Important Information and FAQs Regarding The Laurel Home Digital Guides

Hi Everyone,

If you’ve landed on this page, it’s because you’ve either purchased or are thinking about buying my rockin’ interior design guides – This link takes you to the introductory page.

I’m so glad you’re here because I couldn’t be more proud of each of my five guides; I know they will help you in countless ways.


This page is about the tedious but necessary information that will hopefully make things go more smoothly for you– and me!


The first thing is if you don’t know how to do something, know that it will be okay. Take a deep breath. It will be okay. I promise. So, fear not. Anyone who has the Six Figure Income Blogger Guide has learned that I am a former computerphobe or Luddite, as my Wasband, so kindly called me. He was right. However, old(er) dogs can learn new tricks.


So, let’s dive in.


First of all, these guides are all digital downloads.


And no, I do not offer them in a printed version. However, you are free to print a copy for your personal use.


This note acts as permission from me, Laurel Bern, the author, for the owner of this digital download link to make one copy for personal use.


I recommend that you use a heavy-duty professional beast of a copy machine. If you don’t have access to one, take your device (or at least the download link) to a place like Kinko’s or UPS. I recommend using three-hole punch paper and putting your guide in a binder.


Ordering your guides:


At this point, my payment gateway is through Paypal. However, you do NOT need a PP account to place an order. You can use your credit card. Although, if you once had a PP account, your computer might try to sign you in. I know. Very annoying. So, please clear your cookies/cache, or use another browser to order my products. I promise that you do not need a Paypal account.


Gifting is available. What a great idea, right?


You will see a gift icon very early in the process, click that and fill out the form with the recipient, date, time, etc. Super easy. And, no shopping, no boxes, no gift wrap.

If you live in the great state of Massachusetts, sorry, but I need to charge you sales tax that I have to pay quarterly.


Once you’ve placed your order, you will immediately receive an email from SENDOWL (my shopping cart service) with your download link. If you do not, please check your spam folder.

This link is not your guide. It is the means for DOWNLOADING IT TO YOUR HARD-DRIVE.


You have SEVEN downloads, per guide ordered, available. Strictly speaking, you only need one. However, many people don’t understand the nature of PDF download links. No worries, it took me a while, too.


Every time you click on the link, it is downloaded to your hard drive.  Or, if you’re trying on your phone or tablet, it will try to download, and from Sendowl’s perspective, it can’t tell what device you’re using, so it counts as a download.


Phones and tablets aren’t computers, so if you are trying to download to one of those devices, you will need an app such as Apple Books to download your guide.


If you’re still struggling, please google HOW TO DOWNLOAD A PDF FILE TO [ WHATEVER YOUR DEVICE IS.]

This is how I learned half of what I know.

The preferred method for downloading and reading is a desktop (usually a laptop these days) computer, either a Mac or a PC.


To reiterate, when you click on the download link, like ALL PDF files, it automatically downloads to your hard drive.


If you keep clicking the link, you will run out of chances to download. Please don’t panic. You may contact me, and I will update your seven chances. This page is my attempt to alleviate some of those emails.


If you’re using a desktop computer, your guides are in your documents folder. So, please do a search of your device.



Once you’ve found your guide(s), drag it/them out and keep them somewhere safe. I keep all of my PDF guides (mine and others I’ve acquired) in a folder on my desktop. Otherwise, I’d never know what I have or where to find it.

You may also keep another copy in the cloud or dropbox. Again, if you don’t know what or where that is, please Google It!
Or, ask a relative or friend for help. Some people prefer to use their phone or tablet, and that’s fine.

For Current Owners Who Believe They Are Missing a Guide or Don’t Know Where It Is.


Sometimes I get an email that says: “I didn’t get the update of______”  It was sent to you. If you’ve purchased it, it is automatic. And when I update, I send it to all who bought it. Therefore, please do a search in your email for SENDOWL. You will find the email with your download link(s) there.




Any updates occur on my end. So, as long as you have downloads left, you may use a download link from seven years ago, which will always give you the latest version of that guide. BTW, Laurel’s Rolodex gets updated every year for free! And every year, you get seven new chances to download your guide.


If you’ve run out of downloads and were downloading to a desktop computer, they are on your hard drive. So, please read the above paragraphs for help on how to find your guides.


If you still can’t find your guide, it might be sitting in your spam folder IF you purchased it recently or were notified of a recent update. However, a year later, it most likely won’t be there as spam messages frequently get deleted by your email program after 30 days.

Again, if you are looking for your download link(s), please do a search in your email for SENDOWL. Again any link will work to give you the latest version.


Using your guides


Be sure that you are looking at your PDF in Adobe. Other programs won’t work. Can you read the guide on your kindle? I don’t know the answer to that one. So, I googled: CAN YOU READ A PDF ON A KINDLE? lol.

The answer is yes. :]

When you open up your guides, there is a cover page and maybe some introductory pages. On Laurel’s Rolodex, there is further information that you will want to read.

On the left, you will see a carrot. (A sideways triangle) If you click that, the sidebar will open. To find the table of contents, click the sideways banner.


If you’ve read and looked, googled, and tried and are still struggling, it is fine to contact me by email.


admin at laurel bern interiors dot com. You can also click the contact link on the blog. If your question is addressed on this page, I will direct you back here. If not, I am happy to help you troubleshoot. Problems not addressed here are exceedingly rare.

One example is for folks using web-based email instead of cloud-based email services like Gmail or yahoo. Yes, if you lose your hard drive, you will also lose ALL of your emails. It happened to me in 2012. Lesson learned.


BTW, if your email address has changed, a few things:


  • One, please set up or have a geek set up email forwarding.
  • If you need to change your email to get the blog, you can change your email address at the bottom of any email you receive from me announcing a blog post.
  • However, if you need to change your email address to receive your guides, it’s fine to email me then. But, again, you should forward your email the same as you do your snail-mail when you move.

That’s all for now. I so appreciate your support and am grateful for your purchase. I’ve heard from dozens of you with the loveliest comments. Thank you so much!

I love you all!

Welcome To Laurel Home!


Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

New Edition, November 2024! Get The Indispensable Guide For 100s of Home Furnishings And Interior Design Sources That Everyone Is Raving About

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Please click the image below for more info about my rockin’ Interior Design Guides for 2025!

Laurel Home Interior Design Guides 2025
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please click below to check out my favorite decorating & design books

Laurel Bern's Favorite Interior Design and Decorating Books