Styling Ideas for Tables, Chests, Consoles {etc.}

Styling ideas for tables, chests, and consoles is a pretty broad topic, but there’s a lot of over-lap and besides, I have so many pretty images to share, I just couldn’t contain myself. We have already discussed coffee tables and bookcase styling which you can see here and here.


Styling Ideas for Tables. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:
  • styling of accent pieces is a part of a composition
  • think about color schemes, eg: analogous, complimentary, monochromatic, atonal
  • vary the height of the objects
  • like with like
  • consider texture and form
  • style is important
  • consider opposites for visual interest
  • something fresh like a plant, flowers or fruit is always a sure thing
  • collections always pack a punch of visual beauty
  • so are books
  • and lamps!

And there it is… the ideas in words and now for the ideas in images… [again, as always, I try to give credit to the original source, but sometimes it is impossible]

styling ideas for tables

 I could not find the original source, but this is a very popular pin on pinterest and for good reason. It’s a sublime composition in every way. The color scheme is complimentary and the styling is a wonderful combo of old and new, formal and informal and it just works.

styling ideas for tables

fabulous traditional living room by interior designer, Nancy Serafini I love how the flowers “clash” with the warm red. It gives this room a refreshing edge.


 via Amber interiors.


One King’s Lane

BTW, ahem… please notice if you scroll up and over a bit, that I’m now an affiliate of One King’s Lane. So, if you click on that and buy something in the next 30 days, I’ll make a few pennies. :] I will be adding more affiliates soon. And I am only adding places that I endorse and actually shop at myself!

greige misc january 541

The ubiquitous, multi-talented Christian Fluegge of Greige Design took this amazing shot at the Las Vegas Furniture market. I’m so grateful to people like her who take these photos at the trade shows, so then I don’t have to go. haha! Blue and white Chinoiserie Porcelain. It’s like the little black dress of interior design— only better!


 Michael S. Smith


Forever Cottage

Handsome, isn’t it?


I posted this a few weeks ago on my post on mirrors and I couldn’t resist adding it again. I love everything about it.


Better Homes and Gardens A console table for a nightstand? Sure, why not? I love the clean modern trad look and of course, the bright pink peonies really make the entire thing come alive!


From Southern Living Mag. Greek key seduction, but what I really love is how the Chinoiserie design is echoed in that darling little Ming end table.


Photo: Anita Calero via Women’s Day

The colors. The colors!

decoracao_casa_de_campo (38)

Analogous chartreuse, apple green and teal is always a winner!


 Ruthie Sommers via Lonny Magazine

style city! She is just too cool!




more porcelain


more porcelain with yellow-green. Deliciousness by Mary Douglas Drysdale

fruits et légumes 7

perfect and did you know that lemons are a natural cleaner? It’s not just hype. You can really clean with lemon juice! (you probably already knew that!)


This one’s mine. I had this cabinet made by the Stephanie Odegard company who is better known for their gorgeous Tibetan rugs, but they also have some furniture. I did not style this, but it did appear in Westchester Home and Garden. Wonderful clients! There’s a testimonial from Nancy here.

Shot #18 Vignette of family room cabinet under photographs

zen coolness.


Tobi Fairley and one photograph that didn’t need anything done to it! Her photographer is amazing!


Phoebe Howard perfection!


lonny-office-Screen Shot 2012-11-12 at 12.02.27 PM

from Lonny Magazine

5. Oscar de la Renta Home

Oscar de la Renta


Larry Hooke

Love this! Love the colors, love the amazing wallpaper and the Chinoiserie chair. The rest of the room is fantastic too!

Well, it’s officially February. Birthday week!




5 Responses

  1. The photo right above “handsome, isn’t it” is mine, from my own home and was originally posted to my blog Forever*Cottage (, I would appreciate credit 😉 – it is fine company to be included among!

    1. Hi Jill,

      Oh, I’m so sorry. I just made the change. My blogging skills have come a long way since this post was written.

      And it is a very handsome chest and beautifully styled. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I just love your blog!!!!!!!! Only found you yesterday through FACEBOOK, and now I am hooked- I have fallen into the deep dark hole where no time exists 🙂
    Thank you, Laurel

    1. too, too funny! And yes, Bunny Williams herself was so kind to share this post on both of her Facebook pages. [AND twitter!] Holy Crap! I only realized at about 1:00 AM. She’s truly amazing!

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