I Got Hit By A Car Today, While Walking On A Sidewalk!

Yes, that’s right; at about 12:30 this afternoon.

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning for a little procedure. No, it wasn’t botox or anything like that. I wish! After my appointment, I stopped at Whole Foods on Cambridge Street.


Here’s what happened.
Charles River Parking Garage - I got hit by a car today!
Oh, my, I lucked out here with this image from Google. See where that woman is walking? I was about two feet in front of where she is in the photo above and about four feet to her right. Wait, no. I was in that position from the exit side. But, at least you can see the situation. I was walking between two cars that were stopped waiting to exit the garage onto Cambridge Street. So far, so good.

But, suddenly, the car to my left BACKED UP INTO ME, not hard, thank God, but hard enough to knock me over, within an inch of the following car waiting to leave.

I screamed because I realized I was about to be run over by the second car. Fortunately, that driver didn’t move.


However, please, I don’t want you to worry. The groceries are absolutely fine.


Yes, there were plenty of witnesses. It happened during lunch hour in the heart of the Massachusetts General Hospital complex, which sprawls over dozens of acres. If you have to get hurt, this is the best place to be.


Mass General Hospital Boston
Okay, this is why there’s no actual post.


Laurel, for God’s sake, were you hurt?


Oh, sorry. Yes, a little, but it could’ve been a lot worse.  My lower left back took the brunt of the fall and is quite sore. So, I wonked a muscle or ligament. Otherwise, just a little scraped knee and a couple of bruises. Thank God, nothing is broken. Aside from my back and just feeling a little sick, I’m more traumatized than anything.

Okay, I know your next question, and the answer is, no, I didn’t get his license or call the police. I knew if I did the latter, I’d be standing out in the hot sun for at least an hour. That would’ve made everything much worse. I just wanted to get home.


Please do not chastise me. I’m feeling bad enough as it is. Despite feeling yucky, I made the best decision for myself.


But, for sure, I let that dufus have it, and so did some other people. He claimed he had restarted the car, and that made it roll backward.

IMPOSSIBLE. The ramp slopes down to the street. The only way he could’ve possibly rolled back is to have put the car in reverse. He apologized, but did he get out of his vehicle to make sure I was alright? No, he didn’t. However, a very sweet young woman stayed there the entire time to make sure I was okay. There are Angels amongst us.


I walked home, which is just over a mile from there.


Of course, my back wasn’t hurting nearly as much as it is now. I’ve been icing it. But, I need to rest, which is why there’s no real blog post.

Hopefully, there will be tomorrow. But, if not, please don’t worry.

In the meantime, Melissa has updated the HOT SALES. I believe the Serena & Lily sale is ending the day after tomorrow.

Love to All!


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Hi, I’m Laurel, and Laurel Home is the website and blog for Laurel Bern Interiors.
I’ve been creating new-traditional interiors since 1988. The blog is where I share all.

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