Storage Solutions for Apartments (with sucky closets)

Ahhh… I always wanted to live in a charming old apartment or home.


Well, I got it and along with that, came 1920s-sized closets.

Oh, they would’ve been fine if it was just for me; I don’t have a lot of clothes, but it’s not just me.


Its me and Laurel Bern Interiors and us decorators have a lot of stuff. While I’ve been able to pare back the accoutrements that goes along with that quite a bit, I still have a good amount of necessary samples and whatnot.

I first saw my apartment exactly one year ago and it was love at first site.

I figured that I’d find a way to make the storage issue work. Like I would for any of my clients, I drew out my plans and mulled over where I would work and where I would put everything.

Storage Solutions – Apartments (with sucky closets)


I have spent many hours talking about my “Donald Cabinet” that I purchased from my vendor, Zentique. When it arrived on 2-13, which was the 63rd birthday of my late brother, Donald, (coincidence? doubtful.) I was a bit taken aback.

I loved the cabinet but it was too dark and heavy, so, I ended up painting it. Two shelves were removed, and I had other shelves made.

I bought a lovely-to-look-at (but, crappy quality) chest to go inside where my Samsung TV sits. (love that plasma TV!)  Inside the chest, I keep things like paint chips, drapery rings (which I buy in bulk) and linens and towels.

Then I got some cool boxes from One King’s Lane to go on the shelf over the TV. They too… came in too dark. (see photo). No problem. ;]  I painted them, too!  I painted the inside of the cabinet. I painted the chairs. I painted nearly everything! Folks, if you don’t like the way something looks. Paint it.

storage solutions apartments with sucky closets
Storage Solutions for Apartments with Sucky Closets


In the left hand section sits my land-line phone, small black and white Brother printer*, and other electronic stuff.  The boxes hold fabric samples. (There are five boxes in all, now. I got a little kitchen cabinet stand so I could sit one of them over the cable box!) The right hand side of the cabinet is mostly empty. Good. I need room to grow!






*the slogan for Brother Copiers is… “Always at your side.”

and he is…

in loving memory of Donald Irving Bern who died on September 11, 1987


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