Hey Guys,
Some of you may recall that at the end of August, I announced the release date of the second part of the Laurel Home Essential Paint Color Collection.
The LH Paint Palette Collection.
It’s November 2nd.
Three weeks.
I’ve been working, working, working on it and remember the mood boards that I showed you? That was just the warm-up.
A lot of you have asked what I use to make the boards. I use picmonkey.com. And no, they aren’t paying me to say that. It’s a lot of fun and easy to use. The only drawback is that you cannot save your work and come back to it and if you have a dip in power, it will be deleted.
But, here’s what I’ve discovered about creating beautiful rooms.
Through using this tool, I am able to see what looks good together. Yes, I’ve been doing this for a while, but it really helps to see things together. It doesn’t help a lot with proportion, unless you have experience with that. But it does help in terms of color and style.
Here, let me show you what I mean.
In picmonkey you go open up a board to create and then everything on that board is an overlay. Here’s the beginning of the background for a board.
I began with the background color, Benjamin Moore, Mediterranean Spice, one of the Laurel Home Essential Paint Color Collection’s colors.
By the way, if you don’t know this color, it is truly magical. It’s not quite fuschia, but not a pure red either. It glows in the most beautiful way when the lights are on and very lovely during the day. I used it in a north facing teen girl’s bedroom and just gorgeous.
Each element is hand-applied. I found images of the wainscoting, windows and fireplace and if necessary removed the backgrounds.
Then, when I realized that I was using hundreds of images, I found a darling woman in Fiverr.com who is removing them for 50 cents an image. WHAT? I feel like I’m taking advantage. Her name is Saarika on Fiverr if you have a need for this service and other photo-shopping techniques. She does an amazing job and can turn around 60 images in 3 days.
I won’t bore you with the obsessive way I play around with the images. haha. I already knew that I wanted the Chiang Mai Dragon fabric for the drapes, but I ended up ditching the fireplace for a cool ming table from Red Egg (a wonderful and favorite source) and remember the controversial post about affordable classical art?
Thar, she is… front and center!
There are forty of these boards. Yes, FORTY! And each one comes with a palette which also goes with your Universal Palette in the back of the collection. (but I will be explaining more about that in the guide)
Each of the palettes goes into a grouping of palette families. Each palette begins with a lead color. Above, the lead color is Mediterranean Spice. This is definitely one of the jazziest schemes.
There is something for everyone. Feminine rooms. Masculine rooms. Cool, warm, young and fun or more stately (but never dull!) And it’s okay if you’re a girl to like the masculine rooms. I do! I love all of them! I need 6 homes! lol
Here, I can’t contain myself. I just have to show you two more finished boards!
For instance, this is niveous. Well, duhhh. It’s right there.
And below is the palette I created from the Laurel Home Paint Collection.
Niveous is the lead color which is always the first color in the upper left corner. And another room in this paint palette family of earthy tones is Cleveland Green. It belongs to the board below.
hehe… can you find the watermark?
I put the two palettes together so that you could see. Now instead of only nine colors, you’ll have 16 colors. But that’s not all that’s in this family. There are at least 10 other boards that go with this color family! There are a large number of colors in this paint palette family. And they include some of the lavenders, warm reds and corals.
BTW, the number one color in the palettes is Cleveland Green!
Why? Well, it is the universal color of all universal colors! It’s this beautiful mossy, bronzey mossy color that gives some depth to pastels (so we don’t have an Easter basket looking room) and richness to deeper toned rooms. No, it’s not in every palette, but it is in a lot of them.
Something else. Represented in the boards are living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, offices and libraries, but just because I use a color in say a bedroom, that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be used in a living room or a dining room.
Along with the colors and palettes, there is tons of other decorating advice and info.
- I’ll also be pointing out which schemes look great with wood tones if your mouldings are wood.
- Alternative colors and possible adjoining room colors.
- And of course, there will be discussion about ceiling colors as well as painted trim colors. Of course, you can also consult your paint collection, to see which are the recommended trim colors for each palette.
- I will also point out which schemes that will work in lower light rooms
- In addition there will be some basic advice about lighting. Without beautiful lighting, your colors and room will not be so beautiful.
A gorgeously decorated room with bad lighting is like Jennifer Aniston showing up at the Academy Awards with frizzy hair.
(you can tweet that) ;]
I worked very hard to use every color in the collection, but alas there are a handful that didn’t make it in, this time.* (more about that in a sec) But I did not shy away from some of those bossy colors. And ya know what? Those are some of my favorite boards!
But there’s more!
In addition, I will be putting in links to where much of the furniture comes from. Some of it is vintage like those way cool chairs in the Mediterranean spice room from Chairloom.
Do you know Chairloom? (not to be confused with Chairish)
Chairloom is one of about 35 new sources in a completely updated, revised, refreshed Laurel’s Rolodex!
That is also coming out on November 2nd.
But here’s the deal… and please read on because I don’t want you to miss out…
Or, if you want to miss out, don’t read on. :]
The Rolodex is going up in price at 12:00 AM on November 14th. Instead of $149.00, it will be $179.00 (link to Laurel’s Rolodex)
So, if you want to get a rolodex at $149.00, you will need to get that order in before the 14th of November. This is update number 2, by the way.
For people who’ve already purchased, please do not unsubscribe from Rolodex and/or paint collection updates or you will not get the special offers! If you did because you spazzed out or didn’t understand. Okay. I will get it to you, if you contact me, but please try not to unsubscribe unless you really do not want to hear another word from me.
Right now, you are on the blog subscription list, but if you get a note that mentions either Rolodex and/or Paint Collection owners, that will be from those lists.
This is a good time to mention because some don’t realize that these are digital products. They get downloaded to your device(s). It is possible to get them printed in book form, but that is not something I’m able to do. I can give you information about getting that done, if interested.
But, the rolodex has all of the links to over 500 vendor/manufacturers right there and you can scroll through product lines, incredibly quickly that way. It is a far, far better tool used on desktop, tablet or phone. And you can take it with you!
Super Duper important!
Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of complaints that people haven’t been receiving their download link(s.)
The reason? They are in your SPAM FOLDER! 100% of the time.
grrrrrrrr… so annoying. So, please, if you do not receive your download link within an hour, please check your spam folder.
Another thing… if for any reason, you forgot you ordered, you think you didn’t receive the product, you see a bill for something on your credit card statement that you don’t recognize…
Please, please, please. Do not contact Paypal. Do not contact them. They suck. They suck giant buggers. And it creates a lot of trouble for me if folks contact them to complain.
Instead, please contact me. (there is contact info in the main menu) I work 18 hours a day… I am here to help you and will help make it right, whatever it takes.
Why do I use Paypal if they’re so horrible? Good question. When things calm down, I’m going to look into Stripe. In the meantime, Paypal is great for everything straightforward; its secure. My site is also secure.
Sorry… a bit more business… But, it’s important info for anyone wanting to save some money.
For the new product, the Ultimate Paint Palette Collection, you will already have to own the color collection because they are meant to be used together and after November 2nd will be sold together.
It is really only one product, but I had to break it down, because it was too daunting to do it all at once.
However, during the promo period, the new paint palette product will be only $54.00. That is, for those who already own a paint collection. You will be given a discount code in order to buy the collection at a discount.
If you are just coming on board, and wish to purchase the complete paint color/paint palette collection, you’ll be able to do so for a price of $128.00. (the current price of $74.00 + $54.00)
But come November 14th, the price for the entire paint color, paint palette collection will be jumping up to $179.00.
Sorry if this confusing. Hopefully, this will make it a little more clear.
Current price of Rolodex = $149
Rolodex after November 14th = $179
Current Price of Paint Color Collection = $74.00
New Paint Palette Collection for current Color Collection owners from November 2nd – November 13th = $54.00 (you will receive a promo code)
New Owners of the full paint color/paint palette collection from November 2nd – 13th = $128.00
Paint Color/Paint Palette Collection after November 13th = $179.00
Originally, I said that there would be a part III of the paint color collection, but no, this is it. If there are any updates, you will get those for free too.
Oh wait! I almost forgot!!!
If you order the new paint palette product either as an add-on or as a complete product, you will be receiving every month for the next 12 months a brand new palette and mood board. Every month. FREE.
*Each new board will feature an additional Laurel Home Paint Color Collection Color not previously used. So, if there’s a lead color you would like me to feature, and/or a room/situation you’d like to have help with, please send it in. That will start in December. I may go longer than one year, but for now am committing to 12 months.
The last piece of news is that I am going to suspend the Wednesday post for the next two Wednesdays because I need that time to make sure everything is as perfect as possible for November 2nd.
However, I have a very beautiful post planned for this Sunday!
Thank you so much for your support! It means more to me than I can possibly say. I am overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of so many of you!
Blessings to All,
PS: Please feel free to pin any images publicly published on the blog.
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