Can You Do Bunny Williams Punta Cana Home On a Budget?

Dear Laurel,

I love it when you do the high-low posts and was wondering if you could tackle John Rosselli’s and Bunny Williams Punta Cana home. I’ve been drooling over its beauty ever since you published the post about why John hates you. lol

I imagine that this room if one were paying retail would be well into six figures? And how I wish that our home had those soaring ceilings and gorgeous architectural detailing. Please don’t tell me that is all it is. Is there any hope for us peeps of far more modest means to get the look?

Our budget to do our living room is no more than 20k. The room is about 14 x 25 and there is a lovely fireplace and there are four windows that are the standard six over six sash windows. There is a four-inch crown and a 5 inch colonial baseboard. And the far end does have French doors which go out to the patio.

We recently moved and are only starting to decorate but I want this look for the entire house. Love their bedroom too!


Does this style have a name? Hope that you can do a blog post about it. Oh, one last question. Love the striped rug, but is that practical? We do have two children and a dog. But the slipcovers, I adore!!!

ILuva Bunnee


Thank you “ILuva.” ;]


I mean who doesn’t love La Colina, John Rosselli and Bunny Williams Punta Cana home?!?!?


As Mark Sikes said in this post, the home is magical.

And yes, I won’t kid you, the magnificent architecture absolutely plays a part. But if we can imagine ourselves standing in this living room which sounds a lot like this one, we did a couple of years ago, then it is clear, that we can do something really lovely.


What is this style?


I believe that it’s based on a British Colonial style which features pale colors coupled with dark mahogany furniture and tropical themes. It is so named because of the English who colonized the West Indies.


The Rosselli/Williams home is also filled with plenty of “john and bunnyisms” like those fabulous colorful throws that she frequently uses in her interiors.


ILuva doesn’t say where she lives. Does one have to live somewhere tropical or Mediterranean in order to do this style? Well, certainly if you do, this would be perfect. But, I don’t get too hung up on things like the location. I mean, if you live in a forest on a mountain, this one would be more difficult to pull off, but I think this color scheme and feeling could be adapted for other regions.

While some designers might find that horrifying, I feel if one loves something, then they should find a way to make it work.

I read in my research that Bunny told someone that she was using chintz for a job and the person said, “Oh, isn’t chintz out?” (I would not have asked such a questions!) But Bunny said that it’s out if you don’t like it. Oh, how I love her for that!

Therefore, let’s quickly examine what it is about this room that gives us such joy.

Certainly the grandeur of it. But the colors, the personal touches, the eclectic furnishings that never match but always go together. Bunny and John make it look easy. It’s not.


Alas, it’s getting quite late now and I actually started this yesterday.


I have to admit that the art is really difficult. Yes, yes… I know… support your local artists. And that would be fantastic. If you know someone who could paint a couple of fabulous panels like the ones here, that would be incredible.

Those fabulous pieces that they have are untold thousands, I am quite sure. But I think that they make the room.

John Rosselli and Bunny Williams Punta Can Home on a budget

But there’s something a little different this time. (not just the furniture which changed if you’ll notice!)

A while ago, I create several floor plans which I never did anything with, but I’m going to include two of them tonight. A little holiday presie for y’all.

This is a pretty standard layout and there’s a small room behind the living room.

And this layout is one I’ve been confronted with many times in terms of door openings. There are either one or two on the right side and usually two flanking the fireplace going out to a sun room that used to be a covered porch! There are other configurations for both rooms.

A few notes.


The striped rug is very difficult. First of all this room is 30 FEET by 50 FEET!!!


Wowza is right! That is FOUR times the size of the two living rooms above. FOUR TIMES! And the ceiling is at least 15 feet higher in the Punta Cana House.

The rug is undoubtedly a custom rug. It is a wool dhurrie which is not impractical because it’s wool, but just depends on how you guys live. I would do sea grass for your budget. In fact, if you check out the hot sales page, there is an image in the widget that links to a 9 x 12 sea grass rug that’s only $325!!!

That will be helpful, because while most everything I selected is very reasonable, a few pieces are more. And also, there are some furnishings for the dining room which was not included.


But, I think that we managed to get the feeling of Bunny Williams Punta Cana home.

I have a few more shots for you to examine.


dining area outside. sublime! John Rosselli and Bunny Williams Punta Can Home on a budgetThe dining room is outside! But if doing one indoors, there is no reason that one can’t incorporate some beautiful wicker or rattan chairs.

And one thing I want to point out are the windows that open up from the ground. That’s crazy wonderful! That way, one doesn’t have to walk through the doors and you can put furniture there. Brilliant!


John Rosselli and Bunny Williams Punta Can Home on a budget


Bunny Williams Punta Can Home on a budget - beautiful library table filled with Chinoiserie porcelains
And because the image above this one was a GINORMOUS file, I was able to zoom in for us to see everything on the table. Of course, our living room doesn’t have enough room for a large center table like this. I would call this a library table. But, here, it’s just a fabulous display for their vast collections.

Please enjoy all of the furnishings I found.



Hope you enjoyed the high-low of John Rosselli and Bunny Williams Punta Cana home!


I’ve probably left some things out, so if you have any questions please fire away!


PS: Please don’t forget to check out the Holiday Shop if you’re looking for gifts and/or gift ideas. And also the Hot Sale’s Page.

Also, One Kings Lane is having a 70% OFF Warehouse sale!!! And there are some insane values. A few I’ve added to the Hot Sale’s Widget.


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