Hello everyone and
I’m very excited about this post because I love showcasing my favorite interior designers. However, these designers come as a pair; they are mother-daughter interior design teams.
Ahhh… I was blessed with sons. Now, I dare-say that there are also some mother-son interior design teams, but aside from Lillian August, which is a furniture store. I don’t know of any.
Also, I am only hi-lighting, two mother-daughter interior design teams.
Of course, I am sure there are hundreds. In fact, I’m aware that some of you reading might be a part of such a duo. Of course, I am always looking for wonderful designers to follow, but there are certain elements I’m looking for, which both of these fantastic designers have.
One) They have a style that embraces classical design and styling.
Two) Their designs are uniformly beautiful, innovative (without being weird), and interesting. While it’s rare that I like everything a designer has in a room, with these designers, I consistently not only like nearly everything, but am wowed by it.
Please note that unless it’s a designer’s own home, that they were working with a client.
And, they might not “love” everything in the room. It depends on the designer and how far they are willing to strong-arm their client. lol Designers, however, are likely to show only their very best work. Or, rather they should. It’s a mistake to think that quantity matters over quality.
For all of you young designers, please remember that your portfolio is only as strong as your worst project.
Three) My favorite designers always have beautiful, cleanly designed websites.
Therefore, for Mother’s Day 2020, here are two dynamite mother-daughter interior design teams and some of my favorite work of theirs.
The hardest part of my day was trying to decide what to post.
Team number one is a firm I have shared on here several times, already. And, that is of Lauren and Suzanne McGrath of McGrath II.
Image removed of Lauren and Suzanne due to copyright trolls. Sorry guys.
Let’s begin with Lauren’s old, but timeless, apartment.
And, below the other end of the room. I adore this space! There’s beautiful architecture and perfectly proportioned furnishings, with gorgeous fabrics. And, all is expertly styled.
Those windows are so interesting. I wonder if the bookcases were built-in by Lauren? It’s reminding me of this post about baseboard heating and radiators.
The rest of the images will be of McGrath II’s wonderful client-work.
A magnificent living room from McGrath II’s Cobblestone Hill Project.
I love everything about this room!
Please notice the layered Oriental rug over the natural fiber rug.
The walls look very close to one of my favorite shades of navy – Benjamin Moore Deep Royal 2061-10. That’s in the Laurel Home Essential Paint and Palette Collection.
Here’s a detail of the room. I also want to point out the lovely linen sheer Roman Shades. I used a similar fabric several times, including my own (former) home.
That’s perfect!
Another incredible job they did was for this beauty in Locust Valley. (please check out the rest of the project in that link.) For those that don’t know Locust Valley. It’s one of those places that sounds disgusting. However, it’s anything but hideous. It’s an exceedingly affluent community in western Long Island’s north shore.
They always get the mix just right. And notice the balance of light, medium and dark, including black accents that I’m always harping about. Love that banquette.
McGrath II Charming girls bedroom with bunk beds
It’s details like that gorgeous old mirror that keep this space from being too precious.
One more detail to point out. It looks to me like the fireplace is faux. It appears not to be deep enough to be a working fireplace. Also, there needs to be a minimum of six inches of fireproof material between the firebox and the mantel. In any case, I hope it is faux because I like the idea of it not being a real fireplace. Remember this post about faux fireplaces?
And, I’m closing this sensational mother-daughter interior design team with this extraordinarily beautiful bedroom featuring a silk wall covering from DeGournay.
@joshuamchughphotography – @mcgrath2 @degournay silk wall covering
Please also check out McGrath IIs gorgeous Instagram feed. And, of course, follow them there.
Our second dynamite mother-daughter interior design team was just discussed a few days ago.
It was in this post about rustic interiors! I knew that I wanted to feature them, so I tried not to give too much away.
And this is the mother-daughter interior design team of Jean Stoffer and her daughter, Grace Start.
Above is Jean Stoffer
And her lovely daughter, Grace Start. Grace has her own instagram account which I enjoyed looking at. In fact, it appears that Grace is a mamma too. Maybe one day, there will be three generations of women working in the firm. (that’s if Grace has a daughter.)
Oh, I do need to add, that Jean’s son and daughter-in-law help out with the business too. I love that!
Jean recently moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she opened up a magnificent brick and mortar store, Stoffer Home.
And, there’s more. They also manufacture their brand of inset kitchen cabinetry.
Jean’s kitchens are beyond the beyond.
This one is from Stoffer Home, their shop in Grand Rapids. There are many other photos on their website. But, I’m trying not to be [too] greedy.
Another beauty from their Lakeside project. There are so many incredible details. One of my favorites is the mirrored panels on the fridge. I mean, I think that’s the fridge.
But, anyway, do you recognize the beautiful Suzanne Kasler Morris pendants? I love that they did the smaller size. So, often I see two of the bigger ones, and I feel that they are too large. But this size is just right.
By the way, that link above links to the light fixture sold on the Stoffer Home online SHOP, and this one links to the shop itself!. Yes, you can get most of their beautiful light fixtures and much more on their online shop.
There’s also a mini widget coming up that will link to some of these light fixtures.
Oh man, these kitchens are so incredible. This kitchen is from their English Cottage project.
One of the things I love, and it’s such a small detail are the charming paintings with the gold frames.
I know. They aren’t practical. Who cares? I mean, you’re not going to put a Rembrandt in your kitchen. haha.
Jean Stoffer Design – Fair Oaks – Another stunning kitchen!
And a close-up detail of the cabinetry.
Here’s a link to the Stoffer Home Cabinetry.
There is more information on their website on how you can get it.
They also sell this beautiful hardware!
They don’t just do kitchens. Their living spaces are just as wonderful. And does anyone recognize one of my favorite mirrors from Anthropologie?
The Aperture Mirror from Anthropologie
But, one of my favorites is this sophisticated nursery.
Thank you. Really, thank you.
My entire life, I’ve wondered why people put cutesy ducks and bunnies in a baby’s room.
Don’t we want them to learn great taste from the getgo? I mean, I bet you’re not feeding your baby Pringles. So, why put up stuff your baby is going to hate by the time they’re eight?
Of course, if you think I’m nuts and you insist on the trad nursery “themes,” that’s fine. But, for those of you who’ve felt as I do and obviously Jean, as well. (and, her client). Thank you again.
Another thing that Jean sells in her shop that I adore are these synthetic rugs. They aren’t expensive, (9 x 12 is $650) but wear super well and look great, too.
Smashing is the word that comes to mind.
That sink is reminding me of when I went to the Drummonds showroom in New York City.
Below is a widget with some of the lighting in these rooms – for sale. There’s a lot more on the website, as well.
Jean Stoffer Design English Cottage
Honestly, my heart rate goes up when I look at these rooms. That’s not a bad thing. My pulse is naturally quite low. So, it’s a little like exercising without actually moving. :]
But, just look at this stunning bedroom.
The cool table lamps on closer inspection are actually sconces that are not hard-wired. And yes, you can get them at Stoffer Home (Clarkson Double Sconce). If you give them your email address, (you’ll see a pop-up) they are offering 10% off.
And, after about two hours of searching, I did find the crystal ring chandelier. I love it too. You’ll never guess where I found it.
Restoration Hardware BABY AND CHILD.
It’s also on RH Hardware – teen.
No comment. Oh, believe me, I have plenty to say.
Remember this post about RH from the summer of 2016?
Oh, Laurel, PLEASE comment! It’s Mother’s Day… Please???
Pretty Please??? I’ll make you a chocolate cake.
Chocolate Cake, did you say? Can I have that in writing? ;]
Okaaaaaay. Here’s what I did. I used the method outlined in the back of Laurel’s Rolodex to find something on the internet when you have no way of knowing where it’s from. It works best with fabrics and things like that.
But, sometimes, I get lucky.
This was not one of those times. However, I kept putting in different search terms until I found the resto piece. In fact, I did look at Adult resto because I had a hunch it might be there. But, alas, they are considering this gorgeous piece to be “juvenile.”
Then, if you haven’t already looked at the old shocking truth about resto expose from 2016 and are curious, please do so now.
This time, I put in the resto piece into google images. You put it on your desktop and drag it into the box.
They even have the SAME pics. Now, did they rip off RH’s images?
Yeah. They did.
It’s a virus-eat-virus world, you know. ;]
But, they ALSO used Stoffer Home’s image as well. Hmmm…
You know, I was going to put that image here.
But, then I realized that Jean’s lovely client might see that and get a tad upset. And, then it could be a real shitshow! I’m not trying to upset anyone. And, I’m not advocating purchasing from Alibaba. However, I googled it, and it’s probably fine. Plus, you can get a buyer protection service.
And, I’m finishing off this incredible series of mother-daughter interior designers with this living room vignette. I think the colors are extraordinary. I love the restraint in Jean’s designs. Of course, I know that some of you will love that restraint and some will find some of these rooms too bare.
I love both looks. The other look would be one that some would find to be too “cluttered.” I’m not a fan of that word. It has such a negative connotation.
Well, enough of that. I hope that you enjoyed both of these mother-daughter interior designers.
And, I hope that you’re having a beautiful Mother’s Day! I know that some of us moms are separated from our children this year.
And, some of you are sick of your children. lol (and, vice versa)
I’m heartened to hear that in New York, there has been a consistent downward trend of new cases of the virus. Another bit of good news is I asked the very nice check-out woman at the ONE supermarket in Bronxville, this question, a few days ago.
Has anyone who works here gotten sick?
She said that she had only been there for about five weeks. But, during that time, as far as she knew, nobody had gotten sick. Of course, the store is taking every precaution and interrogates each employee at the beginning of their shifts.
In other news. I am going for an extended visit with my older son in Western Massachusetts.
I’ll be in Northampton, the home of Smith College. I’m going for five weeks. Why so long? Well, my son Cale is turning 30 on June 18th.
So, I’m staying at an Airbnb. And, yes, I’m taking my half-dead plant, Joe, with me.
Please understand; I do realize that I sound like a total kook.
This is why I need to get away. But, Joe has been with me for nearly 4.5 years. Years after the other dozen or so plants died, Joe has hung on and given me much joy and a meaningful sort of companionship. And, that means a lot to me. I wish more people were like him.
Why is his name Joe?
Well, I got him at Trader Joe’s.
Happy Mother’s Day, Everyone!
Please check out the newly updated HOT SALES for all of the latest sales in home furnishings. And, you can also check out some of my favorites.
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