She Loves A Brown, Masculine Room, But He Doesn’t. Huh?

Dear Laurel,

My wife and I love reading your blog. Every Sunday, it’s waffles or French Toast, a big pot of coffee. Then, we head to the “woman-cave” to read your blog on the big desktop Mac.

But, something I’ve noticed and I hope that you don’t mind my pointing it out, is this. Over the last couple of years since we found you, I can’t help but notice that it’s always the wife who has a “problem husband.” (unless I’ve missed something)


Aren’t there ever any “problem wives?”


Yes, yes, yes, I know. You ladies think that we’re all a bunch of chest pumping Neanderthals when it comes to decorating. And, we supposedly love our dark, masculine “man-caves” where we go to get away from the screaming kids rejuvenate, I guess.

Well, I have a good one for you, Laurel.


My wife’s retreat is the one that’s dark. In fact, it’s a brown, quite masculine room! Or at least, what most people consider to be a “masculine room.”


And mine is well, the sun room. Light and bright. That’s my happy spot. The wife won’t go in there because she gets migraine headaches and light and bright is often a trigger. She calls my light bright space, “the ice-box.” And it’s not that it’s cold or anything. It’s just that it’s not anything remotely cave-like.


Forgive me. It must’ve been a woman who came up with the term “man-cave.” ;]


Right? And please don’t laugh, or I will start crying in my coffee.

Does that make me a freak or something?

Imagine that. An emotional man who doesn’t care for brown, masculine decor, and isn’t into a lot of stained wood either.


Hey, it’s Father’s Day, so I hope that there are other men out there like me, who love pale and are manly enough to admit it!


Darryl Carter white and black kitchen-masculine room

And it’s not like I hate those tones, but just more in moderation. I love my white walls. For instance, I adore the work of that decorator, Darryl Carter. But his penchant for painting walls white is too pale for the Mrs.

But, naturally, she also wants to please me. And of course, I want her to be happy too.

It’s just that when I think of brown interiors and decorating with brown, I have this hideous image of the house I grew up in, in the seventies.

something like this only the TV wasn’t over the fireplace, of course.


However, maybe I’m missing something? I figure if anyone can help me like brown, it’s you, Laurel.

Thank you,

Wallace R. White (but you can call me Wally)




Thank you Wally.

And, no fair. The good ones are always taken! ;]

Before, I go on… Wallace/Wally is a fictitious character.

But, I am aware that I write the post from a woman’s perspective.


However, some might be surprised that about 15% of the readers of the Laurel Home Blog are male. Thanks guys! And I mean, GUYS!


And today, being Father’s Day and all, I would like to honor all of the Dads out there by focusing on one, I conjured up.


On a quiet Sunday, which I expect today to be, 15% is still roughly 4,000 men.

So, if you have a chance, out of that many, maybe a few of you will let us know your preferences. Do you love light and bright? OR, do you prefer the so-called “man-cave”, browns, earth tones, etc.? Or maybe you prefer something else?


I promise. No judging, critiquing or laughing, (unless you’re laughing too).


Of course, women may answer as well. Maybe you too, prefer dark, rich rooms?


What about you, Laurel?


Well, I like it all. But, if I had a bigger house, I’d have some of each. But, mostly light and bright.

In the meantime, I’d like to transport both men and women into a world that’s not so hung up on color. Or the hottest trends.

There was a time and for quite a long time when brown wasn’t a dirty word. In fact, it would appear that brown wasn’t considered strictly a masculine and/or yucky color.


No, in fact, brown was a color for the upper classes. Rich folks.






In fact, there is so much art which features brown and it’s not just guys either.




Philip de László (Hungarian 1869-1937) ~ Winifred, Duchesse of Portland, 1912





Easton Neston - brown interior beautiful Georgian architecture - interior design - Henrietta Spencer Churchill

Above and below the magnificent Easton Neston Manor house, that I was incredibly lucky to see in person last fall during my trip to England.


The interior design is by Henrietta Spencer Churchill. She was there and gave us a beautiful tour. We were not allowed to take photos of the interior. These as you can see are from Architectural Digest. The renovation was carried out by Ptolemy Dean.


Easton Neston Main Parlor. brown damask wallpaper

This is the place where the klutz Laurel spilled her tea on the Aubusson rug. Not this rug. It was a smaller room. It was one of those moments when I wished that someone would just grind me straight into the carpet. Knowing that my life was soon to be over, I shamefully went up to the butler and told him what had happened.


As I was waiting for him to box my ears, he said, “Are you all right?”


Meaning, did I burn myself? If I did, I’m sure I didn’t notice. All I could think about was the rug. And then as he was starting to make his way back to the kitchen to fetch more biscuits, he said:

“Oh, no bother at all. I’ll just say the dog did it.”


chocolate_by_myenvoy-Ola Grochowska-it's not easy being brown

myenvoy-Ola Grochowska

Oh, not this sweet pup. A chocolate lab. How delicious– especially with that snow-covered punim!


via- noperfectdayforbananafish-Chocolate brown decor - brown interiors - brown decorating- world's best chocolate cake recipe. the link is on the blog. click the link to find it.

via- noperfectdayforbananafish

 Here is the recipe for the world’s best chocolate cake.

And no arguing. ;] This one is the best. I’ve fed it to dozens of people and all concur.


I once had a client who said that brown is the color of depression.

Obviously, she had not had the right chocolate cake.




The breathtaking home in New York City of Carolyne Roehm;

That’s chocolate-brown velveteen on the walls!

(sorry, I could not find the original source of this image)


James T Farmer @jamestfarmer on instagram @robertnorris A Place To Call Home wood paneled living room study

James T Farmer @jamestfarmer on instagram @robertnorris From, his book, A Place To Call Home


you can get it here.


cabinet is stained Alder-Elizabeth Kimberly Design. Northstar Builders, Inc.

Northstar Builders, Inc.

Elizabeth Kimberly Design

I love the accent of the wood-stained cabinet made of Alder Wood.


You’ll never guess but Miles Redd did this handsome kitchen.


Mary commented about the washer/dryer being white and feeling quite out-of-place in this very dark kitchen.


Below is another iteration of the same kitchen by Miles Redd.


I don’t know which one is more recent, but if I had to guess, I would say that this one is. The reason being is that I can’t imagine ripping up the gorgeous black and white floor and putting in what looks to be wood laminate.


miles redd black and white kitchen

But, I like the warmth and color in the first version of the kitchen.





If ever there was a “Are you finished yet?” look, this is it!

Or maybe she’s furious with her mother for making her wear those overly puffy sleeves!


laV restaurant, austin texas by mcalpine tankersley - brown velvet drapery

Above and below by Bobby McAlpine and Greg Tankersley.

LAV restaurant, Austin, TX


LAV restaurant, Austin, TX - Masculine room - Bobby McAlpine


brown-masculine rooms- Bobby McAlpine - @mcalpinehouse on instagram - brown interiors. David Braly - staff architect

Staff architect at McAlpine, Tankersley, Booth and Ferrier – David Braly’s converted firehouse via instagram.

For more of Bobby McAlpine and associates, please check out some of my favorite rooms, they have done over the years.


Julius Kronberg - Romeo and Juliet on the balcony 1886

Julius Kronberg – Romeo and Juliet on the balcony 1886.

I did not know that she wore brown velvet. But there it is.


Well, Wally… I’m hoping that this has given you some positive inspiration and that you’re feeling better about brown.


And, maybe having a brown or a deeper color room. However, if your wife has bad headaches, I might stick to more medium tones as there can be a lot of glare between the contrast of dark walls and the windows. The cure for that, however is shades.

Lots of shade.

For more handsome masculine rooms please check out:

Happy Father’s Day!




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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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