Is Christmas Peace An Impossible Fantasy?

Last year at this time, I did a post which is one of my favorites. I went hunting for the most magical, soul-restoring images I could find, mostly on instagram.

I remember that it was just days after some lunatic drove his truck into a crowd of joyful Christmas shoppers. And since then, it seems to be an epidemic.


What happened to Christmas Peace?


Well, any peace, for that matter?

I think that one has to make it; be mindful and know that there are those who wish to harm us, but at the same time go on living our lives to the fullest.

And by full, I mean full of hope and love. It doesn’t mean that one has to run themselves ragged.

Last Sunday, I went out of my comfort zone because I HATE crowds like you cannot believe and went into the heart of New York City. Rockefeller Center. You know… Where they have the big tree every year.

Yes, every year, I don’t know how, but they haul a 90 foot tree through the streets of Manhattan


and then build scaffolding and create one of the most magical visions that attracts throngs of visitors into New York City.

This is my photo taken as I was being gently shoved through a crowd of people. I literally, just put my phone up and clicked. I’m surprised that it’s even remotely straight.

This is the very first Christmas tree put up at Rockefeller Center on what was to be the new skating rink in the process of being built. Nice decorations! haha! Well, it was the (not-so-great) depression!

magical snow via Anne Marie Imnadze on instagram


We’ve already had a fair amount of snow this December. It’s all melted now because it’s been warmer and raining. But these little appetizers of snow are always so pretty.

Alas… most winters, by March, the snow is anything but pretty. You will probably enjoy this post which explains in great detail what I’m talking about.


And now, in the spirit of Christmas Peace, please enjoy many beautiful images I’ve found as well as some of my favorite instagram accounts that I think you’ll enjoy too. Most are from the US and England.


JM Bessieres on instagram

The fabulous Fortnum and Mason in London


via Note To Sarah on instagram-her feed is awesome!

The iconic Ralph Lauren store on Madison Avenue in the snow.

via Heleligeo (Helen Martyn) on instagram

No shortage of pics of Pretty Peggy Porschen Cakes which boasts long lines even when it’s freezing outside. But of course, it has to be the best photo I could find. It was worth the time it took. I love this one for a zillion reasons!

The fabulous Clos Maggiore shop, beautifully captured by Dr Difilippo

via Note To Sarah on instagram

Central Park in the snow and a must-see instagram! This girl is sooooo freakin’ talented!

via Brightbazaar (Will Taylor) on intagram

A classic heavy snow in NYC a few winters ago.

For all of my southern belles; Please believe me. It only looks like this for about ten minutes.


The oft-photographed for obvious reasons Natural History Museum photographed by Crazycatladyldn (Michelle Catherine in London


Sorry. At this time, I’ve lost the info of the lovely woman whose account this belongs to, but it’s clear why I needed to post this beautiful moment.

Christmas Peace via Carlajav on instagram New York Palace

Carlajav on instagram

The Palace Hotel in New York City

My apartment building Christmas party from a couple of weeks ago.


York Avenue (Jackie)

Talented young photographer who sells her work on Etsy!

Matouk linen on One King’s Lane

not strictly Christmas, but what a fabulous guest bedroom this would be!

Georgeous instagram by Charlotte Anne Fidler. One of my faves!


World’s coolest utility room by Building Walnut Farm on instagram.

She says that the gorgeous green is Backwoods 469 by Benjamin Moore.


The one above which is technically autumn but amazing colors and the rest of the images are via a fabulous account by Jackie Greaney on instagram.


made for Christmas!

Yes, this is her home!



Please have a joyous, warm, holiday filled with much Christmas Peace!

And dearest thank yous to the many who have sent such kind, beautiful messages!!!



It means the world to me!



PS: If you happen to be in need of some retail therapy, there are some fantastic deals in the

Hot Sales pages.


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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