“Raking It In” AKA: Black Friday Hot Sales is Back!

Oh, it happens every year. It starts out quite innocently. Turkey. STUFFING. uhhh, rather dressing since we’re not allowed to stuff our birds any longer. Cranberry-sauce-that-nobody-eats-but-looks-pretty-on-the-plate. Sweet potatoes or yams. (never could figure out the difference.)

Pumpkin pie with home-made whipped cream.

It HAS to be home-made.


And then comes BLACK FRIDAY.


Which really began in earnest last Monday– but in spotty cases, since the beginning of the month!

And I don’t know about you, but I find the constant reference to BF to be phenomenally grating. I bet your inbox is filled with black friday this and black friday that. Mine sure is. blech!

Yes, we know. You’re having a sale. Don’t tell us… it’s for BLACK FRIDAY??? Wow! Couldn’t you marketing people think of a better word?

Black is dark and evil, but then again, hmmm…

I guess we can thank the accountants and their ledgers that are finally “in the black” for that, I guess.


On the other hand, if all of the retailers wish to slash their prices in an effort to get us to buy in a timely way, I guess it’s not a bad thing. (she said, softening her stance a little)


But I still wish that they had thought of a better name. I’m sure that we can come up with something more appropriate!

— a catchy phrase that’s far more indicative of what the term really means.


Here are my top three picks for renaming Black Friday.


  1. Kaching Friday
  2. We Gotcha Friday
  3. Raking It In Friday


What do you think? Do any of those work better for you? I’m open to suggestions, so please feel free to chime in with your ideas about renaming Black Friday.


But here’s the other thing. Isn’t the Friday, the day after the BIGGEST, richest, most calorific meal of the year meant to be spent digesting it?


Apparently, that’s not happening because we don’t want to miss out. And because we don’t want to miss out, instead of relaxing with our families, going for a leisurely walk, or delicately trying to extricate the greasy gravy stain from the silk dining chairs, we’re anxiously trying to figure out this Black Friday thing.

And battling a massive case of indigestion as a result.

Well, I hope that you will relax because you have time.


Not scads of time, but enough time to chillax with Laurel’s blog. haha.


And that’s because after the week of pre-black Friday, the day itself, the following weekend, followed by “cyber Monday” and then cyber week, you already have at least through Cyber Monday, to take advantage of the hefty holiday sales. (but please do double-check).

Plus, many more will continue throughout next week.


Thankfully, we have Giving Tuesday now, which I will write a bit more about that on Tuesday because last year after giving to a worthwhile charitable organization, I’d like to repeat that annually.


Naturally, there will be more offers even after the pre, during, post Black Friday events, dressed up as a different offer. After all, Santa pulling up in a Beemer SUV with 600 horsepower, instead of a sleigh with eight reindeer is still Santa. But again. Offers do change, so I’m going with what we have.

And guys. It’s really good.


As I was doing my usual blog research couldn’t help myself from falling prey to some incredible Black Friday clickbait.


And I don’t know about you, but I’m the world’s biggest sucker for clickbait.

20% off site-wide! 30%, 40% – Time sensitive. That’s a good one. I fall for that one every time!

Well, these brands know what they’re doing.


They’re providing a needed service for us and hopefully, you will enjoy learning about some of my favorite kaching, gotcha, raking it in – BLACK FRIDAY sales!


Also please note that if you click on these links and purchase anything at all from those sites, you’re helping to support me and this blog. (at no additional cost to you) It is immensely appreciated, more than I can possibly say!


Here are some of my favorite Black Friday Sales which are going on right now.

Please note that there’s more to see in terms of some favorite products and deals on the main Hot Sales Page.


you can access the hot sales page here.


one kings lane black friday sales 2018

One King’s Lane – 20% off SITE-WIDE. It’s one of my favorite sites as y’all probably know by now.

(Plus another 10% off with promo code: OKLCYBER18)

One reason is because of the recent “private” sales which have been going on the last three months. They aren’t really private, but that I discovered a couple of glitches. The most recent one is the promo code OKL20CARD. If you missed all of that, you can read about it here.

Most of the OKL site is on sale, but not everything. However, the OKL20CARD promo code works on many of the items that are not already on sale. If you’ve already used it, try using a different computer or your phone to place an order.

In addition, One King’s Lane is offering free regular shipping on pretty much all of their smaller items. And their in home delivery service is very reasonable, as well.


Serena and Lily Black Friday Sale Holiday 2017Serena & Lilyalso 20% off site-wide with code: CHEERS.


Nope! Not for you! SERENA & LILY is giving a little extra to their VIPs

(and if you’re reading this blog, you’re automatically a VIP!)

You get 25% off at checkout with code:




Please click here for access.


Please note that you will see a different promo code on the site for only 20% off. That is for folks who are not VIPs. ;]

Monika Hibbs - Serena and Lily Bar Cart - Black Friday Sale 2018
Image via Monika Hibbs of Serena and Lily’s beautiful South Seas Bar Cart in black. It also comes in natural.

just received this new offer in my email. You have until 11.25.2017 11:59 PT to take advantage of this rare offer to get beautiful Serena & Lily linens, Furniture, Rugs, Lighting at 25% off.


black friday 2018 pottery barn - 25% off sitewide - use code- BLACKFRIDAY

Pottery Barn

Always great sales!



Williams Sonoma Amazing Deals Black Friday 2018

Williams Sonoma.

Great deals here too.




Always fabulous sales. They are also offering free shipping with an asterisk ;] and numerous amazing flash sales, all day long, if that’s your thing. But, if you are looking for home appliances, especially, I would head over there, for sure.


More great raking it in black friday sales include:

Anthropologie 30% off of everything - black friday sales 2018


Anthropologie – 30% off – EVERYTHING! – great place to shop for gifts! And don’t forget to check out Terrain, as well. There are some amazing deals going on there.

Artfully Walls – 30% off – EVERYTHING!

McGee & Co. – 20% off – sitewide – use code: THANKYOU

Minted – 15%-20% off – holiday cards, home decor, fine art and gifts.

Nordstrom – Oh, Nordies is everyone’s favorite for clothing gifts, beauty products and home furnishings. Up to 60% off – today!

The Well Appointed House – 25% off on orders over $200 – code: BlackFriday18 (case sensitive)



Well, if that’s not enough to keep you busy, (not that you already aren’t!)


Please also visit the Holiday Shop page! And, enjoy many of my favorites in holiday home decorations, trees, wreaths, ornaments, etc. for both Hanukkah and Christmas, as well as numerous gift guides.

Well, I’m off to do my own shopping site-seeing in Western Mass with my family.

OH! and don’t forget that the price of Laurel’s Rolodex will be going up at 11:59PM on the 26th so not much time left to get your orders in at the current price.




8 Responses

  1. how about ‘Gettin’ It Friday”
    coming right before “Giving Tuesday” …

    I agree with you – ‘black friday’ …
    ominous for the buyer’s bank account
    … good for the sellers balance sheet

  2. I lost my mind and my wallet on Macy’s Hotel Collection bedding. Great deals!

    If you would like an idea for a blog topic, I would love to see strategies on when is the best time to purchase various bedding items. What sells out first? I am going to have to wait to buy the cute little decorative pillows in hope they go on clearance before anyone else buys them. I am also going to have a sales clerk look up the inventory on these items. I have to wait until January white sales to buy some basics. Now that you have been doing the Hot Sales awhile, do you have some insights on this?

  3. I’ve heard that the term Black Friday originally had more to do with accounting that anything dark. It was a day when many businesses were thankful to finally turn a profit.

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