Interior Decorating Trends You Might Regret Later On {part II}

Thank you all for the wonderful response to Part I of interior decorating trends I feel it’s my duty to caution you about.

In part II, I have two more trends that have been tugging at my soul.

I promise you that there won’t be any coffins this time. No need for a coffin— I mean, why bury the dead animal when we can use all of its desiccated bit parts to furnish and decorate our homes?

Decorating With Dead Animals

Alright. Calm down. I know that a lot of you like to decorate with dead animals. Maybe it goes back to our cave days and the dead animals were displayed for safety or to ward off evil spirits or something.

However, there’s been a growing trend the last several years that I don’t really get.


I mean, I never got why people would want to stuff a dead animal head and mount it on their wall. I certainly do respect those that want to do that, but…when I start seeing dead animal parts (even if faux) in Bed, Bath and Beyond, I know that it’s gone too far.

quintessence-trophy-room-francefound via Quintessance

We’ve become Antler Obsessed.


White Faux Taxidermy

Both real and faux


This sweet skull even has a little chevron painted between his eye sockets


Careful with the whiskey my dear. I wouldn’t want you hurting yourself turning off the light.


Antlers spray painted. Oh, those round light bulbs?

Hate them.


That’s a lot of antlers. Yes, yes… I realize that they supposedly don’t kill the animals for their antlers. But who knows?

urban-outfitters-faux-antler-curtain-hold-back-Urban Outfitters

It’s definitely a look.


My children would be dead if I had these things hanging in my home.

home-dining-room-painted-Jamie Creel and Marco Scarani in Elle Decor

Jamie Creel and Marco Scarani in Elle Decor

Alright, this one, I don’t mind. I really like the wall sconce in here. I probably would’ve done something different for the main chandelier, in this case.

[Correction shortly after publishing: I have been notified that the chandelier and sconce is modeled after red coral, not antlers.]

Blue Stone Main

Wonderful store. A single antler candle holder makes a sculptural statement on a table.


Oh dear me.

This collection is worth over a million dollars. The home was on the market and you can read more about it here.

A Subset of Dead Animal Interior Decorating Trends:

Dead Animal Rugs



I’m sorry. I’m sure I’m going to get some flack for this one too, but again, I don’t get it. Who wants to walk all over a dead cow? Yes, yes, I know. Shoes are made of leather which is also cow. Yes, they are but they don’t look like a cow. There’s also furniture covered in cowhide. I find it phenomenally ugly. A little stool. Okay, but not a big club chair or sofa.


Daria Niebling Shachmut

I’m sorry honey. That’s life. If you’re a cow.

Barn Doors

I love barns. I mean, who doesn’t love a gorgeous barn?


Bunny Williams charming chicken barn.

And I like barn doors.

On a barn.


This Barn-style Dutch Door seems out of place here… no?

Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 2.53.40 PM

“Oh Wilburrrr… It’s a good thing I’m the star of this show because your acting sucks.”

Now, I’m going to Focus on Sliding Barn Doors.


The first time I saw a sliding barn door that wasn’t attached to a barn, I thought… Well, that’s kinda cool. The next thing I knew, I had a consultation client who wanted to put up some doors something like this in their traditional Scarsdale, NY home.

And THEN… I started to see BARN DOORS EVERYWHERE! And people oohing and ahhing over them as if they had discovered oil in their backyard.



gotta corral them groceries in!



“Honey, maybe if we put up a big black sliding monolith, the guests won’t notice our 80’s Poggenpohl Kitchen?”

That might be a little esoteric for some of you.


2001 A Space Odyssey


These aren’t ugly at least, but they are wrecking the expensive cotton runner which is a little too big for the hall. Please understand that if you put up doors like this–even to hide the upstairs laundry area, it will date your home.

I promise you that in ten years, your home will become a laughing-stock.


Alan Roberts Photography

I think what really bugs me the most about the sliding barn doors  is the totally fugly hardware.


This is a crying shame. Criminal actually.


minimum security prison


maximum security prison



On a DIY site, these good folks used plumbing parts to open and close their barn door to hide the TV. I thought the idea behind hiding the TV was to make the room more attractive. No?

Oh Common Laurel. I think that you’re being a bit harsh. I’ve seen some really cool barn doors. Isn’t there any application that you think is okay?

Thank you. Okay. Occasionally, but my point is to let y’all know to tread lightly! First of all, they have no business in a purely traditional center hall colonial. But sure… if you live in Texas (and I know that a lot of you do) :] and/or your home is in a rustic style, then sure.


Tillman Long Interiors

This place is gorgeous!


These look far more natural in a semi-rustic home clad with shiplap. BTW, shiplap has become VERY trendy recently. I do have to say that I like it, however.

But, here’s the thing. I probably wouldn’t use a barn door at all. There are so many other fabulous options for doors that either slide or take up practically no space at all.

office+reveal_sliding_french_doorLife on Virginia Street


At least they painted the ugly hardware white!

Very lovely bathroom reno on House of Smiths. Love the door!


original source unknown

A classic sliding pocket door. True, these probably cannot be retrofitted because you need a thicker than normal wall to accommodate them. Although, there may be some newer kits than can go in the standard 4″ wall.


Furlow Gatewood – Photo by Rod Collins

There are also bi-folding French doors. And then, this exquisite door that’s on some sort of swivel and they take up very little room when done like this. I don’t know what it’s called but it sure is cool!

Well… that’s it for the sucky interior decorating trends you need to be careful about. Please don’t be swayed by the fact that they are everywhere. But again, as always, if you really, and I mean really love something, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says.





77 Responses

  1. Always amazes me that there are so many folks out there who are so bothered by what other people like, or chose to have in their homes. I mean, . . I have a Harvest Gold sink, . . . Yikes!, …The Harvest Gold General Electric can opener sitting on my white Formica counter top must really set some of you ladies hair on fire. . .oh, the horror of it all! And Avocado refrigerators are certain to cause an outbreak of hives, . . . life itself just wouldn’t be bearable if a kitchen isn’t totally gutted and redone every 5 to 7 years! Making ice cold smoothies in my 50’s Oster blender gives me this warm, nostalgic feeling, of good old times that my son’s Vita-Mix doesn’t seem to do. I do think I will redo my 70’s kitchen in white Shaker this year though, should work nicely with my Vinyl floor.

    1. But Ed, apparently you are too bothered by what some people choose to have in their home.

      This is Laurel, the author of this blog and if you’re referring to me, then you haven’t read enough of my posts and don’t understand my philosophy.

      I am fine with things that people well and truly love. And it matters not what *I* or someone else loves. It sounds like you love your gold sink and white formica! I think that’s wonderful and what I have drilled in over and over… Do what you truly love.

      It’s the people who are blindly following some bizarre trend just because (it seems like) EVERYONE else is doing it, is what I’m bothered about.

      BTW, I had a black and white vinyl floor for years and loved it. And we had formica counters. I didn’t love them, but we didn’t have the means to change them. In fact, I’ve never gutted and brought in a new kitchen. But who cares what other people do?

      Good luck with your kitchen reno.

  2. Hi Laurel,
    I’ve subscribed to your blog for a very long time now….. years in fact. This is the first time I’ve left a comment. Ironically I did a search about a topic (ahem: Shiplap and maybe something about dated) and your blog popped up. I said self: Laurel cuts through the crap and says it like it is. Go read this.

    Barn doors- You present a well-rounded perspective! The hardware… just no unless industrial is the look one might be going for in a cool loft with brick walls in a gorgeous city like Boston, maybe New Orleans? I was recently told that people are thrilled with these decorative styles because they are cheap. Words like inexpensive, affordable or budget friendly are my words of choice.

    Shiplap: Lets just say I recently did a purge of over 150 accounts on a certain social media channel. If I never see another Magnolia wreath on a shiplap wall with galvanized metal do-dads I would be thrilled.

    Dead Animals and Antlers: They look great in a lodge, log cabins, and in themed rooms. Check mark this one in the same category as Shiplap.

    Not by a long shot am I a perfect decorator or stylist but my time in AID did give me a deeper appreciation than I already had for classic historical design and decor. Living in Alaska, I see hardcore rustic styles so often. In over 15-years it has never grown on me and believe me when I say that I’ve tried to love it and embrace it. Perhaps, others have tried to do the same with classic styles I admire so much. Everyone has to follow their hearts.

    I am inclined to think for my home that a shiplap type ceiling treatment would definitely work but the craze has made me reject it all.

    As always, I enjoyed reading your perspective!

    1. Hi Olivia,

      Thanks for all of that. And I very much agree because certain design elements become SO saturated that even if they are good ones, they become incredibly annoying after a while. And I think that part of the reason is that they eventually go through some sort of cloning filter for lack of a better term.

      And then they begin to not resemble what they originally were.

      Fortunately, I don’t watch Magnolia Home so can’t comment too much on that. I’ve seen some photos and they are okay for some people. Most trends make me nervous unless Louis XVI did it. ;]

  3. Thank you, Laurel! Sorry, I just got around to reading this post, and all of the aforementioned I agree will date one’s abode faster than avocado appliances. Some of the decorating ‘trends’ perpetuated on TV seem to spread like the measles. I just can’t imagine why one would want them in one’s home. When I see a barn door, I think of mucking out the stall. I guess I am guilty of lack of imagination. Thanks for making me laugh again and again.

  4. Antlers! Yes, ugh. And barn doors are nice, as you say, on barns. I love you Laurel! I have never written that to a blogger before. But you truly did rescue me from neurotic paint color hell. Now I’m happily surrounded by my BM Ashcombe Gray office walls every day, will all the fussy trim painted the SAME COLOR, (with your blessing)and though I am a therapist, people tell me I should have been an interior decorator. HAH! The Laurel Blog is the secret to my powers! Keep up the great work!

  5. Just as a side note, you do know (you probably do but just in case) that deer shed their antlers every year and grown new ones and so people go out and go shed hunting to make a lot of those accessories like the chandeliers. No animals need to be killed for those types of items. They are just laying out there in the wild waiting for someone to come pick them up and make something out of them. Just saying! 🙂

  6. That’s what makes the world go round. I like the “ugly” hardware, it takes away from the antiseptic look so many homes have now. Of course my stove is the one my grandmother bought in 1925, we heat with a wood burning stove and I train horses for a living so I realize my taste isn’t going to appeal to everyone. I do hate the dead animal decor for the most part!

    1. Hi Lou,

      I’m with you on getting rid of the antiseptic look, but my approach is to go back in time, when architecture was beautiful. But it depends where one lives.

      Some parts of the country are relatively young and don’t have that rich history.

      And I always say that if one loves something. Really loves it, then it’s a wonderful thing.

      It’s the sheeple, I worry about. :]

  7. Laurel, I love your blog so much because you speak your mind and frankly, it makes me laugh out loud. I am so happy to hear someone say that a dead animal hide on the floor looks just like – a dead animal on the floor. YUCK. And the antlers? why? thank you for the photo of the million dollar collection – priceless – I haven’t laughed that hard for days.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Glad you’re laughing. Me too! Some of the posts, I am chortling for hours putting them together. I do have to be careful, however. The other day I put up a pic that belongs to a colleague. oops. Actually, oops is an understatement. It was a bad evening.

      A lot of the antler rooms are wonderful! I dunno; it creeps me out a little. As for dead animals. My sister is a VEGAN. I put that in caps because she has made it her raison d’etre.

      Thanks so much for stopping by. It makes my day when I hear that someone laughed so hard, spat out their coffee or the best, gets strange looks from their hubby. haha.

  8. THANK YOU for speaking my mind! I have no idea why is it so ‘chic’ to hang up a ceramic stag head over your bed. I used faux fur in a couple of projects, but it was the fluffiness about it that I loved. Putting up things that look anything like, or even worse, that actually are dead animals is just so morbid.

  9. yes i agree. i thought the barn doors were really cool when i first saw them, but i havent yet had a project where they would be suitable and now theve become a tad common

    1. That is certainly your prerogative to like barn doors, Heather.

      I stand by my stance which is that most of the time they are not appropriate. In some situations, yes, but in most, no. My opinion is that they are exceedingly trendy and would caution anyone to think about whether or not they are appropriate for their situation. That is the point of the post.

  10. Thank you for speaking out about barn doors. When my husband and I watch HGTV (a guilty pleasure), we yell “NOT ANOTHER BARN DOOR!” at the reveal. (Similarly, the douche guy who must have his Media Room and the nitwit woman who makes the walk-in closet joke.)

    As for antlers — you should see the Longhorn furniture in Texas. THAT’s a look. (Always paired with a cow hide too.)

  11. Right on the button! I’m afraid I groaned aloud when I came upon the turquoise bedroom strewn with such a multitude of deceased wildlife. What are people thinking?

    Also, bravo for shining your beacon of discernment on this dreadful sliding door trend.

    I am quite fond of the pocket door, as a practical and space-saving detail, and use them often in remodeling and new construction.

    My greatest admiration though is reserved for the well-designed hidden door. They are spectacularly useful in calming a space littered with other distractions.

    One of the most memorable rooms I’ve ever had the pleasure to visit was in a lovely home in Abilene, Texas (!!! Abilene, can you believe it???). The designer or homeowner (not sure who had the idea) covered the walls and ceiling of a large living area with pressed tin sheets (the sort that were often used on ceilings in years past), including the concealed door to the powder room. Then the whole kit and caboodle was painted matte white. It was an ingenious use of materials and resulted in a dramatic and enthralling space: white patterned walls and dark wood floors.

    1. Hi Again Leslie! Like I said, the sliding door could be great if they could come up with a much more attractive way of sliding it.

      That concealed door sounds gorgeous! If you happen to have a pic of it, I’d love to see it!

  12. Laurel,

    We inherited a deer head from my father in law and it is the creepiest thing in my house. It is hidden away in a dark corner of the basement but those eyes are watching. My daughter in law almost keeled over when she saw in it. I just don’t understand big game hunting despite my admiration for Ernest Hemingway and Teddy Roosevelt. And poor Cecil, beheaded and skinned all for sport.

    Thanks for the validation of barn doors. In NH (real) barn doors are everywhere and look appropriate. We are in the midst of building a lake house and have incorporated pocket doors in the design. It drives me crazy when doors open against each other. I love the clean look of pocket doors.

    My rule of decorating is that anything popular is probably trendy.

    1. Hi Cookie,

      Too funny about the deer head. Well, not really funny. Yes, poor Cecil. I was so busy writing this that I didn’t find out until after this had been published.

  13. People everywhere must be reading (and heeding) your blog. During our recent cross-country drive, I forced (i.e., begged) my husband to stop at every other home decor store. I noticed all the antler and bone accessories were on clearance. And, they’re resin shaped items, not even natural … just ugh! In 1000 years when cultural anthropologists unearth our crap, they’re going to wonder (a) what they heck were they thinking and (b) what the heck were they thinking!

  14. Oh Laural, I love your honesty! You are dead on with the animal parts. How timely with the latest “safari” kill of “Cecil” for trophy heads.

    1. Yes, Sheryl and what is funnier (well not funny haha) is that i didn’t even know about poor Cecil until after I had published because I was so busy writing.

  15. Please consider taking your act on the road. You could do stand up comedy at High Point or at all the Blog decor conferences.
    I am laughing so hard…..

  16. The last 3 or so hotels I’ve stayed in have used barn doors for the bathroom, and it’s awful! They DO NOT contain sound and light, and if you’re sharing a hotel room, you’d better hope that no one has to get up in the night, because you’ll all be awake. The worst was the glass sliding door that faced the beds. What were they thinking?

    1. Hi Beth,

      Well, it sounds like the classic form before function debacle. They most likely didn’t test the doors nor have used them before. Scary, the hotel biz. One mistake and can be duplicated 100s of times!

  17. I love the color gray and just recently posted a question about it I do agree with the antlers though and maybe the door thing to but what would be considered a good trend to try

    1. I’m sorry if I missed your question Martha. I do try to answer everyone, but sometimes miss a few. There are a few posts scattered through here with what I think are good trends, but I’ll be doing more posts about that soon.

  18. Loved this post, Laurel. Brought back lots of memories and recollections. Visited Theodore Roosevelt’s home in Oyster Bay, NY years ago, and the thing I remember most of all was the taxidermy EVERYWHERE, starting at the entrance and continuing throughout; it was haunted house-freaky. In the late 1980s I worked for an interior designer/gallery owner in Nantucket, one shop on the wharf and another in town. Lots of beautiful English antiques, Nantucket artwork, beautiful textiles, and owner-designed pottery; exquisite for the time. The only off-note was the “naturally discarded” deer horns(racks) that comprised the grand candle-lit candelabras which were everywhere, and especially over the $7K-10K+ English antique farm tables (all the rage in the late 1980s and early 1990s as you may recall). The scale and design of these light fixtures weren’t objectionable, but the health implications were. It didn’t matter what shop they were in, these deer horns were magnets for flies – lots and lots of flies. And of course we’d have to shoo the flies off repeatedly during the day, but inevitably, dead flies would accumulate on the fine bone china place settings, on the antique tables, and all around the shops. I spent many mornings vacuuming up dead flies, and then hand-cleaning the china. Lesson: If you want to bring natural elements and forms into your home or your client’s home, make sure they’re not disease/insect vectors! Use them sparingly, and use (realistic-looking)faux if possible.

    1. Hi Borah,

      Re: the flies… All I can say is ewww!

      None of that stuff is popular here in the NYC metro area. I’ve never had a client with anything like any of that real or fake!

  19. The Monolith visual is so funny – and I can’t get rid of the “thus Spake Zarathrusta” ear worm since I read you post hours ago!

    1. Hi Libby, Sorry about that! That’s my wasband’s favorite movie. I didn’t get it exactly. I guess it’s a guy thing?

      “Open the pod bay doors Hal”

      “My mind is going… I can feeeel it.”


  20. The Poggenpohl kitchen comment was hilarious! BTW, the Atlanta Guesthouse is one of the most beautiful spaces I’ve ever seen, barn doors and all.

    1. Hi Mary Beth,

      Glad you got that one. I couldn’t figure out what on earth that thing was doing there in the first place. And yes, that guesthouse is totally sublime. That’s why I included it, because most often with everything that’s become trite and banal, there’s an exception which shines!

  21. OMG. This is another hilarious article. I couldn’t stop laughing. I still am! I am San Diego born and raised, but I just have always loved NY humor and yours is one of the best! I do enjoy getting your email and your views on great decorating of course! Thanks so much and “Keep ’em coming” please.

    1. Hi Kathleen,

      Well… I’ve lived in NY long enough to call myself a New Yorker, but I’m from the midwest until I was 23 except for a 2 year stint in Palo Alto in my late teens!

      I come from a funny family. I guess it’s inherited!

      I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the blog! I enjoy writing it too!

  22. I absolutely loathe dead animals used in decor. And it seems like such a huge trend now to walk on a slaughtered animal. Those rugs make me sad. But I really like barn door sliders. I know they’ll be out of date in a decade or so but in small NYC apts. where it’s impossible to put in a pocket door the slider solves problems. A tiny bathroom with a door that opens in? I say “take the door off it’s hinges and put in a slider instead.” The room one gains in the bathroom is great. And they aren’t THAT expensive. I think it’s totally worth a 10-15 year run.

    1. Hi Anny, I hear you! I lived in Manhattan for 13 years and I hear you. My bathroom right now (in Bronxville) is also tiny, but the door is between two closets, so no place to put anything sliding without a big expense.

      Also, for a small door which your obviously is, not nearly so bad and probably not a barn-style door either. I did love that one bathroom door with the frosted glass.

  23. My husband insisted on mounting and hanging the head of his first deer on our den/sunroom wall which had rough sawn cedar paneling and it looked ok for the most part.

    One weekend our daughter brought her new little kitten to visit …. that poor baby came into the den, saw the deer head and went into shock !!! She was terrified, hair standing on end, eyes so big they could have popped out of her head, hiding under a rocking chair peeking out at that thing on the wall that threatened her life, shaking like she was freezing. The funny part about this story is that little kitten tore out of the room, then flew back in and went thru that whole song and dance over and over making a game out of it the entire time she was with us.

    That deer head is now hanging in the basement storeroom of our current home. The kitten is now full grown, still visiting with us and never goes to the basement to be frighten by that monster again.

    1. Oh Margaret, What a darling story! My beloved Peaches passed last December and I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. He was my best buddy with his deafening purr! For a few weeks,after he died I would watch these kitten videos on youtube and that really helped. They were soooooooooo cute.

  24. Thank you for being the voice of reason in a trendy blog world. I have often read a blogger dish something I have in my home as soooo dated (like brass or wallpaper) and think ‘don’t they realize these new trendy things will one day be dated?” I also hate those round bulbs! Not a fan of animal mounts except the 2 sailfish on our porch that my husband caught (but they’re on the porch, not welcomed inside ?) but my pet peeve is barn doors on the master bath. No man is gonna wanna roll those big suckers closed when they get up in the night and I sure don’t want to hear my man go wee!

    1. Hi Pamela,

      Well both brass and wallpaper are really BIG right now. And I think that most “dated” things (unless it’s from the 70’s lol) can look fresh if paired with something new — and lots of white!

    1. Janet,

      Yes, that’s right! Gaston my favorite narcissist!

      I have two children born in the nineties. I have every single word and lyric memorized from B & the B a thousand times over!

  25. Those antlers with lightbulbs coming out of the walls remind me of the hands holding lights in the hallway of the Beast’s house in Jean Cocteaus Beauty and the Beast. Just a bit creepy. I do have a faux bronze deer head with antlers at the back door -it holds my leashes and training collars for the dogs. Ten points holds a lot of stuff!

  26. Just a heads up; the Elle photo of the painted red wall scone and chandelier that you wrote you liked the wall scone, …those are tree branches, NOT antlers. How do I know? I live in the great state of Montana where the antlers and ‘dead animals’ are everywhere, …but it fits here. NYC? Not so much. If those are indeed antlers, I want to know what animal they came from, because the don’t look like any antlers I’ve ever seen. Tree branches, yes, antlers, no. By the way, animal skins fit right in here, too. The land of cattle and sheep ranches, elk and deer hunting, mountains, rivers, the great outdoors, where the antelope roam, …it all fits.

    Now barn doors, on the other hand, belong on a barn. The hardware is ugly, adding extra cleaning with the metal track and the barn doors take up wall space, where…. hey! We can hang another dead animal head on that wall space!

    I do enjoy your blog and this is the first time I’ve written a response to one, but couldn’t let the red ‘antlers’ that are tree branches confuse others.

    One more thing; grey is the color of depression, illness and old age, …and I’m old, I’m not being bigoted. I am so looking forward to people stop painting their walls with that ‘neutral’ color and get back to real living color.

    1. Hi Diana,

      I hope now that you’ve broken the ice, you’ll be back for more lovely comments! Thanks for letting me know. Actually, a friend on facebook told me that it is coral. But I did go in and add a sentence. I’m from Indiana. What do I know about antlers? lol Yes, Montana–definitely an antler state. haha. I’ve never been there but I hear that it’s gorgeous!

      As for gray. Yes.. I hear you. And what is most troublesome sometimes is that people want to paint a room gray and expect it to be light and airy when it is already dark. I do find however, that most “grays” are actually some other color, either blue, green, purple or even a little brownish (bray). I feel that grays look great in Swedish Gustavian style, but even then, there is color in plants, and beautiful warm gold and crystal.

      1. Okay, red coral makes sense. (They still look like red painted tree branches, but I guess it’s just the ‘branches’ from the ocean rather than land.) I also agree on what you replied about the gray colors, I’ve seen what you’re describing. It’s just rare when gray looks really good, these days (like on HGTV) they throw gray all over everything. Depressing and lack of decorative imagination. I like neutrals, especially to balance out other colors, etc., but grays are not on my list for the reasons I stated above. Again, I’m loving your blog, keep up the good work!

        From the land of antlers and dead animal heads ;-),

        1. Hi Diana,

          I agree with you that they’re more like branches than coral, but whatevs… Glad they’re not antlers. Hmmm… I’ve written about HGTV on here a few times. HGTV is to interior design what McDonalds is to a burger. :]

  27. Thanks for highlighting these ugly trends, especially the dead animal parts or facsimiles. Of course, gnomes go into the forests and collect the naturally discarded antlers. Lately, I’ve seen woven hide rugs – potholder chic – and hides stenciled/screened with metallics. I don’t like paper mâché skulls, either. Flame-stitch is a classic that can sub for chevron and has a lot of staying power. Or do you think flame-stitch is fuddy -duddy, Laurel?

    I grew up with pocket doors and a big sliding barn door (1880s house and barn). You need to stand at an angle to use them – offset not directly in front. They worked wonderfully.People think they are great where space is at a premium but ergonomically I find that they are awkward to use in tight spaces and many applications. What out for pinching fingers – some of those barn doors look like I could loose some fingers!

    Laurel, I really enjoy your interesting, insightful and always entertaining posts. Thank you!

    1. Hi Libby,

      Thank you so much! Actually, a few months ago did some flame stitch pillows in shades of blue for a client nearby. One day, I’ll take more photos. It’s the living room with the Oriental rug over a large seagrass rug. I think it was the fact that the stitch was in one color family that made it work so nicely.

  28. Well, I am a Californian transplanted to Texas, and yes, many Texans do love animals on the walls. I went into a house in an upscale area and the foyer was covered in animal heads! Too freaky! My kids wouldn’t go back. Another friend insisted on ordering a moose head to go above her fireplace. It looked ridiculous!

    I too thought the barn doors were cool when I first saw them, but many of the barn doors you see are totally out of proportion to the room. And I can’t imagine how heavy they must be to open and close!

    As always, I enjoyed this post very much!

    1. Thanks so much Patty. At the very least, the real barn doors need to be in a rustic setting. Maybe someone can design some far more attractive hardware? I couldn’t find much out there.

  29. I like sliding doors only if they are white and in a cottage style setting. I so love pocket doors though and wish new homes would use them. I find the whole taxidermy thing on real animals thoroughly disgusting. If you want wildlife in your home, get sculptures or nature photography.

    1. Hi Laurie,

      I guess the taxidermy is a cultural thing. I’m from Indiana originally and I don’t recall seeing much of that. Oh, the odd swordfish or two perhaps.

  30. I forgot to mention that I am lucky enough to have one set and two single pocket doors in my home built in 1902. They work beautifully….not that I pull them closed very often. Still it’s nice to know they are there. I do think builders should consider using pocket doors for bathrooms and closets where ever possible. A pocket door for the master bath just makes good sense.

  31. Yes, to the super divine swivel door! We should all be so lucky as to find something like that sandwiched between drywall because someone before us hated it. I have to admit I got sucked into the antler craze and used some small ones in the firebox of a fireplace I never light. (It’s gas only.) They actually rather cool…like white flames leaping into the air. However, I’m happy I didn’t get too carried away when they first struck my fancy as I’m “over” that trend now.

    1. Hi Tricia,

      I should’ve added at some point, that I’ve had a few photos here with heads and antlers. In the right context, they can be cool, but now I feel that it’s all gotten quite out of hand.

  32. Well, I would have totally agreed with you on the animal stuff, except….I can’t believe I did it, but I ordered a sheepskin rug because I needed something white with texture to complete a seating area across from my grand piano. Any other shape other than wavy would not have worked, except oval. My husband hates it, so he’ll be on your side. My babies love the feel of it underfoot.

    Don’t worry, I will never throw a cow on my floor.

  33. Haha! Throw in the random dead turtle shell and you almost have a bona fide nature center. Also, I’ve coveted pocket doors for years (why more builders don’t use them I’ll never know!); but, because of installation issues, I confess I’ve considered sliding barn doors. Guess not. I’ve come to trust your judgement since reading your blog. Thank you!

    1. Hi Sandy,

      I love sliding doors and I know that a lot of people really like them. But I’m pretty certain that they are going to look very dated in about 10-15 years. And I’m sure that they are quite expensive too!

      And yes, pocket doors are far trickier to install.

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