Ahhh… I always wanted to live in a charming old apartment or home.
Well, I got it and along with that, came 1920s-sized closets.
Oh, they would’ve been fine if it was just for me; I don’t have a lot of clothes, but it’s not just me.
Its me and Laurel Bern Interiors and us decorators have a lot of stuff. While I’ve been able to pare back the accoutrements that goes along with that quite a bit, I still have a good amount of necessary samples and whatnot.
I first saw my apartment exactly one year ago and it was love at first site.
I figured that I’d find a way to make the storage issue work. Like I would for any of my clients, I drew out my plans and mulled over where I would work and where I would put everything.
Storage Solutions – Apartments (with sucky closets)
I have spent many hours talking about my “Donald Cabinet” that I purchased from my vendor, Zentique. When it arrived on 2-13, which was the 63rd birthday of my late brother, Donald, (coincidence? doubtful.) I was a bit taken aback.
I loved the cabinet but it was too dark and heavy, so, I ended up painting it. Two shelves were removed, and I had other shelves made.
I bought a lovely-to-look-at (but, crappy quality) chest to go inside where my Samsung TV sits. (love that plasma TV!) Inside the chest, I keep things like paint chips, drapery rings (which I buy in bulk) and linens and towels.
Then I got some cool boxes from One King’s Lane to go on the shelf over the TV. They too… came in too dark. (see photo). No problem. ;] I painted them, too! I painted the inside of the cabinet. I painted the chairs. I painted nearly everything! Folks, if you don’t like the way something looks. Paint it.

In the left hand section sits my land-line phone, small black and white Brother printer*, and other electronic stuff. The boxes hold fabric samples. (There are five boxes in all, now. I got a little kitchen cabinet stand so I could sit one of them over the cable box!) The right hand side of the cabinet is mostly empty. Good. I need room to grow!
*the slogan for Brother Copiers is… “Always at your side.”
and he is…
in loving memory of Donald Irving Bern who died on September 11, 1987
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