Bracing for the Storm | white bathroom vanity

The winds are starting to pick up gradually here in the northeast. I just heard the first howl of wind through the many trees we have here. Undoubtedly, we’ll lose power and that kinda sucks. Although, blessedly, last year for the hurricane and October 29th snow storm, we only lost power for about 12 hours, while most of our town didn’t have electricity for a week or longer!

In other news, I am getting closer and closer to launching the Laurel-Home shop and it is looking mighty spiffy. (If I say so, myself). I’m busy with several clients, both new and not so new and feel quite blessed.

Here’s a beautiful photo of a white bathroom vanity from the future. :]


photo and interior design by Laurel Bern


“All I need is a bed and a microwave and I’ll be all set.”

and of course–electricity!  ;]

best wishes to all and please stay safe!


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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