A Budding Interior Decorating Star – McGizzles!

How y’all doing?

Holding up alright after the big holiday?

Well, one reader might have just dropped to the ground, for she has no idea that I’ve devoted an entire post to her emerging talent and lovely home.


It’s our very own budding interior decorating star Sarah McGee!




yes, you, sweetie.

She’s on instagram and comments on the blog frequently.

interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles - Daughters' bedroom


Sarah first caught my attention a few months ago after I did a post which featured some cool Anthropologie murals.

This Anthro mural is in her girls’ bedroom


BTW, if you’re an Anthro fan, I would head over there the second you are finished with the post. Well, it doesn’t have to be the second, but soon.


And that is because they still have their ENTIRE line. EVERYTHING on sale at 30% off!!!

(but only for one more day- ending November 26th at midnight)


Anthropologie Linen Harper Sofa


And the Ben Pentreath clone sofa is going for $999.00 WHAT???


So, tell us Laurel, why did you decide to do a post about McGizzles?


Well, she’s from Indiana.

Next question?

That’s all?

No, of course it’s not all. It’s all I can manage to get out right now. :]


But Sarah has all of the ingredients I think, to be an interior decorating star.


1. She’s very talented– Immensely creative.

2. Young

3. And adorable– there’s the screen name and a vivacious personality to match. And she also comes with an adorable McGizzle husband and two adorable McGizzle daughters. The McGizzles positively reek of darling!


4. And I think that I just saw her running for the nearest rock to crawl under out of crushing embarrassment. Sorry, hun. Come back! We need you here. It goes with the territory.

5. And finally, Sarah has quite an engaged following on insta and people have started to take notice.

But here’s what happened today. I woke up not knowing what I was going to write about.


Yes, I know. Every blogging coach in the entire cyberverse is shaking a cyber fist at me. Fine. But in a lot of ways, I prefer it this way because it means that the topic is one that is current and meaningful. Well, that’s the hope, at least.

Then, I remembered that I wanted to do a post about Etsy. You know. Heavens to Etsy or some cornball thing like that?

And largely the post is a lot about Etsy because in the upcoming widget, most of the vendors are from Etsy shops, the rest except for a few are from Anthropologie.

Since I know that Sarah is a huge fan of Etsy as am I and Anthro, it is logical to give her the focus because she has the young, hip, Boho-Granny-Chic-Anthro look down.

And while some may maintain that this look is the typical millennial mish-mash grounded with an under-dyed rug, Sarah also has a clear sense of history and the balance of form and color that’s necessary for really great design.

However, what really had me going was Sarah’s Thanksgiving table.


To be honest, I thought I had fallen into the land of the sugar-plum fairies it is so delicious.

Here, let me shut up and I’ll show you.

interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles - Thanksgiving table

Is this fun or what? Sarah says that it’s wildly impractical. So what? it’s divine in its conception. And there is nothing about it that shouts out THANKSGIVING!

And I love that! It’s just warmth and happy times.

interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles - Thanksgiving table

(The source for the agate name cards is forthcoming in the widget.)


Then Sarah states that she will never iron her napkins– not even for instagram!


And that is what makes McGizzles an interior decorating star!


She has a clear sense of who she is and what she’s doing and if you get it and like it, great and if not, that’s okay too. I did not even notice that the napkin is wrinkled. I spent a good 20 seconds trying to figure out what it was! haha!

interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles
A pretty vignette, always with touches of whimsy grounded with a more serious damask wallpaper.

interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles
A charming bar cart with a painting she picked up on Etsy. Not sure of the vendor.  Behind the cart, we can see a glimpse of the spotted wallpaper from Thibaut.


interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles

Another view of the bar cart and more of the wallpaper

interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles - living room with Thibaut wallpaper


Here you can see the wallpaper better.


Accentu Peel and Stick Spotted wallpaper


Before I found out that the wallpaper is the Thibaut, I had found some alternative versions. One is a peel and stick wallpaper from Accentu on Etsy. Please bear in mind, that while at first it might seem to be a far less expensive alternative, the size of the roll is about 24″ x 9 feet. Where as the Thibaut roll is most likely 27″ x 33 feet.

The advantage, however, is that the paper can be removed if you’re in a rental or need to remove it for some other reason easily.

Another alternative that’s very cost-effective is to use this stencil by Royal Design Studio.


interior decorating star Sarah McGee McGizzles

Shoes by Gucci. This is a link to a similar pair


Well, thank you Sarah for unwittingly sharing your lovely home with us.


Please, everyone, if you are on instagram, please follow Sarah. Her posts are a lot of fun, gorgeous and of course, there’s much more to see over there!

And below is my channeling of Sarah’s style. I did take the liberty of adding in a little more color to some of the living room furnishings.


Linen Harper sofa from Anthropologie


It is mostly because I needed to get in the Ben Pentreath sofa clone from Anthro that’s on sale right now for only $999!


Please enjoy the widget!

A lot of these items also make great gifts– especially if you have some vintage lovers on your list.

And if you’re interested in more great gift ideas, please check out both the hot sales page and the holiday shopping pages.



I will probably post on Tuesday this week instead of Wednesday.



31 Responses

    1. Wow!!! I can’t think of a nicer compliment than saying that someone makes any place better. Thank you so very much, Erin!

  1. Thank you, Laurel, for introducing us to Sarah’s lovely home, family and unique style. Your eye is amazing. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts and discoveries. X Alice

  2. LOve!!! I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had a chance to catch up on your posts and tonight finally had a moment— and, well, fell in love with all, especially her shoes 😍
    Laurel thank you for sharing, everything always. You’re basically my design encyclopedia, I’ve gotten so much from you (direction and other designers to appreciate). When I’m done with my redesign (although you’re never really done, are you?) I will share with you so you can see the work of one of your students!! Hahha xx

    1. Oh, I would love that Heidi! That is one of the best parts of doing all of this. It’s largely a lonely occupation which rather suits me most of the time, but seeing how it’s all come together for people is immensely gratifying! xo

  3. Oh wow, I LOVE her girls’ bedroom!!! Going right over to see more of that. I am collecting ideas for my girls’ bedroom and this is the most “I want to copy everything” image I’ve seen yet. You are right, she has a very original yet coherent style that really works. Congrats MCGizzle on some great exposure!

    1. My sister called me up all gaga too, over the girls’ bedroom! (better get that apostrophe in the right place, because the apostrophe police is on active duty these days. lol)

      1. lol at the apostrophe police – and your sister CALLED? I’ve died of happy and this is my ghost replying.

    2. Julie – I really really appreciate that. Reach out if you want to know the sources for anything – I’m a share-bear!

  4. What a charming,fresh and young new design eye- I feel as though Sarah came right out of the pages of DOMINO magazine, and I am sure she will have a large following in the future.-she is definitely a person one should keep one’s eye on..

    Thank you for sharing her talents with us.

    Thank you also for sharing all the good and beautiful that is you!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Hi Laurel and Sarah!
    Sarah, I know the exact feeling! The morning I was scrolling through Laurel’s post and saw our house I was “beside myself”! It has been so much fun. I looked at your great insta and now follow you. I agree with Laurel, stay exactly who you are and you really DO NOT care about the people who don’t get you! Best to you and hugs and kisses to you, Laurel! Xo

    1. Hi Nancy! Sorry I’m just now replying, I’m only getting the guts up now to really check the comments… ha!!
      Your kitchen and bathroom are absolutely show-stopping. They will get pinned to my “someday” dream board. <3
      Thank you for following me! I'll be sure to follow you back! And thanks for the advice. xo

  6. Nice shoutout to a reader. What a lovely gesture to recognize Sarah!

    Oh your board of goodies – Iove the collection. I’m still paying for my Labor Day furniture purchases. No spending this weekend or cyber Monday for me.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Laura! Great post, as always. The thought of peel and stick wallpaper keeps calling my name. I’m not very good at DIY, but it looks fun. Behind bookshelves, on a small powder room wall, over a mantel, on one wall in the foyer, in a nook, framing a bay window, etc. I’m telling you, it’s calling my name! Thanks for the Etsy source.

  8. Laurel.
    I am shaking. I am shaking while reading this. I’m shaking while typing and I’m having to backspace a lot. I feel like I’m out of my body and I’m unsure if I’m dreaming. I’m freaking out IN A BIG WAY. What do you even say when one of your BIGGEST IDOLS and mentors gives you so much love and kindness and validation?! Seriously, I’m so overwhelmed and I just don’t know how to articulate the gratitude and how humbled I am and how I’m kind of scared too that people aren’t going to “get” me – but that also, I’m ok with that, because YOU do and I put a lot of weight into what you think.

    Thank you so very very much, Laurel. Thank you.

    And now I’m going to go buy 90% of what you posted in your widgets (because I own the other 10%).

    Your devoted crazy fan girl,

    1. Oh Sarah,
      Honestly, it is me who is to thank you for being you, sharing your immense talents with the world and giving me some great material to write about!

      Do not be afraid that some will not get you. Some won’t and that’s a good thing. You don’t want them. But I can assure you that there IS a huge number who do/will get you and they will love you just as you are. And they will look up to you as a mentor and become “crazy fan girls” (and guys!). And I know that you already have gobs of fans!

      A LOT of people don’t get me. They unsubscribe by the dozens– every week. I couldn’t care less.

      At the risk of sounding condescending and all cliche-like. But, the message is to always stay as true to who you are as possible. People can spot bullshit a mile away. And that is why you are so refreshing.

      A handy trick I’ve learned is to keep my bullshitometer close at hand. (I think they sell them on Amazon. Would you like a link? hahahahahaha)

      It never lies. There are times that I’ve refused to believe that the needle was in the red zone. It never lies.

      xoxoxo ~ Devoted crazy fan girl times 2!

      PS: I was so chuffed with myself for finding those adorable pink glasses. That source has a lot of great things and fair prices, I think.

  9. Thank you for showing Sarah’s idea on how to use wrinkled cloth napkins. What a great idea! I have abandoned cloth napkins because there are so many pretty paper ones available, and life is too short to iron napkins! I love this solution if I decide I should use cloth again.

  10. Dear Laurel,
    I love your blogs, I love your posts and I love the happiness they all bring into my life! Thank you soooo much!
    But I love the fact that you share so many design directions and care about how your readers feel and act upon these design directions….thank you again.

    Sincerely yours,

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