A Very Personal Post About My Health

Hi Everyone,

This is a post that I’ve started to write on two occasions before today but chickened out.

Or, at least, I felt the need to have more information before I shared what’s going on with me.

No, it’s not cancer (I don’t think!), thank God, but it is something to be taken seriously.

Okay, I’ll just blurt it out.


My kidneys are packing up on me.


There, I’ll let you take that in for a second.

No, it’s not total kidney failure– yet, but if something doesn’t change and soon, I’m heading in that direction.

I’ve known this for the last 3.5 years, but in the last year, my kidney function has worsened.

Is this related to the renovation?


Well, that certainly hasn’t helped anything, but I don’t think it’s the reason. I nearly told you when I was talking about the painter who left me with a filthy air scrubber that was only making the place more toxic, not any cleaner. I had told him about my condition which just makes his negligence all the more enraging.

Please know that I’m under the care of a wonderful nephrologist at Mass General.


The other thing and this is super important to understand, is that I am asymptomatic for having kidney disease.


This is typical for a lot of people because the kidneys are very good at hiding their dysfunction until they pretty much stop working altogether.

In other words, if I hadn’t gone for my annual checkups and blood work, I wouldn’t be the wiser. So folks, if you aren’t staying on top of your annual physical, please know that you might be feeling fine but could actually be very ill with something that, if caught early enough, was treatable. It is not uncommon for people to end up in the ER with full-blown kidney failure and have NO IDEA they were sick until they were gravely ill.

Therefore, at my doctor’s strong recommendation, on December 23, I am having a kidney biopsy so that we can know with 100% certainty what’s going on.

Now, I’m not going to bore you with the millions of tests I’ve already had, including dozens of blood and urine tests, two ultrasounds, and two cystoscopies with a urologist.

The bottom line is that it has shown on ultrasound that my kidneys have gotten significantly smaller and no longer filter my blood as they are supposed to.


So, what is causing my chronic stage 3b kidney disease?


There is a strong possibility that I have Lupus Nephritis, an autoimmune disease that attacks the kidneys. Aside from the blood tests, the most compelling piece of evidence is an anti-nuclear antibody test. (ANA)

For the last 25 years, I have known that they are always positive, and not only positive but frequently at the highest possible concentration of auto-antibodies. This test, in and of itself, is not conclusive evidence, as a small percentage of the population has these auto-antibodies, and they are perfectly healthy.

However, my father and uncle (my mother’s brother) each had severe autoimmune diseases, and they both died younger than I am now. There’s a genetic component.

I know that some of you are shaking your heads in a knowing way. Maybe this is you or a relative or friend?

If it is Lupus Nephritis, some treatments can help stop the progression of the disease.


What if it’s not Lupus?


Well, my eGFR (filtration rate) is at 35 right now. (It’s supposed to be 59 or higher). It was 42 a year ago and 50 when it was first tested in April 2021. If it dips below 15, I will have to go on dialysis and then wait for a kidney for a transplant. My darling son Cale has offered me one of his, but I can’t even go there for half a second without crying my eyes out.


What else can you do in the meantime, Laurel?


Great question!

Here’s what I’m doing.

I’m still going on my long walks. Having to run over to Mass General two or three times a week has been very helpful with that. haha And yes, I was undergoing a 24-hour urine test in the midst of the cyst removal last week. Hey, I was able to drop off my jug o’ pee on the way to the procedure.

  • And I will continue to eat a healthy diet, including adequate hydration.
  • Try not to get stressed out!
  • Monitor my blood pressure which is all over the lot, but usually normal.

I will just go on living my life to the fullest I can, which means going out and having fun on days that I’m feeling well.


But, Laurel… You look so healthy!


Halloween Party 2024

Yes, thank God! I am very fortunate.

Halloween glamping 2024

I felt terrific on Halloween in my costume. Maybe I should wear it more often. lol

Ahhhh, but seriously, I see more heads shaking. That’s because there are a lot of “hidden” diseases out there, and a lot of us have them.

I already have another one, dysautonomia (POTS). And yes, it could be related as it, too, is autoimmune, and it has wreaked havoc with my blood pressure. Incidentally, I’m doing very well with it and haven’t had a debilitating episode since the horrible one when I was at Crown Point Cabinetry.


Okay, a few things we can all learn from this.


  • Go get your damned annual checkups with full blood workup and urinalysis. Yes, every year if you’re over 50.
  • Please feel free to share your own experiences.
  • Let’s not discuss any diets or unsubstantiated remedies you heard about somewhere.

I will continue to not drink alcohol. ;] It’s true, I don’t drink. Okay, if Cale is over, I’ll have a sip of his beer, but otherwise, nothing.

I will also continue to get a good amount of exercise* and run up and down my staircase. I feel so much better when I’m active, even if I don’t feel like moving. Yesterday, I did 23 flights! It’s THE best exercise!

* Please note that I have days where I’m pretty useless, and I don’t try to fight it.


In addition, I’m still working on my place and looky, looky what arrived this afternoon! So fast!


Daytime view rug dark side

It’s quite soft and looks much more beautiful in person. And it does not stink. In fact, it smells quite sweet, almost a little spicy. I love it! Above is the darker side. The line is because the rug has been folded but as it’s walked on, that will ease out.


night-time view of rug dark side

Above is the dark side at night.


nighttime view of rug light side

This is the lighter side at night. This will be the view from the kitchen.


Laurel, you put that big heavy rug down on the floor by yourself?


Uh-huh. The hardest part was getting it out of the box. It’s not laid over its pad just yet.

In other news, the eight remaining light fixtures will be installed this coming Wednesday, the 20th. Hooray!


In conclusion. I know my health news isn’t uplifting, but it could be much worse.


Right now, I feel terrific. I’m still able to work and enjoy my life. Still, I felt it important to let you all know what’s going on. I didn’t want to say on Sunday, December 22nd, “Hey Guys, have a very Merry Christmas, and by the way, I’m having a kidney biopsy tomorrow.” I feel confident that I will have some answers by the end of the year.

In addition, if sharing my story encourages even one person to go to the doctor only to find out that they, too, were sick, then it will be worthwhile.

Okay, I also know that some of you or a loved one knowingly have chronic kidney disease. Please feel free to share your stories, too!

Much Love,


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
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