of course I love the bookcases, but another part of me says that if they left all the rooms in place, there would have been space for even more books!

    Take care, Jim

  46. Hi laurel, please stay safe. Not sure if we’re talking about the same man, but tf he died Thursday, he worked at my daughter’s office. Luckily she’s been working remotely for the last 2 weeks. So so scary.
    People have been very cavalier about this virus and I fear we’ve lost valuable time,but all w can do Now is stay home .

  47. I recommend Hilary Mantel’s new novel about Thomas Cromwell, which opens with the beheading of Anne Boleyn and doesn’t get any less dramatic as it goes on. Every 20 pages one of these incredibly scheming courtiers is packed off to the Tower of London, to await some extremely unpleasant form of execution. You’ll be so grateful that at least you don’t have to survive the court of Henry VIII, where the mortality rate seems to have been a lot higher than COVID-19. Laurel, thanks as always for the jokes and the distractions of beauty.

  48. Hi Laurel, Thanks for a great post. Like chatting with a friend, which we all really need right now. It must be very unsettling to live so close to New Rochelle. I live in Italy and we are all quarantined in our homes right now. Stay safe! Ciao!!

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