The Perfect Bedroom and why it’s the most important room

Last night I was so exhausted, I actually went to sleep at a normal hour. As is often the case, I had already started a post about something else and then changed my mind.

I realized that I’ve never actually done a post about bedrooms.

People occasionally ask me why there are no bedrooms in my portfolio.

That is a very good question.

  • one, I’m not always so great about photographing my jobs
  • two, I did part of the bedroom and the parts I didn’t do, I’m not that fond of
  • three, the sheets are wrinkled. Oh, don’t worry, mine look like something the dog dragged in. However, in a photograph, each wrinkle will look like, never mind. You know.
  • four, I took photos but they suck and therefore didn’t use them.

I have done plenty of bedrooms and am happy with how they turned out. There’s one I’d love to photograph, but the client doesn’t want to finish it. I don’t ask questions about stuff like that.

What Makes For a Perfect Bedroom?

  • soothing

Whatever that is to you.

By the way… You know all that stuff that they say such as, you shouldn’t watch TV, work, eat, exercise….blah… in your bedroom. That’s nice. Do we really need to hear that? I think that you should do whatever the hell you like. If you want to eat three meals a day in your bed (and you’re not sick) then please do so. Work. Absolutely. Why not? Just my thoughts. I think we stress ourselves out too much stressing over stuff that’s not worthy of it.

Laurel’s Perfect Bedroom Tips For Making Your Bed

I can probably explain this better in photos:





Silk Sleep


Once Wed

What’s wrong? Why are you laughing? You don’t like the way these beds look?

Oh, I bet you were expecting something like this:



1. euro sham
2. standard sham
3. standard case
4. boudoir sham
5. neckroll sham
6. flat sheet
7. coverlet
8. duvet cover
9. fitted sheet
10. bed skirt



Phoebe Howard

Yes, yes, of course. That’s incredibly lovely. But common’ now. Whose bed looks like this? Do you know what it takes to make a bed look like this? It takes a team of anal retentive people who are sitting there like little nerds ironing away for hours and then primping, pulling tugging, taping, (yes, taping) staple gunning, hot gluing… and then the photographer arrives.

 I dunno. Call me lazy.

Yes, I’m lazy. I just take my sheet and fold it back over the comforter. Sheets are from Target. That works.

Bed is made. And it gets a chance to air out too! Did you know that you lose a cup of water when you sleep?

I have more for you. Something for everyone–the lazies like me. (I know that you’re out there!) and the OCDers who still fear the “bed police.” (aka- MOTHER)




Ouch. No, I didn’t. What are you going to do about it? :]
An unmade bed is a great substitute for smoking. It’s rebellious, looks cool but isn’t apt to give you cancer.
However, if you genuinely enjoy ironing… I admire that a lot. I wish I did. :]

Alright. Let’s move on…



Julia Reed House

Nick Olsen via Domaine

I think I just want that Greek Key table!



JK Place Roma

Yes, this is a hotel! No yucko beige and gold here. No, aubergine carpet and pine green walls. It may not be for everyone, but for a couple of nights, I think it’s awfully darned awesome!


JK Place Firenze

These hotels reek of elegance and class. Why can’t they do that here?


These last four images are of the magnificent JK Place Capri, a hotel that has been featured here many times.


It’s not all blue and white at the JK Place Capri. But there is ALWAYS plenty of pristine white. No ironing, just lots and lots of bleach! lol


All three of these hotels were designed by the amazing architect, Michele Bonan


A girl can dream, right?


PS: Please check out the newly updated HOT SALES!

33 Responses

  1. thanks! our mattress is 22 inches off of the floor (we have a low platform bed frame with a specialized 4″ boxspring); and the headboard is exposed 19″. so, 6=7 inches above headboard is okay?

  2. we just bought european shams (26×26) for our queen guest bed and king master (in an attempt to look nicer)…they stick out 6 inches above the queen headboard and 2 above the master!! didn’t realize our headboards were relatively low. are higher shams a no-no?

    1. Hi Ronald,

      My question is… How high is your mattress off the floor? Some beds are not meant to have a box spring or else a very small one of a bunky board (an upholstered board just like they use for bunk beds). Average height for a mattress is 25″-30″.

      If all is good with that, I wouldn’t sweat it, in any case.

    1. Hi Eileen, I’ve seen it from the outside. Cale pointed it out to me because one of his former room and bandmate’s Mom always stayed there. Yeah… Some big bucks there. Exquisite rooms! Holy crap!

  3. tThe reason I make my bed is that an unmade bed looks so inviting, I’m afraid I would crawl back in and there goes the day. Laurel, thanks for giving us permission for using our bed for what ever we want. I eat in bed, cuddle grand babies in bed, read, watch movies. People who only use their beds for sleeping are really missing out.

  4. You just make me laugh so much,Laurel! I do make my bed (o.k almost every day!) because I love how serene the room looks,but I only have six pillows on mine :-)When I was still working full time, that was just a time wasting luxury that was not doable.
    I bought a plain King muslin upholstered head board from Target(?) online and made a removable slipcover for it with my beloved Le Lac fabric, and it looks so pretty when that bed is all made up.Got to do it..
    I have a guest bedroom that has a wonderful antique French monogrammed linen sheet used as a bedspread, but you know what? When guests come to stay, I whisk it right off because I can’t imagine washing and ironing this heavy beast.:-)

    1. oh wow! Dolores, I think you told me about the Le Lac Headboard. That must be gorgeous! Please send me a pic if you feel like it. Haha on the guest bedroom!

  5. When my boys were little, I asked one of their friends if he made his bed, He replied, “Why yes, when I go to bed at night!” I do love a bed with freshly laundered linens and lots of fresh whites.
    As always, you make me smile and laugh and dream about lovely interiors and beautiful spaces….

  6. Make your beds. Nothing makes a bedroom look ugly as does an unmade bed. I have had two husbands. Neither of them would sleep in an unmade bed. My first husband and I would usually make it together. It was a waterbed. My now husband usually makes it (albeit not as good as me) if I don’t get to it. If you love good decorating – make your beds.

  7. Great post — you’re so inspirational. Southern here — so yes, the bed linens are ironed and monogrammed and sprayed lightly with lavender. I teach clients to mix and match their various linens so they have several different turned-down looks in their repertoire. But I don’t call that “making” the bed. I call it “dressing” the bed.

  8. I noticed your recurring faves: the white, the painted paneling and the Greek key motif. All allusions to previous posts, too. Favorite themes from public rooms read as soothing in bedrooms and why not, with so much design harmony.
    The JK rooms are lovely but I would hate a hotel bedroom with upholstered beds and bed curtains (!!). That’s crazy – it’s a hotel albeit a luxe hotel.

  9. P.S. I didn’t start making my bed until my kids were past toddler-hood!

    Also, I wanted to ask what paint color you thought would approximate the JK Firenze hotel room. Since I know you don’t like Bone White, and yet, I’m having trouble finding something else very creamy but not yellow.

  10. I have those RH Hotel sheets (from a store closing sale). They are wonderfully substantial, crisp, cool percale. Too cold in the winter, but so nice in the summer. They do *wrinkle* so badly at the top, and it does bother me, but not enough to make me give my time to iron them. I would buy them again at full price. Maybe when I’m an empty nester I’ll start ironing 😉 I do like to make my bed, maybe because some days it’s the easiest mess to clean up. It’s not perfect though… I hide the wrinkled sheet tops under the 4 pillows, pull the heavy matelassé cover up which hides the other wrinkle sins, and fold the down duvet at the bottom of the bed. It’s quick and makes me feel good!

    1. So THAT’s the reason I have always made my bed every day….”because some days it’s the easiest mess to clean up.”!! I am a mother of four, all grown and married now, and that is an eye-opening statement. And, no, my kids don’t follow my example and make their beds every day…. 😉 They don’t know what they’re missing!

      1. Hi Debbie,

        I do make my bed too, but again, it’s a very casual bed and I like it like that. I guess I have a streak of the Bohemian in me. Maybe two streaks! haha.

  11. Yes, I make my bed every day. Sheets are ironed and monogramed…We get such joy from a crisp bed! When I had a touch of OCD and an outlet right next to he bed I ironed the bed everyday. Please don’t hold it against me!

    1. Oh my, not at all Nancy! In fact, I just added a sentence. I really do wish that I enjoyed that and admire others who do. I mean, I would love it—if someone else did it!

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