And also with some blue and gray… I once did a post called “Well Hellooo Handsome” primarily about very dark rooms, mostly black. Here I am continuing the father’s day series on handsome, masculine rooms, and here I am featuring handsome black and white interiors.
Black is actually becoming quite popular and if you would like to try to paint your walls this color, here are three almost black colors by Benjamin Moore that people are raving about.
HC-166 Kendall Charcoal
2134-30 Iron Mountain
2126-20 Raccoon Fur
However, today, we are concluding with our tribute to Dad with handsome mostly black and white interiors. And I also have some images with some blues and grays and even some brown that I wanted to add. So, a lot of masculine beauty here.
Handsome Black and White Interiors
He is just so friggin’ talented and isn’t afraid to take chances. That’s what makes a good designer— great!
source unknown
photo by: Graham Atkins Hughes
From At Home In Arkansas Magazine. Love this amazing cabinet with the white china. Sorry, Don’t know who the designer is.
Abigail Ahern above and below. She’s an English designer known for her enigmatic, deeply saturated rooms with Bohemian flavor. Please note. Another room where the dark wall color was taken up all the way around. Can I say that I absolutely love it? Would I do it? For a client? Maybe. One day. I hope.
Marianne Brandi’s kitchen
The next three images are far more white than black, but I love these interiors. Black is always a wonderful addition to any space and these are particularly handsome rooms by architect and designer Donald Lococo
The rest of the images are by another amazing architect, Michele Bonan.
Again, not a lot of black, but who cares? There’s enough to make these interiors incredibly sublime! These are from the JK. Place HOTEL in Capri If I were reincarnated as a hotel. This is the one I would want to come back as. I mean, the furniture. Who on earth does WHITE SLIP COVERS in a HOTEL? But that is precisely what makes it so fantastic! Anything else would be wrong. And even if they have to replace them once a month, soooo?
Just add it onto the room bill. haha— And speaking of which… I had an absolutely glorious 24 hours [once I got there in the most disgusting weekend traffic I’ve ever been in] day of interior design at the Mayflower Grace Hotel. I’ll get that to you shortly.
But ’til then… I hope you enjoyed this trilogy to honor our Dads. If you missed them, they are in the links below.
And also please check out these other related posts:
- She Loves Dark Rooms and He Doesn’t.
- The Most Handsome Black and White Interiors Ever
- A beautiful post about black and blue decor
- Discover the New Black in Interior Design
- Another favorite post to consider is this one about gorgeous beige rooms.
- There are some beautiful, rich colors here to explore.
- A Terrific post about Badass Architect and associates, Bobby McAlpine
- Masculine Interiors that She’ll Like too.
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