A New Blogging Guide + Laurel Home is Six Years Old!

Hey guys,

This is a rare kind of post that’s more like the proverbial “newsletter.”

I never call anything I write a newsletter, because who the hell cares about my news?

Okay, once in a while. But like I always say. Blogging is 10% about me and 90% is about you. And if it goes over the 10%, it’s something about me that I think can help you, if that makes sense.


But, yes. Happy Six Year Blogiversary to the Laurel Home Blog!


Actually, it was last week, but I’ve been just a little preoccupied. (understatement)

With my new blogging guide which is coming out on Wednesday April 25th!

You can now, find it here.

I haven’t said a lot about it and some of you may not have seen when I did mention it.

But before some of you freak out and think that I’m going to go all rogue on you. Please know that I am definitely not going to do that.


Why am I doing it?


  • The first reason is that a lot of people have been asking me to. :]
  • Two. It wasn’t that long ago that I was floundering around in the dark. And if I knew then what I know now, would be far better off. In the early months, I had no idea what I was doing with this website/blog and you know what happened?

NOTHING. That’s right, I went for 19 months and NOBODY was reading it! I used to make jokes about that.

For funsies, you can look at my first blog post here. I didn’t even know how to make a link! There are links now, because one thing I do is go back and make some of the old posts better.

Well, after I made some behind-the-scenes changes, it kind of blows my mind, but some 3.3 million people are visiting Laurel Home every year!


Not bad for a former computerphobe.


Oh? You didn’t know that about me? Yes, indeed. My ex-husband (wasband) used to call me a Luddite. But actually, after I calmed my technology challenged mind and in the years before I moved, I did learn a lot from him about computers.

But back in 2011 about six months before Laurel Home was born, I found an interior design website with a gorgeous blog. I used to look at it nearly every day and drool over her lovely images.

I want to be like that…

One day after working up the nerve, I sent her an email. I told her about wanting to start a new website/blog but didn’t know where to begin. But her gorgeous website inspired me. And I’d be grateful if she could point me in the right direction.


This is what she wrote back:


“Well, I could charge you my hourly rate, but I really don’t have time and why should I teach you what you already know how to do.”


No, bitch. I DON’T ALREADY KNOW HOW TO DO IT, or I wouldn’t have contacted you!

Nooooo, I didn’t write that, of course; never contacted her again. I’m sure that I went whimpering away with my tail between my legs.


But, here’s the clincher. And it’s really good, in a bad way.


In June 2013, realizing that something HAD to change, My wonderful webgeek-guardian-angel Eileen Lonergan materialized out of nowhere. I still work with Eileen, but she’s also become a dear friend. And I can’t recommend her highly enough to anyone who needs help with their WordPress website.

Well, one day in 2014 after Eileen helped me dig myself out of the deep cyber hell-hole I had put myself in, she noticed that I had posted an image from that very same designer on my blog. Yes, I know. Why would I post a pic after she made that incredibly rude comment to me? Well, I did. (and no. I’m not linking to the post!) :]

Eileen said, “Do you know her, because she was a client of mine about four years ago.”


It was one of those moments like when you suddenly remember that there’s left-over cherry cheesecake in the fridge, but you forgot to eat it and now it’s moldy.


All that nasty woman had to say was– “Call Eileen Lonergan. She’ll be able to help you.”

But that’s the power of the Universe. I found her anyway. I love stuff like that.


Another reason for the blogging guide is that people have been curious.


How did you do it, Laurel? What’s your secret?

Oh wait. I said that, but didn’t expand upon it.

Well, that’s what this blogging guide is about. AND in easy-to-understand non-geek terms. Any technical words that you need to know are explained in plain, normal English.

I’m going to tell you everything that has worked for me and some of it goes against the popular conventional thinking.


And I’m going to tell anyone who buys the guide, how I make money and how much I’m making.


Why am I giving out this information? I want people to know that this is real. It’s possible to make a nice living blogging. And I hope that it’ll give some of you who are interested, encouragement to stick with it. If I can do this; anyone can!


Who’s the Guide for?


It’s for anyone with a website.

However, the caveat is that it needs to be a website with a blog.


A blog is the gateway to striking it big on the internet with relatively little capital. But, it’s not going to happen unless people can find the blog.


And so, there’s also going to be a companion SEO Guide Search Engine Optimization – or in plain English, doing what it takes to get your business on page one in local google searches, for local business and if so desired national and international business searches.


But just know that having a blog doesn’t mean spending insane amounts of time every week like I do. In fact, one of the most important points is that it’s quality over quantity when it comes to blogging.


It is far better to write one killer blog post a week, than three or four throw-aways; that being thin, uninteresting content. In fact, the throw-aways will just get caught up with the rest of the noise out there. You need to stand out and it needs to be with all of the sails up and flying!

When I started this blog six years ago, I wasn’t even remotely thinking about being a full-time blogger. I didn’t know that such a thing existed. And I certainly didn’t understand how anyone could make enough money to live on.


What’s the name of the blogging guide, Laurel?


Oh, yes. Thanks for asking. :]

Here’s the cover.

six figure income blogger cover - blogging guide

Another area that I’ve improved greatly in, is putting my face on art images! lol And no, sorry, that one isn’t covered in the guide– only what I use which is Picmonkey.

The main idea of the blogging guide is that your blog on your self-hosted website, can help you earn a nice living. And that doesn’t necessarily mean from the blog itself. The strategies outlined are designed to bring in more local business. Or if you like, long-distance consultations or a physical or virtual shop.


But yes, there are numerous ways to make money directly from the blog too. And that one has been the steepest learning curve for me.

And please know something important. I don’t do everything right. It’s not an exact science, but there are some important things that one needs to do that will make all of the difference.

A little heads-up. I’m spending some time with my son in Boston for an ultra-long weekend. So, no hot sales this week. The hot sales widgets should be up-to-date, however.

There will be a post on Sunday and a reader needs your help! But wait until you see this gorgeous house! Can’t wait to see what y’all come up with.

Next week, no post on Tuesday, but there will be a post that accompanies the new guide on Wednesday. And then things should return pretty much back to normal after that.

Please have a beautiful week!



Welcome To Laurel Home!


Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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