60 + High-Low Chinoiserie Lamps (Some are Rare)

Hi Guys!

Oh my! I’m up to my eyeballs in boxes. Well, that’s a slight exaggeration, but this place isn’t that large, so it doesn’t take much.

Tomorrow my darling son is coming to give me a hand for one day. I’ll take it!


Then, just finishing things up and another blog post on Tuesday, and moving day is Wednesday!


One of my new neighbors so kindly offered to open the place up to be cleaned the day before.

The only thing I’m a little nervous about is the weather. Dang. Last week, they were saying in the 40s. Then, yesterday came a forecast of SNOW! Oh paaaleeeeease. However, the Angels must’ve intervened because now it just says “cloudy.” Cloudy I can handle.


So, the topic for today’s post did not start as high-low Chinoiserie lamps. It was high-low, however. Oh, this is so typical for me. I get an idea in my head like “high-low lighting.”

I think, Oh, I’ll just do a handful or so in each category. Then I start working on it and realize that it would take me a week to do every lighting category.


But, in the end, the one that I love the most is the high-low Chinoiserie lamps. Table lamps that is.


Before we get into the high-low Chinoiserie lamps, there is an excellent post you should check out about 30 cheap table lamps and what size to get. That’s an important post. Plus, there are some tips included about how to make a cheap lamp look not-as-cheap.


For this post, we will look at high AND low, as well as MEDIUM-priced Chinoiserie lamps.

Of course, there’s dirt cheap and insanely expensive.


So, for this post, I’m going to divide the high-low Chinoiserie lamps as follows:


One King's Lane at Bed Bath & Beyond - high-low Chinoiserie Lamps


These lamps are part of a new collection on Bed, Bath, and Beyond called the One Kings Lane Open House™ Collection.


  • Dirt Cheap – Low End, but that doesn’t look cheap. These lamps might need a bit of rehabilitation, a different harp, or even a different lampshade. But, over-all, they have nice proportions, colors, and finishes. These prices range from about $60.00 per lamp to no more than $200.00 each.


inexpensive table lamp bedroom - high-low Chinoiserie Lamps


  • Most prices go up to about $350.00 (per lamp) or maybe a little higher if it’s a super-nice piece in the medium grouping.


Here’s something I’ve gleaned over the years. Table lamps are like the jewelry of the room. So, if you have one pair of drop-dead gorgeous table lamps, it is worth it to spend a little extra, if you can swing it. Lamps generally last a long time. However, trends and tastes change to some extent.


By the way, do you have a lamp you love, but the shade is pretty grungy?


Well, I probably wouldn’t do this with silk, but I have a small crystal base lamp in my kitchen. I got it at a vintage store about 20 years ago. It used to have crystals hanging from it, but most of them have fallen off. Anyway, the lampshade was incredibly grungy, and I couldn’t take it any longer, so I took it over to the sink and scrubbed it with a little detergent, and rinsed it.

Well, it looks brand-new! It’s a small round hard-back linen shade. Having that plastic interior, I’m sure, helps.


Okay, so of course, I haven’t said anything about the high-end and super high-end Chinoiserie lamps.



Ralph-Lauren_Foo Dog Lamp via Capitol Lighting - high-low Chinoiserie lamps

An elegant and classic Ralph Lauren Home Chinoiserie table lamp.


These are all gorgeous with beautiful finishes, proportions, colors, etc. They range in price from about $500 for the lower end to the high-end. However, some beauties are well over $1,000.00 for one lamp. Yes, like the one above.

This is reminding me of the high-low Ralph Lauren post.


Ralph Lauren Chinoiserie table lamp-high-low Chinoiserie Lamps


But, here’s my discovery.


Remember this post about Lamps Plus that I wrote because they were a sponsor for the KBIS 2019? Well, I genuinely like that brand. And especially for their vast lighting collection and terrific pricing.

Their line includes their own brand as well as dozens of others in all price ranges. But, most of their line is in the low to medium range.

And, if I were looking for a beautiful Chinoiserie lamp, I’d definitely head over to Lamps Plus.


But, Laurel, what IS a Chinoiserie lamp? Is that a lamp from China?


Well, it probably is, but if you recall from other posts about “Chinoiserie,” it is a style that is largely based on a stylistic idea of Asian life back in the 1700s. That is, except for the porcelains.

The porcelains are actually Chinese. But, we just lump it all together these days. And, the porcelains haven’t changed much, if at all, for centuries. In fact, I saw a gorgeous exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and wrote a post about it back in May 2015.


Go ahead and look at it. Nobody read it, lol, even though I thought it had a compelling headline about a 7.6 million dollar vase that is indistinguishable from something coming from Legend of Asia.




Well, I can’t tell the difference. You can see more gorgeous Legend of Asia porcelains here.

So, Chinoiserie lamps are really a base that’s a vase or a ginger jar. I remember it used to be a cliche to make a lamp out of a ginger jar. And, so they fell out of favor. But, now they are back and better than ever.


Therefore, let’s dig in and look at some of the beautiful but high-end of the high-low Chinoiserie lamps.


I created a widget because it’s the easiest way to put together a grouping of lamps with information and a way to click easily to the source it’s from. The prices range from just over $500 to over $1,400. But, most of these are under $1,000.



And, now I am going to do the low-end of the high-low Chinoiserie lamps. After that, I’ll finish with the middle of the range.


There are so many new items on the market. And some of these look a lot more expensive than they are.



And, finally, the last grouping of high-low Chinoiserie lamps are in the mid-range.


These are over $200 and under $500. However, most of these are under $300.



If you’re into high-low, please check out this post about high-low furnishings, sources, and secrets.


Well, I sure had fun here. I hope you enjoyed these lamps. And maybe got some ideas for some cool new table lamps. Over the years, I’ve always noticed that most of my clients had insufficient or the wrong kind of lighting in their rooms when we started.

Lighting is the most important element. For what good is a beautiful room if it’s full of gloomy or glaring, harsh head-ache inducing light?

JAS on Etsy vintage high-low Chinoiserie table lamps

Oh, speaking of lamps, I just ordered these vintage lamps from a new source on Etsy, Ja’s Vintage Corner! You’ll find some other lamps I linked to in the last widget. I think these will look beautiful in my new den when I figure out what else is going in there. Haha.



PS: Please check out the newly updated HOT SALES and the HOLIDAY SHOP full of great gift ideas and holiday decor. But time is running out! In addition, if you missed this post, I put in nearly three dozen of my favorite gifts for men and women.

And then there’s always the book shop where I showcase some of my favorite interior design and decorating books.

Finally, in a very long PS, please consider getting yourself or someone you love one, two, or all of my digital interior design and blogging guides. If you buy only one, you’ll get the new Etsy guide as well as the 333 Rules and Tips – for FREE. But, that’s only through December 30th, 2020.


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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