Howdy Folks. Sorry to interrupt your weekend. We have a BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN
The Pantone color of the year 2016 has just been announced!
Remember just a few short weeks ago, I was projecting a clear fave for Pantone Color Of The Year?
After last year’s muddy dud, Marsala, I was so hoping that they’d come through and give us something to praise. I had so much faith that they had learned a tough lesson and would come through!
However, they are making this very difficult for us.
Recently, Pantone gave us a teaser.
Since the two top paint companies chose a lovely soft white as their color of the year, I felt that a rich deep blue would’ve been a wonderful choice. And they have one right here in their SNORKEL BLUE. (name aside).
No Snorkel. PANTONE Chose something else. TWO other colors!
Please Meet our TWO Colors of the year!
And her fraternal twin
We’re waiting for the lab results to determine if baby serenity is a boy or a girl or something else.
Oh dear…
I am positive that the suits at Pantone read our blog posts.
They very much are doing their level best to P.O. us decorators. Obviously, they love it when we dish and diss and make sarcastic cracks at their expense. It gets people talking about them.
It’s not that these two colors aren’t wonderful. They’re fine. Just not together.
If last year, they gave us the color of dried blood; this year it’s a hand-crocheted receiving blanket for a transgendered infant.
If they wanted two colors, then Rose Quartz with Snorkel Blue would’ve made a great pairing. Instead, we have a cocktail of watery pablum on the rocks.
On Pantone’s website, we are greeted by an ethereal image of a woman swathed in a diaphanous sheath of pink, blue (and purple). I was getting car sick watching her wafting in and out of focus over a misty lake.
Following that, we are treated to a short video of people screaming, getting shot up, bombs going off, blood, gore, tongues sticking out. I think it was a shot of the Pantone board room while they were duking it out trying to figure which damned color to pick!
Apparently, because of our world of strife, they’ve decided that we need some soothing colors.
Thanks guys, but I prefer my wellbutrin.
I am not soothed by this hombre bath of pink and blue. I am reminded of my childhood bedroom in our 50’s ranch home in Indiana.
When I was just a wee thing, my mom lovingly went to the store and selected a beautiful hombre cotton of rainbow pink into purple into blue into turquoise, back to blue, purple, pink… And she made a matching dust ruffle too! At first I loved it, but over the years, the colors muddied and I grew to hate those drapes.
Pantone does not decide the colors purely for the home decorating business. There’s makeup, fashion, hair, cars, clouds, cats…
Just having some fun kids…
It’s a pink and baby-blue-periwinkle world!
Notice what’s missing?
And do you know why that is?
Nobody has ever done a room in this palette before. lol
Seriously. Go ahead. look it up.
I’ll wait…
Okay, I found one. Although those chairs are a far darker pink than our Rose Quartz and there are other colors and LOTS of white!
There isn’t even a lot of periwinkle out there in interiors. It’s a tough color and it’s so, so easy for it to go decidedly purple.
An analogous hydrangea scheme of blues and purples
Kelly Geisen | Photo: Peter Murdock
A whisper of Serenity is lovely, but please no pink unless it’s a shot of some beautiful pink peonies or something like that.
The gray with pink is soft and soothing, IMO.
There’s more out there in pink. In fact, I did a post which features some pretty pink rooms.
I’ve grown to become quite fond of pink. I would’ve been perfectly happy to have had the rose-quartz or even the serenity as the Pantone Color of the Year 2016, but together. Well… I guess I’ve made my point by now. haha!
and while we’re on pale pink, a little more news.
The first update for people who’ve purchased Laurel’s Rolodex was just released!
Over 40 new fabulous sources! And some other improvements to make it that much easier to find things. That means that there’s well over 500 sources with tons of info.
And now, there are over 150 DESIGNER FRIENDLY sources.
In addition, there is gifting available and you can time it to when you want your recipient to receive their digital PDF gift that’s completely secure. When you go to purchase your rolodex, you’ll see the option to make it a gift and then you can also put in the day you want it to go out. You can write a little note too!
For more info about the rolodex
Or if you’d like to purchase one right now
click the button below
As for our Pantone Muck Up of the Year, well…
I guess it’s a girl after all.
PS: This is only for the .001% who feel compelled to make nasty comments. You are allowed to disagree with me–respectfully. You are not allowed to call me names and defame me or anyone else commenting on this site. If you do so, you will be unsubscribed and banned from the site forever.
This is elective reading. Don’t like me or my views, that is fine. Move on. Don’t read it!
For the rest of you… I love you all more than I can possible say. I even love the nasty people. I love them because they need loving, obviously. However, if one feels compelled to make abusive comments, unfortunately, they will have to go.
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