A Too Good To Be True Hot Sale (I’m not joking!)

Hey Everyone,

Usually I just update all of the hot sale’s pages and don’t do a post. But today, I have to write more and in my current theme, it’s very difficult to do that because a page that isn’t a blog post has no sidebar. And that means, that unless I make a new line, the text will run all the way across your screen and if so, and you are on a desktop, you will not be happy.


So, what’s up, you want to know?


Actually, I’m almost afraid to tell you, it’s that good.


Here’s what’s going on with the too-good-to-be-true hot sale.


The other day I received a catalog in the mail from One King’s Lane and on the back, there’s a code to get 25% off.

And, it’s good through October 30th! Wow! That’s like ten weeks! Crazy good; they never do that!

But, it gets even better. At least for now.

On the back of the catalog there’s the usual disclaimer– *exceptions apply.

Bummer. That’s obviously not the good part.


Okay, I know that you’re busy, so I’ll cut right to the chase here.


But, first I need you to come in a little closer because I have to whisper this.

Yes, closer. I put on deodorant today. yeesh!

Are you ready?

Oh, this is sooooooo good!


No matter what I put into my cart and as of Friday at 8:30PM, I’ve put in dozens of items, it gives me the discount. Everything. Everything on the entire freaking OKL website!!!


SHHHHHHH!!! Someone is going to hear you squealing and then they are going to spoil our fun!

Do you realize what this means? Do you?

It’s like someone said to me.


Laurel, here are the keys to Bergdorf Goodman. It’s okay. I’m the owner. Go help yourself to whatever you want.


Is there a catch, I ask meekly?

Well, he winked and then walked away into thin air…

Clearly, I’m working too hard. If one can call looking at gorgeous home furnishings all day long, “work.” hehe… 😀

Alas, I am still holding the keys. Okay, fine; not to Bergdorf’s but to One King’s Lane.


So, here’s the deal with the too-good-to-be-true (for now) hot sale.


It is quite possible that a programmer at OKL made a mistake and forgot to write into their website program the aforementioned exclusions.

This is reminding me of the buffet that was on sale a while back for $700- something when it was really supposed to be $2,500.00! Eventually, they caught on. But, for a couple of weeks, I believe a couple of you got the sideboard that they were selling below cost! Talk about your scores!

Therefore, we must tread lightly here.

Next is a brief explanation of what we have going on. In this post is the too-hot-to-touch sale (widget) for OKL.  Everything in it, unless otherwise stated is on sale for 25% off.


Uhhh… Laurel, are you going to give us the code? ;]


Oh, dear me. Yes, yes, of course! But promise me, you’re not going to blab this all over facebook and twitter! And that includes instagram and pinterest too! Or, if you do blab it, just send them all over here.

Okay, please come closer because I have to whisper again.


The code is: OKLPREFALL


I think that’s a silly code, because by the time the sale is over, it will be the middle of fall, but whatevs. They can call it OKLTIDDLYWINKS for all I care. Just give us 25% off of everything. Yes, even vintage.


Mark D Sikes on One Kings Lane - Private Sale - Shhhhh... too-good-to-be-true-hot-sale


Even Mark D. Sikes’ new line and Aerin and Mr. and Mrs. Howard… and oh my, I’m going to faint.


Then, on the regular Hot Sales page is the usual Hot Sales Widget with multiple vendors, but it is heavy in OKL


Oh, there’s something else. Super important. This is also some very good news.


In addition to the sale, unless the item has to come on a big truck, the shipping is 100% FREE! And even for the big things like a sofa, it’s only 99 bucks. And for one dining room chair, I put 20 in my cart, haha and the shipping was ridiculously cheap. I forgot what it was, but for 20 chairs, it would normally be at least $1,200.00 and it was a fraction of that.

Also, please go check out the other pages because there are many new things in the vintage—   rugs—  and bed and bath hot sales pages. You can access those pages in their links, or also on the main hot sales page.

And ta da… some of my favorites but this is very difficult to select pieces from the One King’s Lane Collection.


Oh wait. Sorry. It does say in the catalog that this is only for ONE ORDER.


I don’t know if that’s true or not, either. There might be a work-around for that, if so. wink, wink. If someone has tested this and you know one way or the other, please let me know.

Okay, here’s the real TA DAAAAA!!!


Please note: OKL is changing some of their offers. The item is either 25% off with the code OKLPREFALL, OR the price is marked 20% off and you will get another 10% off with code OKLXTRA10 (this offer ends tonight, 9/4/2018). Their site will reflect the most recent offer.





Please don’t forget to check out the main hot sales page!


And happiest of birthdays to my darling Eileen Lonergan.

For without her help all of these years, I would not be writing you right now.






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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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