To wrap up the series of posts about my trip to Americasmart over a week ago, I am ending with a post filled with COLOR!
featuring art and home accessories.
And what better way to begin by showing off color than from this cool, cool vignette from the vast Go Home Collection I love these custom-colored books. This is the way it works. You can order the books in a series, or by the foot or by the yard. They ARE real books, but not necessarily books one might be interested in reading. These are books for people who have a lot of bookcases, but don’t really need to store books in them.
It reminds me of this really wonderful Windsor Smith library
At Americasmart in Atlanta there was a lot of wonderful decorative art. I’m always on the lookout for great sources.
My two favorite sources are Wendover pictured above and Vintage Print Gallery. Both have exceptional pieces and can do custom sizing, matting, framing and all at reasonable prices. The prints are absolutely stunning!
These photos do not even come close to doing the prints justice. Pretty feathers from Vintage Print Gallery
From Wendover.
Vintage Print Gallery
Slipping some chinoiserie porcelains in amongst the art. Gorgeous, gorgeous and huge from a wonderful vendor, Emissary. Sorry, their site is to the trade only.
I also happened on some wonderful pieces from a new source called Mercana. This company has not only art, but also other cool accent pieces and furniture. It’s all very hip. I thought that this abstract diptych was very well done.
Also from Mercana. This triptych positively glowed!
I always love stopping by JM Piers in NY and enjoyed seeing them in Atlanta as well. They make wonderful tole accent pieces and lighting and lot of wonderful mirrors. I especially love their large collection of sunburst mirrors. We are using this one for a new job.
More wonderful porcelains from Emissary. There is something about this color that is difficult to photograph. I have this problem with my desk lamp and now these. They are a pure turquoise. I did manipulate them some, but they are really greener in person. Very beautiful!. It’s funny, but ginger jars used as a lamp base were about the most cliché thing there was. And then… they fell off the face of the earth and THEN, recently came back in vintage shops and some— very expensive, especially if they came in a pair. I love them and am glad that they’ve started making new ones again.
Another new Chinoiserie piece from Legend of Asia and some of their amazing collection of porcelains!
Bungalow 5 is another favorite vendor in New York and now in Atlanta too!
More lovelies from Legend of Asia
This is a new source for me. I wasn’t going to go in at first, because some of the lampshades are too small and the harps too big, so that some of the stem shows and it really shouldn’t. However, the lamps themselves are gorgeous and some lovely variations from the more commonplace. Above and below from Avala International.
The rep must’ve thought I was drunk when I started laughing my head off at this absurdly OVER-SCALE lamp. Forgive me, but I think it looks cartoonish. She said that it was fabulous is a huge atrium. I dunno. People still come in only one general range of sizes that hasn’t changed as far as I know. And buildings and furniture are for people, right? This is one trend that I can’t wait to calm down already. The rest is magnificent!
I think that we’re all a little shell-shocked with the recent news events that have occurred in our fragile and often violent world. I’m hoping that these posts have helped to brighten your day. If only people would put down their guns and pick up some Chinoiserie porcelains instead. I think that the world would be so much better off.
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2 Responses
I really enjoy reading your blog and realize how very important creating beautiful spaces to live in enhances ones life. Thank you for the lessons and inspirations, please keep them coming!
Allison O’Brien, Lloyd Harbor N.Y.
Thank you so much for stopping by Allison! I very much appreciate the encouragement!