Hi Everyone,
I wasn’t sure if I was going to do a post tonight. That’s because I’m busy working on the interior design rules guide. It’s coming out this Friday, November 22nd. This link explains more about it.
And, the other reason is… I’m trying to have more balance in my life.
After working like a demon the last six years, I need to ease up a little.
However, when I say a little; I mean maybe 10-15%
This is because my life has largely been anything but balanced.
Right now, I’m back in the area where you saw me on the ATV about five weeks ago.
Yes, what is going on is what you think is going on. ;]
And, what do you think we think, Laurel?
I’m going to ignore that cheeky comment. But, since you asked, I think you think that Laurel is super happy. And, you’re right.
This was a partial view outside the window this morning. I am in the southern Adirondack mountains, close to Lake George. Yes, it’s been snowing on and off for well over week already!
The house even comes with a delightful 11 yr-old golden retriever.
I shared one of my favorite posts about the snirt epidemic that plagues us northerners every winter. The owner of the ATV loved it!
However, I decided to write about the interior design rules preview, for three other compelling reasons.
One reason has nothing to do with the decorating rules guide. It has to do with the fact that 100s, if not thousands of subscribers have not been receiving emails from me for the last 10 days or so. And, some of you are long-time and most faithful readers.
So, one reason I am writing is to find out if that is still going on. Of course, if you didn’t get the email, you might not see this post. But, if you are one who wrote me that you weren’t getting the last few emails, and you did receive this one, please leave a quick comment in that regard. Believe me, I’m more than miffed that MailChimp is sending your emails to spam!
Note: If you’ve been getting the emails with no interruption, no need to let me know.
The two other reason for writing is to ask a question about the interior design rules guide, and give a little preview.
Below is the preview by way of the table of contents of Part I which are the Living Room Rules. Please remember that Parts II and III, Dining Room Rules and Bedroom Rules will be coming out on December 15, 2019.
Some of you will be happy to see the piano rules. However, if you have any questions about that or any other area, that you would like answered, please let me know in the comments. While I feel that I’ve covered many areas, this is for you. So, I want this guide to answer as many issues as you have with your decorating.
Please remember that if you purchase anything between now and December 30, you will get this guide, all three parts for FREE.
And, if you have purchased anything in the last year, you will also get it for free. But, only through December 30, 2019.
For everyone else, the guide will only cost $49.00. And, it should really be a lot more, than that. Part I, alone is already going to be over 100 pages. But, I’m happy to offer it at this super low price. It’ll also make a great gift for any design enthusiasts on your Christmas list. Gifting is available through my shopping cart, Sendowl.
In addition, to all Rolodex owners, the updated version (Edition 6) is also coming out this Friday. You will automatically be sent out your download link. But, please remember that any download link you have will give you the new version, once I’ve announced that it has come out.
And, for anyone ordering the rolodex now, you will automatically get the new version. My promise to everyone who owns the rolodex is free lifetime updates!
See y’all on Friday!
PS: Please check out the newly updated hot sales and holiday shop for 2019
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