Happy New Year 2022 and Some Serious Resolutions!

Happy New Year, Everyone!


Well, trying to be happy. As most of you already know, we lost our national treasure only 17 days before her 100th birthday, the adorable, effervescent Betty White.


Please enjoy this clip from her TV show from 1954. The commercials are a total hoot.



Rest in Peace, Dear Betty. We love you so!


And, what more fitting interior design topic to start the New Year than the top of the wall, where it meets the “sky”; the crown for our queen.


Okay, today’s post was going to be about crown mouldings.

But, it’s not.

Not tonight.


And, why? Well, it’s one of my New Year 2022 resolutions.


I never make them, but this year I did. I made two New Year 2022 resolutions.


  • One is to go to bed earlier.


What time do you go to bed, Laurel?


Please let’s just leave it at “I need to go to bed earlier.” :]


  • Resolution #2 is to stop finishing blog posts at 2:00 AM. Please see resolution #1.

So, Tuesday, I will finish the crown moulding blog post. I think you’re going to like it, and in the meantime, I’ll share some photos I took last night here in Boston.


I still can’t believe I live where I do. It’s right around the corner from historic Copley Square!


Copley Square Back Bay Boston


I’ll never believe it. Every time I go outside is like a dream. I’m on permanent vacation!

Well, sort of. ;]


Anyway, last night the New Year’s Eve parade started there.


Above, you can see Copley Square near the bottom of the map. Boylston street is just above it. In the upper left corner where you see Dartmouth is where I had my accident three months ago.

So, the parade began at 6:00 PM, and guess who was in it?

My son! My trombone playing son one!


Here he is last September on his way to a gig by the Boston seaport.


Wait. Laurel, I didn’t know your son was in town.


Right. I know that you didn’t know because I didn’t know for sure until he rang my bell Monday morning. It was such a wonderful surprise. And then I found out he was staying until noon today, January 1st. That never happens.

On Thursday evening, he just happened to meet some puppet folks who were planning on carrying a whale in the parade. Cale said he could make whale sounds. He was “hired” on the spot. lol

Of course, he can make whale sounds. He can make any sound you can imagine on his trombone.

Just one problem. He didn’t bring his trombone on this trip.

However, a friend gave him a plastic trombone to use. That was sufficient for whale sounds.


Before 6:00, I made my way over to Boylston and Berkley Street and arrived just as the parade began.


I’m sure there were 100s if not thousands of people there, but it wasn’t mobbed. Still, you’d never know except for about half the people wearing masks that there was a pandemic going on. And, yes, I had my mask on.


the pru new year's eve 2022

The Pru announcing the New Year 2022.


dragon new year's eve 2022 Boston - Happy New Year 2022 - Boston Parade

A spectacular dragon!

Then I turned around.


Restoration Hardware Back Bay Boston New Year's Eve 2022 - Happy New Year 2022 - Boston Parade

Yes, Restoration Hardware in Boston, is around the corner from me. haha

Back to the parade. I heard Cale long before I saw him. That has always been the case. haha


And, here’s a shot of Cale in front of the whale.


Cale parade New Year's Eve 2022 Boston - Wayfair - Happy New Year 2022 - Boston Parade

Please note that Wayfair headquarters is in the background. haha


Also, it was practically balmy compared to the previous weekend.

I followed Cale along for a bit. It wasn’t easy to get a photo without someone else being in the way.


the whale new year's eve - Happy New Year 2022 - Boston ParadeAnd, finally, I found a spot where I could take in the entire whale. It looks like it doesn’t have much more life left in it.


two brothers backpacks New Year's Eve 2022 - Happy New Year 2022 - Boston Parade

As I walked towards Arlington on Boylston, I couldn’t help but notice too young men who looked like brothers and were carrying backpacks.

I didn’t think in any way that they had any nefarious intent. However, it was a chilling reminder of that horrifying bombing that happened just a few blocks away and on the same street in April, 2013.

We saw the memorial and finish line of the marathon in this post the day before the Boston Marathon last October.


However, I don’t want to leave you with that hideous image, so I found something else to share with you.


I found a feed on Instagram several weeks ago that is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I think every now and then; I might share an interesting image with y’all.


Okay, I wasn’t going to link to it;  the reason being there may be some readers who would not appreciate a silver doorknob in the shape of a penis (and the like.) So, if that would offend you, please DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK.

However, if you are interested in such things, lol, as well as other interior design aberrations, then here’s the link, “please hate these things.”

I guarantee that you’ll be laughing. No coffee now!


Here’s today’s image.


wtf baseboard via please hate these things on instagram

I can’t seem to stop looking at this crazy.

I know. It defies all reason.

However, I can’t leave you with that image, either. The other day when I was out walking with Cale in Bay Village and east of Berkley Street, I happened on this stunning portico.


beautiful Boston Door
It’s not tragic, absurd, or scandalous, but it sure is pretty. I’m sorry, I don’t know the name of the building, but if anyone does, please let us know in the comments.

Well, that’s it for post number one for 2022.

Here’s hoping for a beautiful year for all!

Much Love,

PS: Although I have not published the HOT SALES for the last two weekends, they were updated on Thursday, so please check them out.


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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