130 Commonwealth Ave is for Sale for $30,000,000 – Let’s Dish!

Hi Guys,

Oh, tongues are wagging big time, and not just in Boston. I’ve encountered posts on Instagram and the New York Post regarding some very big real estate news.


One of Boston’s Architectural jewels is newly on the market for, yes, $30,000,000.00!


The property is 130 Commonwealth Ave, one of the two exquisite beaux-arts style single-family mansions known fondly as “the sisters.

While I do live on the same block in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood, our building, with all five units and common areas, is worth less than a third of that amount.


Since September 2020, when I knew I would be living on the same block, I have taken numerous photos of these architectural gems.


Twin Beaux arts mansions Commonwealth Ave - September 2020 - no gloppy trim

128 on the left and 130 Commonwealth Avenue on the right, taken in September 2020.


128 CommAve Christmas 2022

A shot of the beautiful lights at 128 Comm Ave.


128 Comm Ave Boston Christmas 2021 - magical lights
Granted, I have more shots of 128 than I do of 130. That’s because when I took these on a freeeeeeezing night in December, 130 was completely dark.


he sisters 128-130 Commonwealth AveBoston Christmas 2021


128-130 Commonwealth Ave Winter 2022

This was taken in the winter (duh) of 2022 while the snow gently fell. I posted this one on my Instagram page.


128 Commonwealth Ave Boston Back Bay

I don’t know when this was taken, but probably in 2021 or 2022.

The exquisite beaux arts facades are not original. No, the original homes were designed by the same architect (Samuel Dudley Kelley) who designed our building. What’s also interesting is that when these two renovations were done, it was done by two architects.
If interested, please read more about the history of these homes in the fantastic anthology Back Bay Houses, which chronicles every house built in the Back Bay, including ones that no longer exist. This will take you to the page for 130 Commonwealth Ave.

Laurel, are you going to show us the inside?

Yes, of course.

dining kitchen 130 Comm Ave 2015
This is one of my favorite parts with the rear-facing bay.  I love how it’s open but not entirely open.

Commonwealth Ave 2015

Above is the parlor behind the gorgeous French doors with Beaux Arts transoms facing Commonwealth Avenue.

Sorry, I wish the quality of the photos were better. However, this is all I could find from 2015, the last time 130 Commonwealth Ave was sold for $11,600,000.


Well, the guy who bought it did a real number on it.


I guess that’s why he feels justified in nearly tripling the price since he purchased it nine years ago.

All real estate photos via Jack Vatcher Photography


Spacious entrance foyer 130 Comm Ave
The spacious entrance foyer. I love Marilyn.

Skull art Beaux Arts residence
The owner has an impressive art collection.


130 Comm Ave Cobalt Blue Living Room
He’s not afraid of color.


spa death bathroom
He’s not afraid of death, either, as demonstrated by numerous examples of his skull fetish. I hope the new owners will enjoy being reminded of their mortality every time they shower.


Oh, remember the cozy vintage dining area and kitchen?


Cozy Vintage kitchen

Yeah, they took down the wall, which is why a vertical steel beam is hanging out in the middle of the room.

They also removed the dining table in favor of a small breakfast table. That’s right. This home, which is on the market for $30,000,000, no longer has a dining room.

If you’d like to see more, here is the real estate listing held by Sotheby’s International Realty.

If you’re interested in the old listing that’s still up, you can see it here.

The New York Post article is here with dozens of comments, including mine.


What kills me (as I’ve said before) is that one cannot change so much as a doorbell on a house in the historic Back Bay without being granted permission by the Back Bay Architectural Commission.


However, as long as it meets the stringent building code, one can do whatever grotesque thing they desire inside these historic gems.
Of course, it’s fine if this is your taste.  But, why oh why would anyone do this to one of Boston’s finest pieces of early 20th-century architecture?

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts about 130 Commonwealth Ave.



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