Hi Guys,
Well, I may begin to do Friday’s hot sales as a blog post after all. But there are still the hot sales pages which I can then link to.
(that’s the main one)
The post will feature the hottest– best home furnishings sale for that week.
And this week, the award goes to
Well, it’s because they are running a fabulous and rare UPHOLSTERY SALE!!! – 20% off of their entire insanely gorgeous collection!
Miramar sofa from Serena and Lily
And when we’re talking about $2,800.00 on up for a sofa, that’s a chunk o’ change.
Now, I rarely do this, but in this case feel confident in vouching for this furniture.
It’s all made by Lee Industries, one of my favorite vendors, for them. (shhhhh… that’s an inside secret. They do not publicize it.)
But at 20% off and with one of their 150 beautiful fabrics (and leathers), you really can’t go wrong.
However, always, always, always measure and do a little layout first.
Their fabrics are top-quality. I have a little ottoman that I bought five years ago (!) and it still looks brand-new.
The fabrics themselves are not on sale– only when they are on the pieces. And I don’t believe their throw pillows are, at this time either.
Here is your widget and believe me that I could’ve kept going on and on and on because everything is so beautiful, but these are just a few of my favorites in no particular order. And yes, they are color-coordinated with lots of blue and white. However, Serena and Lily has fabrics in all colors including two beautiful yellow linens!
The beautiful new Grady Sofa in lemon linen
Sorry, here’s the widget. :]
Here are some things you need to know about the Serena and Lily 20% off Furniture sale.
One) They will give you up to 10 free fabric samples. I have found that they go to great lengths to ensure that the colors are accurate online. But, some computer monitors may not read the colors 100% accurately, so if it’s super important, please double-check. But also know, that their colors are very nice.
If only every vendor presented themselves as well. My job would be a lot easier. And it makes so much sense to me too.
It’s a lot like a restaurant.
All they DO is serve food. So why is the food so terrible in some restaurants? And WHY does the bread suck? They only need to come up with one kind of wonderful bread. How difficult can that be?
It’s a lot like that. Serena and Lily has the best food and bread ever! (metaphorically speaking)
Two) The sale is on until September 25th (at 11:59PM – pacific time) That means, if you don’t want to think too hard, that you have 3 weekends to get your order in.
Three) You still have time to get your order in for Christmas, fa-la-la-la-laaaaa-la-laa-laa-laaa. But… But… But… And you might be able to get it in time for Turkey-day, but there’s an 8-10 week lead time from the time of order to inside your home; that’s very tight. But not impossible.
Four) The promo code for 20% off is: GETCOMFY
Five) Yes, if you click on my link or images and place an order, I will probably make a commission at no extra charge to you. This is what keeps me afloat. (no pun intended in light of #6)
Six) I am donating 20% of any earnings from now through the 25th to God help us, our beautiful Floridians who are about to receive a hammering, the likes which most likely has never been seen on our shores. I guess most of you already know that as of Friday evening, they are predicting Cat 5 upon landfall in south Florida.
Please, please, please follow official’s orders and leave, if you are told to do so. I am praying for your safety and those of your loved ones.
And any money earned from a Serena and Lily purchase whether it’s on sale or not– from now through September 25th will be counted for the donation.
(I can’t see what you’re ordering, in any case; just the commission amount.)
I’m not sure which charity, but it will be probably be the American Red Cross, so that they can design who needs it the most.
Well, there’s still a lot more to see than this, if you have time.
I’ve updated the main hot sales page here. Over half of the items are new this week.
In addition, there are several new items in the bed and bath sales page. Williams Sonoma Home is having a huge bed and bath sale (and dining room furniture too!) and Williams Sonoma is a must visit as well.
I have edited out all of the hot clothes that are sold out. Nordstrom is still having a sale through the 10th.
The rugs I have not gone over yet, but will soon. Most of them are still available.
See you Sunday morning! With the 2nd part of Wednesday’s post.
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