Happy New Year 2023 + Big Changes Could Be Coming!


Happy New Year 2023!


happy new year 2023


Yes, I just took this as the hub of Boston’s new year’s eve celebration is in my backyard. Crazy! And even crazier, it’s RAINING, and practically balmy out. A week ago, it was 20 degrees below freezing!


Every year, most of us say goodbye to the old one and welcome the new year with renewed hope.


It’s the wish that this next year will be better. It’s the time of year that we take stock of our lives. We strive to be a better version of ourselves. You know, eat healthfully, sleep and exercise more, etc.


128 CommAve Christmas 2022


Maybe we’ll start learning something new or try to be a better parent, spouse, neighbor, or friend.

I’m no different. I do the same. Sometimes I’m successful. Usually, I tend to fall back into my inertia zone; not always, but often.


Recently, I asked for some feedback on subjects you would like to see more coverage about.


One thing I need to mention frequently is that if you’d like to know more about a particular topic, there’s a good chance it’s already here, but you missed that post or subscribed after it was posted. To find topics, the easiest way is to use the search box in the sidebar underneath my brief bio.


On your mobile device, there is a magnifying glass icon in the header.


If you click that, a search box will appear. It is easier to find the posts on a desktop computer (or tablet) because you’ll see many posts on one page. On a phone, they appear in a line. Sometimes the one you’re looking for is at the top, but sometimes, not.

Last April 2022, this blog celebrated ten years. In those ten years, I’ve written over 900 blog posts.

For many months, I’ve been thinking about improving things. However, I don’t want to make changes without getting some feedback. So, to facilitate that, I’ve created a 100% anonymous 8-question survey. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill it out.


You can access the survey here. (I believe the viewing problem is now fixed!)


Thank you so much!


Below are a few more photos I took two days ago, close to my house in Back Bay, Boston.


131 Comm Ave 2023 - Happy New Year

If this stunning home looks familiar it’s because I took pics of it last year. However, these were taken on December 29, 2022.

CommAve jewel Christmas 2022

This one is the same angle as last year.


Back Bay Christmas 2022

And, one last image.


Back Bay Boston Christmas 2022

Looking west on Commonwealth Ave with the mall lights on the far right, and the moon. I believe that the white dot is Jupiter.

Please have a blessed, peaceful, and happy, New Year 2023, and thank you all for enriching my life in so many ways!



PS: Here’s the link to the survey

Please also visit the recently updated HOT SALES!

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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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