shop – side, end & occasional tables


Below are some of my favorite coffee, side, end, and occasional tables.  (for more info please click on the individual images)



11 Responses

  1. Hi Laurel, I absolutely adore your website. I love traditional design and found your work to be right up my alley! I absolutely love the display cabinet that is in the green room in one of your portfolio pictures. Can you tell me where you purchased it?

    Looking forward to seeing more of your lovely interiors!

    1. Hi Kathleen,

      Thank you so much. Do you mean the green room with the Aubusson rug? That’s actually a very wide center hall!

      The cabinet is an antique repro from Sarreid. Alas, it is no longer in their collection.

  2. Terrific website – both funny and informative! Great color info, beautiful photos and design.
    Your hands off “shop” makes sense – But the products you link to from One Kings Lane mostly show up as unavailable (probably since their business model is for limited time flash sales.) The other links seem fine, but the OKL ones don’t work out well. Just an FYI
    Looking forward to more of your entertaining and helpful posts!

  3. Hi Laurel,

    We are a design and remodeling company in Honolulu. I am looking to furnish a living room in a condo…..sofa, side chair, etc. Is this a purchase you can help me with? The look should be classic/contemporary.


    Roxanne Okazaki

  4. Hi Laurel,
    I discovered your wonderful website while exploding over the right color for my living room. Your taste is fantastic and you truly have a great eye for “anything goes” decorating.

    My mom was a wonderful decorating as was my Aunt Terri so, it is in my bones. I can’t wait to see more of your ideas. Thank you so much for a fun and gorgeous website.


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