The Vintage Anglo-Indian Sconces are Finally Installed!
Hi Everyone, The other day, a new electrician installed the Anglo-Indian sconces I won at auction a year ago.
Hi Everyone, The other day, a new electrician installed the Anglo-Indian sconces I won at auction a year ago.
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I am so sorry that many of you had problems with the videos I posted
Hi Everyone, How are you doing now that we have just completed the first week in September? This year,
Hi Everyone, Happy August. Happy Renoversary. It is 14 months, and we are in the final stretch of the
Hi Guys, In addition to my mom’s expression, “It’s like a marshmallow in the snow,” another even more popular
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your kind messages regarding the lower level mess. Before I begin, if
Hi Everyone, So much to discuss, but for today, it’s all about the surprise that I’ve been hinting at.
Hi Everyone, I know, I know, I know! And, many of you had a premonition. Well, you were right,
Hi Everyone, This is a newsy post on the one year renovation anniversary. And it’s also a continuation of
Hi Everyone, This is part 1 and part 2 of the recent post about the entry jib doors. I
Hi Everyone, Today, we’re going to go over many building details but focus on the hidden door challenges. This
Greetings as we near the end of this long Memorial Day Weekend. We had gorgeous weather the entire time
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re having a good week. With great joy, I can safely say that the cold
Hi Everyone, Yes, the embrasure doors are fully installed! I can’t believe it! What do you think you’re doing?
Hi, This was a two-part post, first published on in mid-August, 2023, and part 2 was written mid-October. They
Hi Everyone, Now that we are in month eight, (as of January 6, 2024), and the first renovation news
This is a two-part post about how I’m developing my interior color palette. The newest post is underneath the
Hi Everyone, I find it difficult to believe we are now 8.5 months into this renovation. I was positive
I am sorry I couldn’t finish the post from Sunday, but as promised, here is the rest. If you’ve
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I have zero discipline. WHAT? Are you kidding, Miss-Blog, 2- 4 times a week
Hi Everyone, this is a continuation of the living room wainscoting post. If you’ve read part 1, please click
Hi Everyone, Merry Christmas 2023!!! I began writing this entry on Thursday, the 21st, which was my 3-year Bostonversary,
Hi Everyone, Like the Renovation News and Deets post, I’ll put the new staircase updates here. The newest posts
A relatively short update to this post focuses on the lower-level laundry closet entrance and storage area. Many of
Hi Everyone, The other day, a new electrician installed the Anglo-Indian sconces I won at auction a
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I am so sorry that many of you had problems with the videos
Hi Everyone, How are you doing now that we have just completed the first week in September?
Hi Everyone, Happy August. Happy Renoversary. It is 14 months, and we are in the final stretch
Hi Guys, In addition to my mom’s expression, “It’s like a marshmallow in the snow,” another even
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your kind messages regarding the lower level mess. Before I
Hi Everyone, So much to discuss, but for today, it’s all about the surprise that I’ve been
Hi Everyone, I know, I know, I know! And, many of you had a premonition. Well, you
Hi Everyone, This is a newsy post on the one year renovation anniversary. And it’s also a
Hi Everyone, This is part 1 and part 2 of the recent post about the entry jib
Hi Everyone, Today, we’re going to go over many building details but focus on the hidden door
Greetings as we near the end of this long Memorial Day Weekend. We had gorgeous weather the
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re having a good week. With great joy, I can safely say that
Hi Everyone, Yes, the embrasure doors are fully installed! I can’t believe it! What do you think
Hi, This was a two-part post, first published on in mid-August, 2023, and part 2 was written
Hi Everyone, Now that we are in month eight, (as of January 6, 2024), and the first
This is a two-part post about how I’m developing my interior color palette. The newest post is
Hi Everyone, I find it difficult to believe we are now 8.5 months into this renovation. I
I am sorry I couldn’t finish the post from Sunday, but as promised, here is the rest.
Hi Everyone, Oh my! I have zero discipline. WHAT? Are you kidding, Miss-Blog, 2- 4 times
Hi Everyone, this is a continuation of the living room wainscoting post. If you’ve read part 1,
Hi Everyone, Merry Christmas 2023!!! I began writing this entry on Thursday, the 21st, which was my
Hi Everyone, Like the Renovation News and Deets post, I’ll put the new staircase updates here. The
A relatively short update to this post focuses on the lower-level laundry closet entrance and storage area.
Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.
114 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02116
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