I May Have Found “The One” in Boston!

Yes, I know! I move to Boston, and just like that, I’m in love?


Oh, Laurel, you can’t be falling in love so fast, you know. It’s just infatuation.


Well, it happens, ya know. Besides, he’s awfully easy on the eyes, cute as can be, sleek, sophisticated, super-organized, and whip-smart!

He even knows how to recharge his battery all on his own.

Laurel? Ummm… what on earth are you talking about?

I’m talking about Roberto (Robby), my brand new Roborock S6-Pure Robot vacuum cleaner!!!

OH! You thought I was talking about a real human BOYFRIEND?

Well, Robby is “the one.”


The one robot vacuum cleaner, I selected Dahlings.


And, so that y’all know. This is not a sponsored post. In other words, Roborock did not give me one of their vacuums to gush over; nor are they paying me. However, if you decide you’d like one of them for yourself, this link (and others on this page) will work to give me a little commish at no extra charge to you if you decide to get one.

So, how did I choose The Roborock S6 Pure.

Well, I consulted my friend Bethany who reads the blog and usually comments and writes me via Facebook. She is the queen of the vacuum cleaner and, well, cleaning in general. Well, she is to me. It was about four years ago that she clued me into my portable Hoover wind tunnel CORDLESS vacuum. That lovely changed my life. I’ll be forever grateful.


Therefore, I didn’t hesitate to take her up on her offer to give me more of her excerpt robot vacuum advice.


Many of you may recall a post from a few weeks ago where we discussed vacuums and air purifiers. I was surprised at how many of you had robot vacuums. My impression was that most of you were not so enamored with I-Robot Roomba but preferred other brands.

But, there are sooooo many! And, they have numerous features.


My wish list for a robotic vacuum included:


  • Powerful Suction
  • HEPA Filter
  • Good on both hardwood and tile floors and low to medium pile rugs
  • Mapping/Room Layout – The Roborock Robotic vacuum actually makes a map of your floors.
  • Organized vacuuming
  • A long-lasting battery
  • Recharge and resume. That’s where it goes back to its charging station on its own and then resumes cleaning when it’s done recharging! Crazy!
  • Mopping ability
  • And, as quiet as possible. Robot vacs are not nearly as loud as traditional vacuums. But, if I’m going to have this guy buzzing around me for an hour or two, I’d prefer it if he was on the quiet side.


I also wanted a white robot vac because the black ones remind me of those hideous water bugs that I was sometimes treated to before I got one of those ultrasonic thingies that freak them out, and they stay away.


So, what did Bethany recommend?


She recommended the RoboRock S4 or S5. Please don’t ask me the difference. Then, I  looked at all of the RoboRocks, and there are at least a dozen options; maybe more. But, the S6 seemed to come up quite high on a couple of reviews. And the S6 Pure, I believe, was the quietest (at only 50 decibels) and did well on medium pile rugs and had everything else on my wish-list. I was getting a headache after about an hour. I figured that whatever slight differences, this one was most likely going to be terrific.

And so, I ordered a Roborock s6 Pure on Amazon only four days ago. In fact, it wasn’t due to arrive until tomorrow.

UPS is doing something new. Well, new to me, and maybe it’s a Boston thing? Or, maybe because they have to leave the package outside?


UPS package outside my door RoboRock S6 Pure Vacuum

But, they email you when your package has arrived and take a photo of it which they send you. Brilliant.

Then, I went and fetched the box and brought it in.


roborock s6 pure in the box

I have to confess that setting up electronic equipment is not my cup of tea. And, fortunately, my wasband loved to do that. So, I never had to lift a pinky.


Roborock s6 Pure - floor cleaning robot

After all, I was a Luddite. I go into a bit more detail in my blogging guide. I created this website in 2012, with a template, and believe me when I tell you it was excruciatingly painful in the beginning.

This is just a little background for those who fear technology.


Roborock S6 Pure from China

I continued to unbox Robby. He’s not at all heavy.

And then I proceeded to set him up.

First, I had to download the RoboRock App on my phone. That’s easy. The only worrisome part was connecting Robby to my wifi. My main TV has not been getting a signal for the last couple of days. I have no idea why, and I tried rebooting the system. Everything else is working fine, so I have to call Verizon on Monday. But, anyway, I got him hooked up. It’s not at all difficult.


new robotic vacuum from Roborock

Then, I let him loose, and this is when the magic happens.

roborock mapRobbie makes a map as he cleans the first time. Everything you see above is all Robby’s doing! That way, he remembers your space the next time he cleans. Above you can see the systematic path he took cleaning and mapping my entire living room, kitchen, entry and part of the den. I’m going to have to edit the map so that he gets the den and bathroom in. But, this is a great start.


I made three very short videos of Robby in action. Or, sometimes inaction. He’s quite amusing!



Above and below, Robby appears to be struggling with the floor saddles.



Okay. Before you begin to think that this thing is horrible. Later on, after a good dinner of sizzling Boston baked protons and electrons, he was rarin’ to go and went up those saddles like the bad boy he is. I just didn’t get that on video.



As I’m sitting here writing this and looking at my gleaming floors, I’m thinking, why on earth didn’t I get one of these before? This vacuum is awesome! Maybe now you can see why I’m falling hard for him!


What are some other features of the Roborock S6 Pure?


  • Well, you can mop and vacuum at the same time. I don’t know how that works, but I’ll try it soon.
  • You can map multiple floors. I’ll do the lower level tomorrow.
  • The vacuum spot cleans.
  • One can also create “no clean zones.” Or “no mop zones.” That way, Robby won’t mop the rugs. Or, you can just have your Roborock only clean certain rooms.


And, Robby didn’t even come close to falling off the ledge of the stairwell.


However, I was squealing with anxiety the first few times that he would off himself ten plus feet down.


Now, for the acid test. I need to check to see what he picked up.


Hang on. I’ll be right back.  Mind you. I’ve been vacuuming each level on alternate days since I’ve been here, so the floors were already pretty dust-free.


Or so I thought.

However, the bin produced a large piece of charcoal gray, fairly dense fluff that measured about 2″ x 6″ x .5″ thick, as well as a few loose pieces of detritus, but not much. However, that was much more than I was expecting considering that the place was professionally cleaned right before I moved in. Plus, the upper level, which got vacuumed today, has been vacuumed at least six times in 12 days.


There he is, under the table. Don’t you like the way I have things set up? haha


robot vacuum s-6 pure docked

After about an hour, Robby had run out of battery power because I didn’t charge him up. Then, he took himself to his docking station for the aforementioned “meal.”

All in all, I couldn’t be more pleased with my new Roborock S6 Pure.

Now, all I need is a robot that dusts, washes windows, makes the bed, loads and empties the dishwasher, and cooks.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that this is a year full of blessings, good health, and a super-clean home without breaking your back!



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66 Responses

  1. Just bought one via your link to amazon and like another commenter, it came used. Long blonde human hair wrapped around the brush roller and dirt and dust on the filter. I had ordered a new one. Shocked. I’m keeping it to see how well it works before thinking about sending it back.

  2. Laurel, you’re new love is sooooo sexy! I did peek to see how much of a bribe it cost to get him home. More than my pocketbook can manage at this point, but oh, I’m tempted. Life is one big sweep-up with my six indoor kitties flitting around the place. Maybe next year.

  3. Laura…
    So bummed. It just arrived from Amazon and has clearly has been used. So glad you posted what it should have looked like when you open the box. Shame on Amazon …I made it clear I wanted a new Roborock S 6 Pure. Gail

    Never have had a problem before with vendors I have bought from thru you.

  4. I bought all your resources, Rolodex etc, January 30th and haven’t (hardly) left my desk since. I am afraid they will find me dead, like those video gamers that die in the chair. It’s all awesome!!! You have done years and years of work here.

    Behr paint is OK-Benj Moore is much better paint. Much better. Considering the amount of work painting is, go for better. I do much of my own painting, it’s so rewarding.

    I love all these robo vac names, I am getting one now. We just bought a 3 story house and I will end up with 3 of them if they are as great as everyone says. Larry, Curly and Moe.

    1. That made me laugh because I have the same fear. But, also thank you so much for the kind words! Of course, I think my guides are special, but it has a lot more weight when others weigh in unsolicited. Thank you so much!

  5. Laurel –

    When you wrote that you found ‘the one’, I was thinking that you had finally found another kitty to share your new home. Boy was I off!

  6. Laurel, I love seeing your new home! Boston! In your living room scenario – which looks fab ’cause of all your beautiful pieces not to overlook the gorgeous architecture! Okay, I digress – absolutely love the screen to the left. Is there a resource for it? The wall over my couch is in dire need of something like that. New Year & New House blessings to you, Laurel! You’re a joy!
    PS Would love to send you a “home warming gift” of my novel, The Red Coat – A Novel of Boston.

  7. Ours is named Rosie after the one in The Jetsons! And she is connected to Alexa so we say “Alexa, tell Robovac Rosie to start”, and off she goes!

  8. Reply to CeCe: You may have wondered why I said we got a 2nd Roborock to do the other half of our house. We may have been able to just have one, but we have 4500 sq ft with 3 steps up from one side of the house to the other. For convenience, we purchased 2 vacuums. I also like the option to run them both at the same time. After the Roborock maps your house, it automatically recognizes rooms, so that in the future, you can just choose which rooms you want vacuumed. If you have an open floor plan and want to set up zones, you can do that on the app also.

  9. @Cece… You do not need separate vacuums for separate floors. I just carried mine downstairs and it created a separate map for that floor.

  10. I tried reply to a couple of specific comments but it didn’t work on my iPhone. So a new comment with a question: sounds like you may need two for the same home? I have 4 bedroom, 3800 sq ft home, but one level. I’d need more than one? After this post and comments, I want a second man in my life now.

    1. Hold on dear CeCe. You do not get to have a second man when there are those of us who are without one. lol (and don’t would like to have one). However, if you mean a robot vac man, then you can have as many “men” as you wish! 😀

      In any case, you do not need to have two vacuums. You can program multi-levels or zones on one level. But you do need to carry it up and down the stairs if you have them. They aren’t heavy. I think maybe seven or eight lbs.

  11. Ah! Robby is wonderful! I’ve had so much robot-vacuum-research-fatigue that I’ve stopped looking. Now to convince the husband! With a new Rottweiler, I think we need a robot butler.

  12. Thanks for the recommendation…I just bought it! I just moved out to the country and the dust is driving me nuts. I’ll need to read up on how to have it reprogram itself as the furniture gets rearranged…still trying to find the best placement.

  13. Ooooh — he is cute! Cute name too. I am one who loves my Roomba, whom we named Floora. She does a good job and is quiet.

  14. Laurel,

    Great post. You mentioned a portable cordless hoover wind tunnel. Could you provide more information on that as well? I am trying to decide if I want a cordless, robot or both. Thanks!

    1. Hi Barbara,

      They no longer make my model. I’m not sure what the replacement is. But, I would do both because you might just have a quick something to vacuum up. Also the bot doesn’t go under anything shorter than he is, or an area he can’t fit through. In addition, I use my cordless to vacuum the furniture. There’s a smaller attachment. And, in the case of mine, it can either be used as a floor vacuum or part of it comes off to become a hand-held vacuum. But, to get the bulk off of the floor, this roborock is amazing.

  15. I just ordered. I was looking at the Neato D7 and you convinced me this was the way to go. Thanks so much. Happy New Year. So happy for you, and I cannot wait to see the transformation of your new home. XOXO

  16. Well this review could not have come at a better time – I have been thinking about investing in one for a few months. I have 3 dogs – 2 German Shepherds and I am vacuuming ALL the time!! Hair hair everywhere, lol!! I have only heard of Roomba and everyone has told me make sure you get a self-emptying one. Does Roberto do this for you Laurel? Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the mop function. I am going to back and read your link to vacuums and air purifier (another item I have been contemplating)!! Thanks for all your wonderful blogs. I send people to your site all the time. You make me laugh and always have the BEST information!! Happy New Year!! Congrats on your new home too!!

  17. I have a Roborock as well! It came up as the best on Vacuum Wars on youtube (they test and review vacuum cleaners)
    I have 4 kids and 2 cats, so I set it (his name is Dwayne) to automatically clean every night. It’s fascinating to see what’s in the bin each morning 🙂

  18. In response to thick carpets, I have a Roborock earlier model, and although I do love it, it doesn’t really like thick carpets. They tend to get stuck on edges when trying to go up and down. And as far as fringe as long as it isn’t too long it works fine. I only have one carpet with fringe left and I don’t always let it go in there, I just shut the door. I run mine 3 times a week and it is always full when done. But it does make you lazy, it doesn’t do corners or baseboards, I very rarely get out my “real” vacuum now. I only run mine when I go out and by the time I come back she’s ( Chow Mein) is done. I may have to check out the mopping model, my floors don’t get washed nearly as often as they used to with the robot.

  19. Heather here again. I forgot to mention that 2 of my area carpets are thick wool Persian carpets so I’d like to know if this robot has trouble with that. The other 2 carpets are thinner. I’ve never had a robotic vacuum so I need your advice. Thanks. Heather

  20. Loved your post today. As I’m Canadian I can’t take advantage of the amazing sale prices you have in the US. I didn’t realize I needed/wanted a robot vac until I read your funny post. Not only do I have to research the best price, I need to come up with a name for my new baby. Question: I have fringes on all 4 area carpets in my house – will the robot be able to get over the fringes easily or will it stop and chew them up? I’ll look for someone with fringed area carpets to respond. Thank you. Heather

  21. Hilarious! I was afraid Robbie would jump. He’s a delightful companion. He may need a ramp for those saddles.

  22. I began my search for a robot vac several years ago. I thought I wanted the shortest so it would vacumn under furniture. Well, you know how it’s said, “Be careful what you wish for.”? The first, an Ecovac Deebot, got stuck under just about everything and didn’t work at all after a year. Next I bought an Eufy and have the same problem. I am constantly down on my knees trying to pull it out from under chairs and sofas. Worse is that it rides up onto the curved legs of my Henkel Harris dining table and sits there churning away on the wooden leg! I have had to resort to putting obstacles, a broom or mop, on the floor across the bottom of the sofa and chairs so it won’t go under them. I must remain in the dining room to prevent it from riding up the table legs. I’m beginning to think that it’s more trouble than just vacumning myself but I have back problems. It appears as if you have higher furniture than I, but I would be interested in reading how your Robby manages lower furniture and mopping. Thanks for introducing this topic.

  23. I’m interested in your mural board. Did you make it. Is it a wallpaper you purchased or is it an antique. I love it

  24. Happy New Year everyone. I LOVE that you have named your robots! Too cute. I hate vacuuming (it kills my back) so I may be investing soon.

  25. I LOVE my robot vac, Sir Crumly, and, like you, was surprised how much he picked up from my supposedly clean floors the first time I used him. I love that he vacuums under beds. I have a big Miele, a Dyson cordless for quick spot cleaning and my lovely Sir Crumly for getting the hardwood floors really clean while I am doing something else.

    I want to know more about this mopping feature! My guy doesn’t mop.

    I also wonder how many of us give our robot vacuums male names. There is something satisfying about having a guy vacuum for us

  26. Hi Laurel,
    My daughter needs a Robbie in her life. She has a big dog that sheds like crazy. She vacuums before I come for a quick visit. And by the time I leave a couple of hours later it looks like she needs to vacuum again.
    If she could program that thing to just follow her dog around the house she’d be all set.

  27. We have the Roborock S6 (not the Pure model). We got the first one a year ago. After using it so much and loving it, we bought a second one in Nov 2020 for the other side of our home. My husband is a super-techy, research man and chose the Roborock for its features and because it uses LIDAR and not cameras to make its way around your room. I’m so glad you love your Robby! I also recommend it!

  28. Yayy!! I love my roborock vacuum (Reginald) too!! I have an older model than yours but it also has the vacuum and mop simultaneously feature which I honestly thought I would use more, but unfortunately it tries to go over the rugs with the mop too lol which just ends in the mop head getting tangled up. I’ve read you can install a virtual barrier that it will not cross using magnetic tape, but I want my rugs vacuumed too. So I ended up getting a braava jet to add to my arsenal which avoids rugs intuitively. I haven’t commented recently on your other posts, but I love your new home and I’m so happy for you!!

  29. I am obsessed with my iRobots by Roomba (I currently have 3 two at my home one at my lake home) and a new iRobot Mop that I haven’t gotten to use yet. I have Cleana Turner, Meryl Sweep, & Cleanapatra. Possible name for the mop it Mopdonna! So as you see I swear by the types of cleaners. I will certainly check this brand out as I am always looking for “gadgets”

  30. Jim, I set all of my chairs out away from the dining room table and then spot vacuum under it. We have a small, long haired dog that loves to sit under the table. Other than that, my Roomba will weave its way around and find the open route under the table.

  31. I was a naysayer on your prior vacuum post having owned one 10 years ago. It looks like they’ve come a long way since I owned mine. Would love if you would give us an update in 6 months to see if you and Robby are still in love. 🙂

  32. I picked up a Roomba at an estate auction 9 or 10 years ago. His name is George ( I have since added Harry.) 3 batteries later and he is still working like a champ. I can vacuum a room and then turn him lose and am amazed at what he finds. He had been “caught” dragging a sock around to which I yell at him for going in the laundry room. I remind him to stay out of there. He is an older model and does not map like him younger brother Harry.

  33. I love my Roborock! I read many reviews and watched many videos before I chose this brand as a high quality option to Roomba. There are a number of models. The S5 Max was right for me. I named it Sandy in honor of the white haired dog that lived in the house we just bought. He will live for eternity here, despite the excellent work of the vac.

  34. Hi Laurel. Thank you for reviewing this robot vacuum. You helped me with my decision so I placed my order today via your link. Amazon also offered a $140. discount. I’m looking forward to my “Robbie” arriving.

    Love your blog and your sense of humor!!


  35. I’ll probably be ordering one. I haven’t thought of a name yet. Loved this blog, love all of your blogs and love your sense of humor. Amazon deliveries are left at the door and a photo is always taken . Thanks for the review.

  36. Three years ago I moved into a new home with laminate floors, nary a wall-to-wall anywhere! I researched for my musts: quiet, lowest profile, hard surfaces and low to med pile for area rugs. I chose Euphy and love it. Of course I still have my Dyson Animal Upright and Dyson cordless, but I use them very infrequently!

  37. I never thought I would fall for a robot ! I’m sold especially because he’s so smart ! Great addition to your lovely new home. 🙂

  38. We bought the S6 Pure on Cyber Monday. It is fantastic. Just tried the mop function the other day on our hardwoods. It worked amazingly well. It mops on hard surfaces but then senses the area rugs and just vacuums those. Living in the Denver area, we named ours Rocky.

  39. Haha, It looks like your chair is afraid of Robbie and jumped up onto the table.
    I love hearing about your new adventure.

  40. Good for you! This was my treat to self this Christmas, those sale prices were just to good to ignore. Seeing your gorgeous, old wood floors (mine are 70 yrs old and I LOVE them) brings up a question you might be able to help me with. Due to renovation of kitchen and add-on of a sitting room I must find a flooring that works with the old wood floors in the rest of my house. I’m considering cork because it would blend color wise and is a natural product (nope, don’t want tile). Would love any input you might have on the product …. or maybe some of you others out there might have experience?? Thanks!

  41. Great post! Have been debating getting one for a year – your post sold me. Just ordered one like yours in white – we’ll see how it does on English Cream golden retreiver puppy fur when it arrives next week. Great start to 2021.

  42. Hello Laurel, Congratulations on your new purchase. How does it manage with clusters of legs, as around the dining room table and chairs?

    Also, the photograph makes an admirable proof of delivery, but if the package is stolen by the time you retrieve it, whose responsibility is it?

    1. Hi Jim,

      I did pick up all of the small chairs first, but wherever it fits, it will weave in and out. You can see the path it took in the map. Sometimes it went back to rooms. I love a bot vacuum with OCD!!!

  43. What a great review! I may just make the switch from the dark side of my manual vacuum.

    Also, you mentioned an ultrasonic water bug deterrent. I would be forever grateful to learn what you use as I live in S. Louisiana where water bugs are huge and SCARE me to death!

    Love your blog and your new home!!

  44. My two year old loves our robot vacuum. He is constantly playing with it like it’s his pet. That’s okay with me – it’s the easiest “pet” to care for – “feeds” itself, goes for its own walks, doesn’t shed, no shots… Haha! Glad you’re enjoying yours!

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