Welcome to The Information Page About My Rockin’ Interior Design Guides! These invaluable tools will save you time, money, and stress!
*** Please go here if you know what you want and are ready to order.
Please read on if you are not ready to order and want to learn more.
This page provides a brief overview of each of my interior design guides. Links to other pages with further information are provided.
Laurel’s Rolodex (the 11th edition for 2025 is out!)
Laurel Home Paint & Pallette Collection (two-part guide)
Six-Figure Income Blogger
333 Decorating Rules & Tips You Need to Know
The Best of Etsy 5th Edition for 2025 is out!
Hi Everyone, I’m so glad you’re here to check out my interior design guides. They are the culmination of 35 years in the interior design biz.
+ hundreds of hours of research and development. Most of the information in the guides, I never learned in interior design school. Oh, how I wish I had! I would’ve struggled far less and been far more successful financially.
Below is a very brief intro to each product.
A link below each product takes you to a page with more information. When you’re ready to order, you can click any of the Buy Now buttons here or on the pages that give you further information. All of the Buy Now buttons go to the order page.
Laurel’s Rolodex
Laurel’s Rolodex is a 450+ page shopping guide in its tenth edition as of November 2023.
It features hundreds of sources, with direct links to make sourcing a breeze.
Each source is in an alphabetical list as well as a category list with a write-up about each source,
price point, and whether it is retail, to the trade (or both), or has a physical or online shop or showroom.
For trade folks, there are over 180 “designer-friendly sources.”
where one can purchase directly from the vendor.
To Find out more details about Laurel’s Rolodex, click here.
if ready to purchase, please click here to go to the purchase page,
or click the Buy Now Button Below if you prefer clicking buttons.
The Laurel Home Paint Color – Paint Palette
and Home Furnishings Collection
Are you struggling with paint colors, or have 50 samples (or more) on the wall? Going nuts? Have you already made an expensive mistake? Take heart; we all do. But that’s how we learn. I’ve put 144 beautiful Benjamin Moore Colors– whites, neutrals, colors, and darks in a collection. Included are the best trim colors and much more. Part II is the amazing 40 palettes with design boards and palette families. What goes with what. No guesswork, but tons of options!
For more info about the Paint Color Collection
More info about the Paint Palette Collection
(This is where you’ll find dozens of wonderful testimonials, too)
Or if ready to purchase, click here to go to the purchase page.
Do you have a website or an online business? If so, the following guide is for you. In it, I share everything I’ve done to get to where I am. Plus, it’s fun to read.
For more info about this guide that tells you how to start and have a profitable website.
If ready to purchase, please click here to go to the purchase page.
And, the indispensable guide – 333 Decorating Rules and Tips You need to Know.
Click here if you missed the post explaining it.
You can also order the new Etsy Guide. Please go here to see a sample of what you’ll get.