What is the secret to a beautiful kitchen? Is it the cabinets, mouldings, colors, tile, lighting, counters? Well, it’s all of that and much more. While I think it’s pretty easy to put a nice kitchen together, a knockout kitchen is something else. And sometimes what makes it a knockout is not what you might think.
Before I go any further however, I want to add, that none of these are my work, except for one. I do not claim ownership and I also move heaven and earth to find the ORIGINAL source. Someone gave me flack for putting “source unknown.” Please. If it is your image and it is not credited, I want to know and I will add it! OR, if you see something and know for sure the original source, then also, please let me know.
My Top 25 kitchens on Pinterest
…it might be 26 kitchens that are the most popular kitchens that I’ve pinned. There are many others that I love on my kitchen board, but these are the most viral.
Furlow Gatewood’s kitchen with blue and white chinoiserie and transferware – photo Rod Collins
This is another kitchen which has had several hundred repins. I featured it once before on a post about kitchen hardware. This is a sublime example of the classic white kitchen. White cabinetry has always been and I suppose at this point, my favorite cabinet color. It never goes out of style. It always looks fresh and what I always recommend.
Some people think that white kitchens look cold.
The trick there, is with the lighting and varying the shades of white slightly for a rich, white on white look. Of course, as in the next kitchen, you can also either add color with wallpaper or paint.
Yeah… that’s my kitchen. It’s had 10 repins, so it qualifies. Do you like my watercolor rendering?
You mean, you PAINT too?
yeah. :]
But, not that well! haha! I did it on a free program for PC called Fotosketcher. Yep, folks. THAT is a ‘puter generated water-color! Is it not the coolest thing ever? It’s a free download! And, in addition to watercolor, you can do pencil sketches, ink and oil techniques.
If that’s not enough, you can tweak the effect very easily, changing things, like number of brush strokes, intensity of effect, light, dark. It’s more fun than I care to admit.
Below, is the original photo.
And for y’all who have photos of your work floating out there, uncredited, not to tell you how to run your business, but it is extremely helpful if you watermark them. I use picmonkey now. It is very easy!
BTW. The kitchen is FINISHED! There a few minor things and the furniture is coming soon. I feel so privileged to have been a part of this project. More photos will be coming, but not for a few.
This and the next 2 photos are from the IKEA IDS show in Canada. yes, the cabinets are from IKEA
This splendid beauty [this image and the next four] is by Libby Palmieri
Love those pull-out spice racks flanking the range!
Love the soft, pale, pale gray here.
Rue Magazine | Interior Design-Tonya Olsen-Photography-Lindsay Salazar
Mckee Patterson and Kathleen Poirier – photography: John Bessler
Talk about your labor of loves. This is one of the most extraordinary kitchens I’ve ever seen!
lucky doggie!
copper backsplash. very cool
love the pantry!
similar to the one we did for the Bronxville, kitchen
Another shot of the Bronxville kitchen looking at the pantry.
For more wonderful pantries, click here.
A recent pin that’s being repinned like crazy!
original source unknown
this is the kind of drama I like!
fabulous website to check out
original source unknown
source unknown
I made a watercolor of this one too!
Traditional Home
original source unknown
original source unknown
what an architectural gem this is.
Again. ;] I adore the work of Steven Gambrel!
Want more kitchen ideas? This will keep you busy for a while. :]
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