The Air Scrubber Poisoned The Air In My Home!

Hi Everyone,

I will explain in a minute what happened with the air scrubber. And no, that title is not clickbait. I wish it was. And no, I do not “deliberately court disaster to create content,” as one of the workers in my home accused me of, completely out of the blue. (the worker who brought in the air scrubber)

But first, I hope the weather is as glorious for you as it has been in Boston recently. We so appreciate the mild, dry weather. This has been a most unusual year as there has been an abnormal amount. Subsequently, we have entered drought conditions—not severe yet, but we need more rain! However, there is no forecast for any precipitation for the rest of this month.


Many of you have asked me what I will do now that the renovation is over.



The building is over. But, things are FAR from finished.

In addition, parts of my business have been sorely neglected. I’ve been desperate for some help.


So, God sent me not, one, not two, but three part-time virtual assistants only last week to give me a much-needed hand.


One of them is wonderful Marsha Stopa, who will be helping with many things. The others are via a friend of a friend of a friend. lol

In addition, I’m trying to lead a more normal life, which means not being chained to my laptop or phone for 16 hours a day. That is not healthy. So, I’m getting out a lot more for social events and going on long walks* nearly every day. Subsequently, I’m feeling a lot better.


I have had a tremendous amount of stress recently, and I’m struggling to talk about it because it is by far the worst thing that’s happened this entire renovation.


Yes, I understand it’s inconceivable that it’s substantially worse than the first paint disaster. 

But, it is.


Oh, Laurel, you can’t say something like that and then not talk about it. What’s going on? You did mention something about the air scrubber poisoning your air.


Okay, yes. It’s about the air scrubber, or rather the filters for the air scrubber. After all, the air scrubber is nothing without its powerful filters. I was told that it had both HEPA and activated carbon filters.


However, last Thursday,  when I installed new filters for the air scrubber, to my horror, I discovered that there was no activated carbon nor a HEPA filter.


Instead, I removed two flimsy, filthy, clogged filters that had been this way for at least  five weeks, but probably longer. There is a photo coming up taken on September 18th that proves this.

Plus, the entire interior of the air scrubber was a filthy blue mess. I spent at least 30 minutes cleaning it.

Below are the thin accordion filters I pulled out. Please understand that when they are new, they are pristinely white on both sides.


filthy air scrubber filters
Above is the front of the filters after I took them outside.


the back of the flimsy air scrubber filters

The back of the filter.

activated carbon filter for an air scrubber
Above is the activated carbon or sometimes called activated charcoal filter I purchased for 36 bucks from Jon-Don plus shipping. I also got one filter like one of the dirty ones. They are only 5 bucks, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. The machine worked much better after I changed the filters!


Why is the one filter blue?


Good question. It is blue from the blue paint in my den. Below is the air scrubber venting dirty air through the filthy filter you can see through the porthole. This is the photo dated September 18, 2024.

air scrubber with filthy filters
At the time, I had no idea what I was looking at, but now, it’s quite clear.  I took this photo because I was intrigued by this equipment, not because I was trying to prove something completely irresponsible.


Den Mayo Teal ceiling coving, frieze = North Sea Green walls


The den after the ceiling was sprayed last September.


air scrubber and extractor - floor finish curing

The photo above was taken last night, days after I installed the proper carbon filter.

My painter admitted while we were doing the floor finish experiment that Alex must’ve accidentally put the hose on the yellow extractor backward. This explains why there was blue dust everywhere. You see, instead of venting fresh air into the den, the hose was venting aerosolized blue paint from the den into the living room!


2nd coat spray deep paint color - Benjamin Moore Mayo Teal - ceiling paint color

Alex suited up for the den spraying about five weeks ago.


Were you breathing this in, Laurel?


I had to be.

Although I went upstairs to see what was happening and maybe use the kitchen, I was in my room most of that day. I remember feeling awful that evening, and the one before. Early on the 18th, I sent Alex a text imploring them to STOP spraying!


Fast forward to October 7th when the floor restoration commenced.

The air scrubber was left to help rid the air of dangerous VOCs after the oil-based polyurethane was rolled on, but it couldn’t hold one more molecule in its clogged filters. Not only was the machine incapable of cleaning the air and extracting VOCs, but it was also filtering the air and introducing more contaminants back into the air!

This explains why the air seemed worse with the air scrubber turned on.


Aren’t you upset, Laurel?


Upset? No, not really.

What I am is LIVID beyond all comprehension.

*However, the long walks have helped me talk myself down from the ceiling.


Did you talk to your painter?


Ummm…I did right after I wiped up copious amounts of blue dust.  However, I’ve been on this planet long enough to know there is no gain to be made from further discussion. I can guarantee it will not go well, for he has proven to be a master of denial and deflection. For example, I received this text in response to discovering the fine blue paint dust all over the living room and kitchen:


“I believe the spraying all over by now.

The air scrubber has filters in it to catch particulates.

But with this particular arrangement of space it would be hard to catch all.”


Then, last week, when I realized that the air seemed stinkier when the air scrubber was on, I asked Painter, who was away, if the filters might need changing. This is what he said:


“I’m sure they do, but I am not in town until Wed.”


Then, he told me where I could purchase a new carbon filter, which I did, along with a new intermediate filter for good measure.


So, let’s sum this up:


  • Painter knew his POS scrubber had filthy, flimsy, non-HEPA filters.
  • And, he had to know there was NO carbon filter to filter out the “particulates.”
  • In his opinion, the overspray was due to the strange arrangement of my living room with two large windows for venting.

Even if I’m not understanding and it is true, why was he spraying in the first place?

Overspray in the air and all over my white walls and kitchen is okay?


But, Laurel, I thought your painter was so wonderful!


I lied.


I’m sorry. The truth is that I’m not even telling you the half of it, and I’m not going to because I find that smear campaigns reflect poorly on the messenger, no matter how deserving the perp is.


Oh, Laurel, surely you’re not having him back to do the stenciled floors?


Ya think? No, of course, I’m not. And, like I said, I’m leaving a lot out, a lot that should’ve made me run for the hills a while back.

Why didn’t I? (run for the hills)

It’s the same old, and I think it’s human nature to believe that what you see is what you get. Most folks seem nice at first, and the majority remain more or less consistent in their words and actions.


But at least 10% change. Maybe even more than 10%.


It usually doesn’t take too long for them to slip into their true self. But, we make excuses because we’ve all had bad days, right?

They’re under stress…The moon is full… The moon is new… The moon is a waning gibbous…  Then, they snap out of it and are lovely; that is until the next episode.

And damn it. I must embroider Maya Angelou’s brilliant quote and hang it in a prominent place!

Okay, we need to drop this for now.


Laurel, aren’t you concerned about your health?


Yes, always.


Look– about the paint.


The room is inanimate, right? It took hours for the walls to collect the fine paint dust. I was only up there for a short period of time, and the rest of the time, I escaped to my room, where I have not found one speck of blue dust. I did find a tiny bit in my bathroom, but nothing in the bedroom, and I’ve dusted everything. Plus, I’m only feet away from my window, which I leave open as much as the weather permits.


Guys, I’m sorry. I know you’re concerned. Me too, because YES. I did inhale some amount of blue paint dust that was floating freely through the air.

I guess that explains why I’ve been kinda blue recently.

But please know that overall, I’ve been feeling better. Ironically, the long walks I’ve been taking to air out my rage have had a most beneficial spill-over. I feel much more energetic and like my old self—I mean myself from 13 years ago.


So, what are you working on now?


Oh, thank you for asking. ;]

Well, aside from working with the new part-time VAs, and other ongoing biz stuff, here is a partial list:


  • The alabaster chandeliers are on order, and I might have them for Thanksgiving.
  • In addition, I’m working on the new dining area table. I will tell you much more about that soon!
  • I’ve also been thinking about window treatments and a rug for the den.


Yesterday, the 22nd, was the electrical inspection.


I was here when the inspector examined my bedroom. It took him all of ten seconds. No, wait; I’m sorry. That was an exaggeration. It was no more than seven seconds. :/

Tomorrow (the 24th), a new electrician will install the Anglo-Indian sconces I’ve had for a year.**
They were just rewired. This guy, Mike Patti, is awesome! Somehow, the canopies for the bell jars went missing so he’s bringing over new ones on Friday and not charging me for them.

**haha! I just checked and see that I posted about my trip to Hudson, NY, on 10.23.2023.



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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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